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our very own Egypt, must recognize the importance of creating a strong constitution and must make it their priority. A nation will not survive without one. A strong constitution is created by laying effective and powerful foundations for the rules upon which the country must be governed. I believe that these foundations OLH LQ WKH DPRXQW RI FULWLFDO DQG VFLHQWLĂ&#x;F thinking that has gone into creating them. By following the methodical nature of VFLHQFH SUHFLVH VWHSV RI VFLHQWLĂ&#x;F WKLQNLQJ & rational conclusions that are yielded, debate about the validity, accuracy, & partiality is avoided all together. 'HOYLQJ LQWR WKH IXQGDPHQWDOV RI VFLHQWLĂ&#x;F thinking and the nature of science would go far beyond this article. It is a subject deep enough that entire university courses are given to teach it and cultivate it. However, some of its key principles that can be utilized in the creation of a constitution FDQ EH IRXQG LQ NH\ VFLHQWLĂ&#x;F DUWLFOHV OLNH An Introduction to Science by Dr. Steven Schafersman and The Nature of Science published by the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

included; none are segregated against and none enjoy more freedom than the rest. $OVR VFLHQWLĂ&#x;F WKLQNLQJ HPSOR\V WKUHH PDLQ FRPSRQHQWV HPSLULFLVP VNHSWLFLVP & rationalism. While Dr. Shcafersman H[SODLQV WKHLU LPSRUWDQFH WR VFLHQWLĂ&#x;F inquiry in his article, I believe they can be just as fundamental when writing a strong constitution. Rationalism and Skepticism are two vital tools needed to create sound, logical, and reliable laws. People are more likely to abide by rules they can follow the reasoning behind. Also, these two tools allow law-makers to see any loopholes in their premises and proposed laws. Empiricism is also essential to the process because it dictates the type reasoning a lawmaker can suggest backing up a law.

A constitution created with these tools of VFLHQFH DQG VFLHQWLĂ&#x;F WKLQNLQJ ZLOO SURYLGH an effective and solid framework for a developing society like ours. It will ensure WKDW WKH SULQFLSOHV RI VFLHQWLĂ&#x;F WKLQNLQJ DUH rooted deep into the peoples’ minds; people ZLOO QRW MXVW Ă&#x;QG UXOHV LQ WKH FRQVWLWXWLRQ they’ll be able to analyze why they were put WKHUH LQ WKH Ă&#x;UVW SODFH IROORZ WKH UHDVRQLQJ EHKLQG WKHP DQG DUJXH IRU WKHLU HIĂ&#x;FDF\ Science looks to previously gathered data, Moreover, a constitution based on the previously conducted experiments for SULQFLSOHV RI VFLHQFH DQG VFLHQWLĂ&#x;F WKLQNLQJ previous knowledge, and a sound base to ZLOO QRW UHĂ HFW RU DIIHFW DQ\ SDUWLFXODU formulate a hypothesis. Similarly, we can SROLWLFDO SDUW\ PDNLQJ LW WKH EHVW Ă&#x;UVW VWHS look to previously written constitutions for towards bringing our country forward into errors or corrections that can be made while WKH Ă&#x;UVW ZRUOG writing a new one, for laws that have been PHW E\ WKH ELJJHVW FRQVHQVXV DQG Ă&#x;QDOO\ for a rubric or guide for the corners that must be covered by the law. Science is also, ideally, free of bias and does its utmost best to avoid it. When writing a constitution, we must take great care in making sure that all segments’ and sectors of our society’s rights are protected and

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