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Keterampilan Menulis Contoh: Anggun Istiqomah, who won several music awards, started her career at an early age. Anggun Istiqomah, winner of several music awards, started her career at an early age. Anggun Istiqomah, having won several music awards, has set her heart on winning another trophy. Anggun Istiqomah, through perseverance and hard work, won several prestigious music awards. Anggun Istiqomah, just back from a world tour, called for a press conference. - untuk mengawali dan mengakhiri kata atau frasa yang menginterupsi susunan sebuah kalimat. Contoh: Listen, Yusuf, you can’t do this to me. Playing the piano well, of course, needs some practice. - menghubungkan bagian-bagian dari suatu rangkaian. Contoh: What you need is a quiet place, some soft music, and a cup of tea. They got home, packed their bags, and left for the airport. - mengawali refleksi berikutnya (berupa ide yang muncul setelah sebuah tindakan). Contoh: We’re not going out in this rain, unless you want to. Maryamah will come tomorrow, when she’s done with her work. Namun berbeda artinya bila kalimatnya seperti ini: We’re not going out unless it stops raining.

Maryaamah will come when she’s done with her work.

Bahasa Inggris | 135

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