Z News
Hello Sandy Friends,
As May begins, I pay tribute to mothers everywhere. During the month we celebrate Mother’s Day, I send my personal wishes to all the women of Sandy who raise, mentor, inspire and guide our youth. e threads of motherhood strengthen the fabric of our community.
Now, if you’re reading this, it mean’s you’ve survived the snowiest winter on record in Sandy’s history! After such an extreme snow year, we are relieved to nally put up the snow blowers and shovels and trade them for gardening gloves and lawn mowers.
Before we close the books on winter events, I must recognize the many acts of neighborliness we’ve seen in our community. e extreme weather has tested our resources and required an “all hands on deck” response. It’s heartening to see people sharing resources and lending a hand. anks to each of you who grabbed a shovel or a chainsaw, swept out a gutter or cleared debris out of a storm drain to help your neighbors. Sandy has proven time and again we are a resourceful and resilient bunch. We are at our best when we pull together as a community and look out for one another.
is time of year, all eyes are on our rivers and streams. We are entering peak runo from our snowpacked mountains and the potential for ooding is real. We want to make sure our community is prepared and our residents are safe. We’ve recently launched a Water Smart educational campaign featuring information to help you protect your property and each other. You can view this information in several ways:
• Visit city websites and
• Follow our social media channels, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube for daily updated information @ sandycityut.
• Sign up for Sandy My Alerts to be contacted either by text, email, or telephone during an emergency at sandy.
Meanwhile, if you live in a high-risk area or have speci c concerns about ood mitigation, our Public Utilities team is happy to work with you directly. Contact Sandy City Public Utilities at 801-352-4400.
As our rivers and streams swell with the cold spring runo , they can become very high and extremely swift. We caution you - don’t let the intrigue of these sites lure your family too close to the water’s edge. When children or pets play near these areas, a simple stumble could turn into a swift water rescue or worse, a tragedy. Please view the tips we provide on our website to stay safe this season by being “Water Smart.”
e Sandy crews out monitoring our creeks and cleaning storm drains serve as a reminder of how valuable our employees are year-round. From the plow drivers in the winter to bulk waste collectors in the spring – and now, as our sta works to prevent ooding – every season illustrates the value of our city sta .
On May 1st, I presented my budget to the Sandy City Council for the next scal year. In this budget, I am appropriately rewarding our city employees for their professional, dedicated work. eir compensation package includes employee salaries and bene ts, along with cost of living adjustments and merit pay at a level designed to keep the salaries of our city employees competitive with other similarly-sized Utah cities. In fact, our city council set a policy long ago to keep pace with the average employee compensation of our sister cities.
My budget also includes eight new re ghter positions and a new pay scale that rewards re personnel for enhancing their paramedic and engineering training. When emergencies arise of any kind, our Sandy team goes the extra mile to assure your needs are met.
As we all experience the impact of in ation, there is a new reality we must face regarding the rising cost of
services. e biggest budget increase this year stems from our employee compensation package, which, in a February city budget retreat, ranked as the highest priority of administration, council members, and department heads.
Attracting and retaining quality employees saves tax dollars in the long run. It makes sound scal sense to assure we retain our highly trained, experienced sta with market-competitive compensation rather than risk loosing personnel to higher paying positions in other cities.
Setting and administering the budget is the most important part of my job, but sometimes gets overlooked because it’s complex. After reviewing our city expenses, and creating savings and e ciencies where needed, we are responding to historic in ation levels and post-pandemic unemployment levels with a responsible budget that serves your priority for public safety and quality city services. I encourage you to let me know what you consider a high priority as our budgeting process proceeds. Learn more by visiting Sandy City’s “Dollars & Sense” webpage. sandy.
As the month of May ends, and we gather with our friends and family to celebrate Memorial Day, we honor the many women and men who gave their lives in service to our country. We give special thanks to our hometown heroes. Sandy’s new Gold Star Memorial standing on the grounds just east of City Hall is one special place we can spend a quiet moment to consider what their sacri ce means to us today. We can honor their sacri ce through our own service to community. anks to you for your involvement in Sandy City.
Yours in Service, Mayor Monica
P A G E 1 ISSUE #103 MAY – JUNE 2023 IN THIS ISSUE: Z News 1 Sandy City Building Department 2 Sandy City General Plan ....................... 2 Code Enforcement Corner 2 Sandy Youth Council 3 Household Hazardous Waste 3 Sandy Amphitheater Season 3 Mountain West Ballet 3 Alta Canyon Sports Center 4 River Oaks Golf Course 4 Parks & Recreation 5 Auditions: Music Man 6 Youth Showcase: Anything's Possible .... 6 The American West Symphony 6 Youth Suicide Prevention 6 HR Job Corner 7 No Court Fee Expungements 7 2023 Municipal Elections 7 Calendar of Events 7
With Us!
MAY – JUNE 2023
Photo contest winner: Janice Noyce
Get to know your Sandy City Building Department
Jim McClintic Chief Building O cial
Jim grew up in the construction industry right out of high school. Back then you did a lot of the work on a house from concrete, framing, then the nish work. Everything was hand nailed and not a lot of safeguards built in for the workers. 15 years later in 1991 an opportunity became available at Sandy City for an open building inspector position. e direction the building department was headed was to have inspectors that would train, certify for state licensing, and be a working t not only in the o ce but with the building owners and contractors in the eld. Jim has been president of the Utah Chapter of ICC and still works with the board as historian. Currently, Jim is the chair of the Utah Safety Assessment Program for State of Utah under the Seismic Safety Committee and works on the state level for Building Code Forum as a platform for interpretation of building code related items. He has seen a lot of changes over the years and is excited for what’s happening to make the department better for both employees, citizens, building owners, design professional and contractors we serve. Jim loves the outdoors, photography, and home improvement projects.
Willie Chidester-Professional Building Inspector, Master Code Professional, Assistant Building O cial
Willie Chidester is a father of 4 children and 7 grandchildren. After many years in the construction industry, he joined Sandy City Building Division almost 8 years ago. I am a Master Code Professional and am currently serving as the Assistant Building O cial. He can honestly say it has been the best career change for him. Willie gets to work with the most amazing people both in the o ce and the City. e best part of his job he says is being part of working with and seeing people build their dreams. When he's not working, he enjoys spending time with family, especially going on adventures with his wife.
Rob Durfee-Professional Building
Inspector/Plans Examiner
Rob Durfee has been employed with Sandy City for 16 years. His current position with Sandy is the Building Department Plans Examiner. Before his current role, he served as a Combination Inspector for 10 years and as a Code Enforcement o cer for 5 years. He currently serves on the Utah Chapter ICC board and is active in Building Code Development and State Amendments with the Utah State Legislature. When he's not working, he enjoys camping, boating, and riding his Razor with family.
Don Sick-Professional Building Inspector
Don Slick has worked at Sandy City for 10 years. He spent his rst 2 years as a code enforcement o cer, and since that time he has become a fully certi ed professional building inspector with 8 years of inspection experience. During his o time he likes to spend it with his family and friends either camping or having a backyard cookout.
Steven (Cody)
Day-Professional Building Inspector
Cody Day started his career in the building industry by obtaining an associates of applied science degree in building construction in 1991. He became a licensed general contractor in 1992 and has been building for the past 30 years. In September of 2021, he obtained the International Code Council certi cation as a residential building inspector and started working for Sandy City in November. In the sixteen months with Sandy City, he has completed all eight International Code Council certi cation exams for residential and commercial construction to obtain the status of professional building inspector as an International Code Council Certi ed Combination Inspector. Cody plans on continuing his education and training to provide contractors and homeowners with quality inspections to protect the investments of all stakeholders involved.
Adam Ray-Building Inspector
Adam Ray has worked in the public and private sector of residential and commercial construction for over 30 years. With his training and experience, he enjoys working with others to ensure their construction dreams are safe. His motto in construction is to build it right the rst time. He has enjoyed serving the people of Sandy. Adam also enjoys being outside, building or xing things, especially with my family.
Shaylyn Whetman-ICC Certi ed Permit Technician
Shalyn Whetman has 15 years as a Sandy City employee. I am an ICC certi ed Permit Technician and am currently working on B100 Inspector and Plans Examiner certi cations. Loves photography and exploring the mountains with her husband, two kids and dogs.
Sandy City General Plan
e General Plan Update process is in full swing. Visit us at upcoming events or visit the website to see what your peers are talking about, and to see the materials that were prepared for the April Open House. You can provide the team your feedback and input on those materials on the website.
Check out the Events Calendar on the website to plan your attendance at the upcoming events. ere will be an opportunity on May 15 at the Sandy Food Truck Night at Sandy Amphitheater Park to share your thoughts and ideas regarding the future of Sandy.
We’ve been listening and learning through the website, the rst two open houses, and the Y2 survey, now tell us about what you want for the future of Sandy through the website SandyPaceofProgress.Org and at upcoming events!
Code Enforcement Corner
With spring in full bloom, the Sandy City Code Enforcement team would like to remind residents of City codes related to weeds. We are expecting a fast-growing season due to the amount of water we received this winter. e following regulations are found within the Property Maintenance Ordinance (Title 19 of the City Code).
Sec 19-3-1 Weeds to be Maintained or Removed
It shall be unlawful for any person, corporation, partnership, or legal entity owning or occupying real property in the City to allow weeds on such property to grow beyond the maximum height permitted or to fail to remove from the property any such weeds after having been given notice from the Director of the Salt Lake Valley Health Department or the Sandy City Community Development Director and/or the designated representative of either.
Sec 19-3-2 Standards of Weed Control
(a) Weeds shall be permitted to reach a height of not more than six inches at any time and shall be cleared from all real property in the City. e cutting shall be cleared and removed from the premises.
(b) On property of one acre or more in lieu of cutting the weeds on the entire property the owner shall be permitted to cut a 30-foot rebreak of not more than six inches high around all structures and around the complete perimeter of the property. e cutting shall be cleared and removed from the property.
If you have questions or if you would like to le a complaint, please call the Code Enforcement Division at 801-568-7254 or send an email to You can also report it with your Sandy City CityServe app. If you haven’t setup your account, download the app and stay connected to Sandy City.
P A G E 2
Sandy Youth Council
In 2022, Sandy City brought back a program that connects the youth of our City to civic engagement and community service. e Sandy City Council reinstated the Sandy Youth Council in the spring of 2022 and welcomed 23 high school students from all around Sandy into the revitalized program. Representing 11 di erent high schools, including public, private, charter, and home school students, the SYC members spent this past year learning about Sandy’s local government, getting hands on experience in civic engagement, and volunteering at events around the City. roughout the year, the SYC members met with our City Departments, including Public Utilities, Parks and Recreation, Community Development, Administration, and Government A airs. e members also volunteered at the 4th of July Parade, Light Up the Cairns, Trunk or Treat, Sandy Arts Guild productions, and other community wide events.
In January, the members attended Local O cials’ Day at the State Capitol, along with other Youth Councils from around the state. ey participated in mock committee hearings, put their ideas for the future to use in a community development exercise, and ate lunch with their local o cials while listening to a talk from Utah Governor Spencer Cox.
As the rst year of the revitalized Sandy Youth Council program comes to a close, the Program Advisors are preparing for the meetings, tours, volunteer opportunities, and fun activities that will engage Sandy’s future leaders in hands on, educational experiences in our local government.
To learn more about the Sandy Youth Council, visit our website at:
Household Hazardous Waste & Reuse Facility
Sandy is a joint member city of the Trans Jordan Land ll, located in South Jordan. e Land ll o ers a unique program that bene ts Sandy residents while protecting the environment. In partnership with Salt Lake County Health Department the Trans Jordan Land ll provides collection of Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) for free. HHW are items that should not go in your garbage can such as paint, rechargeable batteries, oil, gasoline, uorescent light tubes, antifreeze, pesticides and fertilizer. e HHW program sorts and process these materials in a safe manner to eliminate exposure to the environment.
New or slightly used products are transferred to a Reuse Shed. Items in the Reuse Shed are available free to the public at a rst come rst serve basis. Items frequently found in the Reuse Shed:
• Insect spray & repellant • Antifreeze
• Latex paint • Fuel stabilizer
• Household cleaners • Stain and wood sealer
• Motor oil • Fertilizer
• Weed Killer
Sandy residents are encouraged to take items from the Reuse Center and use them for the purposes they were originally intended. Everyone saves! Sandy residents are not charged for the reused items and the HHW Facility avoids costly handling and disposal fees associated with more traditional management options.
Trans Jordan HHW and Reuse Shed
10473 S. Bacchus Hwy, South Jordan, UT 84009
Monday-Saturday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm —
P A G E 3 ISSUE #103 MAY – JUNE 2023
Sandy amphithEatEr 2023 SEaSon tickEtS & morE: COMING UP: May 12: Jazz Showcase (Free!) May 24: Love and Rockets May 29: Direct From Sweden: The Music of ABBA June 1: Melanie Martinez June 10: Rodrigo y Gabriela June 12: Dwight Yoakam & Emmylou Harris June 29: Kelsea Ballerini AND MORE!
9565 S. Highland Drive, Sandy, Utah 84092
Summer swimming at 20% o !
Beginning May 1 through May 26, Summer Memberships are on sale at 20% o ! To take advantage of this great deal, everyone included on the membership must come in together at time of purchase, before the Center closes on May 26, to update photos, addresses, phone numbers, and emails.
Discount valid on annual and summer memberships. Add an A+ upgrade to an annual membership for unlimited aerobic classes at 20% o . If you rather, Fitness Class Punch Cards may also be purchased for 20% o . (Limit 2 per person)
Pool opens for the summer season on May 27 at 12:00 p.m.
Monday, May 29.
Center Hours 7 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Pool Hours 12 – 5 p.m.
No aerobics classes / No children’s programs
Learn how to e ectively prevent and respond to water emergencies with the American Red Cross lifeguard training. Our courses are designed to arm you with the skills and knowledge to prepare you for a variety of scenarios in and around the water. See our website for details.
ACES swim team is designed to give swimmers an opportunity to compete at all skill levels. From beginning swim team to advanced, ACES o ers something for every level. Visit our website for details.
Alta Canyon is hiring for several positions. See the full list:
River Oaks Golf Course
9300 South Riverside Drive, Sandy, Utah (801) 568-4653
e vision of the Men’s Association is to provide a golf environment of friendly competition and enjoyment.
Start Date: Tuesday, March 7 – Runs through October
Association Fees: $40
Green Fees 9-hole: $17 walking $27 to ride
Weekly event fee: $5
Skins: $5 Skins, Duece’s $5 (winnings will be paid in shop credit)
Hole in one: $5 due at registration (optional) Must be paid with cash only For more information visit eague/ To sign up visit:
Get ready for a unique challenge with the I Can Tri Race! Whether you're a rst-time triathlete or a seasoned veteran, this race has something for everyone. Conquer the 400m swim, 9k bike ride, and 5k run and feel the satisfaction of crossing that nish line! New in 2023: sign up for the 5K portion only! 3.1 miles in our beautiful Sandy neighborhoods.
See our website under “Special Events” for more information.
Sessions consist of eight lessons over two weeks, (based on instructor availability). is is the perfect opportunity for your child to learn the fundamentals of the sport. Lessons will focus on agility, balance, coordination of gross motor skills to accelerate skill development and basic stroke production needed to serve, rally and score. Registration for session one begins on May 23, at 7 p.m. Visit our website for details.
All swim lessons are taught by American Red Cross Certi ed Water Safety Instructors. Instructors teach students through a variety of games, activities, and using swim props. Registration for session one begins on May 25, at 7 p.m. Visit our website for details.
Classes will begin again on May 30. See our website for upcoming times and dates of all your favorite classes.
Ready to get your body moving? Look no further than Outdoor Ultimate Training. Led by our Trainer, Tess, you'll get the best of cardio, weights, and stretching exercises in an outdoor setting. Get t, get healthy, and have fun with Outdoor Ultimate Training! Visit our website under the “Fitness” tab for information on this small group training class.
All Ladies and Co-Ed Leagues will play on Mondays. Players may play any time of the day. Players must play with someone else in the league to verify their score.
Start Date: Monday, Apr. 10 - October.
League Members can book tee times 8 days in advance.
Fees: $40 Annual Fee ($80 for Co-Ed)
Weekly Cost: $5 per person on top of the applicable green and cart fees. For more info & to sign-up visit
P A G E 4
For more info visit
2023 5K RACES
Start your day with all of Sandy Recreation 5K Races. All ages and abilities are welcome; you can walk, jog, run or race. Awards will be given to the rst three male and female nishers in each age group. Prize drawing at the conclusion of the race for pre-registered participants only. For the safety of others, dogs are not allowed on the racecourse. Please leave pets at home!
• 4th of July 5K Monday, July 4 City Promenade
• Midnight Moon 5K Friday, Aug 4 at 11:59 p.m. Alta Canyon Sports Center
• Turkey Trot 5K Saturday, Nov 11 Lone Peak Park
For more information visit us at
Great fun for the whole family! Family night is a great opportunity for families to enjoy the skate park. On these nights, we allow toddler bikes so even your smallest child can enjoy the facility. Family Night takes place on the Monday of the months listed below. ese evenings are FREE of charge. Children must be accompanied by a parent/guardian.
*Sponsored by Healthy Sandy Partnership
Location: 10140 South 700 East
Time: 6 - 9 p.m. ( eme Nights 6 - 8 p.m.)
Date: May 15
eme: *Safety Helmet Giveaway - 25 Helmets will be given away. Additional helmets available for $6.00
Fun- lled activities will include crafts, games, and adventures. Such as go on a mini hike/walk, do a “dinosaur dig”, bird watching, outdoor photography and outdoor survival skills. 2-hour sessions once a week for 3 weeks. You must preregister for the program. Limited number of participants at each site. Sign up early.
Registration Deadline: June 5 or until full
Start Date: Week of June 5
Session 1 Dates: June 5–June 22
Session 2 Dates: July 10-July 27
Ages: 5–9
Cost: $30/child/session
Age: 15 & up
Cost: $40/person
Days: Monday & Wednesday (No Clinics on Memorial Day)
Dates: May 22-June 15
Deadline: May 19 or until full
Location: Flat Iron Pickleball Courts-1700 E. 8600 S.
Alta Canyon Pickleball Courts-2005 E. 9800 S.
Levels: Intro Clinic (2.0-2.5) – 6-7 p.m.
Drill n Play (3.0)– 7-9 p.m.
Note: e rst day of clinics and leagues will be Skills Day. Skills Day is used to help evaluate on whether an adjustment is needed for each clinic or league. Your registration selection is subject to change based on results from Skills Day. For more information visit us at
Age: 15 & Up
Cost: $35/person
Days: Tuesday & ursday
Dates: May 22-June 15
Deadline: May 19 or until full
Location: Flat Iron Pickleball Courts-1700 E. 8600 S. Leagues (3.5/4.0) are played as Round Robin Social Mixers (no ladder leagues) 3.5 league – 6-7:30 p.m. | 4.0 league – 7:30-9 p.m.
Note: e rst day of clinics and leagues will be Skills Day. Skills Day is used to help evaluate on whether an adjustment is needed for each clinic or league. Your registration selection is subject to change based on results from Skills Day. For more information visit us at
Age: 8 & Up
Dates: Saturday June 17
Time: Saturday 8 a.m.-3p.m.
Each division will have a speci c play time. Times are subject to change!
Cost: $50/team (2 players)
Divisions: Men’s, Women’s, and Coed Doubles / 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5
Deadline: June 9
Location: Flat Iron Pickleball Courts-1700 E. 8600 S. For more information visit us at
Come out and enjoy the many miles of hiking trails within Sandy. e 42+ miles of trails interconnect and can take you throughout the city limits and up into the foothills of the Wasatch Front.
Dates: ursday-June 1,8,15, & 23.
Time: 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Cost: $25 / individual Register:
For more information visit
Youth Fishing Class – May 3 or until full Pickleball – May 19 or until full Hiking Club – June 1 or until full Outdoor Adventure Club – June 5 or until full
Flag Football – June 5
Fall Soccer – June 5
Fall Adult Softball – July 10
Fall Hiking – July 25
Fall Pickleball – July 25
P A G E 5 ISSUE #103 MAY – JUNE 2023
Music Man
May 9 & 10
Youth Suicide Prevention: Talking About Suicide Is Okay
One of the biggest myths about suicide is: Talking about suicide may give someone the idea to commit suicide. is is false. In fact, talking about suicide allows an individual to feel comfortable talking about it. So, let’s talk about youth and how the community can help prevent suicide.
Understanding warning signs and risk factors can increase one’s ability to recognize and support a youth who may be suicidal or having suicidal thoughts. Keep in mind these things when talking to youth about suicide:
1. Youth attempt suicide or commit suicide due to:
a. Overwhelming thoughts of hopelessness.
b. Trying to escape a situation from which they can’t deal.
c. Feelings of rejection, guilt, anger, or sadness.
2. Youth/teens are often dealing with problems that may seem small/insigni cant to adults but are huge and very real to them.
3. Suicide is about ending pain for youth/teens.
Anything’s Possible
Warning signs include three di erent areas: talk, behavior and mood. Listen to what a youth is saying. ey could be talking about killing themselves, having no reason to live, feeling trapped, being a burden or feeling hopeless. Watch a youth’s behavior. Consider if a youth has started isolating themselves, withdrawing from activities they normally enjoy (for youth that could mean not spending time with friends, texting friends or being on social media regularly), a change in school work/ attendance, or acts of reckless behavior (that could include alcohol, drugs or risky behavior). Has there been a change in a youth’s mood? Watch to see if a youth has depression, anxiety, irritability, shame/humiliation, anger outbursts or even a relief/sudden improvement of their mood.
Risk factors can be viewed in three di erent areas as well: health factors, historical/other factors and, environmental factors. Health factors will include current mental health conditions, serious physical health conditions including chronic pain or a change in health conditions/serious injury. Historical/other factors would be situations where there have been previous suicide attempts, a family history of suicide or some type of abuse, neglect or trauma that occurred during childhood. ere are many environmental factors that may a ect a youth who is thinking about suicide. ose environmental factors can include, but are not limited to:
1. Prolonged stress (harassment, bullying, cyberbullying, relationship problems, sextortion, etc.)
2. Stressful life events (rejection, break-up, divorce of parents, death/loss of a loved one, etc.)
3. Exposure to another person’s suicide
4. Sensationalized accounts of suicide. is can include media accounts, social media accounts, movies, TV shows (13 Reasons Why), books, or even discussion among friends.
5. Having access to lethal means ( rearms, medication, drugs, etc.)
While some risk factors cannot be changed, there are some things that can lessen their impact. ese things can be put into place at any given time. One of the biggest things is what we’ve been talking about, communication. When youth know they can talk to parents/guardians, friends and family, they will feel more comfortable opening up about their stressors and feelings. School and community support can also help youth. Knowing they have community and school support can help them realize they are not alone and can have others to turn to. Help youth learn coping skills, problem solving skills, con ict resolution and con dence in themselves will help them be more equipped to deal with challenges life brings.
If you suspect someone may be suicidal don’t be afraid to ask. Remember, talking about suicide is okay. Be yourself when talking to them and have empathy. Take the time to listen, be supportive and understanding. Don’t fear o ering hope without negating feelings. Take the person seriously. Finally, know your limitations on how you can help and assist them in locating professional help. You can go to for more information and resources. Remind youth they can download the SafeUT App and talk to someone anonymously.
Start the conversation today and help a youth that may be struggling. If you or someone you know is suicidal or having suicidal ideations, please reach out to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255. e Sandy Police Department is also available for support and information.
P A G E 6
musical theater summer camp for youth 1st - 12th grade. Registration opens May 1 - spots fill quickly!
Sandy Arts Guild presents
Mount Jordan
June 5 -
23: Free performance open to the public More info & registration at
Meredith Willson’s
All roles open, need adults & children (10+) SANDyArTS.cOm
Full Time, Benefitted
• Lateral Firefighter EMT/Paramedic
• Drainage Maintenance Worker
Part-Time, Non-Benefitted/Seasonal
• Crossing Guard
• Recreation Site Supervisor
• Official/Referee
• Custodian
• Various Alta Canyon positions
P A G E 7 ISSUE #103 MAY – JUNE 2023
May 1 Food Truck Night 5 - 8:30 pm Sandy Amphitheater Park May 4 Planning Commission 6:15 p.m. City Council Chambers May 8 Food Truck Night 5 - 8:30 p.m. Sandy Amphitheater Park May 9 - 10 Auditions: The Music Man 7 p.m. May 12 Jazz in the Park (Free) 6 p.m. Sandy Amphitheater May 15 Food Truck Night / Children’s Entrepreneur Market 5 - 8:30 pm Sandy Amphitheater Park May 17 BeReadySandy Meeting 7 - 8 p.m. City Council Chambers May 17 First Aid, CPR and AED Class (Registration required) 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Station 31: 9010 S 150 E May 18 Planning Commission 6:15 p.m. City Council Chambers May 19 - 22 Mountain West Ballet: Sleeping Beauty Sandy Amphitheater May 20 American West Symphony & Chorus: French & Italian Masters 7:30pm Good Shepherd Lutheran Church May 22 Food Truck Night 5 - 8:30 p.m. Sandy Amphitheater Park May 24 First Aid, CPR and AED Class (Registration required) 6 - 10 p.m. Station 31: 9010 S 150 E May 24 Love and Rockets 7:30 p.m. Sandy Amphitheater May 29 Direct From Sweden: The Music Of ABBA 7:30 p.m. Sandy Amphitheater Jun 1 Planning Commission 6:15 p.m. City Council Chambers Jun 1 Melanie Martinez 8 p.m. Sandy Amphitheater Jun 2 - 3 Plein Air Competition Jun 3 Sego Lily Gardens Spring Fair 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. Sego Lily Gardens Jun 5 Food Truck Night 5 - 8:30 p.m. Sandy Amphitheater Park Jun 5 - 23 Youth Showcase The Theater at Mount Jordan Jun 7 First Aid, CPR and AED Class (Registration required) 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Station 31: 9010 S 150 E Jun 8 Yoga in the Park 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. Sandy Amphitheater Park Jun 10 Rodrigo y Gabriela 6:30 p.m. Sandy Amphitheater Jun 12 Food Truck Night 5 - 8:30 p.m. Sandy Amphitheater Park Jun 12 Dwight Yoakam & Emmylou Harris 7 p.m. Sandy Amphitheater Jun 15 Waterwise Plants - Kids Class 10 - 10:30 a .m. Sego Lily Gardens Jun 15 Planning Commission 6:15 p.m. City Council Chambers Jun 15 Yoga in the Park 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. Sandy Amphitheater Park Jun 19 Food Truck Night 5 - 8:30 p.m. Sandy Amphitheater Park Jun 21 BeReadySandy Meeting 7 - 8 p.m. City Council Chambers Jun 22 Yoga in the Park 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. Sandy Amphitheater Park Jun 23 Youth Showcase Performance (Free) 7 p.m. The Theater at Mount Jordan Jun24 I Can Tri & 5K Run 7:15 - 11 a.m. Alta Canyon Sports Center Jun 26 Food Truck Night 5 - 8:30 p.m. Sandy Amphitheater Park Jun 28 First Aid, CPR and AED Class (Registration required) 6 - 10 p.m. Station 31: 9010 S 150 E Jun 29 Babysitting Academy (Registration required) 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. Station 31: 9010 S 150 E Jun 29 Kelsea Ballerini 7:30 p.m. Sandy Amphitheater