June 2018 Marbeth Dunn

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Authentic Life



JUNE 2018






Enjoy the Journey

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Maria Rea As the founder of MY Authentic Life Magazine, I would like to thank you for taking the time to read our extraordinary publication. We aspire to empower and inspire you with articles written by our amazing writers. I believe we are all here for a reason greater than ourselves and to serve a divine purpose. It’s how we choose to react to what is placed before us that allows us to succeed.

Jennifer Knutson

Andrew Savoy

Art Director



Authentic Life


MY Authentic Life magazine is a monthly publication that encourages others to live their best life. MY Media and Publishing Group makes every effort to provide accurate information in advertising, editorial content and placement: however, we do not make any claims as to the accuracy of information provided by advertisers or editorial contributors and will accept no responsibility or liability for inaccurate information or placement. No content can be duplicated without the permission of MY Media and Publishing Group. For inquiries e-mail maria.mymediagroup@gmail.com. 6 | MY Magazine

Sharon Carne

Tamara Green

Wini Curley

Dr. Nekeshia Hammond


Liz Bull

Mella Barnes


Kathryn Andries Patrick Andries The Dream Experts

Judy Lipson

Lisa Marie Platske

Ellen Rogin, CPA, CFPÂŽ

Kate Sholonski

Gary Stuart

Janette Stuart

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from the publisher

How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One Find a quiet place and sit for a minute. Now take an honest inventory of your life. Are you happy? Are there things you would change? Is your cup half full or half empty? What are your beliefs? Are they yours or are they your parents?

“To be empowered— to be free, to be unlimited, to be creative, to be genius, to be divine—that is who you are…. Once you feel this way, memorize this feeling; remember this feeling. This is who you really are.”

– Dr. Joe Dispenza

It is possible to be who you want to be, but you must first take a look at who you are to be able to change. Change does not happen overnight and it is a process, but it is definitely something that is well worth the time you put into it. I recently read a great book by Dr. Joe Dispenza, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself – How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One. Besides the fact that I love the name, the book talks about manifestation (I’m a huge manifestor), law of attraction, and creating the life you desire, he backs it up with scientific facts and gives a complete explanation on how to create what you want. When your spirit, your family, your friends and your business are all in alignment, miracles arrive at record speed. So, what is this manifesting thing anyway? It is literally altering the reality you live in. At the root of all matter is energy, and when you alter your energy, it is possible to change your reality. So in the simplest of terms, if you block out negativity and allow joy and happiness into your life, you can and will create a joyful life, for that is what you are attracting. If you are always negative, complaining about your life and others, then you will attract more of the negative. Change your thoughts. Change your reality. Sounds easy right? Well not so fast. It doesn’t change overnight, and it does take some skill to train your mind to look at things differently, but when you do, the rewards are crazy good. Here is something you can try. Go through one day; pick the day now, maybe it’s today, and try to think only positive thoughts. No matter what happens to you throughout the day, find a blessing in each situation somehow. Yes, that can be challenging, so please allow me to give you some guidance. I use a method that was given to me by my good friend and it works! When a negative thought sneaks into my mind, recognize it as something that does not serve you, and simply say delete/ clear (you don’t have to say it out loud, others might look at you funny), and visualize that thought literally leaving your mind and replace it with a happier one. Just try it, it’s actually fun, and notice how your day becomes different and what you are attracting. Start changing your thoughts and manifesting the life you want today.

Maria Rea – Publisher maria.mymediagroup.com myauthenticlifemagazine.com 8 | MY Magazine

You don’t have to be great to get started, but you do have to get started to be great.

IT’S HIP! IT’S TRENDY! IT’S YOU! Looking for a new business opportunity? This may be for you!

In this 12 month mastermind, Maria will consult and teach you how to create your own financially successful business by implementing her successfully proven, highly achievable training techniques, all while having a blast doing it. Words continue to make the biggest impact on the world today, so come on, let’s make a difference.

MY Authentic





Good Health









Cornman Farms


azine The Brick Mag

Life Authentic magazine






Butterfly Effect

CHRISTY WHITMANing It All Hav The Art of



Empowered Dynamic Sensational









Corey Poirier THAT SPEA






APRIL 2018






Erin Cantrell


For more information visit my-mediagroup.com/entrepreneur/ or e-mail Maria at maria.mymediagroup@gmail.com

IN THIS ISSUE june 2018


page 14

Marbeth Dunn Life After Divorce

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The Dream Experts What Does Your Dream Mean

54 58 62 68

The Hug Connection


Cells Don’t Have Ears: How Your Body Listens


Shifting Your Mindset Water: It’s More Important Than You Think

Allow Support to Surround You

24 30


40 44


The Beauty and Gift of Stillness

A New Dawn Emerges as Patriarchal Disintegration Births the Empowered Feminine! Family Bonding Activities for the Summer Hippies, Indigos, Crystals and Beyond Talk to Tamara Seven Tips to Handle Your Anger Saving for the Future

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Loving MY Authentic Life

Marbeth Dunn

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Golden sunlight filters through the palm fronds. She stands in her garden, long blonde hair blowing gently in the breeze, as regal orange and black monarchs, zebra long wings, and queen butterflies flutter and land briefly on milkweed, Mexican sage, and yellow wildflowers. MarBeth Dunn’s gray eyes sparkle with excitement.

“I love butterflies,” she explains. “They’re my soul family. My marriage was a 30-year chrysalis that kept me shrouded and isolated. It ripped apart my foundations and beliefs and I was trapped in a cocoon of darkness, unaware of my capabilities or my grander purpose.” “Many people come through a divorce bitter and angry,” she continued. “I emerged fourteen years ago with beautiful, fragile new wings, and in my precious, newly found freedom, I began to fly into a new and miraculous life, to follow my dreams and to be authentically me.” After her divorce, MarBeth knew she wanted love, independence, purpose, a deeper spiritual connection, and a gracious lifestyle. But she had no idea who she was.

We all have superpowers…

“We all have superpowers! They are your unique gifts. When you accept and grow into them, they open magical doors of awakening,” MarBeth explained. “My spiritual sight opened new realms, and my heart expanded in beautiful new ways I had never thought possible. As a Reiki Master and energy healer, I can channel love and healing light for others.”

“Since we aren’t born with an instruction manual,” she said, “I had to figure out what it meant to be a highly sensitive person with porous energetic boundaries.” Being an empath had disrupted her life. “I’d unconsciously burdened myself with other people’s energetic issues and I thought there was something seriously wrong with me. I never felt safe, and I didn’t recognize what was happening to me. I had no language to describe it. My lack of boundaries sapped my vitality and often made me physically ill. Now, I realize this ability is a superpower. It’s a wonderful gift I use to help others, while safely respecting my own energetic bounds.”

Almost by accident, MarBeth discovered she was an empath.

MarBeth’s third super power was her intuition. Her mother

It wasn’t long before MarBeth discovered her exciting new superpowers, being a highly intuitive empath and a channel for Reiki healing energy.

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Love MarBeth stood authentically in her power, and she wanted more. She wanted a loving relationship, yet found dating after a 30-year marriage daunting. Let’s face it, shopping for men online can be frustrating and time-consuming. The internet added an additional dimension, where reality often bore no resemblance to photos or descriptions. MarBeth felt obligated to hide herself and her healing superpowers under a conventional facade until she felt safe. Most men she encountered were linear and traditional and were intimidated by her gifts. To have a healthy, happy, loving relationship, MarBeth knew she had to break free of her old unhealthy patterns and programming. She found it ironic that she could easily help other people release their selfsabotaging patterns, but not her own. So, she learned more skills and cleared more emotional blocks. Soon she attracted a healthy, loving relationship with Harold, a kind, creative, and quirky partner. MarBeth was very happy.

and grandmother had been highly intuitive. The DNA ancestry testing company, 23 and Me, confirmed that the blood of Polish Gypsies flows in her veins. Growing into her greater purpose involved learning many exciting new disciplines in Energy Healing, Energy Psychology, Empowerment Training, and Kundalini Yoga, with corresponding certifications.

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Then tragedy struck. On Valentine’s Day in 2009, Harold died suddenly of a heart attack and MarBeth felt herself falling into a dark abyss of despair. Light dawned, however, as she realized she had the power to choose how to react to his death. “I could either succumb to the overwhelming grief or use my tools to move through it. I decided to move forward.” Four months later, on a beautiful sunny morning, MarBeth awoke to a feeling of happiness surging

through her body. The process was complete. The love she had shared with Harold was alive in her heart, but the pain and heartache were gone. “I had an epiphany, that there was something wonderful, a gift I could share with people who were suffering. I could help them move through their painful emotions to regain their happiness and joy.” “I truly believe,” MarBeth explained, “Our physical bodies are ephemeral, and love is eternal. Our loved ones don’t want us to suffer. Everything we experience is an opportunity for us to grow into our greater selves.” Her true love partner appeared seven years ago. She felt very comfortable, authentic, and playful when they met, there was no need to hide. Ironically, Harrison resembles Harold and even shares his last name. Harrison and MarBeth love their life together. They share many passions, including metaphysics, travel, learning, teaching, mentoring, and music. “Don’t settle for a relationship where you can’t authentically be yourself,” MarBeth advised. “Love yourself first and everything will fall into place.”

One morning, as MarBeth was reading yet another spiritual book on her quest for healing, she glanced up at tiny motes of dust dancing in a shaft of sunlight. In an illuminating instant, something shifted inside her. A sudden opening…a rush of clarity and excitement! With a joyful smile, her body relaxed, and she felt peaceful. She finally understood that her inner thoughts controlled her outer world. In that instant, a force was activated…a synergy with spirit. Miracles began to fill her life. “As I chose more peaceful thoughts, I accessed a rich, deep, personal connection with the Source of All That Is. As a result, my marriage issues resolved miraculously, clients appeared out of the blue, money flowed freely, and my health improved,” MarBeth continued. “It was a perfect synergy of all the elements necessary to create a life filled with miracles.” There were times in the cycle of things that she slipped back into old patterns of powerlessness and doubt. However, after her divorce, as MarBeth reconnected to her spiritual practice, the miracles returned. She credits her spirituality for helping her create her dream life.

The Spiritual Connection What’s the key component to making her life so joyful and happy? “My spirituality,” MarBeth replied without hesitation. “Many years ago,” she continued, “I lived in Haiti with my former husband during a time of great political and economic turbulence. My business was flatlining, my marriage was crumbling, and my health was declining. I had hit bottom. I felt paralyzed and powerless to help myself.”

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Energy Management MarBeth has created a holistic framework for individualized life enhancement called Energy Management (EM). EM synthesizes energy healing techniques, spiritual principals, empowerment training, mind expansion, and yoga to help highly sensitive and empathic professionals navigate easily through life disruptions like career changes, relationship breakups, empty nest, loss, and health challenges. Since many issues are complex, Energy Management addresses them at the physical, energetic/emotional, and spiritual levels of being. If you’re going through a transition or would like some help creating a miraculous life, MarBeth has graciously offered our readers a free, onehour clarity consult at http://marbethdunn.com/ consult/.

Creating World Peace An important aspect of spiritual growth is service to others. MarBeth has dedicated her life to creating a more peaceful world, by teaching the

principals of peace as an integral part of living a miraculous life. On May 7th, she began the 30-day World Miracle Peace Experiment to see whether a cohesive group of people, joined in a 7-minute daily, guided meditation, could reduce the level of violence in the Middle East. Her team is monitoring statistics to see the results. Scientific breakthroughs have shown that we have energy fields that extend far beyond our physical bodies. In addition to having an energetic component, we have the ability to unite with others in a unified field of consciousness that can affect others. In 1993, an experiment in Washington, D.C. saw a sharp reduction in violent crimes. John Hagelin, a renowned quantum physicist, set up the experiment to show how easy and simple it is to reduce crime and social stress with meditation. He explained that, “We are all connected by a unified field of consciousness and that this field expresses infinite dynamic intelligence that is the basis of all of creation.” Since we are all one, sending love, peace, and healing to others can affect you in very positive ways as well. You may experience added benefits of greater peace, more harmonious relationships, and a sense of ease. Learn more about MarBeth’s experiment at www. worldpeaceexperiment.com.

How to Live Your Best Life Would you like to live a more peaceful, happy life? Here are 3 things you can do today…


Choose Peace - Peace is Godly. The more peaceful you are, the easier it is to attract miracles. Yet in our crazy, stressful, modern world, people are distracted and removed

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what the other person did, nor do you need to ever allow them into your life again. True forgiveness is the release of the emotional ENERGY associated with the person or event. Forgiveness doesn’t mean you deny the other person’s responsibility for hurting you. You may still remember the act that hurt or offended you, but it will lose its charge. You can forgive the other person without minimizing or excusing what they did.

from their feelings by social media, texts, emails, and television. It can take great effort to be peaceful, yet the rewards are well worth it. Take a moment and imagine yourself peaceful. No stress. No anxiety. Just pure, unruffled peace. Feel it in your body. Relax. Breathe. When you are PEACEFUL, you align with the Divine. The moment you are agitated, stressed, or upset, you have lost that alignment. Choose PEACE! When you are agitated, stressed, or upset, remember that you can choose to be peaceful instead.


Practice Forgiveness - Forgiveness is a process that creates miracles. It changes lives, changes relationships and can change the present, as well as the past and the future. Although the word is used frequently, it’s often misunderstood. Forgiveness frees you to move forward. It frees your emotions and your energy. It shifts perception to allow you to release your anger, resentment and emotional charge. It’s not about the other person at all. When you truly forgive, you are COMPLETELY LETTING GO of any emotional reactions or attachment associated with a situation where you felt victimized or wronged. It is not condoning

True forgiveness is NEVER about the other person. It’s ALWAYS about you. Holding a grievance is shackling yourself to the other person, dragging him with you wherever you go. It holds YOU prisoner, and although you may feel righteous, it can never bring you happiness.


Be Grateful - Creating a more loving, joyful state of being will not only raise your personal vibrational frequency, your upbeat energy will create a strong magnetic pull to effortlessly attract miracles, and positively affect others around you. Raising and maintaining a high vibration can take focus and dedication, especially during difficult or challenging times. Yet these are the times when it’s most important to vibrate at a higher level. Appreciation and gratitude are the foundations for creating more love and joy. Incorporate them into your life daily. You will notice your happiness quotient soar as miracles fill your life. Every experience is truly a gift, for it provides you with lessons and opportunities to grow. You may appreciate some experiences more than others, yet they should all be received with gratitude. MarBeth Dunn is an Energy Management Specialist, Mindset and Happiness Mentor. She has been a spiritual teacher for over 30 years. MarBeth helps highly sensitive and empathic professionals struggling with career, relationship, health or spiritual issues move through life gracefully. She is an international best selling author and speaker, and has been featured on FOX, NBC, CBS, and The CW. Download her FREE eBook, Stop Your Self Sabotaging Patterns with Energy Management at http://marbethdunn.com/emebook

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SURROUND YOU by Wini Curley, Ph.D.

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ow would your life be different if you could actually feel that most everything around you provides support? What would it take to shift your attitude and belief so you can experience daily life in a continuous flow of receiving support? Does this new attitude mean that you are magically freed from earning a living, paying for housing, buying your food, or doing your laundry? Heck no! What it could mean is that going through those daily activities feels very different, in a really good way. Louise is a busy professional with a family, a career, and …..(sometimes) a life. She is good at juggling all these balls and even keeps other people at work and at home on track for their tasks. However, she is often exhausted and feels like she has to do everything on her own without much support. One of her key disruptions and stresses is transporting her kids after school to various activities. Yet, when her friend Sandy offered to pick up Louise’s kids for two of the four days a week (since Sandy was getting her own kids anyway), Louise responded with, “That’s Okay. Thanks for the offer, but I’ve got it covered.” In her head, Louise was worried that it was an imposition (even though Sandy freely offered). Louise would not receive Sandy’s support. Do you know anyone like Louise? Are you someone like Louise? “In order to succeed, you must be open to receive.” That is the Law of Receiving. I call it a Law because it is present independent of your belief about it. It is always there and operating- like gravity. Whether you acknowledge it or not, it is impacting and influencing your success. The good news is that once you become aware of it, you can put it to work for you. myauthenticlifemagazine.com 21

Hold onto your hat! You may be as surprised as Louise to find out that everywhere you go and everywhere you look, you are receiving support from what surrounds you. It may not seem that way most of the time. That is because much of the available support has become invisible to you. You are not consciously aware of it, so you can’t tell it is there. It’s time to change that. I have not yet been able to identify an accomplishment that someone can achieve totally and completely without accepting and receiving the support of another person. A key here is how to define support. There are two primary types of support. The support you may be most aware of is likely to be Active – for example when Sandy does a favor for Louise, or when a

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customer supports a business by buying their goods or services. However, you may not be aware that you continuously experience Passive support. As I sit here alone in my office writing, it is an illusion for me to think that I have no support from others as I do it. I am supported by the efforts of the companies and many people who made my computer, generated the electricity I use, crafted the chair I sit in, and grew and harvested the tea I drink. These conveniences all result from someone else’s actions and resources that provide support and comfort for me on my daily journey. In turn, I supported them by purchasing and using these items. Given that definition of Passive support, it seems that we mindlessly receive support all the time.

Unless you live in a structure you built yourself, with tools you created yourself, in a place where you provide your own food, water, and all your other needs, you are receiving support in a Passive way from thousands of others almost continuously. Since you are reading this article, that completely independent and isolated scenario does not describe your lifestyle. You may be thinking “That’s nice, Wini, but how can I use the Law of Receiving to help me?” Perception is reality. Choose your perception to change your reality. To move a goal forward, in addition to doing what is necessary, also focus on being open to receiving support. Try this experiment. For one week, start and end your day with 5 minutes focusing your

awareness and appreciation on how you are constantly being supported (even in a Passive way) whether it is related to your goal or not. You will get better and better at noticing and receiving that support. Once you can appreciate and receive the abundant Passive support available, you will become more comfortable with Active support for specific goals. Allow yourself to receive and appreciate support that is present, both Passive and Active. Keep a daily journal of support and what you are open to receiving. As your acceptance of support grows, notice things like, how it is easy to find a good parking spot, when traffic opens up for you, the compliments and praise that come your way (receive - don’t resist or ignore them!). Once your awareness and acceptance of receiving Passive support expands more Active support then begins to show up. You will also become more comfortable asking for and receiving the specific support you want and need to accomplish your goal. Louise could finally accept Sandy’s offer. She even got better at delegating tasks at work (one of her goals), which also gave others an opportunity to grow. If you are fiercely independent, it is important to know that constantly receiving support, both Active and Passive varieties, does not make you less accomplished or less selfsufficient. You still have to take action and complete your goals.

Allowing yourself to accept support makes the journey toward your success easier, and maybe faster. If you are an introvert, the thought of all those sources of support surrounding you may be frightening or overwhelming. Instead, know that receiving support (especially the Passive variety) does not drain your energy. Giving yourself permission to receive support can result in even more space for you to be quiet and restore your energy while you still achieve success. Wake up your awareness and receive support. Become mindfully aware and conscious of all the ways you are continuously supported. Learning to “open your receiving channels”, can make a huge positive difference

in the level of happiness and success you experience on a daily basis. Wini Curley, Ph.D. is a Resilience Expert, Speaker, and Executive Coach. She shows leaders and their organizations how to energize their next win - whether they are on a roll or in a hole. In 2002, Wini became an entrepreneur and left a 20-year corporate career cleaning up environmental hazardous waste sites. Now, she helps clients clean up toxic habits, thoughts, feelings, and beliefs that contaminate their path to success. Clients say Wini’s keen intuition, judgement-free approach, and energy techniques all help free them to release frustrations and blocks and accelerate toward what they really want. Wini has coached successful leaders and entrepreneurs across 3 continents. Clean up the toxicities big or small at the leadership level, and watch the business and its people grow and flourish. Learn more about Wini and her programs at www.WiniCurley.com and www.GiftsFromWini.com

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any people both men and women are under duress over the current state of affairs of life and liberty and what’s happening in the good old U.S. of A. Some people are seemingly happy (ignorance is bliss). Many others justifiably complain about the rampant sexism and racism that’s casting a long, dark shadow across the land. Many more are deeply disturbed by the resurgence of the “good ol’ boy network” of greed and avarice and corruption and all the other “isms” that seem to be surfacing in 21st Century America.

and engulfed by physical and mental changes culminating in labor before her baby’s birth occurs. Then there’s also the physical pain of delivery during the arduous labor process until the birth ensues. Of course, once the baby is born there is ecstasy and joy right after screaming pain and pushing sometimes from hours on end. Wow, what a ride it’s almost as if birth is a roller coaster going up and down and in and out for nine months. The newly minted mother has now manifested a future generation of family members. Birth is a continuous and miraculous success!

Take heart, all is not lost! There is a bigger movement and process going on underneath the reactionary dramas portrayed to us by the mass media television and even feature films.

There’s a different story from the baby’s point of view. It seems that it has all its needs inside the womb in the belly of the mother. Of course, at 6 to 8 months pas and things start to get uncomfortable as is less room and space in even the baby starts to notice things are changing. From the fetal point of view, it’s been a heavenly existence with all its needs provided from its host “commonly known as a mother”. The baby inside has been living inside its own garden of Eden. Now as birth nears labor pains commence. There’s a quickening as birth approaches the fetus his or herself doesn’t realize that it’s about to be born. Unsuspecting fetuses’ can often experience terror that everything is changing and disintegrating at breakneck speed. From the baby’s point of view maybe it feels like as being rejected

Birth is a metaphor for growth and change. Ask any woman who is a mother who’s reading this article knows a lot about giving birth. First is the excitement of conception in anticipation of being a mother especially for the first time. As gestation progresses it seems as if the baby is suddenly in charge of the mother rather than the mother being in charge of the baby. Ironically, it seems the baby is birthing the mother as the woman birthing the baby as she becomes a mother. Who is birthing who? As we all know it’s a life-changing and awesome event. From the future mom’s point of view, she’s being tested

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DARKNESS OR DAWN? It’s always darkest before the dawn. We unconsciously knew it all along. It’s not always the same old song, But a new truth is revealed each morn, Just before the new day is born, That it’s always darkest before the dawn. There is really no need to ponder why. Just look up in wonder at the morning sky As darkness of night begins to shed its gloom And rays of light will illuminate soon With all its gentle piercing light, For not everything has shown beneath the light of the moon. Then as the shadows of the day grow dark and long, And darkness once again grows bigger and strong, The day’s nightly darkness falls upon us once again, And today’s light fades into memories of when. For darkness and light rule every day and night, And soon again it’s darkest before the dawns early light. 26 | MY Magazine

or cast out of Eden without knowing like this on the other side of the tiny birth canal it’s being forced to squeeze through. From the fetal point of view, it doesn’t know why the journey is ending or why it cannot stay inside its mother. The baby may even think why she is pushing me out of our garden of the Eden, “what did I do to be rejected” or “everything was going along so beautifully” why is it ending? At birth, the fetus and mother may feel the walls of their existence are crashing down for no good reason. The fetus feels like it’s being killed or squashed for merely it merely existing. Remember the fetus doesn’t know life in independence and survival lies on the other side of the birth canal. You could say the fetus is experiencing the death of its fetal existence. It doesn’t know that life awaits outside its host commonly called mother. This essay is a metaphor to explain the comfortable inside world of gestation is quickly facing changes and destruction making the baby feel its death is imminent. It is really the start of posttraumatic stress PTSD being somatically imprinted on the baby for the rest of his life. Once the babies out it’s exposed to harsh lights, towels, coldness and needs to be comforted with touch after the terrifying traumatic experience is over. This is just our first day on this Earth and your mother’s last day as a woman who’ll be a mother for the rest of her life. Let’s not forget the fathers who were men or lovers before this event. Now they’re fathers for the rest of their life, welcome to adulthood. So, what I really speaking of here? The birth process is a metaphor for the current state of our nation. The energy of destruction and disintegration plus sea change seems to be in the air. Every level of society is impacted on many levels as we speak. I feel what’s going on is a greater consciousness. More commonly known as the Aquarian Age which is being birthed as we speak.

The “divine feminine” is in labor giving birth to an Aquarian, flowing feminine consciousness. Meanwhile, the patriarchal map masculine is playing the midwife during the labor that precedes the delivery. Believe it or not, Donald J. Trump is the midwife of the disintegrating patriarchal, dominant system that’s imploding as it unintentionally supports the new consciousness being born. It is ALL a GIFT! I’ll say it again the male patriarchy is disintegrating or self-destructing as the birth of Aquarian consciousness emerges from the loins of the divine feminine. Metaphysically we the collective of humanity are all in labor in the delivery

room terrified and not knowing what’s taking place or what the outcome will be. Much like the fetus the thinks it’s dying not knowing like this on the other side of its mother’s loins. Donald Trump represents the 2000-year-old patriarchal network known as the good ol’ boys club or network that’s disintegrating or imploding from its own hierarchical weight. Ironically, it’s the perfect catalyst for the rebirth of the divine feminine. She’s returning to her home and has her voice intact as her personal power manifests as she takes her rightful place in the world. Remember, women birth the future of mankind, yet they

are seldom treated with honor and respect they deserve. If that wasn’t true we wouldn’t have entertainment known as the Handmaid’s Tale. All of this is necessary for the empowerment of the feminine to rise up in taking her place on top of the ashes of the imploding masculine. After the scales of justice have weighed in her favor a new, balanced masculine will arise. This will also restore the balance of masculine and feminine in a new way too. A new Global transformation where everyone ALIVE will be important be valued and heard. Its new dawn as the old paradigm shifts as the matriarchy ascends with the birth of the Aquarian

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consciousness thus creating balance, equality, and respect. Even if we don’t consciously birth the lessons in this way then Mother Earth herself has a fierce ace up her sleeve such as an ecological catastrophe that will wake and shake her children up fast. I hope this metaphorical and philosophical allegory gives you some comfort, hope, and wisdom. There’s nothing to do but compassionately observe the face of change in an empowered way with our collective voices intact. Women have been silenced with victimization and fear for about 2000 years ironically since the Bible was written but that’s another story. The world needs to take a new look at why repression of the feminine was intentionally built into the system “Venus envy”! Historically many men pretended to write the exalted word of God for their own gain. If you doubt this which is okay the King James Bible version was edited by Sir Francis Bacon to give the King of England divine sovereign powers as a God on Earth. Thereby raising his Royal Highness into an

ordained, regal deity which is far from the word of God? Enough about intentional greed, avarice, and corruption.

It’s time to wake up! The new dawn is breaking AND it’s actually a joyful time of tremendous change!

To BELIEVE means you have to stop thinking. Negating the use of your objective reasoning to question any authority. Many people are too afraid to even think that they’ve been manipulated or lied to through parables and beliefs that were created to control. Misogyny has hypnotically infected the whole population to demonizing the feminine reinforces by centuries of untrue religious dogma. “It’s ALL about EVE”

#1. Live your life as a WOW moment and choose not to react with anger and fear (a daily media program called news) #2. Live an empowered life which means you can speak up and speak out. #3. The Aquarian Age is growing all around us. Allow it to nurture you as we collectively grow and mature as a species. #4. Mother Earth knows best.

Gary Stuart: International Constellation Facilitator, Author, Speaker has been documenting his healing experiences over the past several decades. His life experiences along with his insightful writings provide a unique perspective on the correlation between the micro and macro-cosmos, between our inner and outer worlds. His first book on Constellations Many Hearts, One Soul set the stage for his latest book Master Your Universe: How to Direct & Star in Your Own Life on Kindle or paperback at www.Amazon.com He Speaks and leads healing workshops nationally and internationally. He resides in Southern California. He also consults and facilitates Distance, Family or Organizational Constellations which are his healing specialty! Contact Info: Gary@Chifield.com | Office 760.656.8844 | Cell 310.758.2052 Online: www.ConstellationswithGaryStuart.com 28 | MY Magazine



“If you knew who walks beside you on the path that you have chosen, fear would be impossible.” In this 12 month mastermind, Maria will consult and teach you how to create your own financially successful business by implementing her successfully proven, highly achievable training techniques, all while having a blast doing it. Words continue to make the biggest impact on the world today, so come on, let’s make a difference. For more information visit my-mediagroup.com/entrepreneur/ or e-mail Maria at maria.mymediagroup@gmail.com myauthenticlifemagazine.com 29


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t’s hard to believe it’s, but summer is already here again. One of the goals for many families this year is to do more things together and create opportunities to bond as a unit. With that in mind, today we’ll talk about why bonding as a family is so important, and I’ll share some great ideas for family bonding activities for the summer.

WHY BONDING IS CRITICAL FOR EVERYONE IN THE FAMILY Spending time with our family members is about more than having fun, and enjoying each other’s company. Family bonding is critical for our mental health. You know that saying “family ties that bind?” When we do stuff together as a family unit, we are literally tying ourselves together mentally and emotionally. Studies have shown, that families that actively spend time together have a higher sense of happiness, belonging, myauthenticlifemagazine.com 31

self-esteem, and feelings of connectedness to their community. This is especially true for our children. When a child is engaged in positive activities with their parents and siblings, for example, they are more likely to feel loved, and appreciated. They also are more likely to feel as though they matter, and are part of something bigger than themselves. They’ll feel that they are not alone in the world. They are a member of a unit and will always have someone to rely on. In fact, family bonding time is just as critical for growing children as consuming healthy foods and getting enough physical exercise. When children don’t feel they are getting enough attention or engaging enough with their family members, that is when they will sometimes act out. Though the attention they

receive is negative at that point, they see it as attention nonetheless. The sad reality is, some children would rather receive that negative attention, than none at all. It’s one of the reasons that bad behavior in children is often labeled as a cry for help. In most cases, it’s their only known way of trying to get the spotlight on themselves, and they’ll do anything to make it happen.

IDEAS FOR BONDING Now that you understand why it’s important to bond with your family members, it’s time to figure out some fun activities to help you do it in the most positive way possible. Below you’ll find just a few ideas for enjoying time with your family members. • Volunteer together. Volunteering is hands down, one of the best ways to bond with our families. It provides a whole host of benefits including:

• It shows your children how lucky they are. The unfortunate truth is that some people don’t have homes, or food, or any worldly possessions. While volunteering you and your children may be directly exposed to this. As a result, you and they will have a greater appreciation for your own luxuries. • When we volunteer we learn the importance working together towards a common goal. This will instill the lesson that with a team, all things are possible. • You and your children will learn so many new skills too. For instance, if you are volunteering for the Red Cross, you’ll likely be given training in first aid and CPR. You never know when an emergency/tragedy will strike. This knowledge could save a life one day- perhaps even yours! • Your children will also get the opportunity to learn what they excel at, and what passions they have within them. This could even lead to career paths that may not have existed prior to volunteering. • The memories you will create of bringing about change in people’s lives are fond ones that you can always look back on. These very memories could help you come up with ideas for solving issues you may come up with in your daily lives.

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• Plant a garden. Get your kids involved with the planting and the harvest, and they might be more inclined to eat veggies • Go fishing • Camping • Swimming at a beach or pool • Do a nature scavenger hunt

• If nothing else, you’ll always remember the times you worked together for the good of others. That selfless act can be the difference between a child who is grateful for everything they receive and one that is spoiled rotten and never grateful for anything.

growing up? Have you ever noticed how thinking of them can bring back happy thoughts? Cooking and eating dinner together can do that for your children too. It also doesn’t hurt that you’ll be teaching your kids how to cook for themselves for the future.

• Play sports and/or exercise together. Getting physically fit while interacting with family members is like a fabulous two-for-one. You’re not just improving your physical self, you’re also improving your mental and emotional self. Win-win!

• Host weekly movie or board game nights. Add to the fun by bringing pillows, blankets and a blowup mattress into the living room for a sleepover party.

• Cook and eat dinner as a family. Some of the best memories a family can create are over a hot meal. Think about it. Do you remember some of the meals you ate

• Get outside. Getting outside is great for reducing stress, increasing vitamin D levels, and helping us connect with nature. A few things you can do as a family outdoors are: • Have a picnic

Once you start thinking of things to do with your family, you’ll find the possibilities are truly endless. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on these activities either. The important thing is that you’re doing them together. The memories you’ll make are ones you can take with you forever, and hopefully, your kids will pass them onto their own families too.

Nekeshia Hammond, Psy.D. is a psychologist, speaker, an author, and the owner of Hammond Psychology & Associates. Dr. Hammond has been featured on WFLA News Channel 8, Tampa Bay Times, Essence, Tampa Bay Parenting, CBS Boston, Ebony and other media outlets sharing her expertise on children and parenting. She is the TV show host of “Parenting Explained with Dr. Hammond” which is set to air on stations throughout the US in early 2018. To learn more about Dr. Hammond, visit: DrNekeshiaHammond.com. Twitter: @Dr_Hammond FB: Dr. Nekeshia Hammond Instagram: @practicalparenting

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HIPPIES, INDIGOS, CRYSTALS, AND BEYOND Are the generations evolving? Who are these young people who are changing paradigms? by Judith E. Lipson, M.A., LPC


’m technically part of the Baby Boomer generation. As teens and young adults, many of us were called hippies. Though I was aware of hippies during my teen years and wore a few hippie-type outfits (although a true hippie would have scoffed), I know I was not a hippie. But I did agree with many of our generation’s mottos, particularly: “Question authority”, and “Make love, not war”. We were very proud of ourselves for seeing the

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world differently, and not bowing to the establishment’s pre-conceived notions. We really believed things would be different and that we were the ones to make that happen. Fast-forward to the subsequent generations. The Center for Generational Kinetics believes that “generations are not cute stories or catchy memes, but groupings of people who help us to see them and the world differently - and more clearly.

They make their mark on society and history.” According to the Center: Baby Boomers were born 1946-1964 Gen X was born 1965 to 1976 Millenials (also called Gen Y) are currently the largest group of employees and consumers and were born from 1977 to 1995 Gen Z was born 1996 to the present. This group is

recognized by the fact that 9/11 has always been a memory to them. Unfortunately, Gen Z seems to have another tragedy in common as well. As I listen to today’s children and teens, one key component of their life is that they all have been affected by the 1999 mass shooting at Columbine High School. These students’ school experiences have not only annual tornado and fire drills, but intruder drills as well.

WHEN CONVENTION MEETS METAPHYSICS Since the Millenials are identified as the largest group born to the previously largest population – the Baby Boomers, it seems apparent to me now that many of those hippies of generations past were likely the early waves of Indigos (see box for additional information). I have been referring to the amazing students who organized the March for Our

Lives as Indigos. I now believe that this name is not sufficient for this amazing group of youth. This new group has the same compassion and empathy as the Crystals (see box), coupled with the fire of the Indigos, and the desire for societal change that was initiated by the hippies. This new group also has stamina, persistence, and of no minimal importance, a superb ability to connect with each other. They are the full package, and they are getting it done! myauthenticlifemagazine.com 35

An example: I spoke with an 8th grader (from Connecticut) in Washington DC the day after the March For Our Lives. We were all in line to visit the Holocaust Museum in DC. We noticed in conversation that she demonstrated maturity far greater than her years (we assumed she was a high school senior or early college student). She was eloquent, articulate, and passionate. She told us: You think my generation just sits on our phones, but we use these phones to connect with each other and to communicate. This is why in only 40 days there were 800+ sister marches across the US and the world, including the continents Canada, Africa, Europe, Australia, and Asia. Those numbers speak to the ability of social media and the power of these kids.

realizes that those with first-hand memories and knowledge of the Holocaust are nearly gone. She has decided that she should experience the knowledge so that the lessons are not forgotten!

A further example is her explanation of why she was in line to enter the Holocaust Museum. Although only 14, she


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This was not the only type of communication that was happening. I felt it at the march, and I’ve talked to others who participated in various marches, or who watched them on TV. We could feel the palpable connections that were being made between each of us, and with the speakers. We were each connecting to each other around a common theme. We were experiencing Oneness – across a crowd, across the airwaves of television, across hundreds of thousands of people, and across vast distances.

The oneness that we experienced at the march is just one example of what these Star Children (see box) can offer us. There is no coincidence that many of these kids’ grandparents are the baby boomers, creating a generational bookend for these amazing children. We thought WE invented the word change. Seems that

THEY are the change we have been waiting for. And with this recognition comes the potential for a new way of looking at this amazing young generation. Many of the current paradigms and systems that we have may actually be inappropriate for them. For instance, I’ve noticed when working with the children who have Crystal characteristics that the trends of parenting and guidance seem different. The parents’ and teachers’ roles have traditionally been to teach the kids in the ways of the world, but things seem different with this new generation. They have a much stronger sense of self. They are not afraid to have a different opinion as if they know its importance in creating change. As I work with families I observe how the children and teens are frequently teaching the parents a new way of being, of understanding, and of relating. Be cognizant that it might be time for teachers and parents to take on new roles. I often tell kids that they (the child) have very important information and new methods of inter-relating. Yet their parents know best the ways of “this” world and “this” society. The kids are here to create and guide us through massive changes, while adults can mentor the youth to navigate the existing currents.

Crystals prefer to communicate telepathically or through music to convey their deep and complex feelings. They are often even more sensitive to chemicals than Indigos. Rainbows, born 2012 and later, have a perfectly balanced male and female energy. They are wise and serene with a greater recognition of the collective consciousness. Like indigos and crystals, they are psychic and can read people’s feelings. Whatever loving thoughts, feelings, and actions are sent to them are magnified and returned a hundred-fold. A new shift may be at hand. If the adults sitting in power positions aren’t going to adequately help our youth to navigate our society towards the changes that they are here to develop (peace, oneness, compassion, etc) then they will go around us. The kids seem to have the stamina to play the long game, though it needn’t take long. The process may feel harder for adults who traditionally practice resistance to change. So please, if you are a baby boomer (or member of any other generation) I encourage you to embrace the change that is upon us with the memory that THESE CHANGES ARE EXACTLY WHAT WE WANTED! Doreen Virtue, a teacher of metaphysics, has identified the following groups:

Indigos, born 1975 to 1995, have a masculine energy, with warrior traits of willfulness and natural leadership. They are often sensitive to chemicals, including their own body chemistry. Because of their anger and angst, they need outlets for their great energy, and often result in an ADHD diagnosis. As a group they hope to rid the planet of corruption and greed, and usher in cooperation and integrity. I describe them this way: I know I’m here for a purpose. I know that the way we treat each other and our Earth is supposed to change. I’m tired of waiting. Let’s get on with it! Crystals, born 1995 to 2015, have a feminine energy – calm, sweet, and quiet. They are often so quiet that they are diagnosed with autism or Aspergers.

The term Star Children can cumulatively describe all these types of children, and can also refer to those who sense a connection to other worlds. Star Children are seen as having the abilities to tackle issues in nontraditional and unconventional ways. Their skills often include: telepathy, pre-cognition, telekinesis, remote viewing, intuition, energy healing, and channeling. Judy Lipson is a licensed, professional counselor and educational strategist in West Bloomfield, MI. She helps clients of all ages who have learning difficulties, work or school related anxiety, ADHD, Asperger’s Syndrome or Autism Spectrum Disorders. Contact Judy at 248.568.8665 and judylipson@spiralwisdom.net, and visit SpiralWisdom.net for more information.

This article is for informational purposes and is not meant to replace medical care. myauthenticlifemagazine.com 37


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Talk to Tamara Tamara, the relationship whisperer, is like a walking instruction manual for all of your love, dating. and relationship questions. Ask her your burning questions and she’ll guide you in the direction that is right for you. by Tamara Green

Hi Tamara, Gratitude, gratitude, gratitude! I hear about it all the time, yet I struggle with it. How can I feel grateful when I’m still single and spending my weekends alone? At age 53, this was not in my life plan! Can you help me understand why gratitude is so important and how I can generate it, especially since I’m not satisfied with how my life is going? Signed, Dissatisfied

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Dearest Dissatisfied, Gratitude is a powerful energy. When in gratitude, your energy is flowing and open to a world of possibilities. When stuck in the feeling dissatisfaction, it’s quite difficult to see the potential in what life has to offer. I experience this all the time with my dating and relationship coaching practice. The clients that tend to focus on what they don’t want, they end up generating more of what they don’t want. However, the clients who do their homework and institute a daily gratitude practice begin to see their world in a whole new and wonderful way. When reaching for a goal or dream, it’s important to become an energy vibrational match to the very thing you desire. For many years, I’ve had a morning

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routine of listing three bullet points of what I’m grateful for. As a result, I live a charmed life, which includes a happy marriage, two amazing children and a career that I love filled with service and passion. For you, dearest reader, a daily practice of gratitude could certainly help you reach your dream of a loving relationship! By following the four progressing levels of gratitude below, you will be filled with the flowing energy of gratitude in just minutes. 4 Levels To Mastering Gratitude In Minutes Level One: It’s difficult to feel positive within the space of pain and suffering. You can begin to shift

by labeling your feelings, for example: • I am suffering • What I’m going through is painful • My situation makes me feel discouraged It’s healing to acknowledge exactly where you are, so take a moment to gently observe your feelings. As emotions rise to the surface, you can easily allow them to release by doing some deep breathing. To assist you in clearing negativity, do the Deep Breathing Technique. Deep Breathing Technique: • Breathe in slowly and deeply through your nose while expanding your lower belly. • Hold your breath for a second or two. • Slowly exhale through your

this, do another round of the Deep Breathing Technique (listed above). Level Four: Focus on what’s good about you. What about YOU are you grateful for? Are you loving, determined, kind, good intentioned or loyal? To assist you in doing this, do another round of the Deep Breathing Technique (listed above). You are now filled with the high vibrating energy of gratitude. Repeat this often for powerful results.

mouth while intentionally relaxing your body. • Repeat steps 1-3 two more times or as many times as needed. Now, let’s begin to shift into the space of gratitude. Level Two: Think of a moment in your life when you felt pure joy: maybe when your dream came true; held your child or grandchild for the first time; or, were acknowledged for your kindness or a success. Allow yourself to indulge in this memory. Feel what it feels like to be there now: alive, real, victorious, loved or even loving.

What you focus on expands, so let all your senses come alive with the goodness of this moment. Smile. Be thankful now, and let this happy memory grow bigger, brighter, more vibrant, and even more colorful. You’re bringing this wonderful feeling back to life. To assist you in doing this, do another round of the Deep Breathing Technique (listed above). Level Three: Think of someone in your life that you feel grateful for, who has shown you love, guidance or encouragement. Think of what this person has done for you, how they stepped up and really made a difference. Allow waves of appreciation to wash over you. To assist you in doing

Copyright 2017, Tamara Green, LCSW. All Rights Reserved

Elle Magazine dubs Tamara Green, LCSW “The Soulcentered Love Expert.” She is an author, speaker and trainer, helping thousands of people to navigate the waters of love, dating and relationships – all while falling madly in love with themselves in the process. Trained as a Love Mentor® by Dr. Diana Kirschner, Individual and Couples Psychotherapist, Meditation Practitioner and Hypnotherapist, Tamara’s coaching is highly effective as she combines her many years of professional training with her gifts as an energy healer, intuitive and seer. As a result, Tamara creates an exciting catalyst for deep emotional healing, giving her clients greater success in life and love. She has devoted her life to helping women rise out of pain and fear so they can finally experience the long lasting and loving relationship of their dreams. As well as working 1-on-1, Tamara offers free weekly meditation audios that take you on a journey of love with ease and joy. Please follow Tamara Green, LCSW at twitter.com/tamaragreen4u Join Tamara’s community at tamaragreen.me; facebook.com/TGreenLoveExpert; and youtube at: youtube.com/channel/ UC9MqTnZEJYNEpKnwrjsZ40A myauthenticlifemagazine.com 43



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’m the kind of person who is consistently mad about everything. My screen door has a hole in it that bugs can fly through. My rabbit ate a hole in the couch. My client asked for a change on a project (which is entirely within their right, but I don’t feel like doing it). These things pile up and by the end of the day, I’m exhausted from being so angry all day. When I was a kid, I would laugh at cartoon characters like Scrooge McDuck and Daffy Duck and Donald Duck (why are duck cartoons always so mad?), never realizing that one day I would be just like them. I’m looking to change that this year. I’m going to list what I plan to do and at the end of the year, I’ll update you on how it went. If you find yourself angry too often, perhaps you might like to try this experiment with me. Even if you’re angry more often than you’d like, this might give you a few tips to get on the path back to happiness.


Identify Anger Correctly Sometimes I think I’m angry, when I’m actually just frustrated, stressed or worried. I think it’s important to categorize each emotion because they are all handled slightly differently. Also, at the end of the day, I’ll have smaller bundles of emotions instead of a giant ball of anger.


Identify the Cause Correctly After a long day of being annoyed by everything, I googled “frustrated all the time.” Surprisingly, the first several results were about anxiety disorder and how it causes frequent frustration. Unsurprisingly, I have anxiety disorder. This is helpful to know. Now when I feel like I want to scream because the checkout line is moving way too slow, I can remind myself that this is my anxiety talking. I’m anxious that it’s taking too long because I feel like I have very important things to do (I don’t, but still…what if I did?!) so I’m able to remind myself that I’m not actually angry.

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Accept Responsibility Yes, I’m a redhead. That doesn’t give me free reign to have a ‘fiery temper’ and laugh it off like it’s a cute quirk. The same goes for your zodiac sign (looking at you, Aries), your health, or anything else in your life. You own your anger just like you own any of your other emotions. It’s like if anger was a dog and you let it run through a grocery store and it tore everything to shreds. Yes, technically the dog did it, but it was your responsibility. Accepting ownership also puts the power in your hands. You can leash that anger dog. This brings me to my next idea:


Give Emotions Their Own Character I haven’t seen “Inside Out,” but I think that’s the inspiration people use for this trick. Basically, they give each emotion a character, and sometimes even a name. That way, when they get angry, they can say “oh that’s just Angry Alan here to visit” or whatever. It may seem a little strange, but I’m going to try it. Maybe I’ll make them like characters from The Office. If I picture Dwight Schrute knocking around in my skull every time I’m mad, it might make things entertaining.


Practice Mindfulness I know I need to meditate more. I get it. I just need to put in the time and effort. I’ve learned a very simple and effective tip for calming anxiety. I simply say, “I’m Right Here.” It’s a great way to snap myself out of the what-ifs and past mistakes I’ve made. It doesn’t seem to work for frustration quite as well, but I’m hoping to find a similar mantra that I can use to center myself when I get upset.

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Find a Healthy Outlet It should go without saying that “getting blackout drunk” is not a healthy anger outlet, but I am frequently surprised at how unhealthy I am about my anger. My coping methods include ignoring it under the hopes that it will go away, taking it out on myself by mentally beating myself down, or having a full-blown panic attack that sends me to the emergency room. Clearly, I need some work. The good news is that its summer, and nature never fails to pick me up. I intend to make the most of that while I can. In the fall and winter, I’ll have to find new healthy outlets, but I’ll deal with that when I get there.


Find a Therapist I’m including this here because I know that for many people, self-help isn’t enough. It may not be enough for me. I will try it on my own and if it doesn’t work, I’m happy to seek outside help. If you think you might need more help with your anger or sadness or whatever you’re going through, go for it! Call your insurance or do a quick online search to see who’s in your area. I

promised myself that I’ll give myself a few months to try to learn some self-improvement measures, but after that, I’m going to make some calls. I know there are many ways to handle or work through anger, and mine might not be the best (or might not even work). These are ones I’m sure I can commit to trying, so I’m starting there. If you have better methods that work for you, by all means, use them! I hope this will be a summer of reduced anger for all of us. Please note: If you are suffering from severe mood disorders, suicidal or homicidal thoughts, please immediately seek help. These tips are for nonserious issues only. If you are in a crisis and need help, please call 1-800-231-1127 or text 741741. Mella is a session singer, songwriter and producer living in Nashville, Tennessee. Also an animal lover, she has three dogs, a rabbit, and any number of foster animals in various shapes and sizes. She is the author of Way Less Cowbell, a book on communicating with session musicians. If you would like more information or to hire her onto your project, please visit www.mellamusic.com

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SAVING FOR THE FUTURE How I Got Our Kids to Start Saving for Retirement in High School by Ellen Rogin, CPA, CFP®


ecently my husband was kidding with our daughter and said, “You’ll just take care of us financially when we’re old.”

I immediately said, “Amy, don’t worry about that. Dad’s, just kidding you.”

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She replied, “Mom if you’ve been helping us save for our retirement as teenagers, I figure you and dad are just fine.” So, how I did I get our kids to start saving for retirement when they were in high school? It’s all about the magic of compounding.

Driving into downtown Chicago one night with our kids, I said to our son, “Now that you have your first paying job this summer you can start a Roth IRA.”

I also explained that if he waited until he was 35 to start saving, to end up with the same amount of money at age 65 he’d have to save almost $13,000 per year for 30 years.

I explained a Roth is where you can contribute up to a certain amount of money (in 2018 the IRS limit is $5,500 or earned income, whichever is lower). This money is invested in an account. You decide how it’s invested, and it grows taxfree forever. I told him that he could take out his contributions if he needs the money, but if he takes the earnings out of the account before he’s 59 ½ he’d have to pay taxes and a penalty.

Now, it wasn’t easy for him to save into this account as he needed and wanted to use some of the money he earned. So to increase his contributions he used some of the money from his savings account (money that he’s received from gifts and that he’d saved from his allowance over the years) to help fund his Roth IRA contribution. Our daughter did the same when she started earning money.

Just about this point, I was losing him. “Why would I want to do that mom?” This is where the magic of compounding comes in. I explained that if he saved $2,000 per year in a Roth IRA for the next 5 years and then stopped contributing, and if he earned 7% on his investments (which of course is just assumed and there’s no promises on that), by the time he was 65 he’d have more than $571,000. If he were able to contribute $5,000, with these same assumptions, he’d end up with more than $1,400,000!

That was it. That simple. Benjy got it and so did his sister Amy. When you start saving and investing when you’re young, time is a powerful investing partner.

Ellen Rogin, CPA and CFP®, is an Abundance Activist® and coauthor of the New York Times best seller: Picture Your Prosperity: Smart Money Moves to Turn Your Vision into Reality. Learn more about Ellen and her programs at. www.ellenrogin.com

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SIMPLY Spiritual

THE DREAM EXPERTS What Does Your Dream Mean? by Kathryn and Patrick Andries

Dear Dream Expert,

Dear Adventuresome,

I am out in the woods at night and have joined a tribe of mostly unfamiliar people. There are large fires scattered throughout but I am not near any of them. My friend, Lucille (creative, fun) is with me. I am trying to convince her to go down a dark, broad trail with me (I can see the fires burning as I look through the trees, and the path ahead is dark and velvety in an appealing way). Lucille does not want to come for some reason.

You are exploring your subconscious mind (forest) and discover unfamiliar parts of yourself here. You see there is some growth and expansion occurring in your mind (the fires represent expansion). This may be some new ideas you have created in your mind. You want to explore areas of unawareness within yourself that you feel can offer you something (a dark path that is appealing), but the part of you that is fun and creative is holding you back for some reason. The question to ask is why this part of yourself (Lucille) is holding you back. You can explore what the hesitation or fear is about, and then work to overcome it.

Sincerely, Adventuresome

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Dear Dream Expert,

Dear Dream Expert,

I am not present in this dream, but an observer. I see a scene of unfamiliar women at a get-together in a house (living room). The living room is elegant and well-lit with natural light. The women are wealthy, beautiful, and dressed extravagantly. One of them has dark brunette hair, dark eyes, and light skin. She has developed an infected molar. It is black and starts to ooze tar. Slowly, other orifices on her face ooze tar as well and she transforms from gorgeous to skeletal and terrifying. Her hair falls out.

I had eaten supper with neighbors and when we got back home, I realized I had started supper and left food cooking in the oven. The oven was still on and the food was thoroughly cooked but not burnt, so I said I would save it for another day. Also, I put a small box of mementos in a larger box in a storage closet. I then found something else I wanted to save, but there were no boxes in the storage closet when I opened it.

Sincerely, Fearful

Sincerely, Out of Sync

Dear Out of Sync,

Dear Fearful, You are observing unfamiliar aspects of yourself. Outwardly the expression is pleasing (beautiful, wealthy). However, when you assimilate this part of yourself (molar- tool for assimilation) you see that underneath it this part of yourself that is overly concerned with outer appearances is not productive inside and has no real important thoughts (hair falling out). You are terrified of the part of yourself that is concerned with outer appearances only. This dream is telling you that focusing only on the outer can lead to deterioration of your true self and your thoughts (the skeleton with no hair.)

The basic idea is that you have knowledge (food) and information or past memories (mementos) that you are not using. For example, you go to eat food at the neighbor’s house (aspects familiar to you, but not well known) when you already dinner made at home. Then you have information that you store away rather than put it out to use. You recognize that what you are storing away inside is filling you up to the point where you no longer have room to store anything else. Storing things away may be the way you hide what you have, or keep it secret. All these memories are of the past, and the most important part of your life is right now. You have knowledge (food) and past understandings that can help you build a better life in the present. I recommend recognizing what you have already rather than storing it away.

Kathryn and Patrick Andries are the dream experts. They are the authors of the recently released book from Ozark Mountain Publishing, Naked in Public: Dream Symbols Revealed, and The Dream Doctor. If you would like a dream interpreted, please send it in the body of an e-mail to: intuitiveschool@sbcglobal.net. Learn more about their books at www.ozarkmt.com. myauthenticlifemagazine.com 53

THE HUG CONNECTION by Kate Sholonski


have always been a hugger,... friends, clients, seatmates on long flights... it doesn’t matter. It’s easy for me. In fact, sometimes I have to stop and remember that not everyone is comfortable being hugged. I realize personal space issues may preclude some from opening their arms to another, and I respect that,

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although I believe everyone is longing for connection, rather than separateness. My love of hugs was stimulated a few years ago when I saw a You-tube video of a young man holding a sign that read “Free Hugs” while strolling a busy city street. At first, he was ignored, but eventually,

the hug fest began and grew quickly. I loved watching the easy connection these apparent strangers made with the hugger when they let down their guard and allowed themselves to be wrapped in his arms. After enjoying and watching it several times, this hug

decorated bucket to accept donations was strategically placed on the sidewalk in front of the volunteer huggers. This fundraiser turned out to be an even more inspiring event than I had anticipated, and not just because we collected a nice sum of money for our cause. What I did not expect was how uplifting it would be to hug so many people. Even those standing by and simply observing hug after hug felt the powerful energy of the experience. There was a feeling of joy in the air as people let down their guard and opened their hearts.

video stimulated an idea for a fundraiser for my Relay for Life team that raises money for the American Cancer Society. There were quite a few tourists in my town over a holiday weekend so sidewalk pedestrians were in high number. We set up on Main Street in front of the bank with a large sign that advertised Hugs for a Cure. A

Some of the huggees were friends, but most were total strangers. As I offered hugs, many of those passing by did not even look my way. Others glanced in my direction and said: “No, thank you”. When someone responded to my offer with “Sure, I’d love a hug”, my heart sang. What I soon realized was that it was the shift from anonymity to connection that touched my heart. Part of the

joy for me was to know that many people are willing to reach out, be touched and to touch another, without knowing each other’s life stories, or having to be pre-approved. It was a great example of unconditional connection. The more I greeted pedestrians, the more I enjoyed the experience. Those stepping up to be hugged were from all age groups. Some were fellow cancer survivors like the woman that is now in remission after Stage 4 ovarian cancer. We held on to each other for an extra long time. One woman shared she was on vacation alone and after being hugged she felt as though she was part of our community. She came back for a second hug a bit later. One woman wept on my shoulder as she told me how much she missed her mother who passed away a few months earlier. Another was an elderly man that dropped a twenty-dollar bill into myauthenticlifemagazine.com 55

the bucket, holding back tears as he shared his daughter’s cancer story. His hug felt especially tender and warm. Several of our huggee donors were wee little ones that would drop a dollar in the bucket and then oh so sweetly wrap their little arms around my neck as I stooped down to their height. One little girl leaped into my arms and hung on. She apparently had no personal space issues. At one point, a group of a dozen Harley motorcyclists were waiting for the traffic light to change so I called them to stop for a hug. One fellow while on his bike put out his arms to mimic a hug, so I ran out to the street and filled the space he offered. Another young man that I prejudged to not be a likely hug candidate due to his multiple piercings, tattoos and hard

edge style of dress accepted my hug offer without hesitation. I immediately regretted my presupposition that he would not be interested. So if you ever see me on the street, in the airport, conference room, theater lobby, grocery store or anywhere else, feel free to open your arms and offer a

hug. I will surely accept since even though it may seem as though we are separate and strangers, we are all actually connected and seeking the same thing, to love and to be loved. Kate Sholonski transitioned from a 28 year nursing career to life coaching and as a personal fulfillment workshop leader in 2001. After many years of coaching people from all walks of life, she and her business partner repeatedly heard requests from their clients to combine joy and fulfillment with leadership principles. It was that concept that led them to create their business, Triumph Leadership Group, where they focus on training teams from all sized businesses to build positive and productive cultures. Kate and her business partner, David Larson have co-authored two books, Wide Awake: Three Minutes a Day to an Inspired Life and Heartfelt Leadership: Creating a Culture of Connection. They believe when relationships don’t work, the business doesn’t work and that workers who share heartfelt connections will help business thrive on every level.

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This is Your Year! Most recently featured on

Lynn has been featured on ABC’s 20/20, The Huffington Post, AOL, Yahoo News, The Oakland Press, The Detroit Jewish News, Eydis Magazine, MY Magazine, Body, Mind, Spirit Radio, the Lisa Bousson Show, and has been featured in the recently published book, “Everyday Oracles,” by Ann Bolinger-McQuade.

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Stillness THE BEAUTY AND GIFT OF by Janette Stuart

58 | MY Magazine


ave you felt stressed out because you believe you are not “doing” meditation enough or correctly? Stressing out about meditation is oxymoronic. Give yourself a break. Today, let’s reframe meditation and consider, instead, the beauty and gift of stillness. By allowing ourselves a few minutes of stillness, we become refreshed, renewed and rejuvenated; it doesn’t need to be an elaborate or costly endeavor. In fact, it can be cost and stress-free and take very little time. For our purposes today, stillness is: •

Slowing down.

Quieting the heart and mind.

Getting centered.


Focused inactivity of mind, body, and soul.



Stillness benefits us greatly, even if we are still for only a moment or two. Don’t feel you need to devote 20-30 minutes at a time in order to perfect stillness. A few moments of stillness will still be beneficial. You don’t have to have the perfect venue, equipment, posture or music in order to experience stillness. Be still where you are, when you can, for as long or as short of a time period as is convenient and pleasurable. myauthenticlifemagazine.com 59

Even the practice of taking three deep cleansing breaths in the midst of your day can calm, rejuvenate and help still your mind, body, and soul. Another benefit of three deep cleansing breaths is that they can be done anytime and anywhere: during your commute, at a meeting or while waiting in line. Be inventive! Another easy way to get some stillness in your day, dear one, is to purposefully take a few minutes for yourself with a favorite beverage. Be present with yourself (and your drink) and allow yourself this gift of stillness.

Another beautiful way to experience stillness is to escape to nature and allow yourself to appreciate the beauty and grandeur that is present. You can even visit nature during your break or lunch time. I love to take a morning meditative walk with my dog each day. We both love the experience and it is an easy way for me to get stillness of mind even when I am moving my body. We discipline children with “time outs” which takes them from an upsetting situation,

gives them some distance and helps instill desirable behavior. Today, give yourself a “time out,” not because you have done anything wrong, but rather because you are worthy of the gift and beauty of stillness. Allow yourself this pleasure. By enjoying this selfcare practice of the gift and beauty of stillness, you benefit not only yourself but also all those with whom you come in contact. I’m including an image from my “Love Notes from The Divine” inspirational card deck. Here is the meditation card. May it inspire and bless your heart today. http://bit.ly/lnftdcarddeck I’d love to hear about some of the ways you incorporate stillness into your life. Reach out to Janette@angel-angles.com. Blessings of love, joy and peace.

I’m Janette Stuart, Founder of Angel Angles which is my labor of love. I have wanted to express my soul’s work in a more visible way and am now devoting more time to Angel Angles since my retirement in 2015. Angel Angles exists to spread more love, joy and peace into the world. I have always loved to write, I write every day. I write longhand in several different journals as well as type electronically. I have always loved handwriting, the sending of cards and notes, the keeping of a journal or diary. My first book, “On a Path of Joy” will be available in September. I am thrilled. My hope is that the book will help the reader develop or enhance their relationship with their Creator. I am a grateful member of and core blogger for The Wellness Universe. The Wellness Universe is an evolutionary community of members who are positively impacting the world in one or more of the 7 areas of wellness. As a lifelong empath, I have experienced people’s feelings deeply. I have a deep compassion for my fellow man and love deeply. I choose to live a joy filled life each day and hope to help others do the same. Joy is my focus word for 2016. I live in the San Francisco Bay Area with my husband of 33 years, Mark, and our rescue boxer dog, Spike. We have a grown son, Max, who is happily serving in the Coast Guard. I am a mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend, neighbor as well as an angelic practitioner. Besides writing, I am a lifelong learner, who reads daily, I also enjoy walking in nature, sky watching, cooking, RVing along the California Coast and visiting with friends and family. Some of my most requested recipes are Asian Chicken Salad and Sticky Toffee Pudding. 60 | MY Magazine


Have Maria speak at your next event. To contact Maria, e-mail maria.mymediagroup@gmail.com myauthenticlifemagazine.com



Mindset by Lisa Marie Platske

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hirteen years ago, I had read countless books on the power of the mind and the value of seeing the world from an upside lens, especially to overall physical, emotional, financial, and relational well-being. Neuroscience teachings changed my beliefs about external circumstances, shifting my mindset from victim to victor. This core belief that everything happens for me – not to me - and in Divine Right Timing means everything in the world is conspiring for my greatest good. While I wanted to speak about what I learned, I discovered that organizations were more interested in strategy than the power of the mind or how physiology affected our choices. And, I’m not sure that when I took the leap of faith and opened the doors to Upside Thinking, Inc. that I fully grasped the impact that upside thinking could have to create a positive and lasting change in behavior. So, I took leadership strategy and spent time examining how it was affected by inner thoughts and snuck it into presentations. Then, the movie “The Secret” came out – and it seemed as if everyone in my circle was talking about the Law of Attraction. What I appreciated about the movie was it took a concept that most successful people were using and brought it into mainstream consciousness. myauthenticlifemagazine.com 63

When I create a powerful affirmation (something I went to school for - and spend thousands of dollars to learn) for a client, much of what I write is manifested by their actions. One of the primary reasons what I write shows up is because the affirmation is helping the client to rewire their neuropathways.

It’s because you’re focused on the energy of the negative. I sincerely believe that EVERYTHING in the Universe is conspiring for my greatest good. And, guess what?!? It is!!!

What shows up in your life comes from your highest vibration.

Every time a door closes, it is for my greatest good.

This personal affirmation created a pattern that interrupted any previous beliefs or thoughts they had about what was possible for them.

Every time a window opens, it is for my greatest good.

In essence, this is what Upside Thinking is - being able to see, be, and live in the Upside in every situation regardless of how ugly it may seem in the moment.

This year at my 10th annual Design Your Destiny Live, there were things that happened that surprised me (and not in a good way) -- and would have had some people bemoaning their fate.

If you are in a pattern of believing that life is hard and you are easily angered by a situation, you’ll attract negativity like bees to honey.

Yet, I look at it all as one ginormous blessing.

This isn’t because you’re a bad person or God doesn’t like you (which was what I once believed).

When I experience moments of tears or heartache, they are just moments. They typically last for 2 – 15 minutes. When I was sharing something that felt awful to one of my friends and moved past it quickly, she shared, “Wow. That was fast.” And, I replied, “Yes, because I am an Upside Thinker - and I get that everything is conspiring for my greatest good even when I don’t understand it.” People in my inner circle call me lucky.

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• Write it out, clearly articulating why it’s important to you. • See (and feel) it coming true in your mind’s eye. (Research shows that when you visualize the journey, not the destination, you are more likely to get what you want.) • Create clear steps to get what you want. • Take action! I’m not lucky. I believe the world is a safe and wonderful place where everything good is coming my way. And, I take action and operate in this truth. After all, the affirmation is only a tool for my clients. You still need the Law of Action to be in place in order for the client I create the affirmation for to get what they want. So, what can you do to get what you want with ease and grace? Take these 5 steps and watch what shows up! •

Whatever shows up for you, be steeped in gratitude every step along the way. I’m grateful for whatever shows up. And, because I live in gratitude, more of what I am grateful for continues to show up. In order to benefit from Upside Thinking, you’ve got to see upside, be upside, and lead upside and always be grateful. I invite you to walk through the 5 steps to get what you want with ease and grace - and change your perspective about what’s possible. The world needs you and your brilliance. See Upside. Be Upside. Lead Upside.

Identify what you want.

Lisa Marie Platske left her action-packed life as a Federal law enforcement officer to become the CEO of international leadership company, Upside Thinking, Inc. An award-winning leadership expert and #1 best-selling international author of 4 books, she takes her law enforcement journey which began on the piers of New York and ended post 9/11 and shares what exceptional leaders do differently and how to be positioned as an expert in order to seize big opportunities. As a certified master coach, Lisa Marie coaches women in business around the globe. With experience working with clients in over 20 different industries, her proven 7-step formula has resulted in her clients being seen, heard, and recognized for their work without having to change who they are. The founder of Design Your Destiny LIVE (www.DesignYourDestinyLive), she lives in Alexandria, Virginia with her loving and supportive husband Jim and their two pet foxes. myauthenticlifemagazine.com 65

Healthy Living


IT’S MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOU THINK It’s so simple that it’s underrated. That’s water. Not the fancy-schmancy pretty bottle stuff... just Plain-Jane water. by Liz Bull

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HOW TO CALCULATE YOUR DAILY WATER REQUIREMENTS Take your body weight and divide it in half. That is the number of ounces your body needs daily. Example: Julie weighs 120 pounds. 60 ounces of water would be just right for her body. NOTE! “More” is not “better” for your body. It will stress your kidneys. Add 8 oz for every 20 minutes of cardio exercise and for every 30 minutes of weight training. Match water to wine consumption. If you drink 6 oz of wine, drink an extra 6 oz of water.

It’s not glamorous, so we overlook its importance. The truth is that water is essential to your life...to your health ... to your wellbeing. Why? Our cells are mostly water! It’s the stuff that makes up the fluid which flows through our bodies...cooling, lubricating, transporting fuel to all the systems. Water, water everywhere...in our bodies, that is. Water is a part of every bodily function: muscle contraction, thinking, waste removal. When the body is short on water, all the systems suffer...and not in silence! How do you know when your body is short on water? The most obvious sign is thirst. Unfortunately, many of us have learned to ignore thirst. Bad idea! Ignoring this signal can lead to dehydration. What happens when you are mildly dehydrated? Here are some signs: •


fuzzy thinking

low-level joint and muscle aches

reduced urine output

crankiness or irritability

false hunger

If you do not pay attention to these signs and correct the situation, your body will do more to get your attention! You may experience: •

severe headache (think Migraine!)

lack of energy


dull skin (if constantly dehydrated)

heightened cravings

If you are still not paying attention, things become life-threatening! Avoiding dehydration is... a good thing! But wait! There’s more! There are many wellness benefits to getting plenty of water. Did you know that water can support weight-loss? Yes! Many people confuse thirst with hunger. Maybe this is you. The next time you think you are hungry, grab a glass of water 70 | MY Magazine

restaurant. You’ll be more likely to make better choices and avoid over-ordering. 4. Sneaky water. You can eat your water! Consider adding fresh fruit or a salad to your meals. Why? Because these yummy selections also contain lots of water. And they are healthy food choices to boot! Sneaky, huh? 5. Ditch “Boring!” Clear, pure (Plain-Jane) water is actually the best choice for keeping hydrated. How to avoid “boring?” EASY! You can jazz up water with herbs (mint is my favorite), cucumber slices, a few fruit slices or freshly squeezed lemon juice. Spa water or herbal tea are good choices as well. Note: Avoid drinks that contain caffeine, alcohol, sugar, and colorings. Getting enough water is easier than you think. Do it one sip at a time. and wait a few minutes. If the hunger persists, you can eat later. And...Who wouldn’t want to avoid headaches, lack of energy and cravings? Or fuzzy thinking? Or achy joints? Or cranky?! Still, that notion of having to down 8 glasses* of water each day can be daunting. Here are some tips to get started making water an effortless routine in your day. 1. Relax.Take baby steps. Like the old joke about how to eat an elephant (one bite at a time), drinking enough water is done one sip at a time. Start with a baby cup. (Hint) Now would be a good time.

2. Take a break...a water break. Taking regular breaks is a healthy thing to do... especially if you are sitting behind a desk all day. Take a water break. Walk around and stretch while you are at it. To help make this a habit, use one of those great reminder apps and timers. 3. Take the edge off. Before heading to the snack machine, drink a glass or two of water. That’ll take the edge off your hunger. You may not need a snack at all. And... have some water before reading the menu at a

With her innovative signature program she works with her clients to release their limiting beliefs, doubts, and fears, and helps them tap into their natural abilities and their bodies’ wisdom, making weight loss easy and safe. A Medical Intuitive, Master Theta Healer and Certified Virtual Gastric Band Practitioner , Liz has long been fascinated by the important role mind, body, and beliefs play in our lives. Her other studies and certifications include EFT, Psych-K, Matrix Energetics, Access Consciousness, QiGong, NLP and Transcendental Meditation. She has transferred her successful healing/mind-set work with businesswomen to the arena of weight loss because she has experienced firsthand the havoc and misery that obesity creates not only for the sufferer but for their families. www.lizbull.com

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e assume that we hear sound only with our ears. The truth is, your entire being responds to sound. Including your cells. And they don’t even have ears. Your response to sound either supports health or it doesn’t. Research conducted by Dr. John Beaulieu and Dr. George Stefano demonstrated how cells in a petri dish responded to the sound of tuning forks. 72 | MY Magazine

They were exploring the use of tuning forks to find out if the sound of the forks stimulated the cells in the petri dish and the cells in the human subjects to release nitric oxide. The nitric oxide cycle is the healthiest natural cycle your cells have. And it’s essential to your health and wellbeing. Well, the sound did! In less than 30 seconds both the cells in the petri dish and the cells in the

human subjects produced nitric oxide. Cells don’t have ears. Yet they responded to the sound of the tuning fork in the same way as the human subjects who could hear the sound. Sound Goes Through You Sound is defined as ‘vibrational energy.’ It is an energy that can change how matter itself vibrates.


Your nervous system also responds to sound with a neural cocktail of hormones that floods your entire body. Now, this can be a good thing or a bad thing. Have you ever stood on a busy city street and noticed the sound of a loud bus or truck going through you? Or felt the booming bass from a nearby car rattle through your bones? Well, the neural cocktail of hormones released by your nervous as a response to these sounds floods your body with stress hormones. The European Union has been studying the health problems created by traffic noise. They’ve found that 15 million people can’t sleep. Over 200,000 people develop heart conditions. And of those 50,000 people die. Every year. And 125 million people develop health problems because of the stress created by the traffic noise.

How does it do that? In order for sound to move, it has to push against atoms and molecules. If the sound energy is continuous, it creates wave after wave of movement in the atoms and molecules. Your ears register sound energy if it creates a wave through the molecules in the air that reaches your eardrums and if the energy is within the range of human hearing.

But those same waves of sound that your eardrums register are also moving every atom of your being as the sound goes through you. As sound travels through you, it sets your atoms and molecules into a state of vibration. When the vibrations stops, your entire being has an opportunity to reset to healthy, natural patterns. Depending on the nature of the sound.

Your body’s response to noise is to release hormones that, over time, create serious, ongoing health problems. We live in a world of unprecedented speed and noise. And this speed and noise affects you even if you are ignoring it or unaware of it. Ok. So that’s bad news. What’s the good news? Whenever you sing with others, play music with others or listen to your favorite tunes, your nervous system responds with a myauthenticlifemagazine.com 73

All of these examples of how your body listens are like the tip of the iceberg for what is being discovered.


Becoming aware of how your entire being responds to sound is a process I call “Listen From the Inside Out.” Your body listens with a change in heartbeat, breathing or brainwave state. Your body also listens by being relaxed or tense. Or the sound or music will create a sensation in a part of your body, like a knot in your stomach, a tingling, a feeling of movement or a headache.

flood of hormones that boosts your immune system, creates happiness and joy, bonds you together with others in community and more. And that’s good news. Your body is fed by food. Your nervous system is fed by sound. Just like the food we eat, we know that there is junk food, good food, and super food. It’s the same thing with your nervous system. There is junk sound, like traffic noise. There is good sound, like wind, water, and birdsong. And there is super sound, which is what we teach in all of our Sound Wellness programs. 74 | MY Magazine

And then, there’s your heart – the rhythm keeper of your body. Rhythm changes your heartbeat, breathing, and brainwaves. This is called entrainment. Your heartbeat will match the beat of the music around you within minutes. And you can’t turn off this response. It happens whether or not you are even paying any attention to the music. When the music changes your heartbeat, this also affects your breathing and brainwave rhythms. These three systems are intimately connected. When you change one of them, you change all three.

This month, I encourage you to become more aware of how your body listens to the sounds around you. Your body is constantly telling you what sounds feed your health and wellbeing and what sounds don’t. When you listen to what feeds your nervous system, you support your wellbeing in profound ways. Sharon Carne is an author, speaker, musician, recording artist, sound healer, Reiki master and consultant. Sharon is the founder of Sound Wellness and the Sound Wellness Institute. Through the Sound Wellness Institute, holistic health practitioners receive the highest level of competency training in using sound and music to support their practice. Sound Wellness programs are at the forefront of education in how sound and music can be easily applied to your everyday life - to reduce stress, help you concentrate, energize you, inspire you and support your health. www.soundwellness.com

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