North Kildare Chamber
Our Vision for Success Strategic Plan 2012-2015
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Our Vision: To make County Kildare the location of choice for existing and potential business enterprises.
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Message from the President
Who We Are
About Kildare
What we heard from the Business Community
In 2015 we will be able to say...
Theme 1 – Marketing, tourism and promotion
Theme 2 – Business and IT
Theme 3 – Lifestyle and culture
Theme 4 – Optimising existing and emerging distinctive capabilities
Theme 5 – Services to business
Theme 6 – Education and research
Theme 7 – North Kildare Chamber focused action plan
Recommended organisation structure
Reviewing the plan
Funding the chamber
Appendix: Table of actions for the chamber
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Message from the President It gives me great pleasure to introduce this strategic plan. Because the plan was developed through engagement with the wider Kildare business community, we feel that it represents the true voice of Kildare business. It is not just a strategic plan for North Kildare Chamber, but our collective vision for the future. I look forward with enthusiasm to playing my role in implementing the plan during my presidency. This plan builds on the decision of the Naas Chamber to evolve into the North Kildare Chamber in order to position itself as a more inclusive organisation representing the business community in Kildare, and not just those located in Naas. Our 2012 to 2015 plan is visionary, practical and focuses on a small number of clear and measureable projects. It also provides for the creation of a county-wide, umbrella organisation so that some of the more substantial projects may be realised. Working with this umbrella group of business organisations and local authorities, the North Kildare Chamber looks forward to seizing the opportunities identified in this strategic plan.
approach being adopted at present, which leads to the wasteful duplication of resources. To address this, we are championing the development of a comprehensive Kildare web-portal to become a single resource for all businesses, communities and individuals who are interested in leveraging the outstanding resources that we already have in Kildare. This project has already commenced in conjunction with Kildare County Council and Kildare Leader Partnership. At a challenging time for our country, we need the business community to take a leadership role in our society. The passion and commitment of those who participated in this project and of others, has contributed to the growth, development and sense of identity in the county. The strategic plan builds on these strengths and identifies opportunities to create a better future for everybody who chooses to live and work in Kildare.
“ At a challenging time for our Country, we need the business community to take a leadership role in our society.�
During the planning process it was acknowledged by all participants that outstanding work is already being done through a network of voluntary and local authority teams. However, their impact is being somewhat diluted as a consequence of the fragmented
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The success of the plan is in our hands: yours and mine. Chamber members, as well as others in the county, will all have their part to play. Their work will be supported by the small, dedicated full-time team in the chamber office. And I can assure you that I will work tirelessly with the board and the sub-committees in providing the correct framework to assist the team in achieving the goals and objectives contained in the plan.
We are all deservedly proud of our county and the positive impact it has on Irish and overseas communities. It delivers tremendous satisfaction to all of us whether we are working in the North Kildare area, living in it, or both. We all have a responsibility to continue to build on the contributions and energies of the proud Kildare people who went before us. This plan will provide us with a framework with which to deliver continued success for Kildare and for generations to come. Thank you, in anticipation, for your help in the successful execution of the strategic plan. It is worth reiterating that this plan is not built exclusively for the North Kildare Chamber, rather it is a plan to ensure that Kildare becomes the best place in which to live, work and do business.
Eilis Quinlan, North Kildare Chamber of Commerce, President 2012
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Board Members:
Eilis Quinlan
Len Regan
North Kildare Chamber President Quinlan & Co Accountants
North Kildare Chamber Vice-President Kildare TV
Allan Shine
Director of Membership Services
Sean Murray
North Kildare Chamber Secretary Naas Credit Union
Mark Graham
North Kildare Chamber Treasurer Graham and Co Accountants
Committee Members: Edel McCabe
Naas Racecourse
Anthony O’Dea Green IT
Deirdre Roche Bank of Ireland
Noel Dempsey
Dooley Insurances
Corena O’Brien Gardner HRM
Gerry O’Hagan Bord na Móna
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Who we are North Kildare Chamber is a representative organisation for business, supporting diverse enterprises across the county. At present we have in excess of 200 members, including retailers, accountants, racecourses, printers, craft enterprises and financial institutions, from micro-SMEs to large multinationals. Over the duration of this strategic plan, it is our ambition to double our membership to over 400. This expansion will contribute towards the funding of the additional staff we plan to recruit. These will include an IT and marketing executive, who will work alongside our Director of Membership Services, and additional support staff to work with our voluntary committees in providing outstanding value to our members. In turn, this will allow our members to grow their own businesses and increase the number of people they employ. What does the plan mean for the chamber? The first six themes in the plan focus on realising the vision for the project – To Make Kildare the Location of Choice for Business and Potential Business Enterprises. Theme seven pertains to supporting the growth of the North Kildare Chamber over the next three years. This will be vital if we are to fulfil our ambitions to deliver on the plan.
wider team comprising businesses, leisure providers and local government representatives who will work together cohesively to deliver the vision outlined in the strategic plan. We have already begun to build this umbrella body, which, we believe, will assist in the achievement of the goals outlined in the first six themes in the plan. The seventh theme – dedicated to building on our already successful chamber – is broken into five key work streams: • Networking • Education • Lobbying • Membership • Finance The delivery of each work stream will be supported by a volunteer committee, which will work on achieving the objectives outlined in each area. We look forward with confidence to a stronger chamber, playing its part in creating a stronger business community and a stronger Kildare in the years ahead.
The objective agreed for the chamber over the lifetime of the plan is two-fold: to continue to grow the chamber membership while providing an outstanding service thereto; and “to put on the county jersey”. In order to achieve the latter, the chamber will join a
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“ Kildare offers a wealth of attractions for visitors, supported by a network of hotels and resorts un-paralleled in the country.�
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About Kildare Kildare is a county that has seen rapid growth and change over the last ten years during which time the population has nearly doubled. The latest census figures, from June 2011, put the population at 209,622. During that tenyear period there has been significant investment in infrastructure – the motorway network now connects the county to the South and West, making Kildare a viable distribution hub. There has also been an expansion, fuelled by population growth, in the housing stock over that period. The increase in population has ensured manpower for Kildare-based employers, but has also created so-called dormitory towns as many of the new residents commute to work in Dublin and elsewhere. Kildare is fortunate to have attracted some of the best employers in the world to sit alongside world-class, indigenous employers. Between them, they provide rewarding and enjoyable working environments. Our employer base is diverse; we have a vibrant, world-class equine industry; first-rate employers such as Pfizer, Bord na Móna and Newbridge Silverware; our electronics industry deserves special mention – the location of the European manufacturing headquarters of both Intel and Hewlett Packard in Kildare has earned Kildare the nickname ‘the Silicon Valley of Europe’. Let’s look at the retail sector in County Kildare. Large supermarket distribution centres are located in Naas Newbridge and Kilcock; some of Europe’s most glamorous boutiques are in Naas; the county has high-quality shopping malls in its main towns – Maynooth has Manor Mills, Kildare town has Kildare Village Outlet Shopping and Newbridge has Whitewater.
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The Irish Defence Forces’ largest military base, its command headquarters, and its training centre are located at the Curragh. Major pizza-making, soft drinks and frozen food enterprises are located in Naas. Kildare is the centre of the Irish horse industry. It has more stud farms than any other county in Ireland and three important racecourses: Naas, Punchestown (near Naas) and Ireland’s leading course for flat racing, the Curragh. Kildare is also home to the state-owned Irish National Stud farm, an international equestrian centre in Kill and Goffs, the leading equine auction centre. Most of Ireland’s prominent show-jumping competitors live in, or come from, County Kildare, particularly the areas of Kilcock and Sallins. Several prominent international breeders have substantial stud farms in Kildare, including many from the Arab world. Kildare offers a wealth of attractions for visitors, supported by a network of hotels and resorts and self-catering accommodation. Sport is a passion for Kildare people and they have the facilities to play and enjoy many sports: excellent golf courses, some world-renowned, are dotted all over the county; great racecourses as befits the ‘Thoroughbred County’; vibrant rugby and soccer clubs; and the GAA club network within every village in the county. Each summer, this passion galvanises the entire county around the ‘Lillywhites’, Kildare’s senior Gaelic football team. We are very proud of our county, what it offers and what it stands for. This plan endeavours to build a better future for all the communities and residents in Kildare.
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Vision o make County Kildare the location of choice T for existing and potential business enterprises Mission:
Our mission is to work with businesses, community groups, central and local government to provide information, support and the framework that will enable businesses and their employees reach their potential in Kildare.
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Inclusive Energetic
Voluntary Ethos
Our Values
Practical and Focused
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Respect and Integrity
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Methodology North Kildare Chamber is the largest not-for-profit business organisation in Kildare. One of the fastest growing chambers outside Dublin in 2012, it currently represents over 200 businesses. To help the organisation prepare for continued growth, the chamber identified the need for a strategic plan that would provide a clear, concise roadmap for the next three years. Such a plan had to be developed with the input of chamber members in such a way that core member services were maintained during the consultation process. A simple plan The plan needed to provide a clear set of guidelines and actions for the sub-committees and directors of the chamber. The plan was to be developed using the following guiding principles: • The consultation process should make use of the existing structure of the chamber, while extending the reach to other business and community representatives • It should be volunteer-led • It should be deeply consultative in nature • It should be comprehensive, addressing all areas of business life in Kildare • The output should be easy to comprehend and the actions should be deliverable within an acceptable timescale, the output should be measureable How it all started In October 2011, the Chamber acknowledged that there was a need for a strategic plan. In November 2011, a steering committee was established to oversee the planning process. The chamber invited the following individuals to form the steering group for the formulation of the three-year plan: Allan Shine, Chamber Member Services Executive; Eilis Quinlan, Principal at Quinlan & Co; Len Regan, CEO Kildare TV; Sean Murray, General Manager of Naas Credit Union; Dave Cagney, Pfizer site leader, Newbridge; Gerry O’Hagan,
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Director Marketing & Communications, Bord na Mona; Maureen Bergin, Retail Director Kildare Village The team appointed Pinta, specialists in the area of strategic planning. In defining the scope of the strategic plan, the steering group chose to focus on creating a framework to allow Kildare to become the location of choice for existing and potential businesses. The planning process began with a series of workshops with chamber members and other business organisations throughout the county. These workshops threw up many ideas and aspirations for Kildare. It seemed there was a real desire to create a strategic plan that would be truly representative of all businesses in the county. The need to eradicate the duplication of effort on certain projects in the county was also strongly named. The core areas upon which the plan would be built were identified as follows:
1. Marketing, Tourism and Promotion 2. Business & IT 3. Lifestyle and Culture 4. Optimising Distinctive Capabilities 5. Services to Business 6. Education and Research
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The initial workshop was attended by 74 people from 65 different businesses, 77% of those volunteered to participate in the work groups to further develop the plan. Six work group committees were established to further refine and distil the themes from the workshop, each of which had a leader appointed whose role it would be to manage and facilitate the workgroup committee sessions.
• Marketing, Tourism Weldon Mather, and Promotion WM Consultancy • Business & IT
Len Regan, Kildare TV
• Lifestyle and Culture Lucina Russell, Kildare County Council
• Optimizing Distinctive Capabilities
Eilis Quinlan, Quinlan & Co. Accountants
• Services to Business
Allan Shine, Chamber Member Services Executive
• Education and Research
Dave Cagney, Pfizer
Each committee worked together over a four-week period and completed, in a number of meetings, the component of the plan with which it was tasked. Pinta consolidated the inputs from the six work groups and developed a draft summary for review. This draft was presented to the steering group, who reviewed each of the component parts and completed a capacity analysis to ensure each objective could be completed within the time period as outlined by the work group. It was agreed by the steering committee that the team needed to develop a focused plan to support the growth of the chamber specifically – theme seven of this strategic plan deals with this area. This document is a plan built by the people of Kildare for the people of Kildare, to assist us in delivering on our mission and vision, while staying true to our values.
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What we heard from the Kildare Business Community There needs to be a central repository or a virtual location that has all support mechanisms in place for businesses in Kildare i.e one county website.
Kildare needs one comprehensive events guide including all events, attractions and promotions that are taking place across the county.
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Think Horse – Think Kildare
Develop a brochure for perspective employees or businesses moving to Kildare outlining the unique, distinctive capabilities.
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Create a job and education expo for Kildare students and businesses to learn about all intern, study and employment opportunities.
A greater link or relationship should be in place with NUI Maynooth and other educational facilities in the county and the Kildare business community.
Kildare Should be the Silicon Valley of Ireland and all surrounding businesses will prosper.
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Kildare needs to have a Kildare ambassador programme in place promoting and attracting businesses to Kildare.
Establish a Kildare brand that is promoting the county and attracting visitors and businesses from Ireland and overseas.
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15 1. Marketing, Tourism and Promotion Kildare has done an outstanding job in promoting itself as a location in which to live and work by communicating with excellence key messages to all stakeholders highlighting its unique attributes to customers and businesses using one comprehensive online portal and new media platforms.
2. Business and IT Kildare has been tremendously successful in supporting businesses and communities by utilising its existing business success stories as a resource and by creating an outstanding IT infrastructure through innovation which is a key selling point for the county.
2015 In
we will be able to say:
3. Lifestyle and Culture Kildare has become recognised as an outstanding place to live or visit as a consequence of a cohesive programme highlighting events, activities and attractions for individuals, families and businesses.
4. Optimising Existing and Emerging Distinctive C apabilities Kildare has maximised the impact of its distinctive capabilities by a. Being acknowledged as a worldwide centre of excellence for the equine industry b. Being acknowledged as the best location for establishing a distribution hub in Ireland c. Being recognised as a location that promotes its unique tourist amenities with excellence d. Being recognised as a location that promotes a multi-lingual resource pool for businesses
5. Services to Business Kildare has developed a communication and resource framework that enables all businesses in Kildare to work together to allow them reach their potential.
6. Education and Research Kildare has done an outstanding job in partnering with educational institutions ensuring that the students and graduates are meeting the needs of the community within Kildare and that businesses are utilising the resources from the educational sector to provide employment and enriched communities throughout the county.
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Theme 1
Marketing and Promotion 2015 Outcome Kildare has done an outstanding job in promoting itself as a location in which to live and work by communicating with excellence key messages to all stakeholders. The key messages, highlighting its unique attributes to customers and businesses, were transmitted using one comprehensive, online portal in conjunction with new media platforms. In order to achieve this, the following key projects have been identified: 1. Develop a single marketing, information and promotion resource hub for residents, visitors, and new and potential businesses. This project will be completed in co-operation with Kildare County Council and the Kildare Leader Programme 2. Create a directory of high-net-worth individuals and philanthropic funds as a resource for business enterprises or educational programmes in the county seeking financial support
Key Projects/Outcomes
Outcome Sought
1. Create a plan for developing a single marketing, information and promotion resource portal
A single, virtual location where businesses and individuals can gain access to information regarding support and assistance in respect of Kildare
2. D evelop and put in place a directory of highnet-worth individuals or philanthropic funds that could support business, enterprise or educational programmes in the county
Create new programmes to support and promote business enterprise and educational initiatives
3. P artner with other counties/communities in Ireland and overseas to identify best practice with regard to creating great environments for people to live and work in
Kildare is attracting business from outside the county/country by mimicking the success of other locations in Ireland and abroad
4. D evelop a rewards programme for residents and visitors to promote businesses in Kildare
Kildare businesses and individuals have national exposure via the rewards scheme and are benefiting from such partnership
5. D evelop a process to maximise the reach and profile of the strategic plan and to provide updates to each shareholder group on a quarterly basis
Kildare‘s strategic plan has the maximum exposure both within the county and nationally
6. D evelop a social media strategy for businesses and enterprises located in Kildare to promote their offering to residents and visitors alike
Kildare has a social media strategy in place assisting businesses and individuals to network successfully
3. Partner with other counties/communities in Ireland and overseas to identify best practice with regard to creating great environments for people to live and work in 4. Evaluate the opportunity of developing a rewards programme for residents and visitors to encourage loyalty to Kildare businesses 5. Develop a process to maximise the reach and profile of the strategic plan and to provide updates to each shareholder group on a quarterly basis 6. Develop a social media strategy for businesses and enterprises located in Kildare to promote their offering to residents and visitors alike
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• Development of a project plan with timelines in co-operation with Kildare County Council
• Create a mobile portal for smartphones
• Annual customer satisfaction survey in place
Project Team and Kildare County Council
• Develop framework for the directory linking to Tourism Ireland’s “The Gathering 2013” project
• Identify a dedicated resource to support the project
• Draft directory in place
Marketing, Tourism and Promotion Committee
• Identify best practice within Ireland
• Identify best practice overseas
• Review and evaluate success of promotion initiatives
Marketing, Tourism and Promotion Committee
• Develop a project plan and resource model to support the development and implementation of a rewards programme
• Pilot rewards programme within two locations within the county
• Evaluate programme Roll out to all locations in the county
Marketing, Tourism and Promotion Committee
• Work with the media group in developing a roll-out strategy for the strategic plan. Populate a steering group to review the plan on a quarterly basis
• 4 quarterly updates
• Commence work on the development of the next phase of the strategic planning process
Strategic Plan Steering Committee
• Develop a project plan and resource model to support the development and implementation of a social media strategy
• Pilot social media strategy with 3 sectors
• Extend social media strategy to all sectors
Marketing, Tourism and Promotion Committee
• Single online portal in place
• Annual Forum of Stakeholders to review the plan
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Theme 2
Business and IT 2015 Outcome Kildare has been tremendously successful in supporting businesses and communities by utilising its existing business success stories and by creating an outstanding IT infrastructure through innovation, a key selling point for the county. In order to achieve this, the following key projects have been identified: 1. Create a directory and map of broadband providers including a table of desirable performance levels within the county so that an optimum service is provided county- wide. Communicate with broadband providers to identify barriers to establishing high speed connectivity in the county and work to remove these barriers and improve speeds and access 2.
Create a mentoring network that will assist businesses in leveraging the expertise that already exists within successful enterprises and government resources in the county. This will be done in co-operation with the Kildare Volunteer Bureau, Kildare Enterprise Board and Kildare Leader Partnership
3. Replicate the Naas wi-fi project across as many locations as possible within the county to ensure that Kildare derives a competitive advantage from assuming a leadership position with respect to free, public wi-fi for urban areas and integrate marketing and tourism campaigns through this network 4. Incorporate a Kildare Business Directory into the portal project as outlined in the Marketing, Tourism and Promotion theme 5. Develop a resource and networking calendar to promote collaboration and the sharing of best practices between enterprises in the county 6. Work with existing volunteer groups to solicit their support in delivering key project 2, outlined earlier in this section 7. Establish an Irish Silicon Valley project plan which will use the ‘Blue Chip’ companies already in Kildare to attract established and start-up enterprises to Kildare. 8. Create a brand identity that can be used by individuals and businesses to promote their products and services to residents and visitors. 9. Assist Government agencies in attracting business to Kildare by developing tools derived from the business community such as successful case studies and compelling reasons to locate to Kildare
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Key Projects/Outcomes
Outcome Sought
1. Create a directory and map of broadband providers including a table of desirable performance levels within the county so that an optimum service is provided county-wide
Business in Kildare are aware of what broadband providers are available to them in their area and can get optimal services in more locations.
2. C reate a mentoring network that will assist businesses in leveraging the expertise that already exists within successful enterprises and government resources in the county. This will be done in co-operation with the Kildare Volunteer Bureau, Kildare Enterprise Board and Kildare Leader Partnership
Businesses are leveraging the expertise that already exists within successful enterprises and government resources in the county.
3. Replicate the Naas wi-fi project across as many locations as possible within the county to ensure that Kildare derives a competitive advantage from assuming a leadership position with respect to free, public wi-fi for urban areas
Kildare is recognised as a leader in the area of provision of free Public Town Wi-Fi.
4. Incorporate a Kildare Business Directory into the portal project as outlined in the Marketing, Tourism and Promotion theme
There is one source where all Kildare Businesses are listed with contact details including web link.
5. Develop a resource and networking calendar to promote collaboration and the sharing of best practices between enterprises in the county
Businesses in Kildare have access to the best practice through a series of forums and education resources.
6. Work with existing volunteer groups to solicit their support in delivering key project 2, outlined earlier in this section
Kildare businesses have a mentoring network to contact for all business needs.
7. Establish an Irish Silicon Valley project plan which will use the ‘Blue Chip’ companies already in Kildare to attract established and start-up enterprises to Kildare.
Kildare establishes itself as the preferred location for ICT businesses and as a great location to situate an existing or start-up business within this sector.
8. C reate a brand identity that can be used by individuals and businesses to promote their products and services to residents and visitors.
Kildare has established a clear identity and market offering embracing brand ambassadors in each key sector.
9. A ssist Government agencies in attracting business to Kildare by developing tools derived from the business community such as successful case studies and compelling reasons to locate to Kildare
Government Agencies have in place compelling examples and case studies showcasing Kildare to potential businesses in Ireland and Overseas.
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• Contact all broadband providers and develop a directory of the offering, performance and penetration levels of each provider
• Update the directory and map
• Update the directory and map
Business and IT Committee
• Pilot the mentor programme in the hospitality and IT sectors
• Evaluate pilot and roll out the programme to retail, start-ups, and manufacturing businesses
• Roll out to all business
Marketing, Tourism and Promotion Committee in conjunction with Kildare Volunteer Bureau
• Evaluation of Naas wi-fi project. Develop costings and proposed funding model to roll out to other selected pilot locations
• Roll out to two additional towns within Kildare and map the return on the investment
• Roll out to remaining locations where possible
Business and IT Committee
• Develop project plan with the Marketing, Tourism and Promotions Committee to complete the business directory in conjunction with Kildare County Enterprise Board and Kildare County Council.
• Promote Business Directory concept to businesses and enterprises
• Evaluate the return on listings from businesses
Business and IT Committee, Kildare Enterprise Board, Kildare County Council
• Develop a calendar of networking events.
• Publish best practise case studies from enterprises within the county
• Review networking calendar based on feedback from participants
Business and IT Committee
• Partner with the “Silver Surfers”, Age Action group and others to feed into mentoring network
• Evaluate requirements and assess expertise within voluntary groups to increase mentor network
• Review Mentor programme
Business and IT Committee, Kildare Volunteer Bureau
• Develop project plan and solicit support from the ICT sector and government agencies defining success criteria timelines and a resource plan
• Execute Phase I of Silicon Valley project plan
• Evaluate plan and adjust as appropriate
Business and IT Committee
• Appoint Brand Ambassadors
• Host Kildare Economic Forum utilising new brand collateral
Business and IT Committee, Kildare Fáilte
• Case studies in place for each employment sector in the county
• Evaluate with government agencies the impact and relevance of case studies in attracting new business
Business and IT Committee
• Publish Directory
• Develop a proposal for recognition of best practice within enterprises in Kildare
• Publish project plan and strategy for Irish Silicon Valley project • Develop a project plan and solicit support from Kildare Fáilte • Launch the New Kildare brand identity • Develop the methodology to identify the case studies and compelling reasons to locate in Kildare
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Theme 3
Lifestyle and Culture 2015 Outcome Kildare has become recognised as an outstanding place to live or visit as a consequence of a cohesive programme highlighting events, activities and attractions for individuals, families and businesses In order to achieve this, the following key projects have been identified: 1. Develop one comprehensive events calendar for Kildare outlining events, attractions and promotions within the county, updated on a monthly basis in co-operation with Kildare Fáilte 2. Develop a programme to create outstanding guides for all major towns and tourist attractions within Kildare in association with Kildare Fáilte 3. Evaluate the potential for a “Kildare for a day” tour service, leveraging the attractions in Kildare with cross-marketing opportunities for Kildare businesses 4. Further augment the existing Heritage Week and Culture Night initiatives in Kildare with the support of Kildare Fáilte 5. Evaluate the potential for development of a culinary trail in Kildare based on successful initiatives in other locations 6. Liaise with NUI Maynooth to promote greater linkages and use of their facilities with the business community 7. Work proactively with Groupon and other discount providers in developing a targeted initiative to support businesses within the county 8. Partner with the Turf Club/Horse Racing Ireland and other racecourses to develop community-based initiatives to maximise the impact of the events within Kildare
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Key Projects/Outcomes
Outcome Sought
1. D evelop one comprehensive events calendar for Kildare outlining events, attractions and promotions within the county, updated on a monthly basis
There is one source for ‘what’s on’ in Kildare (digital and hard copy).
2. Develop a programme to create outstanding guides for all major towns and tourist attractions within Kildare
Each town in Kildare has a free map available in all businesses to showcase their town to visitors
3. Evaluate the potential for a “Kildare for a day” tour service, leveraging the attractions with cross-marketing opportunities for Kildare businesses
Kildare offers an outstanding day out via the “Kildare for a day” programme
4. Further augment the existing Heritage Week and Culture Night initiatives in Kildare with the support of Kildare Fáilte
These initiatives highlight the county’s arts, crafts, cultural and heritage amenities
5. Evaluate the potential for development of a culinary trail in Kildare based on successful initiatives in other locations
There is a county-wide culinary trail that is attracting visitors from all over Ireland
6. Liaise with NUI Maynooth, Tallaght IT and Carlow IT to promote greater linkages and use of their facilities with the business community
Maximise synergies between NUI Maynooth, Tallaght IT and Kildare businesses.
7. Work proactively with Groupon and other discount providers in developing a targeted initiative to support businesses within the county
Maximise the return derived from discount programmes to businesses residents and visitors to the county
8. Partner with the Turf Club/ HRI and other racecourses to develop community-based initiatives to maximise the impact of the events within Kildare
Business communities in Kildare are benefitting from events held at the racecourses in the county
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• Partner with Kildare Fáilte in developing this guide
• Evaluate the success and awareness of the guide
Evaluate satisfaction levels of the guide in terms of reach and quality of information
Lifestyle and Culture Committee, Kildare Fáilte
• Develop a marketing strategy to promote the guide to all communities within the county
• Evaluate the requirement for a print version
• Launch online guide
• Develop a guide for family activities as part of the offering
• Evaluate offerings within other locations in Ireland and overseas to identify best practice
• Launch new guides for all major towns in Kildare
Evaluate the concept of developing an app to support the guide being accessible via smartphone
Lifestyle and Culture Committee, Kildare Fáilte
• If evaluation is positive, pilot the programme
Review the programme if in place
Lifestyle and Culture Committee
• Revise existing offering to incorporate best practice • Evaluate Kildare for a day concept and develop business plan inclusive of financials
Lifestyle and Culture Committee, Kildare Fáilte, County Heritage Officer, County Arts Officer
• Continue to monitor participation from heritage and cultural sector. Monitor audience for attendance and participation
• If evaluation is positive, pilot the programme
Review the programme if in place
Lifestyle and Culture Committee, Kildare Fáilte, Bord Bia
• Work with NUI Maynooth and Tallaght IT in developing a project plan
• Launch initiative
Review the outcome of the initiative based on agreed success criteria.
NUI Maynooth, Lifestyle and Culture Committee, Tallaght IT
• Evaluate the existing operators providing discount programmes
• Launch partnership with appropriate marketing support
Evaluate the partnership and impact of the programme
Lifestyle and Culture Committee
• Launch annual festival guide
Review and launch annual festival guide
Turf Club, HRI, Lifestyle and Culture Committee
• Identify successful initiatives in other locations
• Evaluate culinary trail concept and secure funding
• Develop partnership with selected provider to promote a bespoke Kildare offering • Work with the Turf Club and racecourse owners to promote linkages with their respective communities to increase the attractiveness of their offering • Develop a marketing strategy to promote the offerings
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cooperation unity
Theme 4
Optimising Existing and Emerging Distinctive Capabilities 2015 Outcome Kildare has maximised the impact of its distinctive capabilities by: a. Being acknowledged as a worldwide centre of excellence for the equine industry b. Being acknowledged as the best location for establishing a distribution hub in Ireland c. Being recognised as a location that promotes its tourist amenities with excellence d. Being recognised as a location that promotes a multi-lingual resource pool for businesses
Key Projects/Outcomes
Outcome Sought
1. Develop an equine centre of excellence, the “University of the Horse”, in Kildare to cover all equine disciplines
Kildare is recognised as the international centre of excellence for the horse and a centre for horse-related activities for every person and budget
2. Create a campaign promoting Kildare as the ideal location that displays the advantages of locating logistics and distribution centres in Kildare, including transportation services
Kildare is the location of choice in Ireland for logistics and distribution centres.
3. Develop a comprehensive strategy to promote Kildare’s unique tourist amenities in Ireland and overseas
Kildare is the location of choice in Ireland for logistics and distribution centres
In order to achieve this, the following key projects have been identified: 1. Develop an equine centre of excellence, the “University of the Horse”, in Kildare to cover all disciplines of equine life 2. Create a campaign promoting Kildare as the ideal location that displays the advantages of locating logistics and distribution centres in Kildare, including transportation services 3. Develop a comprehensive strategy to promote Kildare’s unique tourist amenities in Ireland and overseas in association with Kildare Fáilte 4. Develop a business plan to promote greater usage of the business park network within the county 5. To work with event promoters to maximise support to, and cooperation between, the events and the business community 6. Develop a strategy to promote Kildare as a location that promotes a multi lingual resource pool for businesses as a competitive advantage 7. Evaluate the potential of developing a car-based tourism initiative leveraging Mondello Park and the Gordon Bennett route 8. Create a marketing pack on Kildare as the ideal place to locate a renewable energy business
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Kildare has a military history centre in the Curragh Camp and is attracting tourists from Ireland and overseas Each town has a weekly farmers market Kildare is attracting pilgrimage tourists from all over the world
4. Develop a business plan to promote greater usage of the business park network within the county.
The Kildare Business Enterprise Centres are at full capacity.
5. T o work with event promoters to maximise support to, and cooperation between, the events and the business community
The businesses in Kildare are supportive and co-promoted with events held throughout the county
6. D evelop a strategy to promote Kildare as a location that promotes a multi lingual resource pool for businesses as a competitive advantage
Kildare is the centre of the excellence for learning Chinese, Indian, Arabic etc Culture and language for Irish and foreign students.
7. Evaluate potential of developing a car based tourism initiative leveraging Mondello and the Gordon Bennett Trail.
A comprehensive programme of events is held annually, leveraging Mondello Park and the Gordon Bennett Route
8. Creating a marketing pack on how Kildare can be a place to locate your renewable energy business.
Kildare is the location of choice for the renewable energy sector
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• Develop a strategy to establish Kildare as the centre for equine expertise
• Evaluate the potential of a county-wide showpiece involving all aspects of the equine industry over a designated week
• Evaluate the success of the strategy with all stakeholders
Distinctive Capabilities Committee, Kildare Equine Group, Kildare Fáilte
• Create the “Kildare Logistics” brand, which highlights the infrastructure and location advantages of Kildare
• Create case studies of successful logistics operations in Kildare and share outputs with IDA and EI
• Material is distributed to every agency promoting Kildare as a location of business
Distinctive Capability Committee
• Identify and select the towns and villages to showcase and gather the appropriate information on them
• Engage with Tourism Ireland and Fáilte Ireland. Introduce a military genealogy service as part of the museum service
• Develop a digital strategy to promote unique tourist activities within the county leveraging natural resources
Distinctive Capability Committee, Kildare Fáilte
• Promote existing museum with appropriate material
• Promote and list a market in each town
• Business plan in place to maximise occupancy of business parks
Distinctive Capability Committee, Enterprise Boards
• Survey event companies to determine their satisfaction levels with the interaction and support of the business community
Distinctive Capability Committee, Kildare County Council
• Launch of strategy
• Identify key promoters
• Complete audit of business parks to determine occupancy levels
• Evaluate pilot and provide directory of vacant facilities within business parks
• Pilot promotional campaign to promote greater occupancy within Clane and Athy business park complexes
• Support the drive for greater occupancy with a targeted promotional campaign
• Work with local authorities and event promoters to maximise the benefit to the community from events held in the county
• Talk to County Council planners
• Contact the embassies and Department of Education and engage with them to evaluate this initiative
• Evaluate feasibility plan and pilot process in identified locations
Distinctive Capability Committee
• Carry out a feasibility study of the potential of promoting Kildare as the motor tourist destination in Ireland
Distinctive Capability Committee
• Look for interested parties to compile a list of local services available
• Complete feasibility plan to support initiative. • Evaluate the potential programme with Mondello and other interested parties around the county
• Consider a feasibility study to develop a centre of excellence for renewable energy
Distinctive Capability Committee
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Theme 5
Services to Business 2015 Outcome Kildare has developed a communication and resource framework that enables all businesses in Kildare to gain from each other, allowing them reach their potential. In order to achieve this, the following key projects have been identified: 1. Carry out a feasibility study to develop an incubation hub for Kildare start-up businesses to support concept-to-completion projects 2. Work with the local authorities to ensure that the business community can derive a transparent return from its contribution (commercial rates) 3. Develop a communication strategy with all key stakeholders allowing them to track the progress of the strategic plan and input, adapt or modify the plan based on their requirements, while also testing satisfaction levels from all stakeholders 4. Evaluate the potential for combined procurement projects for businesses in Kildare with key suppliers eg broadband providers, so as to benefit from economies of scale 5. Develop a pilot to hold an annual work and education expo in Kildare showcasing all Kildare education institutes and businesses with real or potential career opportunities 6. Carry out annual needs analyses within the business community in the county. Feed key results into the strategic planning process and circulate to the local authorities 7. Explore models for the use of vacant retail and commercial space in Co. Kildare to maximise occupancy within our high streets and commercial properties
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Key Project/outcomes
Outcome Sought
1. Create a feasibility study to develop an incubation hub for Kildare start-up businesses to support concept-to-completion projects
A start-up campus with associated support infrastructure for new businesses within the county has been established
2. Work with the local authorities to maximise the return from commercial rates to ensure that the business community can derive a transparent return from its contribution
A higher proportion of commercial rates are utilised by the local authorities in the promotion of enterprise within each community
3. Develop a communication strategy with all key stakeholders allowing them to track the progress of the strategic plan and input, adapt or modify the plan based on their requirements
An effective communication process exists to review the plan and to communicate updates to all interested parties on a quarterly basis
4. Evaluate the potential for combined procurement projects for businesses in Kildare with key suppliers eg broadband providers, so as to benefit from economies of scale
Businesses in Kildare are benefitting from combined procurement and now have a consolidated spend process
5. Develop a pilot to hold an annual work andeducation expo in Kildare showcasing all Kildare education institutes and businesses promoting real and potential career opportunities
An annual forum is held to align the business requirements with the educational resources and labour pool
6. Carry out annual needs analyses within the business community in the county. Feed key results into the strategic planning process and circulate to the local authorities
The strategic plan is a living document representing the requirements of businesses and individuals within the county
7. Explore models for the use of vacant retail and commercial space in Co. Kildare to maximise occupancy within our high streets and commercial properties
The development of a strategy to increase occupancy has created a sense of vibrancy in vacant retail/commercial space
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• Carry out assessment of best practice incubation hubs in Ireland and overseas
• If feasibility is positive, develop a business plan and resource and finding model
• Review of outcome of project vs business plan
Services to Business Committee
• Extend the project to other locations throughout the County
• Evaluate the project from the business community and local authority perspective
Services to Business Committee
• Update plan and host annual forum
• Update plan and host annual forum
Services to Business Committee
• Carry out feasibility study in association with government and local authority agencies
• Evaluate the success of the Naas project • Develop submissions for other town councils
• Develop communication strategy • Host annual review forum
• Identify key service suppliers
• Track stakeholder satisfaction levels
Services to Business Committee
• Review project and update as appropriate
• Develop combined procurement project and resources
• Pilot annual forum with key businesses and educational institutions attending
• Review pilot and modify if appropriate
• Review pilot and modify if appropriate
Services to Business Committee
• Carry out survey
• Develop a series of education modules and information evenings based on the outputs
• Develop a series of education modules and information evenings based on the outputs
Services to Business Committee
• Develop an occupancy index to track progress
• Track progress via occupancy index
Services to Business Committee
• Develop a series of education modules and information evenings based on the outputs
• Examine models in other counties and countries where arts, crafts, artisan food suppliers have displayed goods and/or used vacant space • Explore legal agreements that can be put in place to protect all parties
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Theme 6
Education and Research 2015 Outcome Kildare has done an outstanding job in partnering with educational institutions to ensure that students and graduates are meeting the needs of the business community within Kildare and that businesses are utilising the resources of the educational sector to provide employment and enriched communities throughout the county. In order to achieve this, the following key projects have been identified: 1. Provide data to businesses in Kildare on population and demographic trends to assist them in planning for the future 2. Develop a job register and internship opportunity register for companies in Kildare and communicate this to Solas and educational institutions 3. Host an annual careers expo for targeted second-level schools hosted by the business community in Kildare 4. E stablish links with industry advisory boards to assist second- and third-level institutions in meeting the changing requirements of businesses 5. Proactively promote the national Springboard scheme within Kildare to assist unemployed people to re-skill 6. Develop an education portal outlining opportunities for further education as part of the county portal project 7. Evaluate the potential of replicating the SMART city model in Kildare 8. Develop a recruitment programme to attract skilled, retired people to become mentors for new businesses 9. Evaluate the potential of developing a business skills certification programme within Kildare 10. Work with Kildare Enterprise Board in expanding the Kildare Business Awards to identify role models and mentors
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Key Project
Outcome Sought
1. P rovide data to businesses in Kildare onpopulation and demographic trends to assistthem in planning for the future
Businesses in Kildare are fully aware of the population of their town and county and can access up-to-date information at one source
2. Develop a job register and intern opportunityregister from companies in Kildare andcommunicate this to Solas and educational institutions
Students in Kildare are fully aware of the job and studying opportunities that are available to them and are incentivised to study and work in Kildare
3. Host annual job and careers expo for targeted second-level schools hosted by the businesscommunity in Kildare
Combined job and education fair to be held in Kildare to showcase Kildare companies and education institutes
4. Establish links with industry advisory boards to assist second and third level institutions in meeting the changing requirements of businesses.
NUI Maynooth and neighbouring universities offer elite courses for specific industry sectors producing the types of students who will become entrepreneurs and develop indigenous businesses
5. Proactively promote the national Springboard Scheme within Kildare to assist unemployed people to re-skill
The Kildare workforce has the opportunity to be re-skilled and educated
6. Develop an education portal outliningopportunities for further education as part of the county portal project
Existing and emerging companies in Kildare are and encouraged to educate their workforce
7. Evaluate the potential of replicating the Smart city model in Kildare
Kildare is the location for new businesses to start and grow
8. Develop a recruitment programme to attract skilled retired people to become mentors for new businesses
A life coaching/mentoring service is available as part of the incubation hub to businesses in Kildare
9. Evaluate the potential of developing a business skills certification programme within Kildare
All businesses can contact the chamber for skills development and receive accredited certification
10. Work with Kildare Enterprise Board in expanding the Kildare Business Awards to identify role models and mentors
Kildare businesses are recognised for achieving excellence
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• Gather the appropriate census data from the Central Statistics Office and make it available through the online portal
• Update the data
• Update the data
Education and Research Committee
• Partner with Solas and identify the educational institutes that will feed into the register
• Update the register on a quarterly basis and review with Solas and selected institutes
• Update the register and review with Solas and selected institutes
Solas, Education and Research Committee, NUIM and other education institutes
• Evaluate the pilot and review the lessons learned
• Review promotional process of event and compare to years 1 and 2
Education and Research Committee, Kildare Enterprise Board, Education institutes
• Review relationship and success criteria and adjust as appropriate
Education and Research Committee
• Develop the register and have it available through the online portal • Establish a Kildare enterprise opportunity showcase in Punchestown exhibition centre or another suitable Kildare venue. This will provide information on career opportunities target transition year students • Pilot the expo and develop the marketing and promotional material to publicise the event
• If the pilot is positive, expand the reach of the event and increase number of companies and students attending
• Identify the advisory boards to link with and develop criteria for success
• Review the framework and adjust as appropriate
• Develop a framework to maximise the input of businesses to the advisory boards
• Develop a rhythm of meetings with the advisory board
• Liaise with the Springboard programme to promote this initiative in Kildare
• Load all relevant Springboard information to the online portal
• Local paper and poster campaign targeting retraining opportunities for unemployed
• Track number of unemployed people and re-employment numbers
• Develop a project plan and solicit help from the education institutes, Solas and other agencies to define success criteria, timelines and resource plan
• Execute Phase I of the project plan and review the processes and systems
Springboard Agency, Education and Research Committee
• Review the overall project plan and modify as appropriate
Education and Research Committee
Education and Research Committee
• Carry out a feasibility study to develop this initiative in Kildare and solicit assistance from the IDA and or IBM • Develop a recruitment process to attract skilled retired people in Kildare in conjunction with the Kildare Volunteer Bureau and other agencies
• Review the process and modify if appropriate
• Expand the recruitment process and track the progress and numbers of mentors
Education and Research Committee, Kildare Volunteer Bureau
• Engage with the mentoring network programme to develop success criteria and needs • Develop a needs analysis and feasibility case for this programme
Education and Research Committee
• If feasible, develop the criteria required to customise a certification programme
• Engage with Solas, FETAC and other agencies to explore this opportunity • Carry out an assessment of the current awards and selection processes • Agree a partnership with the Kildare Enterprise board to maximise the input into the selection process
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• Review the partnership and adjust as appropriate
• Review the partnership
Education and Research Committee
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Theme 7
North Kildare Chamber Focused Action Plan Introduction
The plan for Kildare is focussed on the delivery of a comprehensive strategy to allow Kildare reach its potential as a place to live and work. This plan cannot be delivered exclusively by North Kildare Chamber but will require the efforts of a cohesive team representing all the business and government representative bodies in the county. It is, however, envisaged that as a subset of this strategy that there is a clear role for North Kildare Chamber to continue to represent the needs of its members in delivering on its vision of creating a network and business framework for success. This segment of the document will provide a roadmap for the chamber to ensure it meets the current and future requirements of its membership. This section of the document focuses on 5 key areas: 1. Networking 2. Education 3. Lobbying 4. Membership 5. Finance In this plan, a key recommendation is to develop a resource model to deliver on all aspects of the plan. During the formulation it became clear that the current structure of a single CEO would not be sufficient to deliver on the targets outlined in this plan. In developing the plan, two separate human resource requirements were identified: the first was a resource to assist with membership services, the second was to assist in the areas of marketing and IT. The responsibilities for each of these roles are outlined in the document. A key requirement is for the management committee is to develop a funding model and to justify the requirement for these positions within the chamber.
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1. Networking The chamber provides a structured, supportive environment in which existing and potential members can get together to network, learn valuable new skills and develop the strong personal relationships that lead to generating new business opportunities for all.
2015 In
we will be able to say:
2. Education The chamber has successfully partnered with educational bodies to establish itself as a leading training provider for businesses in Kildare.
3. Lobbying The Chamber’s Policy Group has formed strong relationships with the local authorities, politicians and financial institutions in the county, this group represents the Kildare business community by acting as a voice to represent its needs.
4. Membership North Kildare Chamber is recognised as the number one business community body in Kildare with a growing membership across all business sectors.
5. Finance and resources The Chamber has put in place appropriate financial and resource structures and reporting processes which match best-in-class financial management and which have allowed us to support the growing needs of our association.
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Theme 1: Networking
Theme 2: Education
Theme 3: Lobbying
Outcome The Chamber provides a structured, supportive environment in which existing and potential members can get together to network, learn valuable new skills and develop the strong personal relationships that lead to generating new business opportunities.
Outcome The chamber has successfully partnered with educational bodies in establishing itself a leading training provider for businesses in Kildare.
Outcome The Chamber’s Policy Group has formed strong relationships with the local authorities, politicians and financial institutions in the in the county. This group represents the Kildare business community by acting as a voice to represent their needs.
Key Projects 1. Develop an annual calendar of networking events for the chamber (digital and hard copy) to to be distributed to existing and potential members. 2. Create a framework to consult and survey existing and silent members to access their networking requirements. 3. Create a framework to gather the satisfaction levels of attendees of all networking events hosted by the chamber. 4. Develop a social media strategy to maximise the reach of the chamber and optimise the existing connections through LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook. 5. Evaluate expanding network events to other towns in Kildare i.e Athy and Leixlip and identify the resources required to deliver these events. 6. Develop a budget for annual networking events to help the chamber deliver targeted events and forecast any potential revenues. 7. Establish an annual list of targeted speakers for the chamber to attract members and the business community of Kildare to attend. 8. Create a networking attendees database to track attendances, category of attendees, member vs non-member attendees toto be used as market research to attract sponsors and to share with the media 9. Select case studies from networking events to highlight the benefits of the events to existing and prospective members.
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Key Projects 1. Evaluate partnering with Kildare education institutes to deliver the training and education programmes in the county. 2. Evaluate possibility of developing North Kildare Chamber business skills accreditation programme. 3. Create a framework to conduct a training needs analysis per sector. 4. Develop the selection criteria for identifying third party training vendors to deliver training programmes. 5. Publish a bi-annual education and training brochure displaying all scheduled events and seminars. 6. Create a satisfaction evaluation system to gather the satisfaction levels of attendees of all training events hosted by the chamber. 7. Develop a marketing strategy around an annual conference and all training and education seminars. 8. Create a financial model for training programmes to generate targeted revenues. 9. Develop a chamber mentoring programme to provide mentoring for all business sectors. 10. Develop a funding model to support training needs.
Key Projects 1. Develop a Policy Group to support the Chamber CEO and President to influence key business issues. 2. Establish a greater presence on local authority committees that require business community representation. 3. Strengthen relationships with local politicians and schedule rhythm of meetings to voice the needs of the chamber members. 4. Partner with other business representative groups in the county to create shared thinking and learning. 5. Create better linkages with the Kildare financial institutions to support the needs of the chamber membership. 6. Establish a media group to Establish a media group to gain publicity for business-related issues pursuing and publishing businesses issues. 7. Build a partnership relationship with town councils in Kildare with respect to the dispersal of rates revenue within the communities.
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Theme 4: Membership
Theme 5: Financial Excellence
Outcome North Kildare Chamber is recognised as the number one business community body in Kildare with a growing membership across all business sectors.
Outcome The Chamber has put in place appropriate financial and resource structures and reporting processes which match best-in-class financial management that has allowed us to support the growing needs of our association. The funding initiatives to support the plan are outlined later in this document.
Key Projects 1. Re-structure the membership model to include a revised categorisation of members and financial model to increase membership revenues. 2. Develop a recruitment process to attract members from all key sectors within the county and its bordering localities. 3. Develop a tracking, renewing and retention mechanism for the chamber to measure membership trends. 4. Complete the chamber membership database to display business sectors and populate all fields within the database. 5. Complete the non-member database to include these businesses on any chamber communications. 6. Develop digital and hard copy marketing and promotional material for the chamber to attract members. 7. Identify candidates to sit on Membership Committee for the chamber who will act as Chamber ambassadors to attract new members.
Key Projects 1. Create financial planning and reporting processes that provide the CEO with the appropriate budgets to deliver the strategy for the Chamber. 2. Develop the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for the chamber to optimise the delivery of the strategy. 3. Create a framework for the development of an accurate profit and loss statement for the next three years. 4. Identify a hit list of sponsors for the chamber and budget for targeted sponsorship revenues. 5. Identify the revenue streams for the chamber and assign revenue targets for each. 6. Develop an appropriate resource and funding model to assist the CEO deliver on all aspects of the plan.
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Recommended Organisation Structure Executive Committee
Management Committee
Member Services Executive
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Marketing / IT Executive
Networking Committee
Policy Group
Membership Committee
Finance Committee
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Reviewing the Plan The Executive Committee of the Chamber will complete a comprehensive review with each of the committees. This review will include an assessment of progress versus milestones, an analysis of the relevance of each of the targets and the inclusion of new targets as deemed appropriate by the Executive Committee. This process will be carried out on an annual basis with each committee completing an annual report for submission to the Annual General Meeting of the chamber. The board of the chamber will complete an annual review in association with the committee chairs and review, adapt or modify the document as appropriate.
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Funding the Chamber
detailed set of financial information for the period 2012 to 2015 has been compiled for the A chamber to support the achievement of the targets outlined in Theme 7 of the plan. A portion of this information is confidential but the primary initiatives contained in the figures are as follows: Revenue Generation
• We have assumed that the current membership rates will remain constant for the duration of the plan – a new category of Corporate membership will be introduced later in 2012 that will apply to organisations who employ in excess of 250 employees.
• We will continue to provide additional services for our members and in turn will increase the return we derive from business lunches and our annual awards night as a consequence of the increased number of members becoming active in the chamber.
• We have anticipated that we will deliver a greater level of training over the duration of the plan, this will be accessible to members and non-members and we have assumed increased profitability due to an increased level of activity in this area.
Additional Costs
• We will target doubling our membership numbers over the duration of the plan to in excess of 400 members. This will be delivered by stratifying the potential members within the county into key sectors and targeting those sectors with a bespoke marketing campaign which will demonstrate the value of participation in the chamber to each sector.
• We are budgeting for the employment of an additional resource at the mid-year point in 2012 to assume responsibility for the IT/Marketing position as outlined in the plan. This appointment stems from our projection to employ another Services to Members Executive in early 2013. • We have assumed that all other costs have been flexed to reflect a greater number of employees and cost of living increases.
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Acknowledgements We would like to offer our sincere gratitude to the many people and bodies who helped in the collation and production of this North Kildare Chamber Strategy document. Kildare Leader partnership and Kildare County Council for their support throughout this project.
The Management Committee: Eilis Quinlan, Len Regan, Sean Murray, Allan Shine
The volunteers who participated on the six workgroups: 1. Business and IT Workgroup Leader: Len Regan, Kildare TV
2. Marketing, Tourism and Promotion Workgroup Leader: Weldon Mather, WM Consultancy
3. Lifestyle and Culture Workgroup Leader: Lucina Russell, Kildare County Arts Officer
Nigel Bannister
Hewlett Packard
Patrick Crawford
Purple Spaghetti
Seamus Brady
Eco kem
Eoin Moore
Ted Johnsons
Laura Prior
Kilashee House
Stella Johnson
Ted Johnsons
MJ Smyth
IT Monkey
Kathleen Delahan
Patient School of Motoring
Hazel Williams
Riverbank Arts Centre
Aongus O’Dowd
Aongus O’Dowd Energy
David Clinton
Trickey Tricksters
Nicola Dunne
KCC / ARAS Arts and Health
Thomas Maguire
Maguire Associates
Michael Mullally
Newbridge Chamber
Maureen Bergin
Kildare Village
Eoin McKeown
Noel Dempsey
Dooley Insurance
Trevor Hull
Kildare at a Click
Arthur Hennessey
Financial Adviser
4. Optimising Distinctive Capabilities Workgroup Leader: Eilis Quinlan
5. Services to Business Workgroup leader: Allan Shine
6. Education and Research Workgroup leader: Dave Cagney
Ted Murray
Clane Project Centre
Nigel Bannister
Hewlett Packard
Eoin Moore
Ted Johnsons
Dermot Bolger
Jacksons Cleaners
Robbie Duff
Acorn Locksmiths
Adrian Geissel
Niall Farrell
Patrick J. Farrell & Co
Mary Keane
County Kildare Leader Partnership
Anthony O’Dea
Green IT
Mary Clinton
Trickey Tricksters
Anthony O’Dea
Green IT
Paul McGrane
Hewlett Packard
Ann Benson
Forever Living
Vince Doherty
Allan Shine
North Kildare Chamber
Eoghan Doyle
Kildare County Council
John Behan
ITT Dublin
Thanks also go to: Design:
Printcomp, 01 4978511
Printing: XM Solutions, Railway House, The Waterways, Sallins, Co Kildare, 045 855 660 Proof Reader: Eilish Rafferty, 087 9174360
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This project received grant aid from Cill Dara Ar Aghaidh which is financed by the Irish Government under the Rural Development Programme Ireland 2007-2013 and by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development: Europe investing in Rural Areas.
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Appendix: Table of Actions for the Chamber
1. Networking
Key Project
Outcome Sought
1. Develop an annual networking events calendar in a Digital and hard copy.
Existing and potential members are fully aware of all scheduled networking events and attendances are increased vs previous years.
• Develop list of networking events for the Chamber. • Identify printer / designer to develop the calendar.
2. Create a framework to consult with membership to calibrate networking requirements.
The Chamber is fully aware of the networking needs of its membership and develops a programme of events to match them.
•D evelop a survey/consultation process to communicate to event attendees and members. • Design calendar of events from survey outcome.
3. Create a framework to gather the satisfaction levels of attendees of all networking events hosted by the Chamber.
The Chamber is measuring the satisfaction levels of its members and is using its members to promote and attract new members.
• I mplement Net Promoter Score process to the Chambers feedback system. • Publish the Chambers Net Promoter Score.
4. Develop a social media strategy to maximise the reach of the Chamber and optimise the existing connections through LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.
North Kildare Chamber is vibrant on all social platforms and has the ultimate engagement with its members.
•D evelop a strategy and resource / placement to deliver the social media strategy. • Address a resource in the resource plan to implement this.
5. Evaluate expanding network events to other towns in Kildare i.e Athy and Leixlip and identify the resources required to deliver these events.
North Kildare Chamber has networking events in all large towns in Kildare and has seen membership growth as a result.
•E valuate the chambers membership base in Leixlip and surrounding areas. • Select Leixlip members to assist in networking events.
6. Develop a budget for annual networking events to help the Chamber assign the appropriate funding to deliver targeted events and forecast any potential revenues.
The Chamber is deriving profits from all networking events hosted.
•B uild a budget around the costs and potential revenues for each networking event scheduled.
7. Establish an annual list of targeted speakers for the Chamber to attract members and the business community of Kildare to attend.
The Chamber is attracting high profile key note speakers for its networking events.
•C alibrate the wishes of the membership from the surveys conducted and build a targeted list of speakers. • Approach the selected speakers and plan events. • Incorporate events into calendar.
8. Create a networking attendees database to track attendances, category of attendees, member vs nonmember attendees to showcase to potential sponsors and media.
The Chamber is partnering with multiple sponsors delivering large network events.
• Develop database for all networking events. •D evelop Chamber Sponsorship Deck to approach sponsors with details of Chamber assets. • Maintain and update database. • Approach sponsors with the database and deck.
9. Develop case studies from networking events to highlight the benefits of the events to existing and prospective members.
The Chamber has an outstanding set of marketing collateral to attract and retain members.
• Develop a plan and resource model to develop case studies.
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• Review schedule of events and venues and publish new calendar.
• Review schedule of events and venues and publish new calendar.
CEO Networking Committee Marketing IT Co-Ordinator
• Conduct survey and review calendar as appropriate.
• Conduct survey and review calendar as appropriate.
CEO Networking Committee
• Continue net Promoter Score process. • Publish the Chambers Net Promoter Score. • Benchmark the Chambers NPS against other chamber and business associations.
• Continue net Promoter Score process. • Publish the Chambers Net Promoter Score. • Benchmark the Chambers NPS against other chamber and business associations.
CEO Networking Committee
• Review Strategy and refine as appropriate. • Investigate other social platforms.
• Review Strategy and refine as appropriate.
Social media / IT Resource Networking Committee
• Identify potential venues to host networking events. • Evaluate Athy membership base.
• Identify other towns in the county to expand Chambers network
CEO Networking Committee.
• Review and update budgets.
• Review and update budgets.
CEO Networking Finance Committee.
• Review list of targeted speakers and update annual calendar.
• Review list of targeted speakers and update annual calendar.
CEO Networking Committee
• Networking events are self-financing by partnering with sponsors. • Maintain and update database and deck. • Approach sponsors with the database and deck.
• Maintain and update database. • Approach sponsors with the database and deck.
Networking Committee, Marketing / IT Co-ordinator., Membership services co-ordinator.
• Create digital case studies and integrate into all marketing platforms. • Review and update case studies.
• Review and update case studies.
CEO, Membership Services Resource Networking Committee
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Appendix: Table of Actions for the Chamber
Key Project
Outcome Sought
1. Evaluate partnering with Kildare education institutes to deliver the training and education programmes in the county.
The Chamber is co-hosting training programmes with several education institutes across the county offering its members with multiple training solutions.
• Develop selection criteria for educational partners. • Select educational partners. • Evaluate the training seminars.
2. Evaluate possibility of developing North Kildare Chamber business skills accreditation programme.
North Kildare Chamber is issuing its members with a business skills accreditation that is recognised Nationwide.
•E valuate this possibility and what the requirements are to make this happen.
3. Create a framework to consult and survey existing members to conduct a training needs analysis per sector.
The Chamber is fully aware of the training and education needs and demands of its members.
• Develop the survey to conduct and publish to all members. •C alibrate the survey output and build training programmes to match the needs of the members.
4. Develop the selection criteria for identifying third party training vendors to deliver training programmes.
The Chamber has partnered with the best in class training vendors by developing the criteria to attract recognised vendors.
• Build the criteria and publish via multiple media platforms. • Evaluate the vendors by member satisfaction survey.
5. Publish bi-annual education and training brochure displaying all scheduled events and seminars.
All members are fully aware of the schedule of training programmes the Chamber is offering.
•D evelop schedule of events and publish on website and all media/communication platforms.
6. Create a satisfaction framework to gather the satisfaction levels of attendees of all training events hosted by the Chamber.
The Chamber is measuring the satisfaction levels of its members and is using its members to promote its training and education events.
• I mplement Net Promoter Score (member loyalty and satisfaction programme) process to the Chambers feedback system. • Publish the Chambers Net Promoter Score.
7. Develop marketing and promotion strategy around annual conference and all training and education seminars.
The Annual conference and training events has the increased attendances year on year.
• Develop Marketing strategy.
8. Create a financial model for training programmes to generate targeted revenues.
Training and Education events are considerable revenue streams for the Chamber and are profitable events.
•D evelop cost benefit analysis and build appropriate model to maximise return.
9. Develop a Chamber mentoring programme to provide mentoring for all business sectors.
The Chamber has experienced high calibre mentors to assist its members.
•D evelop a recruitment process with other volunteer bodies in the county to attract mentors. • Develop a database of mentors to publish. • Develop a mentoring model.
10. Develop funding model to support training needs.
Local authorities and government agencies are assisting in the delivery of the training needs.
•C omplete a training needs analysis of members training requirements. •S ubmit applications for funding to government and local authorities. • Pilot 2 education modules for members.
2. Education
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• Review partnerships and refine as appropriate.
• Expand the number of education partners.
Education committee
Education Committee
• If successful, develop certification programme. • Conduct survey and update training schedule.
• Conduct survey and update training schedule.
CEO and Education Committee
• Review the criteria and expand vendor partners.
• Review the criteria and expand vendor partners.
CEO and Education Committee
• Review schedule and revise as appropriate. • Investigate other communication platforms.
• Review schedule and revise as appropriate. • Investigate other communication platforms.
Education Committee, marketing and IT co-ordinator.
• Continue net Promoter Score process. • Publish the Chambers Net Promoter Score.
• Continue net Promoter Score process. • Publish the Chambers Net Promoter Score.
Education and networking Committee, Membership services co-ordinator.
• Review Strategy and update.
• Review Strategy and update.
Education committee
• Review Model and update as appropriate.
• Review Model and update as appropriate
Education and Finance Committee
• Review recruitment process and update database. • Review the mentoring model.
• Review recruitment process and update database.
Education Committee and Kildare Volunteer Bureau.
• Publish prospectus for members for 2013.
• Publish prospectus for members for 2014.
Membership services co-ordinator and Education Committee
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Appendix: Table of Actions for the Chamber
Key Project
Outcome Sought
1. Develop a Policy Group to support the Chamber CEO and President with respect to key business issues.
Kildare Chamber has a partnership with local government committees relating to local business issues through the policy group.
• Identify members to participate on the action group. •M eet with the local authorities and other business groups to establish relationships.
3. Lobbying
2. Establish a greater presence on local authority committees The Chamber is fully aware of all key policy decisions and that require business community representation. has key input into same.
• Arrange to meet with committees and establish the parameters of the engagement.
3. Strenghten relationships with local politicians and schedule rhythm of meetings to voice the needs of the chamber members.
The Policy Group has a strong relationship with Kildare politicians and conveys that to its members.
• I dentify the politicians to engage with and schedule a meeting with them to indicate the Chambers strategy.
4. Partner with other business representative groups in the county to create share thinking and learning.
The Chamber is partnered with other business association groups within the county to share thinking and learning.
• Identify other bodies to engage with. • Contact them and schedule a rhythm of meetings with each.
5. Create better linkages with the Kildare Financial institutions to support the needs of the Chamber membership.
The Chamber can act on behalf of members in regard to common business interests.
• Target the development of relationships with key financial institutions.
6. Establish a media group to gain their support in pursuing and publishing businesses issues.
The membership is fully aware of the activities of the Chamber and its Policy Group by regular communications through opinion papers and press releases.
•M eet with the local media and identify what their requirements are to have a successful partnership. •D evelop a framework to develop opinion pieces/press releases to the membership and business community on relevant business issues. • Regular press releases are scheduled by the Chamber.
7. Build a partnership relationship with town councils in Kildare with respect to the dispersal of rates revenue within the communities
Partnership in place with the Chamber and Town Councils with respect to the dispersal of rates revenues.
•B uild on the Naas Rates project and review its impact on members and the Community.
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• Review group participants and target other possibilities.
• Review group participants and target other possibilities.
Executive Board Policy Action Group
Policy Group
• Establish a rhythm of meetings with each committee.
• Review engagement process. • Schedule a rhythm of meetings with each public representative.
Policy Group • Review engagement process. • Schedule a rhythm of meetings with each public representative.
• Schedule a rhythm of meetings with each
• Schedule a rhythm of meetings with each
Policy Group
• Build on the relationships.
• Review the chambers financial institution network with respect to meeting the requirements of its members.
Policy Group Finance Committee
• Review the media relationships.
• Review the media relationships.
Networking Policy Group CEO
• Extend the Naas Rates project model to two other locations.
• Roll out the project model across the county. • Review the Project.
CEO Policy group
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Appendix: Table of Actions for the Chamber
Key Project
Outcome Sought
1. Re-structure the membership model to include a revised categorisation of members and financial model to increase membership revenues.
The Chambers membership has grown by 10% year on year.
•R eview current membership model and evaluate restructuring the model.
2. Develop a recruitment process to attract members from all key sectors within the county and its bordering localities.
The Chamber has members from large multinationals to sole traders across all sectors.
•D evelop the recruitment process targeting members in 2 key sectors. (Hospitality & Retail) • Identify resource to assist in recruitment drive.
3. Develop a tracking, renewing and retention mechanism for the Chamber to measure membership trends.
Membership trends are available for potential sponsors, media, local authorities and membership.
• Develop the database to build and capture the trends. • Publish the trends to all interested parties.
4. Complete the Chamber membership database to display business sectors and populate all fields within the database.
The Chamber has a database that includes all appropriate fields of membership information.
•R efine the current database and gather all appropriate information from members. • Update database quarterly.
5. Complete the Non-Member database to include these businesses on any Chamber Communications
The Chamber is targeting business from the non-member database to become members and attend Chamber events.
•C ompile a list of business from and populate the database. • Target 10 businesses to contact per month to become members.
6. Develop Digital and Hard copy marketing and promotional material for the Chamber to attract members.
The Chamber is attracting new members with a best in class digital and print promotional material.
•G ather Testimonials and case studies from current members to include in material. • Select the designer/printer. • Issue materials to the interested parties.
7. Identify candidates to sit on Membership Committee for the Chamber that will act as Chamber ambassadors to attract new members and sponsors.
Chamber Ambassadors are attracting 2 new members a month to the Chamber.
• Identify the chamber ambassadors. • F urnish the ambassadors with the promotional material and support they require. • Provide targets for each ambassador.
4. Membership
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• Review new model and update as appropriate.
• Review model and update as appropriate.
Executive Committee Membership Committee
• Review the process and update as appropriate. • Target 2 more key sectors (multi nationals & FMCG)
• Review the process and update as appropriate. • Target final 2 sectors.
Membership Committee Membership Services Co-ordinator
• Review the trends and update databases.
• Review the trends and update databases.
Membership Committee Marketing IT Co-ordinator Membership Services Co-ordinator
• Update database quarterly.
• Update database quarterly.
Membership Committee Membership Services Co-ordinator
• Update database quarterly. • Target 15 businesses to contact per month to become members.
• Update database quarterly. • Target 20 businesses to contact per month to become members.
CEO and Membership Committee Membership Services Co-ordinator
• Issue materials to the interested parties.
• Review and update the materials.
Membership Committee, Marketing IT Co-ordinator Membership Services Co-ordinator
• Review the ambassadors vs their targets • Expand network of Chamber ambassadors
• Review the ambassadors vs their targets
Management Committee CEO
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Appendix: Table of Actions for the Chamber
Key Project
Outcome Sought
1. Create financial planning and reporting processes that provide the CEO with the appropriate budgets to deliver the strategy for the Chamber.
The Chamber has the budgets and reporting processes In place to enable growth and suitable forecasting.
• Build Chamber 3 year budget with appropriate forecasting.
2. Develop the Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) for the Chamber to optimise the delivery of the Strategy.
Key performance indicators are in place to measure the successful implementation of the strategic plan.
• Identify the KPI’s and assign responsibility to each. • Quarterly review of KPI’s.
3. Create a framework for the development of an accurate profit and loss statement for the next three years
An accurate profit and loss statement is published regularly.
• Provide the auditors with the appropriate information.
4. Identify a list of targeted sponsors for the chamber to approach and include targeted sponsorship revenues.
The Chamber is attracting high profile sponsors to partner with for Chamber events.
•C reate a list of sponsors and furnish them with promotional materials targeting 10K per year. • Consult with potential sponsors to gather their requirements.
5. Identify the revenue streams for the Chamber and assign revenue targets for each.
The chamber is exploring all potential revenue streams and has increased revenues as a result.
•D ocument existing revenues and assign targets to grow each line item. • Identify new revenue opportunities and assign targets.
6. Develop an appropriate resource and funding model to assist the CEO deliver on all aspects of the plan.
The Chamber is resourced with the correct team to deliver the Strategic plan.
•C arry out a review of the requirements on skill sets to deliver on all aspects of the plan. •D evelop a funding model to support the employment of resources for the plan.
5. Financial Excellence
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• Review budget vs actual
• Review budget vs actual
Finance Committee
• Review KPI’s
• Review KPI’s
Finance Committee
Finance Committee Auditors
• Update list of targeted sponsors and schedule meetings. • Target 20K per year.
• Update list of targeted sponsors and schedule meetings. • Target 50K per year.
Finance Committee Networking Committee
• Review all streams and adjust targets.
• Review all streams and adjust targets.
Finance Committee.
• Review the resource model based on the needs of the Chamber. • Examine sources of funding.
•Review the resource model based on the needs of the Chamber. • Examine sources of funding.
Management Committee
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County Kildare L E A D E R PA RT N E R S H I P
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Our Mission: Our mission is to work with businesses, community groups and central and local government to provide information, support and the framework that will enable businesses and their employees reach their potential in Kildare.
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North Kildare Chamber Osprey Business Campus Devoy Quarter Naas Co. Kildare
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