Music & Arts | Sound Teaching | May 2018

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M&A Spotlight: Alan Day B Y A L A N D AY, M & A S R C AT E G O R Y M A N A G E R - G U I TA R S , A M P S & K E Y B O A R D S

it, and then I got my own for Christmas

serious military-minded musician

that year. There is a picture somewhere

with a real resume and an actual adult

of me sitting in front of the Christmas

audience. Fred showed me through his

tree with a brand new electric guitar in

teaching style that my ego was clouding

my arms and a big grin on my face. I still

my ability to cross over from being a

have that guitar!

mediocre player to a really outstanding player. I realized I needed to make

At twelve, I, of course, had no idea how

a decision to challenge myself to be

to play a guitar, so I was signed up for

humble about what I didn’t know. It was

lessons in a music store somewhere in

a pivotal, make or break decision for

Alexandria. That’s when I realized how

me. I could choose to continue on the

utterly boring music lessons can be. The

path of being “halfway there” or I could

We reached out to Alan Day, a former

teacher was really uninspiring and didn’t

be honest with myself about not really

Music & Arts teacher to speak about his

really do much to show me, the student,

knowing everything, and actually pursue

journey from teaching to becoming a

much more than how he did riffs, and

learning to be a stronger musician.

Sr. Category Manager at Music & Arts,

then would periodically help me out

selecting combo equipment for stores

when he remembered I was sitting there.

To mark the change in paradigm, I

to sell and models that will encourage

It was a big block for me and I was

cut my hair and focused on learning

students to stick with their lessons.

pretty frustrated. So, I quit the lessons. I

whatever I could from Fred. The

It’s his expertise from teaching that he

didn’t however, quit playing guitar.

knowledge transfer taught me that

brings to his current position that makes

“discipline” was key in attaining success.

products in the store, really stand out to

I enrolled in the area community college

Learning to master the physical


and started a major in music, studying

constraints of the instrument was as

music theory. I found myself in a guitar

important as understanding chordal

“I guess it must be the white hair, but

class studying under a high-profile jazz

scale relationships that relate to applied

people have been asking me lately about

player in the area. Fred Chapin was very

theory. The culmination of this was an

when I started playing music. For me,

strict and formal in his teaching style,

acquired perception of understanding

everything started in around 1967, in the

having been a military man, and a very

how to play real music and not just

Washington DC suburbs, which was a

well-known musician. It was studying


much simpler time and place, for a lot of

under him that I came to the blunt

reasons, than it is now.

realization that I really knew very little

Some years later, after playing

about music.

professionally for a while and having

I was twelve years old the year my older

some life experience behind me,

sister got a guitar for her birthday. I

I knew that Fredrick “Fritz” Chapin was

including traveling across the country

had a passing interest in music but she

a big name in the music business in

to play on the west coast, I became a

was the one that got the guitar, which

those days, but what I didn’t know until

music teacher myself. My own approach

I suppose my parents thought was a

I studied under him was how disciplined

was a little different from Fred Chapin’s,

good thing to give a teenager. Well, I

he was. I guess the contrast was pretty

in that I was considerably less tough on

was pretty jealous. I kept trying to play it

obvious, because here I was, this cocky,

my students. I realized that a balance

since she really didn’t do too much with

arrogant kid, and there was Fred, a

needed to exist between Fred’s very

4 | S O U N D T E A C H I N G | May 2018

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