Mumbai Weekly People
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12 People Convicted for 7/11 Train Blasts
FTII Hunger Strike
September 19 marked 100 days since the students at the Film and Television Institute of screenings of films by FTII, an art show by students of Chitra Kala Parishath and Ken School of Art and a protest at Town Hall. The idea to showcase their support on such a large scale, says Ashreya G Nath . Satyabrata Tripathy/ Mumbai Weekly
Mumbai celebrates Bakri Eid
The celebration starts with hundreds of Muslims gathering to offer namaz in the morning. The community then exchanges greetings. The festival commemorates the readiness of Abraham to sacrifice his son to honor his God‟s command and the provision of an animal in the child‟s place. Kartik Avatani//Mumbai Weekly Continued on Pg3
One of the accused in the train bombings case being taken from a prison to a court in Mumbai on 14 September 2015. Accordin g to reports, the five accused were given death penalty for committing murder and criminal conspiracy under sections 302 and 120 B of the IPC, respectively. Satyabrata Tripathi/ Mumbai Weekly The 11 July 2006 Mumbai train bombings were a series of seven bomb blasts that took place over a period of 11 minutes on the Suburban Railway in Mumbai The bombs were set off in pressure cookers on trains pl ying the Western line of the Suburban Railway network. 209 people were killed and over 700 were injured. On 21 July 2006 police arrested three people suspected to be involved in the bombings. Twelve of 13 men accused of planting bombs on Mumbai's local trains that killed 189 people nine years ago, have been convicted. The prosecution may seek death sentence for eight of the 12 convicted in the 2006 coordinated blasts in Mumbai that had killed 188 and injured
817 as seven bombs ripped through first class compartments on seven trains during peak hour commute. The people convicted in the case are Ahmed Ansari (37), Ehtesham Siddiqui (30), Mohd Faisal Shaikh (36), Muzzammil Shaikh (27), Mohammad Majid Shafi (32),Tanvir Ahmed Ansari (37), Shaikh Alam Shaikh (41), Mohd Sajid Ansari (34), Naveed Hussain Khan (30) Soheil Mehmood Shaikh (43), Zaire Ahmad Shaikh (36), and Asif Khan (38). This case is a complex one as it is linked to several other issues. Defence lawyers examined nine witnesses, including relatives of the accused, to show the court that the accused had undergone reformation and sought them to be spared of capital punishment.
Durga Puja: Idols in making
An artist paints the sculpture of Durga Ma, at a Parel workshop in Mumbai on 7 October 2015. Satyabrata TripathyMumbai Weekly
The defence then pleaded leniency, saying the 12 convicts were merely the pawns of mastermind Cheema. This case when it goes up before the High Court of Bombay would witness appeals being filed by both the defence as well as the prosecution. However, the trial court awarded death sentences only to five persons. The prosecution will now file an appeal seeking enhancement of the sentence for three other persons, according to newspaper reports. A special MCOCA court on Wednesday sentenced five convicts to death in the 2006 Mumbai Train bombings case. The court in its order said: “They shall be hanged by their necks till they are deal. However, the five maintained that they were innocent and expressed their faith in higher courts.
One of the accused walks out of a police van at Arthur Road Jail in Mumbai on 14 September 2015. Kartik Avatani/Mumbai Weekly
Mumbai celebrates Gandhi Jayanti Gandhi Jayanti is a national holiday in India celebrated on 2nd October. This day is celebrated in the honour of the birthday of Father of the nation, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, popularly known as Mahatma Gandhi or Bapuji. Internationally this day is celebrated as the International Day of Non-Violence as Gandhiji was the preacher of non-violence. He is considered as a symbol of peace and truth. Gandhi had a natural love for 'truth' and 'duty'. With his complete dedication and confidence, Gandhi freed India from the British Rule and proved the world that freedom can be achieved with non-violence. Even today his teachings are encouraged to stay away from violence and
Tourists spend time in Mani Bhavan on the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti in Mumbai on 2 October 2015. Pratik Chorge/Mumbai Weekly find peaceful solutions to Gandhi Jayanti is celebrated conflicts. For Gandhiji, truth all over the country and in and non-violence were the both government and nonentire philosophy of life. government organizations.
Ganpati Bappa Moriya!
MW Kartik Avatani
A p e a ce f ul „ vi s a rj a n‟ of Lo rd Ga n esh a i dol s on M o nda y m ar k ed t he e nd t o t h e t en - da y l on g f es t i v al i n cl udi n g t he f am o us „ La l b a u gc ha R aj a ‟ i dol . T h e i m m e rs i o n p ro c es s whi c h st a rt ed i n t he e a rl y hou rs on S u nd a y cul m i n at e d b y m o rn i n g wi t h o ve r 5 0, 000 i dol s be i n g i m m e r s ed am i d s t f an f ar e a nd t i ght s e c ur i t y. Ac c or di n g t o t h e s t at em ent gi v en b y M un i c i p al C or po r at i on of G r e at er M u m b ai
Pratik Chorge
(M C GM ), 25 0 i dol s w er e i m m e rs ed at t h e d e s i gnat e d na t ur al a n d a rt i fi ci al s p ot s , i n cl u di n g a t m aj o r s i t es G i r ga on C ho wp at t y, J u hu b e ac h, P ow ai La k e, Da d ar , M ad h j et t y, M ar v e t i l l 7 A M o n M on da y. In 20 14, t h e ci vi c bod y h a d gi v en p erm i s s i on s t o 1, 18 8 Ga np at i m and al s al l a c ros s t he ci t y. Th e t r a ff i c pol i c e al s o en s u r ed s m o ot h v ehi cu l a r m ov em en t o n t h e i m m e r s i o n
ro ut es as i t cl o s e d 4 9 r oa ds , whi l e m a rk ed 5 5 r oa ds as „o ne wa y‟ . C r a ne s , wa t c ht ow e rs a nd fl o odl i gh t s w e r e i n s t a l l ed a t m os t of t he m aj or i m m e r s i o n s p ot s , b es i d e 1 03 C C TV c am er a s fi x ed at di f f er e nt l o c at i on s i n S ou t h M um b ai . M u m b a i W e e k l y p h o t o gr a phers Pratik Chorge a n d K a r t i k A v a t a n i w e n t ex ploring the festivities of Ganp a t i Im m e r s i o n i n M u m b a i .
Train derails between Andheri and Vile Parle
People gather around the train, derailed between Andheri and Vile Parle in Mumbai on 15 September 2015. Pratik Chorge/Mumbai Weekly Seven coaches of a local train derailed between Andheri and Vile Parle stations in suburban Mumbai, disrupting traffic on the busy route linking Churchgate to Virar. This train coming from Borivili to Churchgate derailed at around 11 AM, this is the second derailment in 17 hours. O n t h e e v e n i n g o f 1 6 th September, two coaches of a train on the Harbour line derailed between Masjid Bunder
and Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus. This train was coming from Bandra. Four commuters sustained injuries in the Andheri – Vile Parle derailment and were admitted to hospitals, where they are being treated and would be discharged soon. The accident had a cascading affect as the Central Railway services of Harbour line between Andheri and Chhatrapati Shivaji
Terminus slowed down because of movement of resources to the accident spot. Besides, there was heavy traffic jam on the Western Express H i g h w a y. The traffic disruption c a m e j u s t t w o d a ys ahead of the 10-daylong Ganesh festival, On the eve of this festival, Mumbaikars flock markets all over the c i t y. “All departments are here…we are not aware of the exact causes…
there are some hit marks, we are checking for hanging objects,” said Divisional Railway Manager Shailendra Singh. Passengers, however, had a harrowing experience. “I took a train from Dadar at 1 pm to return to my home at Vasai. It took me three -and-a-half hours,” said Shaibal Gupta, a space seller. “Trains were crowded and it was really tough to be in them. It was halting in all stations and in between stations,” added Debasish Mandal, another resident of far western suburbs. The fast line towards Virar was restored at around 7:30 pm almost 9 hours after seven coaches of Virar Churchgate fast local got derailed between Andheri and Vile Parle. The train had derailed on the fast line towards Churchgate but the impact and the helterskelter of the coaches meant the down fast line besides it was also closed for train operations.
Muslims gather for a prayer
M u s l i m s g a t h e r f o r a p r a ye r o u t s i d e B a n d r a S t a tion on the occasion of Bakri Eid in Mumbai on 24 September 2015. Kartik Avatani/Mumbai Weekly Muslims are supposed to sacrifice an unblemished animal, usually a goat, to Allah. One third of the meat is offered to the poor, one third given to relatives and the rest is shared a m o n g c l o s e f a m i l y. The observance and celebration criteria of Eid Ul Adha is different from Eid al -Fitr. The former falls on the 10th day of the month. Thus, it is not celebrated seeing the moon rather its time is calcul a t e d 1 0 d a ys f r o m t h e beginning of the month
o f D h u a l - Hi j j ah. It i s cel ebr at ed for con t i nuous four da ys and t hen t he Da y of A ra fah arri ves . Al s o know n as “Gre at er Ei d“, t hi s occas i on i s cel ebr at e d t o rem em be r t he s ac r i fi ce m ade b y P roph et Ib rahi m . He accept ed t o s acri fi ce hi s s on Is hm a el as an act of s ubm i s s i o n t o Al l ah, but t hen t he chi l d was r epl ac ed wi t h a goat b y J i breel b y t he com m and of t he Al m i ght y. On t hi s d a y, t he M us l i m com m uni t y l i ke to s acri fi ce s heep, l am bs , and cam el s .
“Finding 60 in India”:Progeria A unique get-together of three special Progeria Heroes- Prachi,5 years old girl from Patna, Aaditya , a 5 years old boy from Raipur and Nihal, a 14 years old boy from Bhivandi. Progeria research foundation has so far identified 4 kids from India, out of which 2 Nihal and Ishaan had already been to Boston for treatment, Prachi will be travelling to Boston‟s Progeria Research foundation on 2 5 th S e p t e m b e r 2 0 1 5 f o r treatment. Media Medic communication along with kidzania Mumbai has organised the first ever progeria kids meet at Kidzania the India progeria kids enthusiastically enacted futuristic d r e a m s w i t h r o l e - p l a ys involving fire engine
operation, airplane operation, working at the chocolate and snack f a c t o r y, Bollywood s t yl e d a n c i n g a n d t h e a tre performance for their parents at kidzania. These kids Prachi, Aaditya and Nihal were wish to create awareness about a rare disease like progeria. The 1 st p r o g e r i a k i d s m e e t is organised with an aim to help the parents and kids connect with each other and learn from each other experience. The Progeria research foundation which estimates that there are still 60 child r e n i n I n d i a ye t t o b e i d e n t i f i e d . F r i d a y‟ s g e t -together was the first of its kind for progeria afflicted kids in India, the meeting was organised by the Progeria Research Foundation.
Nihal and Prachi treat a artificial patient, during a get together of children suffering from Progeria at R city Mall, Ghatkopar in Mumbai on 25 September 2015. Pratik Chorge/Mumbai Weekly
Rescue Demo at Girgaum
Volunteers train and give a rescue demo at Girgaum Chowpatty in Mumbai The training is being given to the volunteers for handling emergencies since June 2015.
Karishma Aidasani Childhood is supposed to be the most innocent phase when we make the most delightful memories. But is it real for everyone? Sadly, the answer is no. The childhood we define and assume is experienced by all is a distant dream for 47% of the girls in India. India has the highest number of child brides in the world, girls are married off before their 18th birthday. The rates of child marriage vary between states and are as high as 69% and 65% in Bihar and Rajasthan. In the past few years, even though fewer Indian girls are marrying before the age of 15, rates of marriage have increased for girls aged between 15 and 18. Though parents are of the opinion that they involve their children in such rituals because it is an age old custom and it will also secure the future of their children but the reality is not so. Though in some cases parents believe in such superstitions and dogmas in other cases greed is the most significant factor. How can a
girl’s future become secured if she gets married when she is barely 14 or 15? This heinous crime cannot be termed as marriage it is simply selling of the girl child. They have babies before they are ready for the responsibility. Even worse, if she is married to an older man for the sake of money, he molests her at a tender age and will kiss death soon. The girl ends up being so horrified with the custom of marriage that she will dare not enter the institution again. A whole future filled with frustration and anger results thereby. Mona, a 17-year-old who was married when she was 14 already has 2 sons. At 3 and 1, her children are quite a handful for the young girl to take care of. The fact that her home is actually footpath of the road makes her life even harder. Her husband, who is 32 now, often comes home drunk and abuses her. Her in-laws do not support or provide for her family. She says she is unhappy with the marriage and we should consider that an understatement. This heart wrenching tale of Mona represents the tiniest fraction of child marriages, which are still extremely widespread in India. Child marriage is more common in rural areas (56%) than urban areas (29%).
Mona‟s son strives to grab her attention by grabbing her chin, nearby their residence in Matunga ,Mumbai on 25 June 2015. Karishma Aidasani/Mumbai Weekly Major factors influencing child marriage are economic considerations (poverty, marriagerelated expenses / dowry), gender norms and expectations, concerns about girls’ safety and family honour, and lack of educational opportunities for girls. The legal age for marriage is 18 for women, 21 for men, according to the Prohibition of Child Marriage Act (PCMA) of 2007. The PCMA establishes punishments for those who do not prevent child marriages and
creates Child Marriage Prohibition Officers. It includes a right to annul marriage if underage, but this relies on families to report the act. “There is real competition in law in India, between federal law and the law of custom,” the experts say. According to Michelle Goodwin who is a researcher in this regard and a law professor, child marriage is nothing but a manifestation of trafficking. After field research conducted over two years in both urban and rural areas of sev-
eral Indian states – including in Bihar, where nearly 70% of young brides said they married before they were 18 – Ms. Michelle Goodwin said she has come to view child marriage in India as a form of human trafficking. As in trafficking, girls have no say in the arrangement and after their marriages they often experience sexual and physical abuse in their new households. But because this treatment happens in the realm of marriage, it is seen as
separate from human trafficking, she said. “We overlook this aspect of it because we consider marriage to be so sacred,” she said. Once one begins to unpack what this is all about, one can really see how brutal this is for these young girls. As a society, there is shame about the existing scenario as well as hope for a better tomorrow. What will prevail, only time can tell . The above views are personal views expressed by the author of this article.
POINT OF VIEW: Aftermath of a God’s departure
Sarthak Chand Festivity is often pronounced in the grandest manner in the city of Mumbai. Regardless of the religion, secular in revelry, the city rejoices unanimously at the arrival and subsequent departure of all gods and goddesses alike. In a city as cosmopolitan as ours, it seems as if all that is needed to celebrate, is a reason. Child-like love and care is poured over the gods during their intermittent stay within the city. It almost appears to be a heart-wrenching goodbye when the time comes for the immersion of the idols at the commencement of the festival. It is truly an emotional experience to be a part of these festivities and to soak in the tradition and culture that has long been a part of life in this city. Ganesh Chaturthi holds historic and patriotic
roots in the city apart from the immense love that is garnered by for the Elephant headed God, Ganesha. The tradition of celebrating Ganesh Chaturthi in public has flourished ever since and grown to a scale unimagined before. It is also imperative to step away and see this objectively. Amongst the festivities, the city is desecrated in the name of religious fanfare. The streets are often overrun by drunk revelers, noise pollution is rampant and widespread, and among the more serious permanent damage it causes to the city, is by the leftover garbage and litter that is created during the days of festivity. Long standing tradition of idol immersion now poses a threat at a greater level than realized. To withstand the large sizes of idols being prepared, traditional clay techniques are not used and most idol makers resort to Plaster of Paris in order to create the larger and quite often, the smaller idols as well. The use of Plaster of Paris a.k.a POP is harmful to the environment since it isn’t soluble
in water and leaves a trail of idol waste in the water bodies after the days of the immersion. Severed heads of gods and half broken bodies of goddesses are spewed back by the sea, in the days following the festival. The carnage of broken idols lying on a beach, witnessed on the
coastline of the city on the morning after an immersion, depicts an ugly scene of battle often described in our myth. . The city has grown increasingly aware of the problem and several groups are promoting ecofriendly idols and other biodegradable alternatives. Immersion
tanks have been built in order to divert the immersions from the beach to these tanks, which are periodically emptied after every immersion date. It is the right step forward, but one sight of the litter-strewn beach, after the day of immersion, makes us realize we still have a long way
to go. We hope for a time where the environmental concern would be the fervor alongside with the devotion for the God, but we continue to desecrate our coast meanwhile, till we reach that state of Utopia. The above views are personal views expressed by the author of this article.
Devotees stand beside a immersed Ganesha idol at Girgaum Chowpatty in Mumbai on 27 September 2015. Kartik Avatani/ Mumbai Weekly
One of the lesser known places of dwelling lie within the pipeline, that run from the southern part of the city, passing through Mahim creek, enters Bandra and the subsequent suburbs that lay northwards. Near Bandra reclamation, the pipelines have been covered and sheltered to support the flyovers
that rise above the pipeline. It is within these dark tunnels that an entire society flourishes. People can often be seen appearing from within the pipes for their daily ablutions in the Mahim creek, only to disappear again within the dark spaces between the two enormous pipelines that ensure water
supply to most parts of the city. Hidden away from most of the city, this place is usually teeming with people abusing drugs and other illegal activities. Mumbai Weekly photographer Kartik Avatani spent time around the pipelines to understand more about the people and their activities.
Cooking Oil gets more expensive In Mumbai the zero customs duty has made imported sunflower oil at least Rs 3/kg cheaper than imported soya oil and local groundnut oil. India usually consumes 1.2 million tonnes sunflower oil every year. Last year imports plummeted 90% because India imported less than 20,000 tonnes crude sunflower oil due to record-high international prices. Groundnut expeller oil prices have dropped to Rs 54/kg, the lowest in several seasons. Farmers growing sunflower have little reason to start worr ying. "The current drop in prices is also due to the bunching up of imported palm oil cargoes at port that had been waiting for the duty increase. Once this oil gets
sold, the pipeline will contract again to normal levels. Moreover, demand for palm oil, that becomes slow in winter, will resurface once the weather becomes warmer. We are expecting prices to see an upside next month. The duty on crude palm and so yab ean oils was raised to 12.5 percent to 7.5 percent, while the tariff on refined oils was increased to 20 percent from 15 percent, the Central Board of Excise and Customs said in a notification on its website. While higher taxes might fuel costs for Indian Consumers, they might also hamper efforts by top palm oil producers Indonesia and Malasia to drain near record inventories and shore up prices.
A worker stands on top of a oil container at Indu Mills in Mumbai on 28 September 2015. Satyabrata Tripathy/Mumbai Weekly
Tobacco products set to cost more
A woman smokes a cigarette at Dadar in Mumbai on 28 September 2015. Satyabrata Tripathy/Mumbai Weekly
“Volkswagen needs a Fresh Start�:CEO Volkswagen has named Matthias Mueller to take the wheel after CEO Martin Winterkorn stepped down earlier this week in the wake of a growing scandal involving some 11 million diesel
vehicles equipped with software that cheated emissions testing.. The scale of Volkswagen's deception became clear when the company admitted that 11 million of its diesel cars are equipped
with so-called defeat devices that covertly turn off pollution controls when the car is being driven and back on when tests are being conducted. Volkswagen has set aside 6.5 billion euros in provisions for the third quarter to cover the potential costs of the disclosures. Volkswagen said it was setting aside around 6.5 billion euros ($7.3 billion) to cover the fallout. CEO Martin Winterkorn apologized for his company's deception and pledged a fast and thorough investigation, but gave no indication that he was considering leaving. Volkswagen began installing software deA mechanic washes and cleans a Volkswagen car in a garage in Bha- s i g n e d t o c h e a t o n e m i s sions in 2008. dhup, Mumbai on 5 October 2015. Pratik Chorge/Mumbai Weekly
Smokers and tobacco chewers in Uttar Pradesh will have now to shell more to quell their addiction as cigarettes will cost more. The government has increased VAT on all kind of tobacco, including cigar and khaini up to 40 per cent as well as imposed a ban on the sale of loose cigarettes. The decision was taken in the cabinet meeting which was chaired by Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav. State Government has also increased VAT on all tobacco products. barring bidi, up to 40 per cent. The list also includes non-tobacco Pan Masala. Government will earn addition Rs 200 crore from this decision. India has close to 27.5 crore tobacco users of whom more than 10 lakh die from its ill effects every year. A majority of them (21 percent) use smokeless products like gutkha, zarda and khaini, whereas 9 percent smoke and nearly 5 percent use both. According to the government data.
Oxigen hires Sachin as a Brand Ambassador
Sachin Tendulkar poses for the camera at a event held at Taj Lands End, Bandra in Mumbai on 25 September 2015. Satyabrata Tripathy/Mumbai Weekly Oxigen Services India has signed Sachin Tendulkar as its brand ambassador. Oxigen has aligned its vision to aggressively push for digital India and financial inclusion, The Pramod
Saxena, founder and CMD of Oxigen Services India, says, "We are absolutely proud and honoured to be associated with the God of cricket himself who is renowned not only in
India, but across the globe. Oxigen created digital wallet for transactions in 2008 and is the first non-banking firm to connect with NPCI for instant money transfers.
Delhi’s Oldest Rock Band: Parikrama
Subir Malik plays at a event at Fort, Mumbai on 12 September 2015. Pratik Chorge/Mumbai Weekly. P arikram a i s a rock and roll band from Delhi , Indi a. They have several l ive perform ances. The band was offici all y form ed on 17 June 1991 in Del hi . The word P arikram a m eans 'orbit al revoluti ons ' i n S anskri t . In i t s 2014 li st ing of "25 Great est Indi an R ock S ongs of t he l ast 25 Years ", "R ol li ng S tone Indi a" feat ured, but it
R ained (S ingl e, 1996) b y t he band. Wi th over 2500 concerts and m ore than 5 m il li on free downloads, t he band has a huge reach and fan base across Indi a and the world. The band releases al l i ts songs t hrough t hei r offi ci al websi te and soci al m edi as, free of cost. They have pl a yed t he Downl oad Festival i n t he UK whil e openi ng
Saurav Chaudhary(Guitars), Sonam Shepra(Guitars), Imran Khan(Violin) play at a event at Fort, Mumbai on 12 September 2015. Pratik Chorge/Mumbai Weekly. for Iron Mai den 3 ti m es . The band oft en fuses Indi an cl assi cal music inst rum ents li ke m ri dangam , t abl e and fl ut e wi th conventi onal i nst rum ent s li ke guit ar , drum s and ke yboards. The y
have been i ns pi red and i nfl uenced by t he l ikes of P ink Fl o yd, J i mi Hendrix and The Doors . The band consis ts of Ni ti n M ali k(Vocals ), S aurabh C haudhary (Gui t ars), S onam S herpa(Guit ars ),
C hi nt an Kal ra (Bas s ), S ubi r M ali k(Ke yboards ) and S ri j an M ahaj an (Drums ). M any of it s s ongs s uch as “One” and “But i t rained” addres s es vari ous soci al is sues and are fam ous for their en-
chanti ng l yri cs . The band has a huge reach and fan bas e all over t he world. They have s everal l ive perform ances and ori gi nal num bers t o t hei r nam e. P ari kram a rarel y records in t he s tudi o.
Vivek Oberoi takes the Ice Bucket challenge Actor and philanthropist Vivek Oberoi, who has been associated with several social causes like Cancer Patients Aid Association (CPAA) and runs the project DEVI in Mathura sponsoring the education of more than 3500 girls, took up the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge on 19th Sept 2015.The ALS ice bucket challenge fund raising drive has gone viral the world over a n d B o l l yw o o d c e l e b r i ties including Akshay Kumar, Sidharth Malhotra, Sonakshi Sinha and Riteish Deshmukh took the challenge last year.Vivek, who took up the challenge in the presence of the Ice Bucket Challenge founder, Nancy Frates, said, “Nancy has worked tirelessly for ALS awareness since her son, Peter, was diagnosed in 2012 with the disease. Peter is the inspiration behind the Ice Bucket Challenge, the viral fundraising phenomenon.
Vivek oberoi takes the Ice Bucket Challenge with the challenge fouder Nancy Frates in Mumbai on 20 Sepetember 2015. Karishma Aidasani/ Mumbai Weekly.
Calendar Girls at a promotional event
Madhur Bhandarkar poses with the actresses of his upcoming film Calender Girls during a promotional event at a store in Mumbai on 12 September 2015. Nupur Bandre/Mumbai Weekly
C al endar Gi rl s is a 2015 Indi an dram a fil m di rect ed by M adhur Bhandarkar and co produced b y S angeet a Ahi r and Bhandarkar Ent ert ai nm ent . The fi lm 's m usi c i s com pos ed b y M eet Bros Anj j an and Am aal M al li k.The fil m rel eas ed on 25 S ept em ber, 2015. According to di rect or M adhur Bhandarkar, t he st or y of C al endar Gi rl s i s 75%
real it y and 25% fi ct ion. Fi ve girls - M ayuri , Nazneen, S haron, Nandi t a and P arom a - from di fferent regions of Indi a have been s elect ed t o pos e for t he cover of Indi a's most prest igi ous annual cal endar, whi ch i s a coll aborati on bet ween a busi ness t ycoon R is habh Kukrej a and his phot ographer fri end, Ti mm y S en. The m ovi e i s a voyeuri s t i c peek i n-
t o what happens behi nd t he-s cenes and when s uccess and fam e is at t ained. C al ender Gi rls borrows heavi l y from real l i fe (m at ch fixi ng, ri ght wing prot est s agai ns t P akis t ani art is ts ) whi ch works well and gi ves the whol e thi ng s om e aut henti ci t y. The cas t cons is ts al most ent i rel y of unknowns/ newcom ers , except for vet eran Ki ran Kum ar.
Mihir Kantawala wins the tournament
Dev Gehlaut is seen in action at Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association at Churchgate, Mumbai on 2 October 2015. Mihir Kantawala won the tournament at Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Assosiation. Satyabrata Tripathy/Mumbai Weekly
Mihir Kantawla is seen in action at Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association at Churchgate, Mumbai on 2 October 2015. Satyabrata Tripathy/Mumbai Weekly
Mary Com and Sindhu attend a fund-raising event
Mary Kom shares a moment with the badminton player P.V Sindhu at a fund raising event in Bandra, Mumbai on 24 September 2015. Kartik Avatani/Mumbai Weekly
The EdelGive Social Innovation Honours (ESIH) was created with the aim of recognizing, promoting and supporting nonprofit organizations implementing innovative models in the sphere of women empowerment. ESIH enabled these largely unknown but creative organizations to not only showcase their work but also encouraged other organizations to imbibe and implement these ideas across the country. It also helped to set the stage for these organizations to attract investors and donor interest, both domestic and international. This year EdelGive Foundation has undertaken to support two young athletes who are ex-
tremely talented and have a very bright future that is Madhu Vedwan (Archery) 17years old and Thotyola Tangkhul (Boxer) 15years old. Mary Kom is a five time world champion boxer from Manipur, India. She won the bronze medal in the 51 kg category at the London Olympics 2012. A Khel Ratna awardee, Mary Kom has clinched virtually every international medal. She has been honoured with the Arjuna Award in 2003 and the Padmashree in 2006. Indian Boxer M C Mary Kom & Badminton player P. V. Sindhu and Ayonika. Paul to help them emerge as champions.
Borja Golan beats World no. 15 Ghosal Mumbai: National Champion Saurav Ghosal, world no. 15 went down without putting up too much of a fight to Borja Galon in the final of the CCI Open Squash Championships. Calcutta, Sep 27 (IANS) India's Saurav Ghosal outclassed higherranked Egyptian Marwan Elshorbagy in straight games to win the Kolkata International leg of the JSW Indian squash Circuit here on Sunday. Playing at the packed. Ghosal was on fire from the first serve, setting a punishing pace that had the bigger player scrambling to keep up. World no. 15 Ghosal played
some scintillating strokes in the first game, and kept up the momentum in the next two games preventing Elshorbagy from getting in his shots. It was a vicious circle. As world no. 12 Elshorbagy grew more frustrated, his game saw more errors. He gave Ghosal some trouble with his lengths, but couldn't manage to get the rh ythm going against the local favourite. The JSW Indian Squash Circuit next moves on to Chennai, from Oct 2226. Saurav Ghosal is a professional squash player from India and reached a career high world ranking of World no. 15 in December 2013.
Right: Saurav Ghosal was seen in action at a Squash tournament in Mumbai on 13 September 2015. Satyabrata Tripathi/Mumbai Weekly Published by: Udaan School of Photography | Editor-In-Chief: Kartik Avatani | Photo Editor: Kartik Avatani | Chief Photographer: Kartik Avatani | | Email: