Honors Magazine Fall 2017

Page 52


Five directors and deans in Honors history each put in hard work and extra efforts to build success upon success

BY PATSY WEILER Since its inception, the MTSU Honors College has had five talented, hard-working educators—

June McCash, Ron Messier, John Paul Montgomery, Phil Mathis, and John R. Vile —who have guided it through nearly 45 years of change, challenge, and growth. All of them followed their own path at MTSU prior to bringing their unique touches to this job. Attempting to fit this group into a single mold would be impossible. They hail from different parts of the country, taught different disciplines, and enjoyed diverse activities from riding motorcycles to playing ice hockey. What they all share is a deep, abiding love of lifelong learning and an ability to inspire and lead others by their hard work and commitment to the success of students. Safe to say there are many bright fires of student success burning across the world that were lit under the watchful eyes of this quintet of amazing leaders.

52 Honors Magazine mtsu.edu/honors

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