MSBA Journal: March-April 2015

Page 24

Random-Sample Surveys

Mining Data from Scientific,

looking for large discrepancies and gaps in the percentages. These gaps serve as signals to your team that “something is there, we need to look closer, and try to understand.” More often than not, these gaps represent information that may be counter to prevailing assumptions; the larger the gap and the more counter-intuitive it is, the greater the need for analysis. As the data are mined and the gaps are identified, they are placed into the “Insights” column of the accompanying chart in order of the size of the gap from largest to smallest. Divining insights from data is the first step in converting data into actionable information. The second step is developing implications from the insights. This ensures the wisdom from our insights is translated into actions to help lay the foundation for successful planning, whether that is a referendum or implementing a new strategic plan. Developing implications starts by asking two questions of each insight. The first question is, “If we take action and ensure these percentages remain the same or even grow, would that help achieve the planning objective?” The second question flows naturally from the first: “If we take action and try to alter these percentages, would that help achieve our goals?” The primary insight from the reading achievement example is that women care greatly about reading achievement. The implication is that women can be motivated by communicating that funds from a successful referendum will be allocated to address reading achievement. The deeper insight, however, is that men do not, at least on the surface, seem to place

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value on high reading achievement. We would counsel the team to consider whether it is true that a higher percentage of men don’t seem to care about reading achievement. Or, is their response to the survey question driven by lack of knowledge and exposure to the teaching and learning process? Could the campaign affect this dichotomy and capture more male supporters by getting them into the classroom and directly involved in the reading program, thereby moving the campaign in the team’s direction? Usually there are a number of insights gleaned from any set of data. However, we find focusing on a limited number that show the greatest discrepancy – and thus hold the greatest promise for action – is the best use of the team’s resources.

Isaac Beach

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