PCSA Governing Documents

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those ccnniri lots, picces or parccls of land, \vi 111 ripjmtet~ilncesrhcrcto belonging, Iyins and b c i y in Berkslcy District. James City Cou~lry,i'irginia. kno\vn. designated a ~ l ddescrihcd as Lots 1 through 30, ir~clusive,as sho\\n on the certain plat elltitled "SL'DDI\'ISION 01: I'OLYIIATAN SECONDARY OF N'ILI-IAbiSBURG I'tI.L\SE \'II-.A PO\!'llhT,\N DIS'I-RICI JALIES CITY COUNTJ', VIRGINIA." made by Laudhlark Dcsign Group, datctl Novcniber 1 5. 2002. ,in11 rccordcd in the Clcrk's Office o f thc Circuit Court for the County oSJamcs City nrltl LVilliamsburg, Virginia, in Plal Book , at piigcs . 1\11

OF WILLlAMSWIRG 8 CCU ument was admitted ID raord on AMIS+.The taxes bnposed by Vkplnia Code at Sectbn 58.1-801,58.1-802a 58.1-814 bve been pdd. STATE TAX LOCALTAX AOOITIONALTM VIRGINIA: UTY

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