08-31-10 Military_Booklet_V20[1]

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Instructional Resources TTeecchhnnoollooggyy--B Baasseedd C Coouurrsseew waarree

EElleeccttrroonniicc C Coom mppaanniioonn M a n u a l s Manuals

The courseware uses the most current technology and educational design to achieve learning outcomes. This component provides students with step by step instructions required to master conceptual and theoretical information, and provides insight as to the practical application of the skills using audio, visual, and simulations. Students are able to rewind and fast-forward the training material, test their retention on specific segments and take personal notes directly on the computer. These and other features allow for a fully personalized learning experience. This component provides the core content information.

Specially created summaries of all concepts presented in multimedia. This material cannot be purchased in bookstores and is available only to our students. Companion manuals enable students to review training material in a printed format, thereby providing additional reinforcement to the multimedia. In addition, the material in these manuals is cross-referenced to the Study Guides for more detailed review of each topic presented.

PPrrooggrraam m LLeeaarrnniinngg G Guuiiddee

EElleeccttrroonniicc SSttuuddyy G Guuiiddeess When applicable, students will have electronic study guides preloaded onto their computer. These study guides are selected to provide students with additional detailed explanations and enhance the materials covered.

A unique integrated training guide created specially for use in our training programs. This document maps out the entire training process, from beginning to end. It directs the student as to what resources to use, when to use each, what to complete, and approximately how long it should take to complete. In short, this feature provides every student with the structure and detailed guidance needed to achieve success in their training program.

R Reeffeerreennccee M Maatteerriiaall

SSiittuuaattiioonn B Baasseedd TTaasskkss

Designed and selected to provide students with additional information to support the comprehension of the material taught, provide additional perspectives, and prepare for testing.

For Business and Professional Development students, situation based tasks are included. The interactive labs provide students with guided practical activities that reinforce the concepts taught and allow the student to apply their newly acquired skills using typical workplace scenarios. This practical application of skills makes the training realistic as well as enhances student’s knowledge.

EE--R Reeffeerreennccee LLiibbrraarryy Our online textbook E-Reference library puts content from well-known authors and publishers online into a fully searchable electronic reference library available for our students.


TTeesstt PPrreepp SSooffttw waarree

When applicable, students are provided with an opportunity to practice taking exams similar to live certification exams as often as they choose. This feature enables students to become more familiar with the format used in certification testing, thereby building confidence in their abilities. This feature also gives instant feedback to students on areas of weakness, allowing them to return to the training materials to review areas of need.

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The Online Classrooms provide the opportunity for teacher/student interactivity. This, in conjunction with the availability of the technology-based courseware, allows learners to enjoy the complete flexibility of our program. Through the Online Classrooms, students have access to an instructor 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Students can interact with online instructors via chat rooms and e-mail.

SSttuuddeenntt SSuuppppoorrtt SSeerrvviicceess Constant monitoring and follow-up regarding student progress is provided. Students receive reminder emails, followup phone calls, and can check their progress online at any time.

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