Mount Pisgah Annual Report 2010-2011

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Global Missions Overview True disciple-making is a global endeavor. The mission of Global Missions is to lead the church to give, go, serve, and pray in obedience to Christ’s call to take the gospel to the ends of the world. As a result of Mount Pisgah Global Missions, thousands have been reached for Jesus and grown as His disciples. This past year the generous giving of Mount Pisgah members enabled us to Love the Na ons on several con nents. We employed our strategy to lead children to Jesus, to equip leaders to disciple the na ons, and to support the persecuted church by partnering with indigenous believers and mission organiza ons established to work with them.

The annual Water for the World Run helps raise funds for internaƟonal ministry. These investments were undergirded by the personal touch of our self-suppor ng mission teams who brought a helping hand, addi onal supplies, and water purifica on filters to our friends around the world.

St. Lucia On this beau ful Caribbean island the bornout-of-wedlock rate is over 80%. Despite having to reduce our four full- me abs nence educa on teachers to three, our ministry in St. Lucia’s secondary public schools s ll bore fruit of hundreds of boys and girls trus ng Christ for their salva on and their purity. Our ongoing support of the Soufriere Soup Kitchen allowed the hungry and homebound in this fishing village to receive daily nourishment. Iran Persecu on of Chris ans in Iran was on the rise in 2010-2011 with a par cular emphasis in the wee hours following Christmas day, when at least 70 were taken from their homes. Over a six-month period and spanning 35 ci es 285 believers were arrested for the crime of apostacy—conver ng from Islam to Chris anity, a crime punishable by death. At least 41 of those arrested were imprisoned 1-8 months and some even longer. S ll others remain in prison with li le or no word about them. Most spent weeks enchained in solitary confinement. Interroga ons, insults, torture, threats…church leadership in Iran is for the brave. Yet, amid such persecu on Christ con nues to build His church, and believers con nue to hand out Farsi New Testaments to anyone willing to take one. Some mes they simply leave one where it may be found by one of the many Iranians who have longed to read about Jesus. Working through Elam Ministries Mount Pisgah provided Bibles and other tangible support for these persecuted believers during this period of heightened persecu on, when the families of those imprisoned o en have no way to support themselves because they are refused jobs. We also partnered with Internaonal Leadership Ins tute (ILI) to train the courageous leaders of the Persian Church. Nigeria We provided 25 scholarships to train West African pastors at West Africa Theological Seminary in Lagos, a world-class city located on the southern border at the Gulf of Guinea. Other pastors were trained in Gombe State in Northern Nigeria through our partnership with ILI. These pastors live among a high degree of persecu on, as Northern Nigeria is dominated by Islam and Shari’a Law.


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