Freshman FAQ with the Honors College Assistant Dean

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AChangeWoul dDoYouGood. Fal l2020



with the Honors College Assistant Dean Story // Sophia Surrett

Photography // Jordan Tastad Design // Banks Church


reshman year by definition is different, unusual and out of the comfort zone for most. A new start is always scary, even

for the strong-hearted. Freshman year is the most daunting time for a young adult and for many, questions and uncertainties are part of the experience. Honors College Assistant Dean Ross Bryan remembers his time as a freshman in college and the questions he had when starting his college career. Looking back on his lessons and experiences, Bryan shares to incoming freshmen as he answers the most frequently asked questions.

Dr. ross Bryan


Q: Will I get along with my roommates?

- Braden Hall, a freshman studying psychology

“One thing I know is no matter

how you figure out who you are

housing, student affairs and student life for years.

living with or going to live with,

“I do think there are things

there’s no magic formula. I know

you can do to get along with your

there is no rhyme or reason to it,”

roommates. I think discourse, open

Bryan said. “Whether you have

dialogue, and honest dialogue are

been best friends with this person

incredibly important and that is

since kindergarten or you did

tough because I don’t think we

potluck and chose them randomly

are socialized to do that. We, as a

with a whole other context or a

people, are not socialized to have

whole other state, the chances of

open and honest discourse and

you getting along are about even.”

dialogue with people you are living

Bryan recalls his graduate

with or near. That’s one of the most

school days as he worked in

important types of friendships,

housing and continued working as

or getting along with somebody

a community director in a housing

or having a relationship, and you

operation after his graduate

absolutely have a relationship

assistantship for a couple of years.

with your roommate, no matter

When he came to The University

what. Will you get along with your

of Alabama in 2005, he came as

roommate? It is 50/50,” Bryan

the assistant director of housing


and residential communities. His

Getting along with your

expertise and experience with

roommates is an important part of

housing issues and roommates are

the college experience, especially

outstanding as he worked with

freshman year. Bryan believes

that freshmen are at the university


Q: how will i make friends?

can be difficult to navigate.

- Braden Hall

“A huge part of your freshman

“[The Honors College] and the larger university and student life and housing residential communi-

The Honors College has the

to become public intellectuals,

year is becoming involved and en-

Honors Year One program to help

develop some life skills and pursue

gaged. We now know that if you’re

freshmen develop friendships and

becoming a social change agent.

an involved and engaged student,

relationships to last throughout

your general disposition goes up,

college. The Honors Year One

your grades go up, your satisfac-

program includes UH 100, Honors

tion goes up, and so it is incredibly

Action, and so on, but with the

important to us and we are looking

pandemic, university officials un-

for new ways to do it,” Bryan said.

derstand that making friendships

“Freshman are at the university to become public intellectuals, develop some life skills, and pursue becoming a social change agent.” - Dr. Ross Bryan

ties are in conversations to figure out how we are going to do [Honors Year One]. People will be involved and engaged, it just might look different than what you usually think of and it might take a little bit of more time,” Bryan said.

Q: how is the food?

-Braden Hall

“It is really interesting because no college student, or rarely do I

the vast number of vincinities

come across a student, that is like,

as we do today. Bob the omelet guy

‘The food is awesome here.’ But if

was Bryan’s favorite part of the

you eat the same thing, like I am a

dining hall as Bob’s personality was

creature of habit, same thing, same

the highlight of his day.

place, always. And I think if you

“I recommend that you give

did that all the time, you did that

yourself options and go to a

every day, you might get tired of it,”

different environment, and you

Bryan said.

have that option here. When I went

He recalls being a freshman

to college, you just had one dining

and only being able to eat the same

hall. You have so much choice now,

things every day due to not having

give yourself options, and give


yourself choice, reach out and travel out to different places. You

have a ton of opportunities,” Bryan said.

“give yourself choice, reach out”


Q: How do I find a good balance between school and fun?

- Fatema Dhondia, a sophomore studying mechanical engineering and German

“The frustrating thing about COVID right now is for some

people, and for most of us actually,

Q: How do I stay organized? - Fatema Dhondia

we’re trying to control what we


can’t control. That is a tough one.

For a bunch of different reasons,

Any attempt to work on a

I find myself saying I am going to

but particularly now having some

schedule is important, Bryan

Bryan teaches his freshmen

the Honors College a bunch of

control X because I can’t control

set times that you are going to do

believes that whatever works best

that one the most when I was in

students in the UH 100 course

times is people are on the other side

other things in life that are going

something is a start. It is important

for you is what your goal should be.

undergrad. I always say there are

to try and meet people in a

like they don’t know how to have

on right now and it feels chaotic.

to do work, but it is also important

two things that will make you

“functional and healthy way.”

fun, or they won’t allow themselves

successful in college, One: Having

He believes engaging in public

to have fun,” Bryan said. “That

the ability to delay immediate

discourse can help you become

makes for a miserable citizen and

gratification. Having the ability

involved and respect others. When

I think that has a lasting effect into

to delay immediate gratification

meeting with other students and

adulthood. It’s not necessarily a

is very, very important. The

begin talking, bouncing ideas off of

healthy thing. You have to have a

second one is taking personal

one another becomes feasible and a


responsibility for your actions and

way to connect and grow.

“I probably struggled with

your inactions,” Bryan said.

“What I think we run into at

Q: how many clubs should i join?

“I don’t think that there is

- Fatema Dhondia

the University,” Bryan said.

a magic number, but I do know

Bryan warns students to

this: your engagement and the

not become overly involved and

opportunities you are taking

tire yourself out. He believes if

advantage of should mature and

you ask yourself “Why did you

grow with you during your time at

come to college?” then you will


find the right balance between

involvement, class and social life.


to give yourself time to just sit and think and be,” Bryan said.

Q: How will I find my group here?

- Gina Lusvardi, a freshman studying chemical engineering

Starting within the residence

those relationships,” Bryan said.

halls, classes and just being on

“Usually, those things fall into

campus, finding friends will

your lap at college, you’re not stuck

become easier and more natural

for something to do generally

over time.

speaking, but now you have to find

“I don’t think that is different

more things and be intentional

from the regular freshmen

about it. You’re going to start

experience, it is just going to

finding those things and take

take a little longer. It is going to

advantage of those opportunities

take a little more of you showing

while they are there because

initiative and asking and pushing

they are going to be less of them

some of those things to have

traditionally in the freshman year.”

“take advantage of those opportunities while they are there”


Q: How will I deal with being away from my family? I think it has the potential to stick

“That one is going to be

around a little bit longer because

there no matter what, it might be

the level of engagement and how

exasperated because of COVID.

you engage is a little different. I

You are in a new context and a new

would just be aware of that.”

environment, recognize that. You

When Bryan spoke at Bama

got to put yourself out there, you

Bound orientation, he gave a big

got to be uncomfortable,” Bryan

talk to parents reminding them

said. “I think homesickness usually

that their kids would eventually be

sticks around until about the first

okay and less homesick around the

of October, and then it fades away.

end of the first month of school.

- Gina Lusvardi

“You are in a new context and a new environment, recognize that.”

Q: Are the classes harder than high school?

Get some sleep, don’t smoke cigarettes, and be kind to your fellow citizens

“Yes because I firmly believe this, you’re asked to think and be and interact and engage differently

- Gina Lusvardi

with the curriculum,” Bryan said. Reflecting on his experience


the honors college is harder? For some, it is because regardless of

throughout his student advising

your ACT/SAT/GPA, thinking for

career, he believes high school is a

yourself is hard. I think that is what

stepping stone to college, a place

college requires is to begin thinking

to begin to digest knowledge and

for yourself,” Bryan said.

break down principles. “And so when people ask me about the honors college, and if

“Get some sleep, don’t smoke cigarettes, and be kind to your fellow citizens,” Bryan said.

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