Local Lynx No.101 - April/May 2015

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from a terrible over-reach 22nd We had a town meeting, I was reappointed guardian and surveyor 23rd Went to hear Mr Randall’s lecture on the Church of Pergamy, very dark night and obliged to borrow lamp 26th Poor Freddy James came home from school with a broken arm and dislocated shoulder from a fall in play 30th I went to the Board and then to old Marsham’s sale at Sculthorpe – bought a nice little flower stand as birthday present for Ems.



1859 February 2nd We went to Binham to tea than to Langham to hear Mrs Napier’s lecture on Stephenson, dear Ems was taken ill there 7th My grey horse taken ill with inflammation in the kidneys at Hammond’s where I sent him to have his sore mouth examined 12th Had another decided case of pleurs in the other lot of bullocks which I put in Hammonds hands 15th We gave all the bullocks an alternative drink today at Hammond’s recommendation – I think the one he attended to will die 17th A horribly dull market, sent another bullock to be knocked on the head 22nd Sold all my bullocks to Strangleman at a terrible sacrifice March 1st Middleton drove me to meet the hounds at Foxley but they did not come so we went to see a horse at Rotterdean and lunched there 8th Was in great trouble about my sheep supposing that they had scale but on consultation found it was from a dressing 15th We dined at Binham and had my birthday plus pudding, I had some presents of books from dear Ems, the Mither and Sally 16th I drove Middleton to Hardistone green to wait Mrs Rose’s hounds, had poor sport and lamed my horse

January winners: £25 A. Procktor, £10 Stanley Hewitt, Paul Frost, £5 Lucy Walduck, Marie Grange, Barb Thompson. February winners: £25 Pennie & Neil Alford, £10 Becky Bunting, Violet Dunn, £5 Sheila Law, Mr G Griffiths, S. Cuthbert. If anyone would like to join the 100+ club, please call at 8 Priory Crescent or ring June Read on 01328 830106.

BINHAM GUILD OF ARTISTS We meet every Tuesday morning from 10am to 12 noon in the Village Hall. A fee of £2 per morning includes coffee and biscuits. For further information you will be welcome to call in during a session when we will be happy to help.

FOOD FOR THOUGHT Grandmothers are inclined to bring their grandchildren home muddy, sticky, radiant, exhausted and two hours late. Wise mothers say nothing.


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