Public farewells discontinue soon Compiled by Melissa Walsh MRS J Millard has received a cable this week from her grandson, Sergeant Alex Kerr, to the effect that he was leaving for Australia after having been wounded in the head at Gallipoli. *** A number of wounded soldiers were entertained by “The Wattles” Club at the Park, Frankston, on last Sunday afternoon, when a most enjoyable time was spent. *** THE Dramatic entertainment advertised to take place at Somerville this evening, in aid of the Red Cross, has been postponed on account of the recruiting meeting being held the same evening. *** AT the special meeting of the Somerville Fruitgrowers, held on Monday evening, it was decided to hold the annual show as usual, on 15th March next, 20 per cent of the profits to be devoted to local patriotic funds. *** SIR John Madden will deliver an address in the Somerville Hall this evening, on behalf of the recruiting movement now being carried on throughout this Commonwealth. Lieutenant Fisher and others will also address the meeting *** THE annual meeting of the Frankston Mechanics’ Institute will be held on Thursday evening next, and the Somerville Mechanics will hold
theirs on the following evening. *** MESSRS T R B Morton and Son will hold a sale of 80 town lots on the ground, Railway Station Estate, Bittern, on Monday, 31st January. For particulars see advt. *** FOLLOWING up his vigorous policy to develop the military reserve at Langwarrin, Major Robson, Staff Officer Engineers, entered into consultation with Mr Hermann, the well known geologist of the Victorian Mines Department. The result has been that from four bores water has been struck in three cases. The test gave in one case 59 gallons per hour and in the other 350 gallons per hour, or a total of over 10,000 gallons daily. The boring has been engineered and expeditiously carried out by Mr W. Anderson, a practical and experienced drill foreman. *** CAPTAIN Coyle, who left Langwarrin Camp last week for duty at head quarters, is one of the best known members of the A. and I. Staff. As Camp Commandant at Langwarrin he reorganised the office staff, and by the erection of separate kitchens completely altered the system of cooking, by which means the troops are now better fed and quicker served. He provided more cold water shower baths and arranged for sea bathing three times a week. He rendered every aid for the Christmas treat and biography shows for the patients. He earned the gratitude of property
owners in the Frankston shire by the excellent system of military police, and used every effort to protect orchardists from raiding. At the last meeting of the Langwarrin Progressive Association a vote of thanks was passed for his services. Risen from the ranks, he has learnt by experience and intuition that laws must not be rigid, but, like a rubber band, should contract or expand. The essence of a soldier, his very presence inspired confidence. He raised the prestige of the military; and was rapidly gaining popularity. He comes of a type that fought our battles against Napoleon, and one whom Charles Lever would have delighted to honor. *** AT a meeting of the Langwarrin Progressive Association, held on Monday evening, Mr J. N. Marsh was unanimously elected a member. Three more nominations were received at the meeting, and altogether the association promises to soon become as strong and prosperous as in its earlier history. *** ALTHOUGH the weather continues to dry, the fruit crops promise to be of good quality and size. Prices for apricots and plums have been good, but with early apples very low prices have ruled. This was caused by the large importation of American apples. As this has now ceased more payable prices can be confidently looked for. Poultry keepers, owing to the reduction in feed prices, are gaining more
profitable returns, and flocks have increased to former sizes. *** YOUNG men are still enlisting from this district, and so far they have received a very nice farewell and presentation at the local hall. On Saturday evening, January 22, Norman and Peter Taylor have a send off, and at a later date, yet to be fixed, several more will be guests at a farewell concert. As it is intended soon to discontinue these public farewells, all the eligibles should hurry up, and not lose such a chance of being publicly honored through their bashfulness or timidity. *** DURING the school holidays the committee have had the shelter shed asphalted, and also have other improvements under way. We note the Cranbourne Shire has been allotted £50 from the Government for the purpose of making much needed improvements to the west boundary road, near the railway station and military camp. The traffic on this road has been very heavy for some time, and the prospect of its being made passable has given much satisfaction to the residents. *** THERE was a large attendance at the Frankston Mechanics’ Hall, on Wednesday evening, in response to the appeal of the sub-committee of the North Riding of the Shire of Frankston and Hastings, with the object of stimulating the enrolment of volunteers to go to the front in de-
fence of the Empire and to induce recipients of the war census appeals to reply in the affirmative. Cr Griffeth, President of the Shire, occupied the chair, and proceedings were commenced by singing “God Save the King”, Mrs M’Cormack playing the accompaniment. Apologies for inability to attend were read from Sir William Irvine, Major Blizzard, and Commander Brewis, R.N. The chairman explained the formation of the recruiting movement, and said it was their united determination to stand by the old flag, and the council is putting forth every effort to fall in line with the movement. He hoped that those who had fallen at Gallipoli, would act as a stimulus to others to enlist, and help to bring this great war to a termination, and that the Shire of Frankston and Hastings would bring forward their required quota. He then introduced Sir John Madden, and asked him to move the first resolution which was the same as that recently passed at the Town Hall, Melbourne. Sir John Madden, on rising was received with hearty cheers. He said that every Australian worthy of the name—and what an immensely lofty, undying name it must be henceforth!—that no man who thinks his services may be of use will hesitate to come forward and place himself and his services at the disposal of his country. *** From the pages of the Mornington Standard, 22 January, 1916
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