Clip magazine 04

Page 78

Middle School Kindness Week 2012 Patrícia Mesquita, Ms Pastoral Care Leader

This year, we celebrated the 7th Middle School Kind-

tuna and potato starch (fécula de batata). Each donation

ness Week from the 28th of May to the 1st of June.

contributed with a point towards the House of its donor.

Taking into consideration the current economic crisis and

The collection took place between the 28th and 31st of

the increasing number of families in need, we decided

May. At the beginning, donations were slow to arrive

to work with the institution Coração da Cidade. As you

but with the incentive work of the Middle School Form

may know, this institution operates in the Oporto city

Teachers and the little competition factor, the food col-

and part of their actions is to work with the Oporto com-

lection soon became a very visual tower of items for

munity by providing a series of services to needy fami-

each House. We managed to collect 1021 items in total!

lies. They give support to 1500 users of their services,

On Friday, 1st of June, students participated in Inter-

providing around 700 meals per day, distributing ham-

House teambuilding activities during the afternoon

pers to the unemployed families (500 children), providing

where they earned further House points and learned

medicines, layettes to the mothers with no resources

something more about sustainability and the importance

and several support services to children and young peo-

of team work. At the end all points were added and the

ple. Mrs Milene Gasparini, a CLIP mother who works

House winner ‘Kappa’ announced.

with this institution, was the mentor of this project and

On the following week, Mr. Amadeu Santos, a represent-

approached CLIP, confident in our willingness to help

ative from Coração da Cidade, came to the MS Assem-

and readiness to get things done.

bly to talk to our students about their project and collect

We accepted the challenge and our objective was to set

the contributions made. Students and teachers were de-

up a collection of much needed food items for Coração

lighted with his message and are looking forward to the

da Cidade, thus developing awareness to the social prob-

chance of doing something similar next year.

lems around us. Students were asked to contribute with listed non-perishable items and be part of the SUMMER INTER-HOUSE RACE FOR CHARITY. Coração da Cidade was especially in need of oil, rice, pasta, milk,


clip in . october outubro 2012

To all the families that contributed to this activity, a big THANK YOU!

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