Hope & Life June 2015
The biannual newsletter of Pregnancy Assistance Inc.
Lara Malin
Contents About Us
Message from the Chair
Message from the Coordinator
Volunteer in Training
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Easter Baby
Mary’s Testimony
Hope and Life
40 Days for Life
Pregnancy Assistance Inc.
20 Years on and Still Building an
Elizabeth’s House
Authentic Culture of Life
Board Chair
Eric Jas
Deputy Chair
Tom Gourlay
Russell Sumich
Bronia Karniewicz
195 Lord Street
When Help is Needed
You Can Make a Difference
E info@pregnancyassistance.org.au
Mass - Day of the Unborn Child
Monday - Friday 10am - 3pm
Healing After an Abortion
East Perth 6004 T (08) 9328 2929
After Hours By Appointment
About Us Who are we? Pregnancy Assistance Inc. is an independent Catholic organisation initiated by Archbishop Barry Hickey in 1996. We provide compassionate care and emotional, practical and informational support to women in need throughout their pregnancy and post birth. Our free and confidential services are extended to all people irrespective of religion, race, demographic or personal values. What do we do? We provide a safe space in which all pregnant women have access to the care and support they need during their pregnancies and the freedom to make healthy decisions whether they are facing a crisis pregnancy and/or have had an abortion, miscarriage or still birth. We walk the pregnancy journey with the women we meet, assisting them through their crisis, encouraging them along the way and empowering them to walk independently into the future with HOPE and DIGNITY restored. Our free and confidential services include: • Pregnancy testing • Pregnancy care consultation and professional counselling • Accommodation provision • Future study/employment pathways • Practical support – bassinets, baths, nappies & clothes, maternity clothes • Financial assistance • Advocacy & support services referral • Post abortion care & grief counselling Who knocks on our door? Anyone and everyone affected by pregnancy who is in need of a little (or a lot) of help! We receive 170+ contact per month from pregnant women who are distressed due to one or more of the following; • • • •
Unexpected pregnancy Teen pregnancy Abortion concerns Financial hardship
• • • • • • • • •
Foetal anomaly Domestic violence Homelessness Isolation / loneliness Relationship breakdown Drug addiction Mental health issues Migration Grief/loss
Our Centre (lovingly nicknamed Elizabeth House) in East Perth is open for appointment (telephone or face to face) and allows for popins because sometimes you just need help now! Individuals are also welcome to metaphorically ‘knock on our door’ by contacting us via e-mail or Facebook. What method do we use when talking about abortion? We utilise Heartbeat International’s L.O.V.E. Approach when pregnant women come to us in distress over whether to keep, adopt out or abort their baby. Pregnancy Assistance was founded on Christian values and offers its services as an alternative to abortion. We believe our counselling approach allows the woman to focus on her own needs. However, under no circumstances do we believe we have the right to supersede/impose upon a woman’s decision. We will continue to support and welcome back individuals in love who have made choices that differ with the personal values of Pregnancy Assistance’s volunteer base. Who supports us? God supports the operations of Pregnancy Assistance by providing the right resources at the right time. And you are part of that providence! Pregnancy Assistance operates through the generosity of its supporters and we thank you. Your support gives Hope and Life so please (if you haven’t already) donate and get involved. We especially thank the Catholic Archdiocese of Perth for providing our rental costs.
Message from the Chair
Message from the Coordinator
Welcome to our first
It’s June already and I
edition of “Hope & Life”,
send you a big joyful
the official newsletter of
hello from Elizabeth’s
Pregnancy Assistance
House on Lord St where
Inc. The work in 195 Lord
we’ve been stationed to
give hope and life to all
continues essentially the
who come knocking at
same way as it has done
our door due to crisis
since its inception in 1996. It was the then
pregnancy. Because visitors are free to drop in
Archbishop Barry Hickey who, with several
without appointment we never know exactly
equally visionary people, planted the seed of
what our day will bring and we can’t plan too
what has now become a refuge for many people
far ahead. What we can be sure of however, is
in search of hope and life.
that God already knows exactly who will be
I was truly honoured when I was asked in December 2014 to take the helm as the new chair. I am grateful for all the hard and difficult work done by my predecessors, all the other
reaching out for assistance today and that we need to be prepared to leave ourselves behind and be fully available to offer service to those who come calling.
board members, coordinators and volunteers,
Giving our full service to a stranger through
and, last but not least, all the clergy who have
hospitality and compassion is a grace. We all
contributed in ensuring that the essential
lead very busy lives, we all have family and
service in our often cruel society has continued.
friends, never-ending lists of things to do and
I am convinced that with God’s and your help, Pregnancy Assistance will continue to operate as a true hope and life giving ministry. I hope this first “Hope & Life” will trigger your interest.
unexpected interruptions that pop up. Amidst the busyness of our personal lives it’s hard to make a commitment to serve others, to give of our life and our time to put others first before ourselves, but the volunteers of Pregnancy
Our existence and service depends on your
Assistance have made this special gift of their
prayers and generosity.
life. As they enter Elizabeth’s House for their
Eric Jas, Chair
shift they choose to ask for the grace to empty themselves of self and hand over their lives to God so that He may fill them with His love and make of them an instrument of His Peace for the day. Lara Malin, Coordinator
Hope and Life
Volunteer in Training Over the past several months, Pregnancy
a more experienced Pregnancy Care Consultant
Assistance volunteers have been blessed to have been given the opportunity to participate in an online course, titled “Working with women experiencing unintended or challenging pregnancy.” As a volunteer here at Pregnancy Assistance, I have found that the course has armed me with so much valuable knowledge, and has also helped me to clarify my own thoughts and ideas about counselling. When I began volunteering here, I mainly focused on admin work (and still do), and the thought of answering the phone or door to a woman in crisis made me so nervous! What would I do if a woman called asking for money for an abortion?
or Counsellor. However, now, I feel much more comfortable with assisting our clients, and am able to follow the basic counselling principles I have learned through the course to be able to assist women who come to us at their most vulnerable. While I still don’t feel fully ‘qualified’ for what can be a bit of a scary proposition at times, I do feel much more prepared and confident to assist these women when the need arises. I am sure in time, (and perhaps when I finish the course) I will be even more fully equipped to take on the role of Pregnancy Care Consultant here at PA.
Or saying that she is suffering because she has already had an abortion? What if I said the wrong thing? I have to admit, the first time that happened, I listened for a few minutes before referring the client through to
Thank you to the Kights of the Southern Cross Kelmscott Branch for their gift of sponsorship. Veronica O’Brien Pregnancy Care Consultant in Training
Hope and Life
Our Lady of Guadalupe Our Lady of Guadalupe, also known as the
Women and men need to know that despite
Virgin of Guadalupe, is a title of the Virgin Mary
the lie of abortion, the infinite mercy of God is
associated with a celebrated pictorial image
available to each and every one.
housed in the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City. The Blessed Virgin Mary, under this title is popularly invoked as Patroness of the Unborn and is the patron saint of Pregnancy Assistance.
With the help of Our Lady of Guadalupe, staff and volunteers at Pregnancy Assistance dedicate their lives and work to the protection of all human life. They take a stand for life with love in their hearts. Beneath the mantle of Our
Pregnancy termination today is often fuelled
Lady of Guadalupe those who suffer and come
by despair and fear. In Australia in our day
to Pregnancy Assistance, shall not only survive,
around 80,000 babies lose their life due to
but prosper.
pregnancy termination. These painful events in a woman’s life are often repressed, because the emotional trauma after an abortion is not recognised in today’s society. Therefore, women and men suffer in silence, sometimes unaware why it is they are feeling so low. The truth is that these women and men are victims themselves. So those who suffer are awaiting a word of invitation, an encouragement to come and visit Pregnancy Assistance. Many women and men are asking: “Is forgiveness available for me after an abortion?“ It may take months or even years before a woman is ready to start talking about what has happened to her. But God’s Word talks much about forgiveness and He offers healing for every human heart. At Pregnancy Assistance we provide a caring, non-judgemental environment where women and men of any age, race, nationality and religious affiliation can explore their deepest thoughts and feelings so they may be able to discover the inheritance of God’s mercy, freedom and peace.
Hope and Life
Easter Baby
Mary’s Testimony
Congratulations to one of our beautiful mums who gave birth to a baby boy “Eddie” at 6pm on Easter Sunday. It has been an absolute joy to share the journey of this young mother who faced impossible situation after impossible situation only to experience the hand of God make a way through the sea, across the desert and into the promise of His loving providence. We witness miracles at Pregnancy Assistance. Nothing is impossible to God.
“Stepping into their building on a cool October day was a repairing heart I felt! The meekness on the staffs are awesome. Cheerful and generous mind they exhibit. Pregnancy Assistance do not only support materially but lay emphasis on emotional and spiritual inspirations! They are always ready to stand by your sides in referrals if need arises. In fact, words are not enough to describe my confidence experiences with Pregnancy Assistance!!!. May Almighty God continue to touch people to sponsor them!” ”The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise” Psalm 51:17 Mary
Hope and Life
Hope and Life We pray for grace here at Pregnancy
We need to be mindful of how traumatic
Assistance to work together and to build a
experiences such as pregnancy loss affect
caring environment where people feel
people other than the mother, father and
understood and cared for while on their
child. Siblings and grandparents can
healing journey.
experience grief for the loss of their brother,
In his apostolic exhortation Evangelii Gaudium Pope Francis tells us we are missionary disciples who are involved and supportive, who bear fruit and rejoice. The Lord has taken the initiative, He has loved us
sister or grandchild. So Pregnancy Assistance creates a place where all people who are suffering are invited to find emotional support and hope for the future. Hope is essential for life.
first and therefore we can move forward,
Lisette Jas
boldly take the initiative, go out to others,
Counselor/Pregnancy Care Consultant
seek those who have fallen away, stand at the crossroads and welcome the outcast (Evangelii Gaudium, 24). It is with great love and compassion that we welcome women and men at Pregnancy Assistance. Whether we meet women and men who are facing an unplanned pregnancy or needing support due to pregnancy loss, we promote the health and welfare of mother, father and child. It is about restoring the whole person and to achieve this we try to create an environment which is caring, confidential and non-judgemental. An environment in which women and men are able to share any trauma they have
References Ney, Philip (1997). Deeply Damaged. The Holy Father Francis. Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium
experienced. This includes childhood neglect, abuse and/or pregnancy losses. According to Professor Ney, a child and family psychiatrist who has done extensive research into the effects of abortion and miscarriage, wholeness cannot even begin unless grieving is initiated.
Hope and Life
40 Days for Life 40 Days for Life is a peaceful prayerful campaign where pro-life people pray out the front of an abortion clinic for 40 consecutive days, usually during Lent. It is a focused pro-life campaign with a vision to access God’s power through prayer, fasting and peaceful vigil to end abortion. Christ’s peaceful presence is made tangible outside the abortion clinic with people kneeling quietly praying. 40 Days for Life started in 2007 in the USA and it is now a worldwide campaign with over 500 cities in 30 countries participating. This year was the 5th year that the Perth community participated in this prayerful vigil. Each day people turned up to pray out the front of the Rivervale abortion clinic. We had three women (that we know of) change their minds and not go through with the abortion in this most recent campaign. Altogether, with the 30 counties participating, there have been over 10,000 lives that have been saved from abortion to date, 107 abortion workers have quit their jobs and walked away from the abortion industry and 60 abortion facilities completely shut down following a local 40 Days for Life campaign. After so many years of legalised abortion, many people of faith are experiencing a renewed sense of HOPE! If you would like to participate or more information please go to the Perth web site: 40daysforlife.com/local-campaigns/perth/ Sharon Balsarini
Hope and Life
20 Years on and Still Building an Authentic Culture of Life The 25th of March is the feast of the
proclaim in some of the most loving words
Annunciation, that joyous feast which
imaginable, the good news of life and love for
remembers the fact that a financial stricken
one and all.
and perplexed young woman said ‘yes’ to the life which she was to conceive. This event, one which changed forever the very history of the universe happened in such humble of circumstances that it should have gone unnoticed by the history books. The fact that 2000 years ago, in the womb of this young, poor, unmarried woman from Nazareth God became man is something that continues to astound even the most learned amongst us.
While carefully and strongly putting forward the case for sanctity of human life, from conception to natural death, the pope also spoke with compassion to those women who have, for whatever reason, experienced the trauma of abortion. These words deserve our continued reflection: In John Paul II’s own words, “I would now like to say a special word to women who have had an abortion. The Church is aware of the many factors which may have influenced your It was on this date, 25th May 20 years ago in
decision, and she does not doubt that in many
1995, Pope, now Saint John Paul II promulgated
cases it was a painful and even shattering
his now famous encyclical Evangelium Vitae.
decision. The wound in your heart may not yet
The document, like the vast majority of John
have healed. Certainly what happened was and
Paul II’s works, is weighty and philosophically
remains terribly wrong. But do not give in to
dense in parts, and yet manages to beautifully
discouragement and do not lose hope. Try
Hope and Life
rather to understand what happened and face
The work of Pregnancy Assistance is to
it honestly. If you have not already done so, give
contribute concretely to the building of what
yourselves over with humility and trust to
John Paul II called a ‘culture of life.’ To be a
support for those who feel overwhelmed by
The Father of mercies is ready to give you his forgiveness and his peace in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. To the same Father and his mercy you can with sure hope entrust your child. With the friendly and expert help and advice of other people, and as a result of your own painful experience, you can be among the most eloquent defenders of everyone’s right to life. Through your commitment to life, whether by accepting the birth of other children
any number of societal factors which would view life as a burden and assist them in bringing to birth the joy that is within them. For so many in our society and in our neighbourhood the freedom to choose life is seemingly nonexistent, but in bearing the joy of the Gospel, we are able to bring the good news of hope to those who find themselves in need of it. We take encouragement from this profound document from this great saint of modern times
or by welcoming and caring for those most in
In this great endeavour to create a new culture
need of someone to be close to them, you will
of life we are inspired and sustained by the
become promoters of a new way of looking at
confidence that comes from knowing that the
human life.“
Gospel of life, like the Kingdom of God itself, is growing and producing abundant fruit (cf. Mk 4:26-29). There is certainly an enormous disparity between the powerful resources available to the forces promoting the “culture of death” and the means at the disposal of those working for a “culture of life and love”. But we know that we can rely on the help of God, for whom nothing is impossible (cf. Mt 19:26). Tom Gourlay
Hope and Life
When Help is Needed Last year we supported a beautiful couple
Our friends are extremely grateful to be living
throughout their pregnancy. Despite many
in Perth but their one concern is for their eldest
pressures they gave birth to a healthy baby boy
son and providing for his needs. Whilst they
on the 3rd October 2014 and we continue to
are under the Temporary Protection Visa they
support them practically and emotionally.
are not eligible to receive any support from the
With permission I share a little of their story in the hope that together we may learn something more about the dignity of human life and perhaps someone in the broader community network can offer further support. The family have lived in Australia on a Temporary Protection Visa for almost two years. They fled from Iran with their 4 year old son who has been diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy, Autism and Epilepsy. He is now 8 years old.
government towards his disability. Care costs are very high as their 8 year old son still requires nappies and his clothes / shoes wear out very quickly due to his large body movements. Medication can be expensive and outside of school hours, no respite care is offered to the family. At Pregnancy Assistance we respect life. We offer love and we trust that together we can restore dignity through the gift of true charity. If you have any support to offer towards the
Over cups of tea we learned that our friends
care of this precious life please contact Lara at
sincerely love their homeland Iran and miss
Pregnancy Assistance on 9328 2926.
their family very much. We have understood that it was out of love and respect for their disabled son and a desire to see him happy that they risked a dangerous journey to begin a new life in a foreign land. After a traumatic journey by boat, they lived for six months in Indonesia. They describe these six months as feeling more like ten years due to the fact that they couldn’t speak Indonesian and living conditions were cramped
“All life has inestimable value even the weakest
to the point where they had to share one cooker
and most vulnerable, the sick, the old, the
and one fridge between 30 people. They also
unborn and the poor, are masterpieces of God’s
faced the added distress of not being able to
creation, made in his own image, destined to
provide adequate medication for their son. His
live forever, and deserving of the utmost
medication ran out in Indonesia and we can
reverence and respect.”
only imagine the desperation of this mother and father as they searched for a doctor who
Pope Francis July 28, 2013
could help them. 10
Hope and Life
You Can Make a Big Difference We are so thankful to all of the many people who make a difference and raise support for Pregnancy Assistance. It’s inspirational to see little ideas blooming into big harvests. May these stories inspire you to get involved and raise donation for PA through your own community school, church, home or workplace. “I am emailing you to just catch you up on the progress so far on my Personal Research Project! With the generous help from my staff guide at Mercedes College, my Nonna and other family and friends, I have collected quite a large amount of beautiful baby blankets. They are all so lovely and are a beautiful range of colours and styles. With the help from my mum, we have wrapped all of the blankets up in clear cellophane so they are ready to be delivered to Pregnancy Assistance when you are ready :) I have also made a number of care packages for mothers, inside the packages are a few things, some of which include shampoo, conditioner, body wash, body cream, soap, hand cream, lip glosses and more! They are all packed away inside of cosmetic bags. I also have a bunch of boys and baby girls clothes to donate that have all been kindly donated from staff and friends. I will attach some photos to show you the things I have so far! Have a lovely day! Aimee Vivante, Mercedes College
Hope and Life
Mass - Day of the Unborn Child The International Day of the Unborn Child is
It is an opportunity for our Perth families and
celebrated on March 25, in conjunction with
community to offer prayers and hopefully
the Feast of the Annunciation. First officially
healing for these pregnancy losses.
celebrated in Argentina in 1999 under the Pontificate of Pope John Paul II, this day is a celebration of the value and dignity of every human person from the moment of conception, as well as a day of remembrance for those unborn children who have lost their lives to the violence of abortion.
For many years this Mass has been celebrated and supported by Archbishop Hickey. And this year Archbishop Costello led the Mass for the first time. Having our Archbishop lead the Mass is a wonderful encouragement for all of us who work and volunteer in the service of life. We also invite to concelebrate the Mass with all the
The Holy Father linked this day to the feast of
Priests who support and offer Masses at our
the Annunciation to honor the day when God
chapel at Pregnancy Assistance. For the past
was conceived and became an unborn child
few years we have been fortunate to be able to
in the womb of Our Blessed Mother.
use our beautiful St Mary’s Cathedral for this
Each year for the past 10 years here in Perth we
special Mass.
have celebrated this special Mass on the
During the Mass those present may honour
Saturday closest to the 25th March. The Mass
these precious pre-born babies in a procession
is offered for all babies conceived but not born
of flowers. This year over 200 people attended
due to miscarriage, still birth or abortion.
this Mass and we hope to raise awareness of
Prior to the Mass we have a Holy Hour of Prayer – offering prayers and the rosary for all unborn babies and especially the mothers and their
this special Mass so more people may come together and pray on this special day. Sharon Balsarini
families grieving the loss of a pregnancy.
Hope and Life
Healing After an Abortion Losing my four children to abortion Had left me with untold grief But engaging in counselling Has brought me great relief To be able to express my feelings My thoughts and deepest fears In the loving arms of Pregnancy Assistance Has allowed the flow of tears The tears that were suppressed And the pain that was hidden The memories that were held back My heart that was grief-stricken To be allowed to voice What had always been denied Was the key to my freedom From all those who had lied And tricked me into those abortions My babies who should never have died  by Mika Burge
Hope and Life
Thank You Thank you for supporting us to continually
Your generous support
achieve our principal objective – “To provide
gives and changes lives
relief of poverty, suffering, distress, misfortune,
and allows people to
destitution, or helplessness for pregnant women
taste just how sweet
of all sections of the public irrespective of race,
and good hope and life
colour or creed.”
truly is.
Pregnancy Assistance Inc. solely relies on
private donations. We are an ACNC registered
donations in the form
charity, and all monetary donations above $2
of nappies, wipes/bath supplies, pampering
are fully tax-deductable.
gifts for mums to be, and pre-loved baby clothes
and maternity clothes.
Your Donation Makes A Difference The Archdiocese pays for our rent but for all else we rely entirely on GOD speaking to your heart! Pregnancy Assistance Inc. PO Box 8129 Perth BC WA 6849 Donations over $2.00 are tax deductible
T: (08) 9328 2926
Name/Corporation: Date: Address: Postcode: Email: I make the following donation to Pregnancy Assistance Inc. of $ once only
By cheque/money order: made payable and addressed: Pregnancy Assistance Inc. PO Box 8129 Perth BC WA 6849 By Direct payment: Pregancy Assistance Inc. | Westpac | BSB 036014 | Acc 306953 Mastercard
Card Number: Expiry: Name on card: 3 digit verification number:
Online: www.pregnancyassist.com.au