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If a ]rIason's Lodge be built on holy ground, and sup-ported by wisdom, strength, and beauty; if it be of that Immeasurable extent, which has no bound but the four tne compass, and covered with a cloudy canopy which can only be penetrated by ascending the theological ladde:; if we. c:ommemorate th~ three grand o'fferings of anCIent rehglon, and have In perpetual recurrence the wonders of God in. creation, redemption, deliverance from terrlporal danger and afiiiction, it surely be admitted that o'ur rites have a reference beyond mere conviviality; that they are founded on the most awful hnages in existence, a belief in a God, and the doctrine of a future state of rewards and punishlnents; that they are op-?ned, conducted, and closed with prayer; and hence that !they must leave an irnpression 011 the mind of every reflecting brother of God's beneficence to man, and the consequent necessity of a regular and uniform attendance on His authorized worship. 4. SECRECY.

"~Qf",,~t_!h~ 'I.~Lt.S which Masons profess, ~~~J~t. ,~,~2!~,~Y,E,ilJ!P.路9~ .~~~y~i~t\~,g~i~~,~~ . . . ~~~~,: Taciturnity is a proof of wlsdolTI, and IS allowed to lJe of the utmost importance in the different transactions of life. The best writers have declared it to be an art of inestimable value; and that it is agreeable to the Deity hiInself may be easily conceived, froln the glorious example which He gives in concealing from mankind the secrets of His

providence. !lX!!~,m~~t"of?J:~,J1c~nn~~. . p~Il~~~~~~inpo


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, A'regard for tliis virtue has characterized every natioI: and people of the world, from the earliest times on record. There are many things which it would be highly improper, and even criminal, to communicate. To reveal the secrets of a friend, confided to our care, would be worse than the treachery of an assassin who stabs hi adversary when unarmed, and not the least suspicious of a foe. The Egyptians venerated this virtuet and veiled all 1 Prell.,

mus., book iii., seo. 2.

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