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&ncient regulations, the conferring of that degree constitutes an essential part of the ceremony of in~ stalling the Master of a Lodge. He is not le~ally installed until he has received the degree; and Dot being installed, he cannot exercise the functions of his office. But there is no regulation making the reception of the Past Master's degree a necessary part of the installation of a Warden, and when, therefore, a Warden has been duly installed, he is entitled to preside and confer degrees in the absence of the Master. All the duties that devolve upon the Senior Warden, in the absence of the Master, devolve in like nlanner, and precisely to the same extent, upon the .Junior Warden, in the absence of both tIle Mas ter and the Senior. A.II that has been said of one officer, under such cirCUDlstances, is equally applicable to the other. But if the }Iaster be present, and the Senior Warden absent, the Junior Warden does not assume the functions of the latter officer, but retains his own station, and a 8enior Warden p~ro tempore must be appointed by the Master. 'l'lle Wardens perform the duties of the absent Master according to seniorit,r, but the Junior cannot discllarge the duties ')f the Senior Warden. It must be relnembered that a Warden acting as Master is still a W ard~n~ and is 80 acting simply in the discharge of one of the duties' of his office. 1'he Senior Warden is bouud to the performance of his duties, which are, in the presenqe of the Maste:r~ to supel'"intend the west, and

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