1991 Proceedings - Grand Lodge of Missouri

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elsewhere in this address. At a subsequent meeting of Gate of the Thmple Lodge a letter was received from the accused, along with his dues card, requesting a dimit without privilege. A letter was also received from the brother who filed the complaint, requesting that charges be dropped. The lodge as a whole did not wish to file any charges or proceed with those previously filed. Subject to my review of the matter, the District Deputy Grand Master ruled that, according to Section 20.010, no charges were pending and that a dimit must be granted. It is not appropriate for the disciplinary process to be avoided through the issuance of a dimit. In view of the facts presented, it was my decision that when a complaint has been filed in accordance with the provisions of Section 29.020, has been referred to the Grievance Committee and the Junior Warden in accordance with Section 29.030, and a report has been issued by the Grievance Committee that there is probable cause to believe that an offense has been committed by the accused, the complaint cannot be withdrawn. The complaint and report must be referred by the Master to the Junior Warden as required by Section 29.050 for action in accordance with the remaining provisions of Articles 29 and 30 of the Grand Lodge By-laws. It was ordered that Gate of the Temple Lodge could not grant the request for dimit from the accused, his dues card was to be returned, and if a dimit had already been granted it should be recalled. 7. A letter was received from the secretary of Sedalia Lodge indicating that the Sedalia Masonic Temple Association was entering into a contract with the local high school booster club for use of the dining hall of the Masonic Temple for bingo games. I responded that, per Section 4.030, the District Deputy Grand Master must first act on the question. However, to avoid future conflicts I ordered that no rental, lease, or other agreement could be executed with the booster club until the matter was resolved. Later correspondence from the Sedalia Masonic Temple Association stated that both blue lodges meeting in the Temple had voted to authorize the Temple Association to enter into a contract with the Booster club to lease the dining area for bingo games. The lodges would have nothing to do with the bingo except the use of the building. The letter further indicated that the DDGM had given his approval per Section 4.030. It was suggested Section 9.140 of the Grand Lodge By-law would allow such activity. In addition, reference was made to Section 313.075 of the Missouri State Tax law, which states bingo is not deemed gambling. Section 9.140 of the Grand Lodge By-laws states, "In those areas of the building other than those in which specific activities are forbidden, any morally acceptable activity which is not illegal as a matter of civil law is permitted." While this section does give some flexibility as to activities that can be held in Masonic halls, it again should not be presumed that all activities acceptable by law are appropriate for a Masonic hall. Therefore, Section 313.075 of the Missouri statutes does not, in itself, authorize

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