1869 Proceedings - Grand Lodge of Missouri, Volume 2 - Appendixes

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institution, the increased proficiency of the officers df Lodges in rendering the work of Masonry, the decided improvenlent made in the preparation and adornment of Lodge rooms, and above all, the f~tct that so fe,v of our number have been removed from earth and earthly scenes during the past year-the~e all are causes for mutual congratulation and thanksgiving, as ",~e nleet once more in our nnnual assembly." He granted five dispensations for now IJodges. In noticing decisions we find, he says, the Lodge nlust vote to receive the charges before they can be entertained by the Worshipful J.\.Iaster. In this we do not agree, for the reason that a Lodge, b:y a Inere majority, may refuse to entertain the charges through caprice or prejudice, when, if the party were tried, he might be convicted by a two-third vote, or the accused might, by a Ina-re majority, be also deprived of the power to prove his innocence, and the rUlllors ~till prevail against him. vVe hold it to be tIle indefeasible rigllt of every brother to have a trial if ho demands it, and the charges are properly preferred and specified. He very properly decides that the Lodges of that jurisdiction have not the right to appeal for !)ecuniaryaid in other jurisdictIons, without the consent of the Grand Lodge. Ry the Grand Treasurer's report, we find $2,006 in the Treasury.

Amendments ,vere proposed to the By-Laws, ,vhich require tIle unanimous vote of a Lodge to give permission to another Lodge to receive and act upon the petition of a rejected candidate; also guarding against the increase of non-affiliates, by the adoption of the eX8iict provision of our own by-laws, both of which they will find "good," if adopted.

From the tabl~s we learn that 216 dinlitted, and none reported as admitted; 120 suspended, 6 expelled and 8 died, out of a total IXlembership of 7,729. Number initiated and raised not given. Bro. Joseph H. Hough submitted, as usual, one of the best reports on Correspondence it has been our pleasure to read. Ullc1er the head of Missouri he pays quite a compliment to the address of our Grand Master in 1867, and quoting so much of the "Edict" a.s relates to the opening of Lodges; says, "This is in exact accordance with the work in New Jersey," Stud says that the resolutioll which our Grand Lodge finally adopted on the question "look~ queer-it may be right, but if so our Masonic education has beell sadly neglected." As this question has now been settled, and the n resolution" spoken Of by Bro. Rough is ill force, we can reply t(> him by saying, what is the use of a Granel Lodge having a. la'"\lv路 thll\t e'Very body can understand?

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