1864 Proceedings - Grand Lodge of Missouri

Page 39



A. 11'. A.


The Grand Master being absent, there was no address from that officer. The Deputy-Grand Master presented a brief report relating to his acts, as such, during the year. Rev. Bro. Perine, from the Committee on Foreign Correspondence, presented a lengthy report, reviewing the proceedings of eleven Gi-and CEJ. The thanks of the Grand 0 was voted our brother for his interesting and instructive report. A report and resolutions were adopted, condemning the C~n足 servators a-nd their designs, and subjecting "to discipline any ~lason, who, having become a member of said organization, will not immediately withdraw his membership from the same." M. W. John McCraken, Portland, Grand 1\faster; R. W. Wm. S. Caldwe1l 1 Grand Secretary.

RHODE ISLAND. rhe Gra.nd 0

assembled in Providence, May 25th, A. D., IhjS; A. L., 5863; 16 CEJ represented. The Grand Master states that he granted dispensations for conferring the degr~es of Freemasonry, without awaiting the prescribed term of probation required by the Constitution and the By-Laws of CEJ. The 1\1. W. caused to be made in a Grand 0 of instn,Iction, Henry C', Spencer, who was initiated, passed and raised a~ the S3>me meeting, without taking the usual ballots. \.

; Hereto'~ore Grand Master Ballou condemned "Young America" and rather complimented himself as being an "old fogy." We would liko to be informed of any act or acts of "Young America" to compare with those of the M. W. Grand Master, violating the Constitution of his Grand 0, and setting at naught the By-Laws of Cf!:J; and, to cap the climax, to initiate, pass'and raise a candidate at one and the same meetin~, without - , the formality of a ballot. What next?

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