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the West Indies. A路 patent of erection was also granted for ~ Lodge at Boston, in New England. In the year 1757, a charter of constitution was granted to ~. Lodge at Fredericksburg, Virginia. In the year 1758, the committee of charity resolved to expend ten guineas in the purchase of clothes and other necessaries for the French prisoners confined in the Castle of Edinburgh, giving preference to those who were Brethren of the Order, without neglecting the necessities of such as were unini': tiated. This year l\'Ir. J Ohll l\rI'Clure was installed Chaplain to the Grand Lodge, and was advanced to the proper rank 'and precedency in the Grand Lodge. 1759.-This year several Brethren who were Scottish 1\Iasons, having instituted a Lodge at Charleston, South Carolina, transmitted five guineas to the Grand Lodge of Scotland, for the use of their poor. Grateful for this unexpected instance of benevolence, the Granel J...ioc1ge ordered a charter to be instantly made out and transmitted to theln by the first opportunity. In the Jear 1761, two }j'rench prisoners in EdiJlburgh Castle who were Free ~iasons were allowed four guineas from the Grand Lodo路e. o On the 21st of' October, 1763, the Grand Lodge, agreeably to request from the Lord Provost, ~Iagistrates, and Town Council of Edinburgh, met an1 proceeded to lay the corner-stone of the North Bridge. Thesame year a lVlilitary Lodge was erected in Rolland, under the name of the {Jnioll Lodge. The Grttnd Lodge of Scotland granted the constitution, at the request of the chief officers in General l\larj oribanks's regiment, in the service of the States-General of the United Proyinces. 1764.-In the course of this year two guineas were transnlitted to the charity fund by St. J ohn'8 Lodge in Virginia. Thus we see, in more instances than one, that the wide Atlantic, even, cannot separate the hearts of the Brethren. During the year 1767, the practice of granting diplomas was introduced into the Grand Lodge. In the course of the year 1771, the foundation-stone of the Cowgate Episcopal Chapel was laid with the usual cerelllonies by Ifis Excellency, I.Jieutenant-General ughton, Grand l\Iasterl\:Iason of Scotland, attended by several gelltlclnen of distinction. Nov. 30, 1772, the Grand Lodge of Scot.lalldreceived a comtnunication froln t,he G"rand I~odge of l~ngland, requesting that a mutual correspondence might be n1~Lin tained bet\yeen theIn, '-which request was cordially coulplied with on the part of thQ Grand Lodge of Scotland.



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