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THE FIFTY-SIXTH ANNUAL COMMUNICATION. (The Seventy-Fourth Communication.)

St. Louis, October 10, A,D. 1876; A.L. 5876. There were present at this annual Session six Past Grand Masters, thirty-nine Past Masters and the representatives of 183 Lodges. Grand Master Cadle presented his report in less pages than his predecessors, neither was he as prolific in decisions. He was called. upon to interpret the law only four times, the chief decision· being that a Master is amenable to the Grand Lodge during his term of office, bttt after his term expires he was amenable to his Lodge the same as any other member of the Lodge. The suit against the Grand Lodge that was pending in the United States Court was decided against the Grand Lodge, the judgment amounting to $1,772.. 25. He granted only four dispensations to form Lodges during the year, this is a decided decrease. He states that the general condition of the Craft is good, but it contains disturbers and idlers,- which should be eliminated. Grand Secretary Gauley was absent during the entire session, on account of sickness. It is interesting to note that out of the 490 'Lodges that 138 were in good condition in every way, 145 Lodges have good furniture, and a long list of Lodges are poorly furnished, doing no work, indifferent and· some in a low and bad ,condition., The Grand Lodge of Wyoming and the Grand Lodge of Prince Edwards Island were extended fraternal ~cognition. The· following Officers were elected: ttM. W.XENOP'HON RYLAN'D, of Lexington,Grand Master R. W. THOMAS C. READY, of St. Louis .. '... Deputy GrandMaster R. W. NOAH M. GIVAN, of Harrisonville .. Senior Grand Warden R. W. MARTIN J. HUBBLE, of Springfield .. Junior Grand Warden R. W.WILLIAM N.· LOKER, of St. Louis .' Grand Treasurer R. W. GEO. FRANK GOULEY;of St. I,.-ouis .. Grand Secretary."

i\mong the appointive ·Officers is found that of Lee A. Hall as Grand Junior Deacon, a future Grand Master; Brother Allan McDowell continues as Grand Lecturer. The Grand -15i-

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