Yearbook 1948-1949 Lewa

Page 52

-BASKETBALL SQUADA reserve - sho rt but none t he less sc r appy band o f Cardinal cagers took to the map l e c ourts to represent North Idaho Juni o r Co llege in the ' 48-' 49 basketball season a nd ended the season with a roster that showed 1 7 l os s es against 2 wins . 'llhat the winl oss ledger f ailed to show was what Coach Di ck Armstron g lab~ l ed as a "t eam t hat has b e en very co - operative . They worked hard , hust l ed and tried to wi n . And even though they were defeated r epeatedl y they never let down . '' The cardinal s c l osed the season on thei r home f l oor with a heart - s t opping thriller against the Farr agut Stags that had the Birdmen l eading thei r arch- rivals f r om the technical institute almost all the way , but t he Stags caught fire to scor e eleven 00ints in the last four mi nutes and win the game by a 46 t o 40 sco re . Of t hei r three previou s encounters with t h e Stags the Cardinals won one game . Bucketing a tota l of 1 76 po i nts in 1 2 games , Gordy Palm, lanky Cardinal pivotman of first semester p l ay , took high scoring honors nith a 1 4 . 6 7 point - per- game avera ge . Close on Palm ' s heels with 152 poiqts was u i .L Schi erman , t'o r ward . Nex t in l ine v;e re Tom Rass l ey , 1 1 5 points ; Dwight Ho l bert, 65 points; and Bob Crittenden , 33 points . Le t ter sweater wi nners were awarded the i r numera l s at a public ceremony tha t wa s part of the Gui dance Conference which took place in early April . Funds f or the f i rst year le t termen awards wer e e arn ed by t he let termen ' s club whi ch operated a concession booth at the c l ass B t ournament , whil e the Coll e g e p r ovided s weaters fo r the second year players .

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