Atlantis Pilot Project

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Molo Songololo

5. Education and training for the enhancement of knowledge, skills and support for services for children; and for the prevention and intervention against sexual exploitation of children

Establish community child safety forums Police child protection strategy

NGOs, Public Sector SAPS, CPF, NGOs, Dept of Social Services

Ed uc a tio n a nd tra ining o n C SEC a nd Child Tra ffic king inc lud ing an Educational Seminar G ood Pra c tic e Mod el for the Intervention & Prevention of CSEC

NGOs, CBOs, Public Sector


Education & training workshops

Public sector, youth, NGOs and CBOs Members of Community Children, youth


Primary school learners

+ 1500

High school learners


Mamre, Pella, Atlantis

IYM High school learners IYM members


IYM members


Mamre, Pella, Atlantis, Witsands Mamre, Pella, Atlantis, Witsands Atlantis, Mamre

Lay counsellors, Atlantis Principals Forum


Train lay counsellors Life-skills education for children and youth Child Rights & Responsibilities Workshops Child Sexual Exploitation Prevention Workshops Young Wo me n s March Youth educational outing Participation in regional & national youth forums Coordinating Counselling service at schools

Atlantis Pilot Project Report August 2005

Ong oing a w a reness of c hild ren s p lig ht Increased cooperation between organisations

22 60


Atlantis, Mamre, Pella and Witsands and along West Coast Atlantis, Mamre, Pella, Witsands, Credenda, Greenburg, Amesbury, Gaansekraal, Graafwater, Koekenaap, Saldanha Bay Mamre, Pella, Witsands, Atlantis Atlantis, Mamre, Pella, Witsands, Mamre, Pella, Atlantis Mamre, Pella, Atlantis, Witsands

La y c ounsellors tra ined , d e p loyed a nd p rovid ing c ounselling , sup p ort a nd assistance to children in need and referral protocols. Polic e sensitized a nd ha ve inc re a sed know led g e a b o ut c hild sexua l exp loita tio n, leg a l fra me w ork, c a se ha nd ling , a nd vic tim sup p ort a nd refe rra l protocols. Se rvic e p rovid e rs imp roved und ersta nd ing a b out c hild se xua l exp loita tion, how to detect, respond, and intervene and referral protocols. Atla ntis It s Your Move c ha p ter esta b lished p roa c tive young p eop le combating child sexual exploitation Understanding: CSE, child trafficking, law, how to identify victims, where to refer victims to; Improved: crime detection, case handling, victim support services at court, organisational efficiency and effectiveness, Formalizing of networking structures in identified communities Increased awareness amongst children and positive behavioural change reported rights and responsibilities of children promoted at schools

Atlantis, Mamre, Witsands, Pella


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