ATHA/Greenbelt Bike Share Feasibility Study - November 2016

Page 67

November 2016

bicycle, and for on-street stations the presence of a bike lane or buffer spaces and the speed and volume of traffic on the adjacent street. Figure 29 below includes general dimensions of a 17 dock bike share station. Approximate station sizes are shown in Table 11, however, actual station dimensions will need to be confirmed once an equipment vendor is selected. For example, a 17 dock/rack, single sided station is between 45 to 48 feet long and around 6 feet deep (the footprint is approximately the size of a single Prince George’s THEBUS transit bus).

Figure 29: General dimensions of a 17 dock bike share station

While smart bike systems do not necessarily require large docking platforms to work, many communities have opted to install custom bike parking branded for the bike share system to help promote the program and provide a location for navigational kiosks and advertising panels. Final bike share station locations will require additional public outreach and field work to confirm the availability of space, identify right-of-way and property ownership, meet the specific needs of the equipment vendor (such as solar exposure requirements), gauge reactions to potential sponsorship agreements, and identify the interests of the adjacent property and business owners.

ATHA/Greenbelt Bike Share Feasibility Study


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