Montag Modus Klimata

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How white is an eastern european person? In the educational micro-series “It’s Easy For You”, you might just find out. Let yourself be led on a practical, emotional journey and learn about whiteness from the perspective of a Hungarian-born person. Using various learning methods and tackling the big questions in only 20 minutes and four episodes, starting from “Who is White?” to “Happy End”, you are sure to learn more about whiteness – an optimal choice for a Monday night performance! Suitable for all ages. “Art is an experimental process for me: a diversity of formats, methods and truths committed to reach some kind of bottom or peak. Its aim is to investigate the human-being. It is emotional realism, professional failure, and the overdose of honesty. This allows me to subvert seeing and displaying the world through dichotomies like serious vs. ridiculous, public vs. personal, happy vs. sad, aesthetic vs. functional. All of these can be true and coexist at the same time. I work mostly with images: classic painting, photography, video, drawing, interactive large scale paint-by-numbers, material documents, or usable installations. For me, all these are pictures: tangible, physical, mysterious and exciting displays of reality.” – János Brückner Concept, performance and video

János Brückner

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