American Graphic Design Expression

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began to experiment. Working

The typography shared Basel’s visual complex-


from a Modernist “Swiss” foun-

ity and was mainly expressive of itself with little

ernism has emerged as a body

dation, they began to dissect,

semantically-encoded symbolic meaning. The use

of self-conscious critical theory

multiply or ignore the grid and

of American vernaculars was also mainly a formal,

and expression. In fact, in much

to explore new spacial compo-

a borrowing of pop forms with little of Venturi’s

PostModern art, photography and

sitions, introducing complexity

understanding of context or intention.

music the central expression is a

and pattern, and frankly nonfunc-




But it was a lot more fun than classical Swiss,

critique of our accumulated body

tional design elements. Hand-


“New Wave quickly” spread across

of culture and symbol. Appropri-

drawn gestures and vernacular

the U.S. to become an accepted graphic style.

ation and pastiche recycle our

bad taste were artfully introduced

Just as Modernism’s classic Swiss was accepted,

experience in highly referen-

in highly aestheticized layered

this too became accepted in the business arena

tial work that owes everything

compositions. This phase could

and persists today in a wide variety of corporate

to what has gone before. All

easily be labeled a baroque or

applications. In fact it is so accepted, one design

this has its roots in structuralist

decadent American Modernism

historian, Philip Meggs, calls it the New Academy,

semiotics of the 1960s, as well as

rather than PostModernism. The

as prescribed a method as the Beaux Arts school

Venturi’s ideas. Although semi-


of 19th century French architecture.

otics never became a practical




linked with Modernism’s interest

New Wave’s type of graphic PostModernism is

design method, it and Struc-

in syntax and structural expres-

essentially formalist with a rather minor involve-

turalism’s successor, post-Struc-

sionism, although by now it

ment with content–content being more a jumping

turalism, have recently provided

had become personal hedonistic

off point for graphic celebrations of style than

a real method and expression

formal celebrations rather than

the core of the matter. Certainly the “big idea”

in the visual arts and graphic

impersonal disciplined presen-

school of earlier years was far more dedicated to

design. Coming out of literary

tations of functional information.

the communication of content. In fine art, a more

theory, visual phenomena are


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