1936-1937 DMLC Messenger Vol. 27

Page 143

The D. 1\1.L. C. Messenger



Some of the boys' feet felt a little uncomfortable when they put their shoes on the other morning. Upon examination they were found filled with sweeping compound. The janitor must be getting careless, eh boys? Jerry Carpenter must not care very much for our meals. The other Sunday he ate at the C.C.C.Camp. One must admire the way a certain small group is trying to keep up the spirit at basketball games by yelling and cheering. It's too bad that they should be discouraged from so many directions. Krenz evidently had a desire for more knowledge. Recently he purchased a new Webster's-Dictionary! Bull, Schultz, Lueker, and Heckmann are a few of the boys who got such "beautiful" valentines this year. Football ,season is over! Oh yeah! Just watch the First Normal-Twelfth Grade basketball games.' - "Reinie" Nolte has started a new business. For the past two weeks he has been beading different designs for the boys. Stoekli must get tired of these surroundings, for he often goes on week-end trips. Just give Krueger a little war-paint, a few feathers in his hair, and he's all ready to take your scalp! Our basketball team seems to have turned into a flock of nightingales. Did you hear them "sing" when they came in the other night? What! Baseball season is started already? Oh, that's no catcher's mask. It's only Gerlach's glassesguard. Netzke has not only inherited Dallman's job as "pantscreaser," but also has taken it upon himself to keep the walls covered with pictures. Hoboes have their annual convention! Nope, wrong again. It's the First Normal class-party. Wilmer Bode seems to have the record for the shortest stay in the sick-room. He was there just long enough to have his temperature taken. He came out of the door quite suddenly too! . Evidently Moldenhauer didn't get enough sleep on Washington's birthday, for the following day he slept until ten o'clock missing the first two periods.

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