Golden Feather June 2013

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Golden Feather, 2013

American Girl Dolls Author: Sangeeta Q. Do you have an American Girl doll? If you do, this is the perfect book for you. This book will tell you how to pick an American Girl doll, safe places to keep it, and what types of personalities they can have. All these tips will help you take care of your American Girl doll. If you do not have an American Girl doll, that is fine, you can read this book and wait until you get one. I prefer to write down these tips. Enjoy! Personality Is it smart? Does it wear glasses? Does it play a sport? When you pick your American girl doll you have two choices for your doll’s personality. Choice one, your doll comes with a personality. These types of dolls are girl of the year dolls or historical character dolls. They also come with their name and where they come from. Choice two, is my American Girl doll also known as “just like me doll” which looks like you. This type you get to pick its personality. I have one just like me doll and a girl of the year doll. My doll’s personality is nice, creative, smart, calm, and friendly. If you are stuck, Inner Star University can help you. I got help from them. Safe Places to Keep It “Mom! She touched my American Girl doll.” That is one thing that you don’t want to happen. Instead of you leaving your American Girl doll on your bed or someplace someone who you don’t want to touch it will get it. Some safe places to keep your doll are in your closet or in a box you can put under your bed and in your mom’s closet or with your mom. When you are done playing with it, put it in your safe place. I keep my American Girl dolls in my room. My sister can’t touch it because I also tell her she can’t touch it. You can try that strategy too. Anywhere which is safe is fine. How to Pick an American Girl Doll There are so many dolls to choose from. Which one will you choose? Step 1: Look around the store checkout which American Girl doll is like you or which ones you like. Step 2: Pick up a small paper with the name of the doll and the picture of the doll and the price of the doll. Step 3: Then look through your papers and pick one go back and get your doll or bring the paper to the desk to check out I hope you liked this book. You learned about safe places to keep it, how to pick an American Girl doll and Personality. If you want more information or how to log on to log on to inner university you can go to the American Girl doll store or online. Thank you for reading.



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