TOM III - Produkty i przetwórstwo rybna

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TOM III – Produkty i przetwórstwo rybne

Substancje niepożądane w rybach i przetworach rybnych z polskiego rynku Rybna. MIR-PIB, Zakład Ekonomiki, Technologii i Wdrożeń. Tlustos, C., McHugh, B., Pratt, I., Mc Govern, E. 2006. Investigation into levels of dioxins, furans, polychlorinated biphenyls and brominated flame retatdents in fishery products in Ireland. Marine Environment and Health Series, No. 26, 2006. US EPA. 2000. Guidance for Assessing Chemical Contaminant Data for Use in Fish Advisories. http// fishadvice/volume2/ (accessed October 14, 2006). Usydus, Z., Szlinder-Richert, J., Adamczyk, M. 2009. Protein quality and amino acid profiles of fish products available in Poland. Food Chemistry. 112, 1, 139-145. Usydus, Z., Szlinder-Richert, J., Polak-Juszczak, L., Kanderska, J., Adamczyk, M., Malesa-Ciećwierz, M., Ruczyńska, W. 2008. Food of marine origin – between benefits and potential risks. Part I – Canned fish on the Polish market. Food Chemistry. 111, 3, 556-563. Usydus, Z., Szlinder-Richert, J., Polak-Juszczak, L., Komar, K., Adamczyk, M., Malesa-Ciećwierz, M., Ruczyńska, W. 2009. Fish products available in Polish market – assessment of the nutritive value and human exposure to dioxins and other contaminants. Chemosphere. 74, 11, 1420-1428. Van den Berg et al. 2006. Review. The 2005 World Health Organization Reevaluation of Human and Mammalian Toxic Equivalency Factors for Dioxins and Dioxin-Like Compounds. Toxicol. Sci. 93, 2, 223-241. Watanabe, I., Kashimoto, T., Tatsukawa, R. 1987. Polybrominated biphenyl ethers In marine fish, shellfish and river sediments in Japan. Chemosphere. 16, 2389-96. Wenning R.J. 2002. Uncertainties and data needs in risk assessment of three commercial polybrominates diphenyl ethers: probabilistic exposure analysis and comparison with European Commission results, Chemosphere. 46, 779796. WHO. 2001. Joint FAO/WHO expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA). Safety Evaluation of Certain Food Additives and Contaminants. Polychlorinated dibenzodioxins, polychlorinated dibenzofurans, and coplanar polychlorinated biphenyls. Food Additives Series: 48. WHO. Geneva, Switzerland. Wrembel, H. 1993. Atmosfera i rzeki jako główne źródło rtęci w Morzu Bałtyckim. Wyż. Szk. Pedagog. Słupsk. s. 99-107.


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