COURSE CHOICES Hypnobirthing
For private, 1:1 sessions

Welcome to Mind and Body Birthing
I’m Gemma Struzena, founder of Mind and Body Birthing, an experienced hypnobirthing teacher and (most importantly!) a hypnobirthing mama myself! I’m so thrilled that you’re considering a course with me I’ve put together this guide to help you navigate the different birth preparation options that I offer so you can decide what will be the best fit for you.
Every woman, pregnancy, birth, and baby is completely unique that’s why I truly believe that a 1:1 hypnobirthing course offers the best, most personalised experience for your needs
Whether you ' re expecting your first baby or expanding your family, my 1:1 hypnobirthing courses are designed to offer you and your birth partner individualised, compassionate support

Together we’ll explore powerful techniques to help you manage fear, build trust in your body, and create a calm, loving atmosphere for both you and your baby
If you have any questions or need further details don’t hesitate to get in touch! I’d love to support you in making this a special and meaningful experience.
Benefits of a Private Course
Here are a few benefits a private, 1:1 course might have for you
Personalised support and attention
A private class provides one-on-one support, allowing the content of our sessions together to be tailored to any specific needs, concerns, or wishes for birth that you might have.
Flexibility with Sceduling Classes
As you’ll be the only ones in the class, it frees us up to arrange our sessions at a time and location that suits you. Got a hectic work schedule or other children to consider? - No worries! We can arrange our sessions either in person or via Zoom.
Space to address any previous experiences
If you have had a challenging or traumatic birth experience in the past, a private hypnobirthing class offers a safer, more focused environment to work through past fears. This can be a chance to heal and refocus your mindset around childbirth and approach this new pregnancy feeling calmer, more confident and informed.
Comfort and Privacy
For some women, the idea of sharing a class with others may feel intimidating or uncomfortable, especially if they are not familiar with the group or if they have personal concerns about their pregnancy. A private setting allows for a more intimate and comfortable learning environment where you can ask questions freely and without hesitation.
Confidence and Emotional Support
Hypnobirthing is as much about emotional preparation as it is about physical preparation. I can offer you a safe, private, non judgemental, supportive space to share any fears or anxieties you might have about your pregnancy or giving birth.
Customised Techniques and tools
Every pregnancy and birth experience is unique. In a private class, I can provide tailored hypnobirthing techniques, such as breathing exercises, visualisations, and affirmations, based on your personal preferences and birth goals. This ensures that the tools you learn are most applicable to your specific situation
Kim and Owen had a positive induction and Cesarean birth. They completed a full private, 1:1 course with me via Zoom.

“Completing the hypnobirthing course with Gemma was the best decision we made. Our birth didn't exactly go as planned, or anything like it really, but everything we learned on the course really helped to prepare us and make sure that we felt comfortable throughout the birth. It gave us the confidence to ask questions and make choices that felt right for us and meant that I never felt panicked or out of control It was invaluable to us and ultimately helped us to still have a very positive birth experience."
Delia and Markus took a 1:1, private intensive course with me. Here's what they had to say about their positive natural birth.
"We loved the sessions! We took away so much information and knowledge. With all that we felt even more prepared for labour and always remembering Gemma's core teachings. My husband felt way better prepared knowing that he can play a key part during the whole process too We absolutely recommend hypnobirthing in general and learning with Gemma specifically. She is a very lovely person, teaching from the heart and listening to your personal and individual needs "

Helen and Russell were first time parents who completed a full, private 1:1 course with me and went on to have a positive hospital birth

"The Mind and Body Birthing course was one of the best decisions we made in the lead up to the birth of our daughter It helped us to reframe fears and anxieties into a more positive and calm mindset and reinforces that labour is a natural process and that your body (and baby) know best The focus on this and on relaxation being key to an efficient and positive labour - *might* have had something to do with me arriving at hospital already 10cm dilated and taking only 30 minutes to then deliver our daughter! Thank you Gemma for being such a positive part of our pregnancy!"
Course Choices
I am offering private 1:1 sessions either in person for those of you living in Perth, WA or online via Zoom no matter where you live in the world.
My private sessions can be tailored to your needs where necessary and will cover the hypnobirthing techniques to fully prepare you and your birth partner for birth. Private classes offer a safe space for you to share your thoughts, raise questions and talk through any specific pregnancy or birth related wishes or needs you may have
With dedicated support from me throughout your course and continuing right up to the birth of your baby, you'll easily be able to get in touch with me directly and ask me any questions you might have even after your course has finished.
There are a few different options of classes to choose from. Take a look at the following pages and then feel free to get in touch to book or find out more.

Course Choices
Option 1 - Full Course
For those new to hypnobirthing
In depth coverage of all hypnobirthing breathing, visualisation and relaxation techniques
Full understanding of how to use hypnobirthing for both natural and more medically supported births
Practical tools and strategies to help you stay calm and in control and navigate any changes to your birth plans
12 hours teaching as 4 x 3 hour sessions via Zoom or 2 x 6 hour (in person only)
Full access to comprehensive resources
Option to tailor the course to suit your needs
Ongoing support throughout your pregnancy
Price - AUS $900
Option 2 - Intensive Course
A basic introduction to the key hypnobirthing techniques
In person course - 1 x 4 hour session
Online course via Zoom - 2 x 2 hour sessions
Access to resources
Option to tailor the course to suit your needs
Ongoing support
Price - A
Option 3 - Refresher Course
For those who have used hypnobirthing before and need a re cap
1 x 2 hour session either in person or online via Zoom
Access to resources
Option to tailor the course to suit your needs
Price - AUS $280

Full Course
This is for you if you’re new to hypnobirthing and are looking for a birth course that will help you and your birth partner to fully prepare for a positive birth no matter how your baby is born Whether this is your first time giving birth or you’re looking for a better and more positive experience this time around, a full course will provide you and your birth partner with all the knowledge, tools, and support needed to help you stay calm, confident, and in control throughout your entire birth journey

Unforgettable Experiences
Childbirth is one of the most transformative experiences of a lifetime, and preparing for it with a deep sense of confidence, calm, and empowerment is key to having a positive birth While shorter or condensed hypnobirthing courses may provide a helpful introduction to relaxation and breathing techniques, a full hypnobirthing course offers the time and space needed to fully absorb and integrate the tools and knowledge that will support you throughout your pregnancy, labour, and birth
Go beyond just the basics
My full course will not only teach you all the essential knowledge and skills of hypnobirthing, it also allows you to explore the mind-body connection on a much deeper level, to truly understand the physiology of birth, and learn comprehensive techniques to manage fear, reduce tension, and increase your trust in your body’s ability to birth. By taking a complete course, you gain not only the skills but also the confidence to embrace labour without fear, stay calm and in control for a more positive experience of birth

Dedicated time for you, your partner and
your baby
A complete course allows for the time to really make sure that your birth partner knows how to support you during pregnancy, labour and birth. It ensures you’re both on the same page, giving your partner the opportunity to play an active role in your baby’s birth. This time together helps you connect as a family, preparing for birth with a shared understanding and confidence that a positive experience is entirely possible.

Prepared for birth
Hypnobirthing isn’t just about preparing for one specific birth it’s about equipping you to stay calm and confident, no matter what happens. A full course, gives you the time and depth to prepare for a range of outcomes, including natural births, inductions, and Cesareans. It ensures you’re supported emotionally and mentally for any changes to your birth plan, empowering you to make informed choices and trust your body throughout your birth experience.
A full hypnobirthing course is an investment in your birth experience—equipping you with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to create a positive birth for you, your partner and your baby.
Full Course Session Plan
Se io 1 – Setti g t e Fou datio : T e Mi d Body Co ectio
In this session, we begin by exploring your personal expectations about birth and introduce how hypnobirthing can positively influence your experience. The goal is for both you and your partner to gain a clear understanding of what hypnobirthing is and how using it can help create a calm, empowered birth for both you and your baby. We’ll dive into the powerful connection between your mind and body and look at what we can learn from the ways other mammals give birth including how to create an environment that supports a smooth, peaceful birth for your baby. We’ll delve into the science behind birth, where you’ll learn all about your birthing hormones and how your body is actually perfectly designed to labour as well as the practical tools you can use to work with your body, break free from the fear-tension-pain cycle and experience giving birth as a calm and comfortable experience.
Se io 3 – U der ta di g Your C oice
Knowledge is power in this enlightening and empowering session. We’ll explore your rights during pregnancy and birth, ensuring you understand your options and how to navigate them with confidence. You’ll learn how to make informed decisions that allow you to choose or decline interventions based on what feels right for you. We’ll also debunk the myth of the “due date” and discuss how to use hypnobirthing techniques to support you through an induced labour, helping you stay calm and in control, no matter how your birth journey changes.
Se io 2 – Breat i g, Relaxatio , a d Po itio i g Tec ique
In this practical session, you'll discover essential hypnobirthing tools that will help you stay calm, confident, and connected with your body during labour. We’ll focus on mastering breathing exercises, visualisation techniques, and guided relaxations, all designed to support you throughout your birth experience. As pregnancy and birth can be unpredictable, we’ll explore various baby positions, strategies for a positive Caesarean, and optimal birth positions for you. You'll also learn how to prepare your body in the lead-up to the big day. Plus, we’ll watch our first inspiring birth video to help set the tone for a positive birth journey!
Se io 4 – T e Birt It elf
The big day is here! In this session, you’ll explore the different birthing environments home, birth centre, and hospital and how you can create a calming environment in your chosen place. We’ll dive into the crucial role your birth partner plays in helping you feel relaxed, safe, and supported and together you’ll start considering your plans for birth You’ll learn how to work with your body during early and established labour, techniques for breathing your baby down in the second stage, and the important decisions surrounding the third stage and “Golden Hour.” We’ll wrap up with the second of our two inspiring positive birth videos, leaving you feeling informed, prepared and hopefully even excited for your upcoming birth.
Intensive Course
A 1:1 intensive 4-hour hypnobirthing course is an ideal choice for women who are looking for a focused, personalised approach but may not have the time or availability for a full course. This condensed session allows you to learn some of the basic hypnobirthing techniques and strategies in a shorter time frame, with the added benefit of tailoring the support where necessary.
Whether you ' re further along in your pregnancy and don’t have time for a full course or looking for an intensive burst of preparation for your upcoming birth, this private session provides a focused and personalised experience, allowing you to learn the core techniques and strategies to help you feel calm and empowered for your birth. It is important to note that this is not a full course and as such the client workbook will help to complement what you learn in the session To really get the most out of hypnobirthing it is important to do the practise and to prepare for a range of birth outcomes You will find more information about this in your course workbook.

This class can either be taught as one 4 hour in person session with a short break in the middle, or 2 x 2 hour Zoom sessions. As such the session is split into two parts
Part 1
We will start the session with an introduction to hypnobirthing - what it is and how it can benefit your birth experience. We will discuss your expectations for birth, the fear-tension-pain cycle, what happens to your body when you give birth including your birthing hormones. You will learn about the power of the mind body connection and have a chance to practice breathing and relaxation techniques.
Part 2
Birth just like life does have some unpredictable elements to it However, there is often lots of things we still have control of. Here we will look at using our BRAIN to ask questions and get the most out of your maternity care We will talk through the birth process and discuss tools such as creating a calm birthing environment, birth breathing and the birth partner’s role
Refresher Course
For parents who have completed a hypnobirthing course in a previous pregnancy, a refresher course is a wonderful way to set aside time to planning and preparing for this next baby’s birth, alongside your birth partner. As your birth journey evolves, so too may your needs and preferences, and this tailored session gives you the opportunity to revisit the core strategies, address any new concerns, and refresh your mindset for an even more empowered experience Whether you ' re seeking a boost of confidence, a chance to strengthen your practice, or simply to prepare for any changes in your birth plan, the refresher course ensures you feel ready and supported for a positive birth with hypnobirthing again
You may well have a clear idea of what it is you would like to revist for our session together. The following outline is therefore just a guide as to what a refresher session might look like. There will be the opportunity to let me know before the session if there is something you’d specifically like help with.

Session plan
We start the session by discussing your thoughts about your upcoming birth, what your birth wishes are this time around and any fears or worries you might have With a brief recap on the basics of hypnobirthing (e g the fear-tensionpain cycle, your hormones, building a positive birthing mindset) there will then be time for practicing some key relaxation techniques including breathing and visualisations. We will revisit the importance of asking questions when it comes to maternity care We will end the session going through the birth process and recap how creating a calm birthing environment, birth breathing, and the birth partner’s role can help you to feel calm, relaxed and supported again for a positive birth.
What’s Included?

An interactive workbook for you to complete during or after the course. Includes: birth partner scripts that can be used during labour, positive birth stories, a birth bag checklist, birth plan example and much more.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How much is the course?
The price for you to attend the course with Gemma as a couple or individual is:
Full Course $900
Intensive Course $499
Refresher Course $280
ook a a course at any y Most full or refresher n 20 and 30 me after your tise everything ive course might for you if you are
Can I still use hypnobirthing if I'm planning to have an epidural or a Cesarean?
Yes, hypnobirthing is about staying calm, relaxed, and in control throughout your birth, whether your baby is born naturally, with drugs, through induction and/or Cesarean births.
Will hypnobirthing work for me if I come on my own?
Yes, definitely. Many women have come to the course on their own if they have a partner who is away for work, as a single mum, if they can’t find a babysitter for their elder children, or any other reason If your partner can’t (or won’t) come you are welcome to either attend alone or bring your mum, a friend, or whoever will be supporting you at the birth instead.
Taking the plunge to book a course in something new is a big deal I get it This was me during my first pregnancy. I wondered, “Is hypnobirthing really worth the money?” and “Do I really need this?” But then I thought about what hypnobirthing could offer me: a positive birth experience I reflected on the birth stories I had heard from friends and family (mostly negative ones at that point) and knew I wanted something different. I had a friend who had used hypnobirthing with her first baby and she talked about birth as amazing! In fact, after the birth, she said to me, “If I could give birth again, and again, and again – I would!” That’s how much she’d enjoyed it! Hypnobirthing worked so well for her, maybe it could for me (and you!) too.
I signed up for a course with my birth partner, and it was honestly one of the best choices we made
Hypnobirthing helped me to have two incredible births. Births where I felt calm, in control, comfortable, and relaxed throughout It gave my partner the tools and understanding to support me in exactly the way I needed I honestly believe I would not have had the births I had without it
Now, I’m a fully qualified and experienced hypnobirthing teacher and I love being able to share the knowledge, tools and techniques that help other expectant parents have their own uniquely positive and wonderful births.
Are you ready to feel empowered and in control of your own birth experience?
Enrol now and start your journey toward a calmer, positive birth.