Businessuite October 2012

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women + business

requirement nor pay for the same position are equal whether conducting an environmental scan in the US or the Caribbean. As at March 2012, of the more than 300 people who sat on the boards of firms listed on the Jamaica Stock Exchange, only 17 per cent were women, a marginal one percent increase over the 2007 figure in a study by the Women’s Resource and Outreach Centre.

the actual movers and shakers in and not assuming a stereotype,” Ms. the corporate world are women,” Bolton added. she opines. “Women know their collective potential, that’s why they There’s a powerful saying – Those who complain about glass ceilings should keep in mind that glass can be shattered if one strikes it hard enough and long enough, and women shouldn’t be afraid of fighting to break through.

There’s a powerful saying – Those who com-

plain about glass ceilings

“Women are still not getting the leadership positions. Women have broken into and continue to break into various fields, but these fields are still male dominated,” the Director of Policy and Research at the Bureau of Women’s Affairs, Jennifer Williams said.

should keep in mind that

Ms. Bobette Bolton, Business Development Services Manager of Point Global Marketing, believes that the glass ceiling does still exist in Jamaica but is on its way out. “The most senior posts of most organizations are commanded by men, like the CEO and the owner. Within these organizations you find the board of directors, the executives, the upper level managers, and filtering through middle management and administrators are female dominated posts i.e.

glass can be shattered see each other as threats in some cases. Because we are the hiringforce we offer equitable opportunity based on qualification and not brawn. We look for the best in the workforce. The 21st century sees where there aren’t enough men at the top to stop one from breaching the occupational ladder... the challenge lies in proving your worth

Businessuite Magazine Women Edition October 2012

If the glass ceiling does still exist in the workplace then it’s up to everyone to work towards destroying it once and for all for in the end, if opportunities are not afforded to any sector of a community, the growth and wellbeing will forever be compromised. 11

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