MIG@NET Literature Review and Policy Analysis

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MIG@NET, Transnational digital networks, migration and gender Deliverable 3: “Literature review and policy analysis”

Diminescu, D., M. Renault, M. Jacomy, C. d‟Iribarne (2010), « Le web matrimonial des migrants : l‟économie du profilage au service d‟une nouvelle forme de commerce ethnique », Réseaux, 28 (59), 17-56. Diminescu, D. (2008), “The connected migrant, an epistemological manifesto”, Social Science Information, 47 (4), 565-579. Fischer, P. A., E. Holm, G. Malmberg, Th. Straubhaar (2000), Why Do People Stay? Insider Advantages and Immobility, Hamburg, Hamburg Institute of International Economics, HWWA Discussion Paper 112. Friedman, J. & S. Randeria (eds.) (2004), Worlds on the Move: Globalization, Migration, and Cultural Security, London – New York: I. B. Tauris. Green, N. L. (2002), Repenser les migrations, Paris: PUF.

Gunter, B. (2008) “Internet dating: A British survey”, Aslib Proceedings: New Information, 60, 88-98. Handlin, O. (1973) [1951], The Uprooted, Boston: Little Brown and Co. Helsper, E. J. (2008), Digital Inclusion: An Analysis of Social Disadvantage and the Information Society , London: Department for Communities and Local Government, Queen‟s Printer and Controller of Her Majesty‟s Stationery Office. Hoving I., H. Dibbits, M. Schrover (eds.) (2005), Cultuur en Migratie. Veranderingen van het Alledaagse 1950-2000, Den Haag: Sdu Uitgevers. Ingen Housz F. J. (2009), “Dutch Policy on Media Literacy and Digital Skills”, Brief outline for EURODIG. Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, the Netherlands. Available online at: http://www.guarder.net/kleinwaechter/images/eurodig/2009/Dutch%20policy%20on _%20media%20literacy%20and%20digital%20skills-versie%20Freek%20(2).pdf Jordan, B. & F. Düvell (2003), Migration. The Boundaries of Equality and Justice, Cambridge: Polity Press. Kovačič, M. (2003), Privacy on the Internet, Ljubljana: Mirovni inštitut. Kovačič, M. (2006), Nadzor in zasebnost v informacijski družbi , Ljubljana: Fakulteta za družbene vede, available online at http://dk.fdv.uni-


Krugman, P. (1991), Geography and Trade, Cambridge Mass.: MIT Press. Lazaridis, G. (2000), “Filipino and Albanian Women Migrant Workers in Greece: Multiple Layers of Oppression”, in Anthias, F. & G. Lazaridis (eds.), Gender and Migration in Southern Europe. Women on the Move, Oxford: Berg, 49-79. Mallapragada, M (2006), “Home, Homeland, Homepage: Belonging and the IndianAmerican Web”, New Media & Society, 8 (2), 207-227. Mamadouh V. (2003), “11 September and Popular Geopolitics: A Study of Websites run for and by Dutch Moroccans”, Geopolitics, 8 (3), 191-216.


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