Descriptive writing portfolio Miggy Habos

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*Lord of The Flies Chapter 7 Shadows and Tall Trees Page 129 Description:

Once more Ralph dreamed, letting his skillful feet deal with the difficulties of the path. Yet here his feet seemed less skillful than before. For most of the way they were forced right down to the bare rock by the water and had to edge along between that and the dark luxuriance of the forest. These were little cliffs to be scaled, some to be used as paths, lengthy traverses where one used hands as well as feet. Here and there they could chamber over wave-wet rock, leaping across clear pools that the tide had left. They came to a gully that split the narrow foreshore like a defense. This seemed to have no bottom and they peered awe-stricken into the gloomy crack where water gurgled. Then the wave came back, the gully boiled before them and sprayed dashed up to the very creeper where water gurgled.

Lord of The Flies Chapter 7 Shadows and Tall Trees Page 129 Description: #




What is the subject of the description?

The subject of this description is seems to a description of an island in a complex thinking and traveling perspective.


What aspects of the subject does the author show to the reader?

Some of the aspects of the subject that the writer is trying to show to the reader the size of an island in proportion to what could be done in the island.


How does this impact on the way I see the subject in my imagination?

The impact of this description is that it puts me to be a part of this experience only to see what the writer is really referring to. Also this gives me a view of a mountain terrain.


What images does the author use throughout the piece?

The author uses the image of a mountain like scene using words such as “little cliffs”, “wet rock” as well as “gully” to bring the mountain atmosphere.

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