MUMC Bulletin 9/5/21

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*The Invitation to the Lord’s Table

ORDER OF WORSHIP The Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost + September 5, 2021 † We’re delighted you’re here and hope you feel at home! Please take a moment to complete the visitor/prayer request form inserted in the bulletin and place it in the offering plate as you exit. † MUMC welcomes children—and children’s noise! If at any time during the service your child needs a place for more active play, an optional nursery for pre-K students and younger is provided downstairs. † Our current worship guidelines ask that you wear masks and social distance. Thank you for your help!


To those who are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints, together with all those who in every place call on the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, both their Lord and ours: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. —1 Corinthians 1:2-3

Prelude We invite you to prayerfully (and joyfully!) prepare your heart for the worship of God during this time.

*Give, Serve, Grow Giving is an act of worship & an expression of gratitude to God. We offer Him ourselves and the material world He has placed under our care. Our tithes and offerings become a means of spreading the gospel, strengthening disciples, and serving the needy. Online giving has been set up through a link on our website. Opportunities for service and growth are listed on the back of the bulletin, including our current prayer list. More immediate prayer requests are sent via email/facebook throughout the week. If you’d like to sign up for our e-newsletter, e-prayer chain, or for more information, please contact the church office at 865.982.4799 or


*Benediction May the Almighty and Merciful Lord, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, bless you and keep you. Amen.

Opening Prayer The prayer begins: The Lord be with you. And also with you. Let us pray.


The mission and desire of Middlesettlements United Methodist Church is to reach out and lovingly touch lives as Jesus Christ did, both by word and example.

New Covid Guidelines Due to the current rate of Covid transmission in our community, our church council met and approved the following changes for our inperson gatherings. Below you'll also find our new/continued Wednesday night activities. Sunday Worship • Masks are encouraged before, during, and after the morning and evening worship services • One half of the sanctuary will return to being roped off at every other pew to assist in social distancing. The other half will remain as usual. Please choose the side that fits your comfort level. • A livestream of the service will be offered in the Fellowship Hall, as well as a radio broadcast for the parking lot (tune in to 90.9 on your radio) Sunday School • Masks are encouraged before, during, and after Sunday School • Ionogen purifiers (what we currently use in the sanctuary) will be placed in each classroom where children and youth meet • Masks will be worn by teachers for children and youth Wednesday Evening • Masks are encouraged before, during, and after Bible studies and choir • Masks will be worn by teachers for children and youth • Wednesday night meals are temporarily suspended These changes are made out of love for our community and our most vulnerable, especially the young in our church who are unable to receive a vaccine. We give thanks we have so many kiddos under our care!

*Praise Come to the Table To the Table


The mission and desire of Middlesettlements United Methodist Church is to reach out and lovingly touch lives as Jesus Christ did, both by word and example.

PROCLAMATION Children’s Sermon

Sunday Night Worship this evening 5:30 -6 youth snack supper, 6-7 Worship Lead by youth, and everyone is welcome.

Scripture—James 3:13-4:17 This is the word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.

Thank you for your prayers for Joel Puckett’s cousin, Jodie, who is finally back home after fighting Covid complications since March.



*The Doxology Praise God from whom all blessings flow; praise Him all creatures here below. Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost! *The Great Thanksgiving

*Praise, Come As You Are


from UMH 15

The Lay Leadership Committee will meet Sunday, after church, September 12 in the Fellowship Hall. Members of this committee are Chairman, Pastor Magan, Cindy Alloway, Joel Puckett, Patsy Webb, Steve Loveday, Dora Hooks, Todd Moore, Leona Mote, Amy Bloomer and Karen Lewis (lay leader). Church Council meeting on Tuesday, September 14, 7:00 p.m. in the Blanche Class.

Church council will continue to review these measures in our meetings. Please continue to pray for our church leadership as we continue to navigate situations we once had never imagined. Adult Bible Study (Wednesday) Dinners may be temporarily suspended, but bible study is still on! All adults are invited to a verse by verse study of Galatians in the Fellowship Hall (6-6:45pm). Youth (Wednesday) Wednesday Night Youth has moved to the Field of Dreams (2508 Middlesettlements Rd/Maryville 37801)! Middle School Youth is 4:30-5:30pm, High School Youth is 6-7pm, and an outdoor dinner for all youth is provided 5:30-6pm. Children (Wednesday) Kid’s Club (elementary age) and Wiggling & Singing (toddlers & preK) start back this week on Wednesday, September 8 at 6pm. Nursery is also available from 6-8pm. If you have information for the bulletin or newsletter, please leave a message at the church office (865.982.4799 or Prayer requests are kept on the list for 3 weeks and may be re-requested


Dale and Grace Sawyer's granddaughter, Holly (COVID ventilator) also for her 4-year son (COVID); Damian Ferbrache, 6 year old grandson of Dale & Grace Sawyer (hospitalized – COVID); Lucille Tallent, (Foothills Transitional Care); Kathryn asks that we pray for her Charbonneau family in Texas (health concerns); Donnie and Dora Hooks request prayers for Ronnie Hooks (Donnie’s brother Oak Ridge Hospital); Joyce Mays (shoulder surgery – to be rescheduled); Howie & Rachel Ammons prayers for Scott Underwood (son) and family and also Peggy Brynes (daughter-in-law’s mother); Josie Cromwell (recuperating from a knee injury); Carl Cromwell, Grace Sawyer, Elaine Butcher, Ina Bolton, Luther Goodson; Carolyn Crisp, J.B. O’Connor, Leona Mote, Effie Cardin; Kermit Marcus (Justin’s father); Howie & Rachel Ammons brother-in-law, Bruce Rudder (cancer); Mary Justice’ son, Donnie Swanner; Maria Carpenter Wright’s sister Linda (health) and friend Dianne (cancer); Keith & Leslie McAmis’s sister, Susan Philips (chemo); Bridget Jenkins’ daughter Holly Child (cancer).



Service of Worship 15th Sunday after Pentecost September 5, 2021

A GUIDE FOR DAILY PRAYER using your bulletin

Begin by remembering...take time to remember God’s presence in you, around you, and in your circumstances. God has never left you or abandoned you: He is with you always. Praise God...begin with the opening prayer/ Call to Worship, sing one of the hymns, and take time to thank God for His works in your life, the church, and the world. Read your bible...Life with God is more than us talking—we’re also called to listen. Take time to read one of the Scripture Lessons of the week (or another of your choosing), asking God to instruct, guide, correct, encourage, and enliven you by His holy word. Respond...Reflect on the reading, pondering the words and examining yourself and life, paying attention to the whispers of truth and love from the Holy Spirit. Turn over to His care yourself, life, loved ones, and community. Pray for those on our church prayer list, adding those for whom you’ve committed to pray, ending with the Lord’s prayer. Recite the Affirmation of Faith, clinging to these foundational truths in a world of confusion. Finish with a blessing (if your food can be blessed, so can you!). 865.982,4799 (church office)

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