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New MUB Lounge to take shape this summer JANE KIRBY Lode Writer Being one of the only nonacademic and non-residence hall buildings on campus, the Memorial Union Building doesn’t receive a lot of students looking to just hang out on a typical day. Members of the MUB Board wish to change this and the Undergraduate Student Government (USG) recently approved a plan to renovate the basement of the MUB, starting this summer and ending in Fall 2013. The MUB Lounge committee is executing the plan. David Shull, third year computer science/engineering student and the President of the Memorial Union Board, said that the Board wishes to bring academics, athletics, auxiliary services and students together through this process. After releasing a survey, the MUB Board heard back from over 800 students about a possible renovation to the basement of the MUB, which is currently home to a rather outdated bowling alley and billiards game room. About half of the student responses indicated that they have never been in the basement of the MUB. The MUB Lounge committee



Mechanical Engineering and sunken treasure

David Shull and Kyle Johnston presented on the plan for the MUB basement last Sunday. One of the questions is whether or not alcohol will be allowed in the space. Photo by Kourtney Cooper

wants to change this by creating a relaxing, modern day coffee house atmosphere in a space available for all students.

News: Copper Harbor trails looking to win competition



Another major aspect of this project is to build a connection between past and present students, Shull said. After talking to various Tech alumni,


Renowned musical “Fiddler on the Roof” at Tech next week


it was apparent to Shull that the MUB has played a big part in past students’ experiences, from meeting future


Condom Machine: help or harm?

Continued on page 2



Spring Fling Oozeball Tournament

2 Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Michigan Tech Lode

New MUB Lounge Continued from front page spouses while bowling to creating unforgettable memories with friends. The MUB Lounge committee hopes to bring this feeling back with the new space. Shull said the committee plans on incorporating a timeline of Tech’s history into the new space. By creating a map of the evolution of Tech as a community and as a school, the connection between past and present students can be strengthened. Another way to build this bridge between past and present students is through fundraising. Shull said that the MUB Board plans on selling memorial “bricks” that are more modern and can apply to the high tech atmosphere here at Tech. These bricks are made of transparent material that can be engraved with a donor’s name and lit up with LED lights. These bricks will be incorporated into the new lounge. This concept of having a high tech atmosphere is also part of the idea of creating a place on campus that is strongly representative of the Michigan Tech student, full of Husky pride, Keweenaw love and high in technology, Shull said. The strong community feel will be present in the new area with a selection of local brews being sold. By balancing out the modern coffee shop feel and the selling of alcohol, the MUB Lounge committee wishes to eliminate negative connotations of alcohol by creating a place where students can go relax and have fun with friends, whether they are 21 or not. In a presentation on the new space given last Sunday by Shull and Kyle Johnston, it was stated that due to current laws concerning alcohol on college campuses, alcohol cannot be served all the time and will only be served for special events. The desired atmosphere of the new lounge is a fun, relaxing, modern feel that “facilitates connections between students,” Shull said. LED lights will light up the walls, TV’s will be scattered about, big couches will replace the outdated plastic chairs and even Xbox systems will be available for use. In addition, there has been an idea

Top and Midde: The Memorial Union Building is set for summer renovations. Bottom: Students attended Sunday’s presentation to learn more about the changes and drink free root beer. Photos by Kourtney Cooper (top two) and Alex Mager (bottom)

to create a drop-down stage platform that can safely cover the bowling alleys and create additional space for

larger events. Shull said that the Huskies’ away athletic games could also be streamed

on a large screen for students who wish to watch away games together in one area.


Michigan Tech Lode

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Mechanical Engineering and sunken treasure NICOLE IUTZI Lode Writer Michigan Tech alumnus Mike Milosh was given the chance to design, build and operate a remote operated vehicle (ROV) and other equipment to recover gold from the SS Central America, an American steamer that operated between Central America and the United States during the 1850’s. Milosh grew up on a farm in northern Michigan and gained much experience in fixing machinery. After learning about Michigan Tech’s mechanical engineering program, Milosh knew what he wanted to do. After graduating from Michigan Tech he worked for Battelle Memorial Institute, an Ohio based R&D firm, where he learned about Tom Thompson, one of his co-

workers who, in 1988, was investigating the SS Central America wreck. Thompson asked Milosh to lead the engineering team in designing, building and operating an ROV to use for the delicate recovery operation. Thompson and his team had located the wreck about 200 miles off the coast of South Carolina and at a depth of 8,000 feet at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean; all they needed were the tools for extraction. A large amount of gold was expected to be recovered from the SS Central America. The ship was carrying over three tons of gold, including approximately 5,200 recently minted $20 denomination gold pieces made from gold mined during the California Gold Rush. A smaller amount of more historic coins, specifically privately made coins and gold ingots, were

also on board. Overall, the ship made 43 routine trips until 1857 when it left Panama for New York City and came upon a hurricane. On the second day of the storm the ship sprang a

had to explore deep in the ocean and had to be delicate enough not to decrease the value of the coins and other gold pieces it was extracting. Parts of the ROV include a modified dustpan, a tree-

Surely, however, uncovering buried treasure is an unforgettable experience. leak and eventually sank near Cape Hatteras, N.C. The gold cargo, as well as 427 of about 550 passengers, were lost in the storm. Milosh created the ROV using skills he gained from Michigan Tech and thus designed one of the first force-feedback undersea manipulators. The ROV

trimmer chain saw and a deep-sea vacuum for coins and gold dust. There is also a built in claw to feel around on the ocean floor with padded fingers. Massive cameras were mounted in pressuretight containers and are used to view the ocean floor. The high-tech equipment paid off as $150 million

worth of gold was hauled to the surface. Another find consisted of two trunks full of personal items: one from a honeymooning couple and another of a businessman, all survivors of the wreck. Items inside the trunks included underwear, gowns, jewelry, dueling pistols and letters. Milosh was able to help in the discovery of the largest bar of gold found. Known as the ‘Eureka Bar’, the chunk of gold weighs 74 pounds. The bar sold for $8 million. After three seasons at sea, Milosh returned home. He has created a mechanical engineering company, Miltech Systems, Ltd., near Sunbury, Ohio. Mitech Systems has provided innovation in mechanical engineering and machine design for over 18 years now. Surely, however, uncovering buried treasure is an unforgettable experience.

New MUB Lounge Continued from page 2 The new lounge won’t only be used by students, however. Kyle Johnston, third year biomedical engineering major and the Basement Renovation Committee Chair on the MUB Board, said after meeting with Jim Turnquist, Director of Career Services, Turnquist pointed out how this new lounge would be a great place for visiting companies to host information sessions. This would add another source of revenue for the area as well as companies would pay to rent the space. Funding for the MUB lounge is primarily focused on coming from students. Shull and Johnston emphasize how the MUB Lounge

Committee wants students to feel like they can be a part of this exciting renovation and look back on it after they leave Tech and be able to say “I helped make that space happen,” as Shull said. Johnston says that if each student gave as little as three dollars, they’d have enough to fund the renovations. By donating $10, students will be able to gain VIP access to the lounge through a VIP Black card. This card will get students 10 percent off food and drink purchases as well as access to exclusive seating in the lounge. Facilities will match student donations up to $20,000 and Auxiliary Services is planning on donating

equipment as well as funding. Alumni relations are working to publicize this project so alumni will be aware that they can purchase the bricks to help out as well. The renovations in the MUB basement will are planned to start this summer and the area will hopefully be ready for student use this coming Fall 2013. Shull and Johnston say that it is important to get student support for this project so they are looking for as much student feedback as possible. Students are encouraged to post questions and comments to the MUB Board Facebook page. In addition, there will also be a Facebook page for

alumni to share their stories of why the MUB is important to them. For questions and comments, please visit the MUB Board Facebook page at (http://www.facebook.com/ MUBBoard/).

Visit the MUB Board Facebook page

4 Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Michigan Tech Lode

Copper Harbor trails looking to win national competition KATELYN WAARA News Editor As a member of the International Mountain Bicycling Association (IMBA), the Copper Harbor Trails Club’s (CHTC) mountain biking trails should be on top of any biker’s bucket list. The club has recently been selected as one of 12 finalists in Bell Helmets’ “Bell Built Sweepstakes” for a chance at a portion of a $100,000 grant to construct a new downhill biking trail. “Bell Helmets had an open invitation to trail clubs that are chapters of the International Mountain Bicycling Association. They received over 100 applications and scored them to select 12 finalists in three categories,” said Lori Hauswirth, Executive Director of the Copper Harbor Trails Club. Because the trails in Copper Harbor are used by locals, including Michigan Tech students, tourists and avid bikers looking for a thrill, Hauswirth and the other invested members of the CHTC are looking for everyone’s support in gaining enough votes to win a portion of the grant. The CHTC plans to use the money to build a new downhill trail. The proposed downhill Overflow trail will be 1.2 miles long, drop 700 feet and will include progressive lines for developing beginners and advanced riders. Hauswirth said the grant includes, “technical and construction assistance through IMBA Trail Solutions, the professional building arm of IMBA.” While popular with Michigan Tech students as well as members of C4, the Copper Country Cycling Club, the Copper Harbor Trails are also considered an IMBA Silver Level Ride Center, only one of 11 Ride Centers in the world. “This project will add even more to this already popular destination,” said Hauswirth. Bell currently has voting up on their Facebook page to determine the winners of the competition. Vote and share the page on Facebook to show your support! More information and the voting form can be found at (https://www.facebook.com/BellBikeHelmets). To vote from Facebook, click on the “Bell Built Vote Now” link. For information about the CHTC’s IMBA Level Ride Center status can be found on the Club’s website at (http://www.copperharbortrails.org/).

Just a small portion of the large number of downhill bike trails that Copper Harbor has to offer. If the Copper Harbor Trails Club wins a portion of the grant, they will build a new downhill trail. Photo courtesy of Hansi Johnson

Left: CHTC Right: Bell Helmets Competition

Michigan Tech Lode


The World at a glance

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Michigan Tech Lode

106 Memorial Union Building, Houghton, MI 49931 (906) 487-2404 • www.mtulode.com

The spread of the H7N9 Influenza virus in China was traced back to infected poultry. Photo courtesy of Getty Images

Toxic water leaks from nuclear plant in Japan

Japan’s nuclear power plant, damaged during the massive tsunami in March of 2011, is now leaking toxic water. Seeping from an underground storage pool of the Fukushima Daiichi plant, tens of thousands of gallons of radioactive water are reaching the soil of surrounding areas. The water, which is used as a coolant to keep the damaged reactor from overheating, must be stored at the plant after it is used because of its toxicity. The contaminated water has appeared to breach the protective lining of the pool. The company in charge, Tepco, says they are currently storing more than a quartermillion tons of radioactive water in hundreds of underground pools like the one currently leaking. They are in the process of emptying the breached pool. The company also said this leak appeared to be the largest since the immediate months following the tsunami, mentioning that they do not expect the toxic water to reach the sea. The leaking pool is a half-mile from the coast.

Emptying the damaged storage pool could take five more days. In that time, an additional 12,000 gallons of radioactive water could leak.

Florida’s annual red tide increases manatee death toll

Florida’s manatees are experiencing rising death tolls because of a toxic red algae bloom known as red tide. The bloom, which appears each year off the Florida’s west coast, has killed 241 of roughly 5,000 manatees in the wild, according to the state Fish and Wildlife research Institute. The death toll, unfortunately, seems to be rising. Because of the increased manatee population in Southwest Florida during the winter months, this year’s red algae strain killed more than last year’s. Florida’s annual red tide affects many other aquatic animals and can cause problems for people, too. The algae contain a nerve poison known as brevetoxin. The poison is found underwater, but also can be blown through the air when waves break over the algae’s outer


China experiencing new H7N9 flu

China has reported 14 cases of a mysterious new H7N9 flu, six of which were fatal. Previously found only in wild birds, the virus was isolated last week in a Shanghai live bird market. Infected poultry is an obvious suspected source. Officials at the Center for Disease Control (CDC) are working on creating a seed vaccine against the virus. Although it will take at least a month to create the vaccine, the agency is building it with synthetic DNA, which is speeding up the process. No cases of human-tohuman interaction have been confirmed. The news agency Xinhua reported the CDC traced hundreds of people who had contact with the 14 known cases. According to the World Health Organization, preliminary tests are suggesting the H7N9 flu is susceptible to the drugs Tamiflu and Relenza. Countries, including Vietnam, Hong Kong and Japan, have banned imports from China. Source: NYT

Editor in Chief ...................................Krysten Cooper Business Manager........................................Alex Mager Design Editor..................................................Kaila Pietila Media Editor...........................................Kourtney Cooper News Editor..............................................Katelyn Waara Opinion Editor...................................Taylor Domagalla Pulse Editor...................................................Nick Blecha Sports Editor ......................................Jordan Erickson Advisor ........................................................Kara Sokol

Staff Writers - Zach Evans, Jace Fritzler, Ellie Furmanski, Nicole Iutzi, Jane Kirby, Sawyer Newman, Travis Pellosma, Rohit Sharma Erika Vichcales, Megan Walsh

Circulation - Christopher Fongers Visuals Staff -

Adam Marshall, Kevin Madson, Gabriela Shirkey, Scott Thompson, Ben Wittbrodt

Copy Editors - Michael Hilliard, Zach Ziemke Opinions expressed in the Lode are not necessarily those of the student body, faculty, staff or administration of Michigan Technological University or the Michigan Tech Lode. The Michigan Tech Lode is designed, written and edited by Michigan Tech students. The paper is printed every Tuesday during fall and spring semesters. The Lode is available free of charge at drop-off sites around campus and in the surrounding community. To the best of its ability, the Michigan Tech Lode subscribes to the Code of Ethics of the Society of Professional Journalists, the text of which is available at http://spj.org/ ethics_code.asp. The Lode is funded in part by the Michigan Tech Student Activity Fee.

1. lodecomment@mtu.edu for submitting comments to the Lode. Messages posted to this address are received by the editor in chief and faculty advisor and are forwarded to others on the staff as appropriate. 2. lodeads@mtu.edu for submitting classified ads to the Lode. Messages posted to this address are received by the business manager and secretary. 3. lodesubmit@mtu.edu for submitting articles and letters to the editor. Messages posted to this address are received by the editors and the faculty advisor. Work submitted to the Lode should be submitted with the understanding that it may be printed by the Lode and/ or posted to the Online Lode, www.mtulode.com. The Lode reserves the right to edit submissions for length, clarity and potentially libelous material. Submissions should not exceed 500 words.

6 Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Michigan Tech Lode

“Fiddler on the Roof” Classic musical to be performed on the Rosza stage next week TRAVIS PELLOSMA Lode Writer

Renowned as one of the world’s favorite musicals, “Fiddler on the Roof” brings to life a story about the goodness and oddness that life has to offer. It has brought forth popular musical pieces such as “If I Were a Rich Man.” This performance will feature the Tech Theatre Company, with music being provided by the Keweenaw Symphony Orchestra. The story is based on “Tevye the Milkman”, and other tales by Sholem Aleichem, which were written in Yiddish in 1894. The musical’s title was inspired by Marc Chagall’s painting, “The Fiddler,” which depicted the life of Eastern European Jewish people. The fiddler in the painting is said to be a metaphor for survival, even when the world is filled with disorder and uncertainty.

Like the fiddler in the painting, Tevye, the leader character of the musical, is a Jewish man who shares all the burdens and joys that we face within our lives. Being the father to five daughters, he must maintain his family and religious traditions against the turning tides of his daughters who wish to deviate from their customs. While all of this is occurring, the Tsar is evicting Jews from their villages. Faced with economic depression and ethnic hatred, he tries his best to raise a family hoping that they will be blessed with a better life and conditions than they currently have. Check out for yourself why this has been called one of the world’s favorite musicals from April 18-20 at the Rozsa Center with shows starting at 7:30 p.m. The performance is free to Michigan Tech Students and $18.75 for general admission. Tickets are available by phone at (906)487-2074 or by visiting (rozsa.mtu.edu).

Photo courtesy of VPA

The always-online gaming controversy returns NICK BLECHA Pulse Editor The issue of video games that require a constant Internet connection, even for gameplay modes that do not otherwise require Internet access, has made it into the news again. This time, the subject of controversy is the planned successor to the Xbox 360. Kotaku has reported, citing two anonymous sources they say “have a perfect track record in getting these kinds of things right,” that the new console will require exactly that in order to play games. According to the sources, the console will require an Internet

connection to start any games or apps, and if the connection is lost for a long-enough period of time, “currently three minutes, if I remember correctly” according to one of the sources, the game or app will be suspended and the console will launch the network troubleshooter. Now, it’s worth noting that these are just rumors, and that Microsoft has refused to make any sort of comment on the issue. Even if it is true now, Microsoft may well change course on the matter, especially if they believe that the requirement would significantly discourage sales. Sony has suggested (though not outright confirmed) that the PlayStation 4 will not require an

always-on Internet connection, leading industry analysts to suggest that on-the-fence consumers may buy PS4s instead of Xboxes. It’s worth noting that there are serious reasons for Microsoft to be concerned if they adopt this requirement. According to an Ars Technica column, about 30 percent of US households do not have broadband Internet access, whether through choice or because there is no broadband service in their area. Others have pointed out that some people, such as university students living in on-campus housing, have to deal with sometimes console-unfriendly authentication requirements to get onto the local network. Or one’s entertainment

center may be in a part of one’s house that gets flaky Wi-Fi reception, for example. All of these situations would make an always-online console an unlikely purchase. Furthermore, there are serious technical considerations too. EA’s recent launch of “SimCity” has been adopted as a poster child for everything wrong with alwaysonline games: grossly overloaded servers meant that few people could even sign on to play, and those that could often found themselves getting disconnected. The issues have been alleviated somewhat since the launch but have not disappeared completely. To make matters worse, many reviewers complained that, from a pure


Michigan Tech Lode

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Fun and learning at Casino Night

Kim D’Augustino deals Black Jack at the MUB Casino Night on Saturday among tables scattered with chips and cards. Photos by Noki Arguello

ROHIT SHARMA Lode Writer “A dollar won is twice as sweet as a dollar earned.” These words by Paul Newman are always cherished by casino lovers. Today, a casino is nothing but an opportunity to practice certain types of gambling activities. But Memorial Union Board partnered with Wellness took this term beyond its casual meaning by organizing the Casino Night that took place on Saturday, April 8. The venue for the event was the MUB

Ballroom. The event had a dual purpose. First, MUB Board puts on events that give students something to do besides their monotonous schedule. With the end of the semester approaching and hectic routine, this night gave an opportunity to all the fun lovers to enjoy. Secondly, this unique partnership of MUB Board with Michigan Tech’s Wellness Services helped in promoting financial wellness. Members of the wellness staff went around with gambling facts and promoted services at Michigan Tech that helped students with

Always-online controversy gameplay standpoint, the game should have been able to support offline play. Now, the reason for this always-online scheme is clear: reduce piracy. Considering the gigantic budget of most AAA titles, it’s not an entirely unreasonable

concern. However, although restrictions like this can help reduce unauthorized copying, they also have a “dead-weight loss” effect, by driving consumers who would otherwise purchase the game legally to pirate just

financial matters. Thus, besides entertainment and amusement, students got financial guidance as well. IRHC made a financial contribution to the event, but wasn’t involved in the planning or execution. The prizewinners are not declared as of the writing of this article, but the prizes worth $100, $75 and $50 will be granted to the winners. Games and light snacks were also offered in a night of fun and education. What made the night more dazzling and glimmering was the casino attire, which gave the event perfect ambience.

MUB Board is also hosting a couple more events during April. Spring Fling is on April 19 from 12 to 4 p.m. The students will end the academic year and welcome warmer weather by engaging in activities. Student groups can apply for a booth on involvement link page. Any questions, email mubboard-l@mtu.edu, visit at (https:// involvement.mtu.edu/organization/ memorial-union-board) or (http:// w w w. faceb o ok .com/mubb o ard). They are also hosting a study break on Tuesday of the finals week. So, end your semester with more and more fun and zeal.

Continued from page 6

to get around the restrictions, or simply not buy the game at all. Some industry analysts argue that we are well past the point at which the deadweight loss outstrips the gain from reduced copying, though to this writer’s

knowledge there have been no actual economic studies on the subject. This is an area where Microsoft needs to be cautious. Although their internal data may suggest that this approach is a good idea, one must realize

that internal data can be misleading. With a significant chunk of potential market share locked out by this decision, and an alternative in the PlayStation 4 without these restrictions, this decision could turn into a serious blunder for Microsoft.

8 Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Michigan Tech Lode

Comics courtesy of xkcd


I loved my experience at Wayne Law. Professors are dedicated to promoting critical thinking and lifelong learning, and students are strong advocates in the community. I enjoyed the many diverse perspectives brought to the classroom and am confident that the experiences I gained at Wayne Law will be invaluable in my legal career.” — Eleanor Ung 2011 Law Student of the Year, National Asian Pacific American Law Student Association Wayne Law Class of 2012 We are proud of our outstanding students, and welcome your application to join them. Visit law.wayne.edu by April 15 to complete our free online application.

Michigan Tech Lode


Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Rules: Fill in the grid so that each row, column and 3x3 block contains 1-9 exactly once.

Last Week’s Solution...

No. 0407 FITTING REARRANGMENTS By Matt Ginsberg / Edited by Will Shortz







6 19


Across 1 P o s t a l ID 6 M e m p his be l le ? 1 0 R a s p b e rry 1 4 K i n d of fo rm 1 8 C o b b l e r ’s j o b 2 0 S o t h a t o n e m ig h t 2 2 B l a c k s ha de 2 3 S t e v edo re , a t tim e s 2 4 C o l l e g e s t u d e nt’s place 2 5 D i a l c om pe t ito r 2 6 B r i t i s h s oc c e r p o w e r ho u s e 2 8 “ G o t i t” 2 9 F i s h w i th a l o n g neck 3 1 P r o c r a s t in a t o rs ’ e n a b le r s 3 4 S h a r k , m a yb e 3 5 B e a t a t a N a t h a n’s h o t d o g c on te s t, say 3 6 S n a k e in “ T he J u n g le B o o k ” 3 9 S a l a d b a r i te m s

RELEASE DATE: 4/14/2013

4 0 “ L e _ __ d e M on te Cristo” 4 2 Vi s a o ffe r i n g 4 7 O f _ _ _ (s e rv ic i n g ) 4 8 M a y o c o n ta i n e r s ? 4 9 Tu r n e d 5 0 “ C h i na B e a c h” a c t r es s H e l g e nb e rge r

For any three answers, call from a touch-tone phone: 1-900-285-5656, $1.49 each minute; or, with a credit card, 1-800814-5554.

5 2 No v elist wh o h ad two sp o u s es sim u ltan eo u s ly

5 3 Ab b r. o n car sellers ’ licen s e p lates 5 4 N. African lan d

5 5 “Decisio n Po in ts” au th o r 5 8 Rep eats

6 1 Vag u e res p o n s e to “W h en ?”

6 2 M ars h o f d etectiv e fictio n 6 5 _ _ _ City, M iss.

6 6 Geck o ’s g rip p er 6 9 Tu rb u len ce

7 1 Lo cal b ird life

7 3 “By e By e By e” b an d 7 5 On etim e s u n b lo ck ag en t 7 7 BB sh o o ter

7 9 Galileo , fo r o n e 8 3 Electric _ _ _

8 4 M is h an d le so m eth in g , s ay

8 5 On e o f th e M ’s o f 3 M : Ab b r. 8 8 Electric car

8 9 Fo o tb all m is d irectio n 9 1 Hip ster ’s p ad

9 2 Ch ario teer ’s p lace

9 4 Ap t an ag ram fo r 4 2 Acro ss 9 6 Beat it

9 7 Nam e o n a m u s eu m p laq u e 9 8 M em p h is -to Nash v ille d ir.

9 9 Op era ch aracter wh o sin g s “Larg o al facto tu m ”

1 0 1 “Th e _ _ _ Show ” (b es t-s ellin g a lbum of 2002) 1 0 3 “Great” 1 6 6 6 co n flag ratio n 1 0 9 Birth d ay su i t en th u sias t 11 2 Pas sag e

11 3 Vid eo s to re pe nalty 11 5 M ed ical s u ff ix

11 6 Ap t an ag ram f or 2 4 -Acro s s

11 9 Desig n er Picasso, d au g h ter o f P ablo 1 2 0 Co as tal n iche

1 2 1 Th ey ’re o n the lef t in Britain 1 2 2 “So u th Pacific” p ro tag o n is t a nd n am esak es

12 To be in Par is?

13 Buckingha m Pa lace r e side nt 14 A lter s to a llow de velopment, ma ybe

15 Scotla nd’s “ G r anite City”

16 English poet w ho co- f ounde d the Pr eRaphaelite s 17 Be gins, as a jour ne y 19 Scr a tch the sur f ace of , ma ybe



40 Fle e tw ood or E ldor a do, inf or mally

1 Cu b a, p o r ejemplo 2 Co u p e’s co u p le

3 Ap t an ag ram for 31Acro ss 4 Places to h o le up after h o ld u p s 5 Un v ary in g

6 Gran t, e. g .

7 Ho w th in g s are g en erally s tir- f r ied 8 Back s, an ato m ic a lly 9 M u n itio n s su p plier 1 0 Black s h ad e

11 Lo v er o f Psy che

41 Checke d out

43 A sk f or cha nge 44 “ H ow can ___ sur e?”

45 H ome tow n of TV ’s McCloud 46 PC inser t

49 A lter native to “com”

51 Ba nke r ’s concer n

54 A pt ana gr a m f or 79A cr oss 56 H ot tar, e.g. 57 Ma ta ___

59 G ood pr otein sour c e 60 1984 title r ole f or E milio E steve z














67 Sun

68 Multiple- c hoice c hoices 70 O r der dur ing a n M.R.I .

72 Cr oatian leade r ?

74 Munic ipa l f a c ility: A bbr. 76 U .S.A . par t: A bbr.



64 72

78 83



91 96

99 103






64 O ff shor e installation

77 82



63 A pt a nagr am f or 103- A c r oss




51 57

69 76






























1 2 5 Baffled







25 28



37 G e orgia ne ighbor

Do wn








1 2 3 Fo rm er Is rae li p res id en t Weizma n

1 2 6 1 9 7 8 Peace P r ize recip ien t

10 21




38 N ot muc h, as of pa int



32 Egyptian sun deity

1 2 4 Du s tu p


27 G a lena a nd c e r ussite

33 Re gga e pr e c ur sor




21 Per ___

30 A pt ana gr a m f or 55A cr oss













114 119 122


78 A lte r na tive to wh i t e 80 “H ur lybur ly” w ri t e r D a vid 81 Tomor r ow ’s is tonight


9 1 Le g e n d a ry q u e e n o f t h e B ri t o n s i m m o rt a l i z e d b y S h a k e sp e a re 9 3 Te e t o t a l e r

82 L ike Ma r s

9 5 C o o l , i n sl a n g

86 Complete ly

1 0 0 Lo se i t

1 0 6 P re fi x w i t h c a r 107 Some Siouans

1 0 8 W h e re H e rc u l e s sl e w t h e l i o n 11 0 Mi n u t e m a n ’s location

85 Wa s c ongenial

96 Small chickens

87 L ike the w or d “ c ur iae” in “am i c u s c ur iae”

1 0 2 H e a rt

11 4 B i g _ _ _ (sp o rt s c o n fe re n c e )

105 Not built up

11 8 N .M. se t t i n g

90 Melodic phr a se

1 0 4 S h o rt p a st o ra l piece

111 S t e p p e d

11 7 Mo se s Ma l o n e , o n t h e 7 6 e rs



Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Michigan Tech Lode

Condom machine: help or LODE ing harm? Un

Jordan Erickson


Every fall it seems like we can’t wait for the snow to start falling. Admit it, when the snow is about to start falling we all have ideas of cozy fireplaces and warm blankets in our minds. It always feels like the enthusiasm for the snowfall beings to wane in our post Winter Carnival stupor. After our celebration of the glory of winter wraps up, it seems there is a general consensus on campus that it now needs to be 70 and sunny. For those lucky enough to see the sun over spring break, the lack of sun and green grass might be a little more tolerable, but it seems like cabin fever is setting in hard. This morning I woke up to a lovely new blanket of white snow settled over Houghton and for a minute I thought we were back in Janurary. As a campus tour guide, I usually get questions about the weather. One of the most popular seems to be “So when does the snow usually melt?” or “So when is the last snowfall?” I try not to scare away all of our potential students by saying, “We have snow left during graduation,” in the most gentle way possible. As much as I can’t wait to not wear my winter coat for a couple months, I know when October rolls around next year I will be waiting for the first snow to fall, with dreams of warm fireplaces and cozy blankets on my mind.

ZACH EVANS Lode Writer The topics of college and sex are nearly inseparable in these modern times. While factions of our society still preach chastity as the moral high road, the powder keg of freedom, hormones and opportunity is unavoidable. In response, collegiate efforts have been focused on making sure that sex does not interfere withscholarly priorities. To avoid academically crippling outcomes such as STIs or pregnancy, safe sex is ingrained in the majority of students. To help facilitate this practice, IRHC funded the development of a condom machine, which has been recently installed in Wadsworth Hall. This may seem like a noble cause, but the excessive amount of money spent on the device as well as the social implications associated with it detract from the marginal benefit it provides over Michigan Tech’s other safe sex resources. One major concern is whether the funds spent on this machine are in the best interests of all residents. IRHC spent $2,000 on its development, money that could have been used for any number

of different projects—even on simple, unresolved maintenance issues. This does not include the ongoing investment to keep the machine stocked; each of the over 2,000 residents is allowed up to three condoms a day. I hope that no one will abuse this privilege, but that expectation is unrealistic. Besides, with Michigan Tech’s infamous ratio hindering young men across campus, I have to wonder how many students will use these condoms compared to how many pay for them through fees. The machine’s origin is heavily rooted in the idea of convenience, allowing a person to get a condom on short notice without human interaction. Yet one has to wonder if convenience is a concept that should be associated with sex. While sex is not held on the golden pedestal that it once was, it should still be practiced responsibly to avoid unintended consequences. Planning for sex by buying condoms in advance at a store or through a safe sex organization, such as the KISS Club, helps reinforce this need. If a person only plans on using a condom if one is conveniently available, are they mature enough to handle the implications of sex? College is about learning to how to be an adult, and in the

Condoms at your convenience are now found in Wadsworth Hall. Photo by Alex Mager

adult world there won’t be a machine to help make responsible decisions.

Sponsoring birthdays: prevention is key TAYLOR DOMAGALLA Opinion Editor I grew up with a girl named Lisa. In Junior High she was my absolute best friend; we laughed together, we cried together, we faced all the difficulties of that age together—I even wrote a poem about her for 8th grade English. She had the biggest sense of humor and the biggest smile I’ve ever seen; she lit up any room and my life. We went our separate ways after we graduated in 2010. Before we completed our first college semester, she was plagued with chronic headaches. Before I finished my first year, she had been diagnosed with brain cancer and had already been through surgery. She recovered with inspirational tenacity and everyone expected a happy

ending. To everyone’s shock and horror, another tumor was found in July of 2012. The day after Christmas she died. She didn’t make it to the New Year or to her 21st birthday. Her story of brain cancer is only one of approximately 135,000 (cancer.org). Jaron Jablonksi, a Civil Engineering student, said “Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in our country and almost everyone has been impacted by it. Those who have been affected by cancer have been through unimaginable torments and still continue to fight on.” Stories like Lisa’s fuel passion for organizations like Relay for Life, which Jablonski fundraised for because he believes in supporting cancer cure research and showing support for those who have been affected. If there had been an effective cure to save Lisa, the lives of everyone she

touched would be fuller and richer. The only thing I wish more than that she were cured is that she never had to face cancer in the first place. The only way to make this wish come true for others is to make prevention a priority. Dr. Judith Perlinger, an Environmental Engineering professor, explained “Given cancer is thought to be caused by both genetic and environmental factors, some ways to help people decrease their risk of getting cancer are to provide access to information on environmental causes of cancer, and to help minimize exposure to these causes.” If an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, then providing information so people can avoid carcinogens and reducing the amount of carcinogens we are all exposed to are the best things we can do to sponsor merrier Christmases, happier New Years and more birthdays.


Michigan Tech Lode

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Point, Counter-point





Jace Fritzler Lode Writer One of the most heated topics of debate across the United States is whether a woman has the right to have an abortion. Many argue that a woman should have the right to abort her pregnancy under any circumstance. I strongly disagree with this point of view. I believe that life begins at conception, and at that point, the child has the inalienable right to life. Pregnancy, from what I have heard, is not an easy thing. Having a child can completely change a person’s life. Shouldn’t someone be able to decide whether or not they want to deal with the burden of carrying a child for nine months followed by a financial burden for eighteen years? I think they should have complete control over that decision, which is why I am very much against rape. However, sex makes babies. It has for quite some time now. If you don’t feel like you are ready for that sort of commitment, perhaps you should consider the possible outcomes of your “social activities.” This goes for both sexes, so hopefully you don’t feel like I am preaching only to women. Men, if you don’t think you could handle the responsibilities that come with fatherhood, you aren’t ready to be having unprotected sex.

Poll Results:

Lode Writer Every abortion has a reason. We can debate all day about which situations are justified and which are not. We can do our best to pry into the lives of every woman who walks into those clinics with their heads down, but what we must understand is that every abortion has a reason. And those reasons we will never know and never understand. It is not for us to decide. Louise Melling, the Director of the Center for Liberty at the American Civil Liberties Union wrote, “It is neither my place nor our government’s place to make such an important life decision for someone else... When we bring children into the world we want them to have the opportunity to live a good life. And we want to build a better future for our children and our grandchildren.” Regardless of what the specific reason was for the abortion, every woman that makes this decision believes that either she is not fit to raise a child or the environment that she is in is not fit for a child. This is a factor only that individual woman could possibly know. We simply do not have the capabilities of knowing what is going

on in the life of the woman more than she does. When often hear arguments about the “religious freedom” of people in the U.S. One of the main arguments against abortion is that it directly defies the Sixth Commandment of the Bible’s Old Testament: “Thou shalt not kill.” In most scenarios, most people, regardless of religious beliefs, agree that this Commandment applies to them. However, abortion is the termination of a pregnancy, not the murdering of a living, breathing baby. In the words of Barack Obama “Whatever we once were, we are no longer just a Christian nation; we are also a Jewish nation, a Muslim nation, a Buddhist nation, a Hindu nation, and a nation of nonbelievers.” Congress cannot continue to use the Bible to back up the laws because it represents the views of only one faction that makes up the United States. The beliefs of the majority should not hinder personal freedoms of everyone else. We need to recognize that there are situations and hardships that others go through that we will never understand. We need to learn to respect each other’s decisions, whether we agree with them or not. That freedom is the freedom we need to strive for in this country.

Based on responses from 41 Lode readers.

Do you think abortion should be legal in all cases, some cases, or no cases? All Cases 46.34%

Some Cases 39.02%


Birth control and contraceptives can be effective if used properly, but the only guarantee to not conceive is abstinence from sexual activity. Any child conceived through consensual sex, in my mind, is the responsibility of both parents. According to cdc.gov, 784,507 legal abortions occurred in 2009. This number is actually lower than the amount annually reported in the decade prior. In one year, nearly 0.8 million children were legally killed in the United States. To show just how skewed that number is, let me remind you that 20 children were killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School. The outcry nationwide for the lives of those children was louder and more united than anything I have ever heard about abortion. Anti-abortion advocates say that putting a child up for adoption is a valid alternative to abortion. I wholeheartedly agree with this. In 2008 and 2009, the CDC reported that averages of about 15,000 children were brought into the United States annually because of international adoptions. Had the demand for these adoptions been within the states, perhaps some women would reconsider adoption as a viable option. This is a small number compared to the number of abortions, but it is a step in the right direction.

No Cases 14.63%

Do you believe that having an abortion is morally acceptable?

What do you think that the abortion debate is mostly about?


41.46% No


Not a moral issue 21.95%

Next week’s poll: Visit (www.mtulode.com) page for our next poll.



Religious Freedom 24.39%

Women’s Health and Rights 29.27% Neither 19.51%



Tuesday, April 9, 2013

# the By

s r e b m u n First place finishes from sprinter Nathan Saliga this past weekend



Players committed to join husky football next season. Sixteen offensive and 15 defensive players have signed their national letters of intent for the Huskies for Fall of 2013.


Losses from men’s tennis in their meeting with Lake Superior State. The Huskies took all nine wins in the GLIAC competition


Points from Ali Haidar in the 2013 Reese’s Division II College All-Star Game last week


Days until Husky football’s spring game. The game will take place April 20 on Sherman Field

Michigan Tech Lode


Nathan Saliga

JORDAN ERICKSON Sports Editor Husky track and field headed south this past weekend to Whitewater, Wisc. where the warmer weather aided in several wins for Black and Gold.

Senior sprinter Nathan Saliga helped the men’s team to a second place finish with his first place finish in the 400 m sprint. The school record holder in the decathlon came close to breaking the record in the 400, with a time of 48.98. The time was good for the

fourth best in school record. Saliga also competed in the 4x400 m relay where he along with teammates Karl Koivisto, Shawn Shove and Jevon Maddox took the win with a time of 3:34.51. Track and field is back in action this weekend with at the Hillsdale Invitational.

Photo courtesy of MTU Athletics

Track and Field season underway ELLIE FURMANSKI Lode Writer After a delayed start to the season with multiple meet cancellations, the outdoor track and field season is finally underway. Both teams traveled to Whitewater, Wis., to compete in the Rex Foster Invitational on Friday, April 5. The women’s team took seventh out of ten teams while the men earned an impressive second place finish. Leading the women’s team was sophomore Natalie Berryman who received fourteen of the Huskies’ 34 points. She earned a second place finish with a 33.20m throw in women’s javelin and took third place in discus (39.52m). Senior Melanie Hoffman contributed nine points to the Huskies’ score. Hoffman’s best performance of the day was a second place finish in long jump (4.98m). She also earned an eighth place finish after running the 200m dash in a time of 27.80. Top finishes in the women’s distance events were by Deedra Irwin and Amanda Halonen. Irwin placed third in

the 800m run (2:24.06), and Halonen took fourth in the women’s 1500m (4:54:96). On the men’s side, a variety of athletes contributed to the team’s second place title. Quinn Parnell led the men’s team in sprints with two first place finishes. He won both the men’s 100m and 200m dash events in a time of 10.85 and 22.11, respectively. The Huskies put forward two additional first place finishes. Nathan Saliga, who

took first in the 400m dash (48.98), also contributed to the team’s 4x400m relay first place finish. Saliga anchored the relay behind Dylan Anderson, Jani Lane and Shawn Shove. Jared Berryman led the Huskies in throws with a second place finish in discus (45.25m) and a third place finish in shot put (13.49m). Continued on page 15

Michigan Tech Lode


Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Spring Fling Oozeball Tournament


ALYSSA DEBELAK Lode Writer The Michigan Tech Spring Fling Oozeball tournament will be held on Friday, April 19. Oozeball is a mud volleyball tournament that is a spring tradition at many universities, Michigan Tech included. The oozeball tournament is sponsored by the Michigan Tech Student Foundation. It is 15 dollars to play and a couple dollars goes towards t-shirts, but the rest of the money is for student scholarships. There is a women’s division and a co-ed division. The winners of the tournament get trophies. Six people are on the court at a time, but you may have as many people on your team as you want. Last year, second-year Grant Hurford played on the Theta Tau and Delta Zeta team. He decided to join because he really likes volleyball and he thought it would be fun. “It was fun to mess around in the mud and have fun as a team because we weren’t very good. It was something different that you don’t often get the chance to do.” Oozeball is very similar to volleyball, except for the fact that is played outside on mud courts. The court is 20 by 40 feet and the net is eight feet tall. Each court has a referee, who is usually an intramural volleyball referee. To make the mud, facility workers get rid of the grass in the area where the courts are being set up. This year the courts will be in the courtyard in front of Wadsworth Hall. From there, volunteers pick out the rocks, then facilities tills the area and volunteers again pick out rocks. The morning of the tournament volunteers hook up a hose to the fire hydrant, and flood the area to get the mud really wet. They then use shovels to turn the mud around, and stomp with boots until the mud is ready for play. The games are played using rally scoring; the first team to 21 points wins that match. They play the best two out of three games. The bracket is set up like a normal bracket. Corinne Green, whose co-ed team won the Oozeball Tournament last year, said that she really just likes playing in the mud. Corinne got involved her first year at Michigan Tech because she heard about it from some upperclassman friends. She is now on the events committee for oozeball. If you are not playing oozeball this year, come out and watch the games, and if you like it make sure you sign up next year.

Corinne Green, whose co-ed team won the Oozeball Tournament last year, enjoys participating in the muddy sport that is oozeball. Photo courtesy of Corinne Green

14 Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Michigan Tech Lode

No Spring season for Frisbockey

Left: Tyler Blumke, caption of Uninspired Style, accepts the championship trophy. Right: Uninspired style competed for the Frisbockey championship last fall. Photo courtesy of Bryan Hughes

ALYSSA DEBELAK Lode Writer Frisbockey is a Michigan Tech tradition, created in 2003 by the IRHC. Frisbockey is a combination of Ultimate Frisbee and hockey. Frisbockey has a spring and fall season and generally the fall season is a lot bigger than the spring season. In the fall of 2012 league there were 45 teams involved in Frisbockey. This spring there is not going to be a season because of all the snow on the ground. There was discussion of an indoor tournament, but because of how physical the game is, it was

vetoed. Junior Maxwell Farrell played Frisbockey last year. He had a really great experience when he played. He said that Frisbockey is something that can be taken as seriously as you want to take it. He took it somewhat seriously, but mostly he enjoyed getting in the work out and hanging out with friends. Teams play on a grass field with dimensions of 120 by 75 feet. The goal is six feet wide and four feet tall. To play you use an Ultimate Frisbee disc. Over the summer a committee will be researching a new design for a new field and a new goal. Shoes must be regular tennis

shoes, not turf shoes or cleats. Players cannot wear any kind of protective gear. Games are officiated by paid referees to make sure that games are under control. The games have two 15 minute halves. The clock only stops for time outs, each team gets two time outs, one per half. There are three different positions for Frisbockey. There is the thrower, the receiver and the marker. The thrower is the offensive player who has the disc and they can only pivot one foot otherwise it results in a turnover. The receiver is any player who receives a pass from the thrower.

When the receiver goes to throw their pass, they can catch their own throw if another player touches it while in the air. The marker is the defensive player who guards the thrower. The marker must be within five feet of the thrower, and there may be only one marker guarding at a time. Recently, the structure of the Frisbockey organization has been revamped. There is a five person committee, an advisor, an office and new equipment. Next semester, the Frisbockey committee will be working hard to recruit freshman and other people on campus who have not played before.

Michigan Tech Lode


Tuesday, April 2, 2013

five match points before closing out the win. At No. 1, Felipe Dos Santos and Pedro Rodriguez played through to an 8-5 victory. The Huskies were able to win each of the six singles flights by straight sets. Dos Santos at No. 1 played through an injury and was able to rally back after finding himself down 2-5 in the first set. Dos Santos won eleven of twelve games in the end to earn a 7-6 (2), 6-0 victory. Nick Kremkow at No. 5 was the only other Husky to have to rally from behind in singles. After trailing 3-0 in the first set, he was able to come back and win the set 6-4. Kremkow went on to win the match 6-4, 6-2. The remaining singles flights were virtually swept by the Huskies. Oliveros at No. 2 and Yumuang at No. 3 won their respective matches 6-0, 6-2 and 6-2, 6-0. Rodriguez won twelve consecutive games to win 6-0, 6-0 at No. 4. Also, Konarske at No. 6 won by a pair of

6-2 sets. Only three matches remain for Men’s Tennis in the 2013 regular season. The Huskies will travel to Ohio this weekend to play three consecutive matches, starting with Ohio Dominican on Friday, April 12. Next, the Huskies will take on Tiffin Saturday, April 13 and Findlay on Sunday, April 14. Currently, the Huskies sit above all three schools in the GLIAC standings. Ohio Dominican has put forth a 4-4 conference record this season while Tiffin and Findlay are 3-4 and 2-6 in the GLIAC. The Huskies will look to close out the season with straight wins in order to assure their seed in the Men’s Tennis GLIAC Tournament. Only the top eight teams based on regular season conference winning percentage will compete in the tournament. The Huskies now sit in fifth with Ohio Dominican trailing in sixth place and Tiffin in seventh.


Men’s Tennis earns fourth 9-0 sweep against Lakers ELLIE FURMANSKI Lode Writer Last Saturday, the Michigan Tech Men’s Tennis team closed out their final home match of the season with a clean 9-0 sweep against the Lakers of Lake Superior State University. The win advances the Huskies’ record to 5-3 in the conference and 14-6 overall for the season. In doubles, the Huskies came from behind at No. 2 and 3 to win both matches. Javier Oliveros and Built Yumuang trailed late in their No. 2 pro-set but were able to capitalize on match point and take the close 9-8 win. Another battle at No. 3 ended with Andrew Kremkow and Jimmy Konarske ahead 9-7. The duo came back from a 5-2 deficit and defended a total of

Track and Field Continued from page 12 Also noteworthy was Bradon Kampstra’s second place finish (9:36.01) in the 3000m steeplechase, and Pat Spalding’s 13’-8.25” clear in pole vault, a personal best. Less than twenty-four hours later, the Huskies were back on the track, this time in Oshkosh, Wis., for the UW-Oshkosh Open. The women’s team took sixth with twelve points, and the men earned another second place finish with 120 points. Once again, Natalie Berryman, Melanie Hoffman and Irwin headlined for the women’s team. Berryman earned two fifth place finishes, one in discus (39.40m) and the other in javelin (30.92m). Hoffman placed one spot above Berryman in javelin with a 31.64m throw. Irwin also contributed with a fourth place finish in the women’s 1500m run (5:02.30). On the men’s side, the Huskies put forward several impressive finishes, one of which set a new school record. The newest Husky record holder is Jevon Maddox. His 47’-7” jump in triple jump broke Nate Hood’s 46’ record set in 2012 and earned him a provisional qualifying mark for nationals. Maddox earned a second place finish in the event.

Other impressive jumps were by Pat Spalding and Brent Cousino who placed second and fourth in men’s high jump. Spalding earned second place with a 5’-10.75” jump, and Cousino trailed just a few inches at 5’-7”. In men’s sprints, Quinn Parnell was able to replicate his results from Friday and took first again in both the 100m (11.00) and 200m (22.25) dashes. Similarly, Saliga placed first once again in the 400m dash (50.40). The Huskies placed well in hurdles. Ben Kalis took first in the 110m hurdles in a time of 16.19, and Sam Kolesar placed fourth (17.78). In the 400m hurdle event, Wesley Jacobson earned a third place finish (1:01.67). Five runners earned points for the Huskies in the distance events. Nick Wimmer, Karl Koivisto and Kyle Hanson placed third (1:59.83), fifth (2:00.58) and sixth (2:01.07), respectively, in the men’s 800m run. Lane and Dylan Anderson took fourth (4:06.30 ) and sixth (4:14.23) in the 1500m. The Huskies are off to a promising start with such a high degree of success early in the season. They will compete next this coming Saturday, April 13, at the Hillsdale Invite.


Tax Deductible Donations

Needed: Building Materials, Appliances and Home Furnishings your donations will benefit local families in need

We will be on campus at the Mub with the ReStore truck accepting donations on April 30 and May 1 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Or items may be dropped off at

Habitat for Humanity Calumet ReStore

Pine Street Calumet or contact Michael D’Angelo at 281-6295

Find your remodeling and home repair materials at the ReStore!


d Events f Upcoming







April 9 - April 16

Anchor Building Workshop-Ridge Roamers

Tuesday, April 9. 8 p.m. SDC Climbing Wall

The Ridge Roamers of Michigan Tech present spring instructional workshops on climbing skills and techniques. Come out to learn about anchor building including variations of anchor set-ups, necessary gear, use of natural features, common mistakes and more. These workshops are offered free for Ridge Roamers club members and $10 a class for non-club members. Experience belaying top-rope climbers is required. Contact climb@mtu.edu for any questions or more information.

Post-Colonialism in Africa-Luthern Campus Ministry

Wednesday April 10.

6 p.m. - 7 p.m.

Good Shepard Luthern Church

The Lutheran Campus Ministry invites everyone to their evening programs held on Wednesdays. This Wednesday Ramon Fonkoue will present Post-colonialism in Africa. Dinner is served at 6 p.m. with the program to follow at 7 p.m. For more information please contact Bucky Beach at bsbeach@mtu.edu.

“Gracie”-Presented by the Women’s Film Series

Thursday, April 11. 7:30 p.m. Fisher 135

In the Bowen family, soccer is a tradition, and 15-year-old Gracie Bowen inherited a passion for the game. There’s only one problem: she’s a girl, and her school doesn’t have a girls’ soccer team. Determined to fulfill her dream, Gracie challenges her school board for the right to play on the boys’ team, and in the process finds reserves of strength she never knew existed and challenges everyone’s beliefs about what she is capable of. This film is sponsored by the Center for Diversity and Inclusion and Women’s Programming Committee and provides free admission and concessions.

“Best Exotic Marigold Hotel” - Club Indigo

Friday, April 12.

6 p.m.

The Calumet Theatre

Come out and watch the hilarious comedy of English tourists conned into living at a rundown hotel in India. The buffet dinner from Kewenaw Co-op Natural Foods Market and Deli and friends of Hancock will begin at 6 p.m. with movie to follow at 7:15 p.m. The cost is $19 for dinner and the movie, or $5 for just the movie. A discount is available for children 10 and younger. Call 337-2610 by Thursday, April 11 to purchase dinner tickets.

Portage Lake Canoe Trip-OAP

Saturday, April 13.

10 a.m. - 2 p.m. OAP

Join the Outdoor Adventure Program out on the Portage for a day of canoeing. Launch will either be at Prince’s Point or behind Facilities. The trip costs $10 and lunch will be provided.

Student Art and Design Show

Monday-Friday, April 15 -26.

8 a.m. - 8 p.m.

Rozsa Gallery

Visit the Rozsa Gallery to view artistic works by Michigan Tech students. Ceramics, sculpture, watermedia, drawing, audio, two-dimensional and three-dimensional design are all created during Visual and Performing Arts classes throughout the academic year. The gallery hours are 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. Monday through Friday and the opening reception is Monday at 7 p.m.


f d

f With summer approaching quickly, what d


is still on your Houghton bucket list? -Megan Walsh


John Materny “I want to make sure that my grades end up really well.”

Keith Hutchison “ I want to take one last road trip to Copper Harbor.”

Ryan McFaden “I want to explore the Tech Trails!”


Eric Vasey

“I want to end the semester with a bang!”

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