PCA Chesapeake Region July 2014 Patter

Page 18


Rick Macinnes and Pat Walker

PCA Chesapeake Region - Autocross Schedule

www.pc achs.org Autocro ss Chalk Talk - A pril 12t Autocro h ss No. 1 - April 2 6th Autocro ss No. 2 - M ay 1 2th Autocro ss No. 3 - June 2 1st A

utocros s No. 4 - July 1 9th Autocro ss N


o. 5 - Au gust 16t h Autocro ss No. 6 - Septem ber 21st Autocro ss No. 7 - Octob er 12th REGIS TRATIO N FOR AUTOC ALL ROSS E VENTS www.m otorspo rtsreg.c om

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