GLAF Brochure 2018

Page 6

a r o f s u n i o J

! t n e v E y a d i l o H

A BRASSTACULARHOLI DAY! wi t hRi verCi t yBr as s

December1 5t h,201 8 4: 00pm Gar r et tCol l egeAudi t or i um ComeCel ebr at et hemagi coft hehol i dayswi t hRi verCi t y Br as s .Thi sconcer tf unf ort hewhol ef ami l y,wi t hcl as s i c car ol s ,f avor i t efil m mus i c,ands peci als ur pr i s es .Don’ tmi s s t hi ss pect acul arhol i dayexper i encet hatwi l lwar m your hear tandcel ebr at et hemagi coft hes eas on!

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