2017 Power Issue -Legacy South Florida

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FRIDAY, MAY 5, 2017

South Florida

"Providing News/Information and Connecting Florida’s Black Affluencers and Influencers"

Power Issue

Introducing South Florida's Most Powerful and Influential Black Professionals in Business and Industry for 2017

VITAS Healthcare Paves Way for Diversity--Meet 3 Black Executives Making a Difference

Broward Entrepreneur Capitalizes on Your Rainy Days Mayor Andrew Gillum Hopes to Make History as Florida’s Next Governor




When you turn the pages in this “Power” issue, you’ll no�ce a broad range of the most influen�al Black Americans in South Florida—from CEOs and judges to poli�cians and ar�sts.

They are all to be commended. It’s important to note, power isn’t always about how much money you make or how much control you have over people and resources. It’s also about the posi�ve influence one has in their community and in people’s lives. Take Broward County Court Judge Kal Evans, one of Legacy’s dis�nguished honorees. From the �me he was 9 years old, living in the seedy Fort Lauderdale neighborhood known as “Tator Town,” he had aspira�ons of holding a powerful posi�on on the bench. Then life happened. Evans, his mother and li�le sister found themselves homeless. At 11, he recalls spending Christmas Day in a Miami homeless shelter. Clearly, this humbling experience was not enough to break him.


FRIDAY, MAY 5, 2017

“I’ve always been determined to exceed the expecta�ons people had of me,” says Evans, who's raising a young daughter with his wife, Fiona. It’s a triumphant story he now shares when speaking to children at local schools and homeless shelters. He says his tes�mony allows him to connect with disadvantaged kids who look like him and who, too, have the poten�al to exceed society’s expecta�ons. That’s power. Legacy Magazine’s “Power” honorees were nominated by members of the community. They were then selected by this publica�on based on their professional and philanthropic accomplishments. This is an opportunity for us not only to celebrate the successes of Black

Americans in Miami, but to encourage them to con�nue transforming our communi�es and the world. So when you see them in person, make sure you congratulate them. And, at the same �me, hold them responsible for represen�ng us in the most posi�ve light.


FRIDAY, MAY 5, 2017

South Florida

"Providing News/Information and Connecting Florida’s Black Affluencers and Influencers"

Power Issue

Introducing South Florida's Most Powerful and Influential Black Professionals in Business and Industry for 2017

Subscribe to and view the digital version of Legacy Magazine Facebook: Facebook.com/TheMIAMagazine Twitter and Instagram: @TheMIAMagazine #BeInformed #BeInfluential #PowerIssue CREDO OF THE BLACK PRESS "The Black Press believes that America can best lead the world away from racial and na�onal antagonisms when it accords to every person, regardless of race, color or creed, full human and legal rights. Ha�ng no person, fearing no person, the Black Press strives to help every person in the firm belief that all hurt as long as anyone is held back."

VITA Healthcare Paves Way for Diversity--Meet 3 Black Executives Making a Difference

Broward Entrepreneur Capitalizes on Your Rainy Days Mayor Andrew Gillum Hopes to Make History as Florida’s Next Governor

(On the cover le� to right, Diane Deese, Donna Borland and Diana Smith) Photo by Teekay and Make up by Rory Lee

Member of the Black Owned Media Alliance (BOMA)

Dexter A. Bridgeman CEO & Founder Russell Motley Editor-in-Chief Kervin L. Clenance Group Publisher Denise St. Patrick-Bell PhD Copy Editor Zachary Rinkins Editor at Large Toni Harrigan Associate Editor Nordene Bartley Marke�ng Manager Md Shahidullah Art Director Nestor Calixto / Intern

FRIDAY, MAY 5, 2017



Introducing South Florida's Most Powerful and Influential Black Leaders in Business and Industry for 2017

Dr. J. Arenas-Chico. Coordinator, CHS/Outreach Broward Health

Mayor Keith W. Babb, Jr. City of Pahokee, Florida

Mario J. Bailey Senior Government Rela�ons Consultant Becker and Poliakoff

Captain Josefa Benjamin Broward County Sheriff’s Office

Marlon Bolton Commissioner City of Tamarac

Donna Borland General Manager VITAS Healthcare-Broward

Johnathan Brown CRA Manager City of Fort Lauderdale Community Redevelopment Agency

Anthony Brunson CPA President & CEO Anthony Brunson P.A.

Sidney Calloway,Esquire Partner Shu�s & Bowen LLP

Andy Cherenfant President The Cherenfant Group

Antonio T. Coley Regional President - South Florida BB&T

Michael E. Carn Commissioner City of Oakland Park

Diane Deese Vice President of Community Affairs VITAS Healthcare

Mark A. Douglas City Commissioner City of Sunrise

Melissa P. Dunn, MBA CEO MD Marke�ng Network

Celia D. A. Earle, Ph.D. Vice President Brown and Caldwell, Inc.

Judge Kal Evans Broward County Court State of Florida, 17th Judicial Circuit

James Green Director, Community Services Palm Beach County Government

Jeff Green Commissioner, District 3 Cooper City

Melony Gregory Co-Owner The Dutchpot Jamaican Restaurant

Glendon Hall Economic Development Manager City of Fort Lauderdale NPF - CRA

Natasha Hampton, MPA Chief Marke�ng and Public Rela�ons Officer City of Miramar

Robert Newton Harris, Esquire A�orney The Harris Law Firm Group

Tony D. Hunter Chief Informa�on Officer Broward County Public Schools

Mayor Tamara James City of Dania Beach CEO/Founder of Tamara James Founda�on, Inc.

Alphonso Jefferson, Jr. Assistant County Administrator Broward County

Charlo�e Leonard, NHA Regional Dir. of Opera�ons HCR ManorCare

Major Victor London Fort Lauderdale Police

Dr. Traci Lynn Burton CEO Traci Lynn Jewelry

Cherry Marshall Co-Owner The Dutchpot Jamaican Restaurant

Sharon McLennon Founder Splendor Realty, Inc.

Robert H. Mills, Jr., M.D. Orthopedic Surgeon Holy Cross Orthopedics

Jasira Monique Founder Woman on the Move

Maria Munro CEO Unique Produc�ons Interna�onal

Quen�n Morgan, Esq. A�orney Brinkley Morgan

Kevin I. Morris Senior VP Colliers Interna�onal

Cory Neering District 2, City Commissioner West Palm Beach

Ava L. Parker, J.D. President Palm Beach State College

Dr. April Pa�erson, DDS CEO, Dr. Pa�y’s Dental Bou�que & Spa

Juliet Murphy Roulhac, Esq. Regional Manager Florida Power & Light Company

Maj. Gregory A. Salters City of Fort Lauderdale Police Dept.

Diana Smith General Manager VITAS Healthcare Corp.

Maj. Alfonso Starling Palm Beach County Dept. of Correc�ons

High Chief Nathaniel B. Styles, Jr. Co-founder/CEO Community Builders HDC/Osun's Village Miami and African Caribbean Cultural Arts Corridor

Kenneth Thurston Vice Mayor City of Lauderhill

Shirley Toliver MS-HRM, CLC Chief Power Officer Life On Power, LLC

Linda Washington-Brown Broward College; Xspurt Provider Services

Sandra Williams, Ph.D CEO Q-Q Research Consultants

Victor Williams Special Agent Homeland Security Inves�ga�ons

Stanley H. Wilson, Ed.D Dean Nova Southeastern University



Legacy South Florida’s purpose is to showcase and celebrate excellence in our community. Legacy Awards highlight individuals and organiza�ons that perform at a high level in business and industry. Despite working in diverse sectors, all the honorees are commi�ed to working toward a be�er community. Our community is made richer by their contribu�ons.

Corporate Executive of the Year Juliet Murphy Roulhac, J.D. is the regional manager of Corporate External Affairs for Florida Power & Light (FPL). Roulhac manages governmental and community rela�ons with elected officials and major stakeholders for FPL, one of the country’s largest electric u�lity providers of clean energy. The 35-year South Florida resident also develops regional strategies for the Fortune 200 firm. She loves collabora�on because it allows people and organiza�ons to, “jointly bring ideas together to create something that you could not accomplish by yourself.” A licensed a�orney, Roulhac enjoys partnering with corporate and community partners that, “serve the en�re community regardless of race and socio-economic status.” The double University of Florida alumna notes, “FPL is commi�ed to diversity and inclusion.”

Legacy Award

Jasmin Shirley is the vice president of Community Health Services at North Broward Hospital District d/b/a Broward Health. In this posi�on, she oversees the day-to-day opera�ons of the Community Health Services Division, which includes primary care centers, home health and hospice agency, an infusion company, urgent care centers, and physician prac�ces. A thirty-year health industry

FRIDAY, MAY 5, 2017

Legacy Applauds 2017 Special Award Honorees

veteran, Shirley is a renowned HIV/AIDS advocate and holds posi�ons in numerous health-related commi�ees like NAACP Execu�ve Commi�ee and Broward Regional Health Planning Council. The proud Delta Sigma Theta member earned her undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of Florida and the University of Miami, respec�vely.

Public Official of the Year The Honorable Dale Holness serves as the commissioner for Broward County District 9, which spans several ci�es including Fort Lauderdale, Planta�on, and Lauderhill, among others. Holness’ offers this take on public service, “A public servant’s main func�on is community building, by bringing people, businesses-both for-profit and non-profit, and governmental en��es together for the common good. And, making life be�er for all.” As a public official, Holness seeks to, “develop policies, programs, and laws that work to ensure that we maintain a civil society and empower people to live full and produc�ve lives.” The commissioner priori�zes youth development, economic development, and affordable housing.

Business of the Year

From their na�ve Manchester, Jamaica, West Indies, the sibling owners of The Dutch Pot Jamaican Restaurants fell in love with the joy of pleasing people by exci�ng their taste buds and filling their bellies with delicacies from the Caribbean homeland. A�er migra�ng to the United States, sisters Cherry and Melony soon decided to take a leap of faith into entrepreneurship with the support of their family. Now, thousands of customers dine in their eateries each day. A�er 17 years of success, the company expanded from its original single loca�on (Broward & U.S. 441) to six South Florida restaurants.

Business Person of the Year Dr. Traci Lynn is a mo�va�onal speaker and CEO of Traci Lynn Jewelry.

Founded with $200, she has expanded the brand into a na�onal direct sales company that is now a mul�-million dollar enterprise with a 46 state presence. Lynn says the company’s mission is to, “mo�vate people to step out of their comfort zones, inspire them to greatness and change their lives.” Lynn highlights the biggest member benefit as, “having the opportunity to have hope, to really begin believing in yourself.” By consistently offering her team the chance to own their own businesses, balance their lives, and achieve financial independence, Lynn earned the nickname, “The “Millionaire Mo�vator.”

Corporation of the Year

VITAS is the na�on’s leading provider of end-of-life care and has set the standard and delivered high-quality care for more than 35 years. Because hospice care is about serving people during very difficult �mes in their lives, VITAS maintains its focus on providing the highest quality care for its pa�ents and families. Through its “Access Ini�a�ve” programs, VITAS partners with churches, universi�es and community organiza�ons to help people be�er understand their op�ons in hospice care. VITAS team members include registered nurses, licensed prac�cal nurses, home health aides, physicians, social workers, chaplains and other caregiving professionals. Learn more at www.Vitas.com.

Trailblazer of the Year Wells Fargo Bank ini�ally hired Komi Agbodji hired as a teller. A decade later, he now serves as regional banking district manager. Agbodji says, “My job is to serve others; I enjoy helping people; customers and team members. My roles and responsibili�es have changed over the years based on posi�on but helping people constant.” He is inspired by, “Seeing my team members succeed and make a

difference in our customers’ life. We have a unique opportunity in banking to guide and help turn dreams and aspira�ons into reality. That is very rewarding.”

Educator of the Year In 2015, Palm Beach State College (PBSC) made history when it named Ava L. Parker, J.D., as the first female president in its more than 80-year history. Founded in 1933, PBSC is Florida’s first public community college and has grown to become the county’s largest higher educa�onal ins�tu�on and serves nearly 50,000 students annually. Parker brings a plethora of professional experience and perspec�ve to the Aspen Prize Top award-winning ins�tu�on. She previously served as an a�orney, a university trustee, a member of the inaugural Florida Board of Governors, and COO of Florida’s first public STEM University. Parker is also double graduate of the University of Florida.

Community Service Nonprofit Organization of the Year In 2009, the South Broward Alumnae Chapter (SBAC) of Delta Sigma Theta, Inc. (DST) was chartered and serves 165 members. SBAC values are striving for excellence so it can lead, empower, and serve service area communi�es. Chapter president, Cassandra E. Joseph notes, “DST is an organiza�on of college educated women commi�ed to the construc�ve development of its members and public service with a primary focus on the Black community.” The chapter mentors 25 high school and 12 middle school young ladies, and are poised to invest $10,000 in student scholarships and honorariums in its service area.

FRIDAY, MAY 5, 2017


The Metamorphosis of Rebecca Vaughns

By: Miriam Denise

Rebecca "Bu�erfly" Vaughns Throughout recorded history, the arts have remained an enduring pla�orm to commemorate, entertain, inspire and challenge us to see other elements of our humanity. If you’ve a�ended events in Black Miami, it’s quite possible you have experienced the poetry of Rebecca

‘Bu�erfly’ Vaughns. Whether it’s performing spoken word to inner city youth, hos�ng a speakeasy or leading a chant at a community rally, one thing remains consistent: Vaughns is sure to deliver emo�onally eclec�c, thought provoking, original content in a fashion only she can offer. “I am inspired by people, places and things. I really enjoy serving people,” says Vaughns. “I do this for my living. This is how I eat and pay my bills. But, I never do it solely for the money.” Vaughns is celebra�ng two decades of performing poetry and spoken word at community, corporate and personal events. The proud Miami Northwestern graduate has been in business full-�me for the last 15 years. For her humanitarian contribu�ons to Miami’s business and community sectors, Legacy Miami is recognizing Vaughns as a Most Powerful and Influen�al Black

JUNE 16 8 PM

Professionals in Business and Industry for 2017 honoree. “It’s great to receive your flowers while you are living,” she shares. “It is really a confirma�on that God gave me this gi� with words. I appreciate it.” One might say that she been receiving providen�al confirma�ons for quite some �me. “I used to work at Wackenhut as a security officer,” she remembers. “My supervisor would always see me on my post and say, ‘Officer Vaughns you are not in your place. At the �me, I didn’t know what she meant.” She eventually started performing at open mics at venues and was gi�ed her popular moniker. “I was performing with a troupe a few years ago and had a performance in Jacksonville,” she recalls. “A�er the performance, a gentleman mailed me a package that was addressed to Rebecca ‘Bu�erfly’ Vaughns. I can tell you that since I accepted my name, I have seen a bu�erfly every day even when I perform at funerals." Years later, another gentle whisper provoked a transforma�onal decision. “During a performance, I remember one of the hosts saying that if people are performing spoken word as a hobby that’s fine. But, there is a difference when you

make it your business.” “That really spoke to me. So, I went home and cried, laughed and decided to resign and pursue spoken word full �me.” While going into business for yourself can be challenging, Madame Bu�erfly says, “Don’t let fear stop you from going into the unknown. How will you ever know what would have happened if you never take the step?” Her major components of success are, “believing in myself, being confident and being bold.” She advises entrepreneurs to build rela�onship with clients. “Don’t think of the people that hire you as clients. Build a rela�onship with them,” she says.” Try to find out their birthdays, their likes and dislikes and other things that can help you make a connec�on with the person and not their money. Lastly, have faith in your calling. “There are more than 7 billion people on the earth. They are people who were born to hire you and buy your product.” A few years later, Rebecca saw her former supervisor and told her that she was now performing full-�me. To which her former boss replied, “You are in your place.” You can find Vaughns’ albums at www.CDBaby.com.



THIRD WORLD Caribbean American Heritage Celebration


Miramar Cultural Center 2400 Civic Center Place Miramar, FL

JULY 22 8 PM JULY 23 2 PM


954.602.4500 miramarculturalcenter.org


Sponsored in part by the State of Florida, Department of State, Division of Cultural Affairs and the Florida Council on Arts and Culture.




Jonathan Brown Jonathan Brown was hired to manage the City of Fort Lauderdale’s Housing and Community Development Division (HCD) in 2009. During those years, he and his team managed to clear up all previous issues and the division successfully spent over $110 million in HCD Programs. In 2015, he applied for and received the Northwest-Progresso-Flagler Heights (NPF)

ENTREPRENEUR By: Zachary Rinkins

FRIDAY, MAY 5, 2017

CREATING THE FUTURE RIGHT NOW Community Redevelopment Area (CRA) Manager posi�on and s�ll con�nues to manage HCD as well. Under his leadership, the CRA has taken a more aggressive posi�on on development and redevelopment, with a focus on elimina�ng slum or blighted proper�es and providing gap financing for developers. “I wanted to expand available op�ons for the residents of the NPF and the City,” explains Brown, “to offer a great mix of resources from the CRA and HCD, making things more effec�ve and efficient for the community. We are able to help neighbors who are interested in buying homes and rehabilita�ng homes, as well as fostering economic development and business growth and reten�on in the area.” To ensure that the best op�ons were available to the community, new incen�ve programs, including a new infill housing program in partnership with the City of Fort Lauderdale, were revised and established. The new economic development incen�ves include a job crea�on requirement, where par�cipa�ng companies must hire residents. For example: Triangle Services, a

recent incen�ve recipient, brings a business with 300 jobs that only require a high school educa�on. Of those jobs, the company has commi�ed that 55 of them will be filled by residents of the NPF CRA, with an average salary of approximately $28,000. The NPF CRA is crea�ng the future right now and the plan is working, with companies like Fairfield at Flagler, - building a $65 million, 300-unit rental property and Quantum at Flagler Village, building an $85 million combina�on hotel, retail and rental property. The evidence shows that hotels promote tourism for the City of Ft. Lauderdale, which a�racts restaurants, which in turn a�racts retail business. The revised CRA incen�ves have renewed interest in the area from individuals and developers. Developers see value in the redevelopment area, as several parcels have been purchased and other parcels are being assembled. “People who used to live here are coming back,” beams Brown, “We will build quality homes, the kind that you or I would live in, because we will accept nothing less.”

To maintain transparency, the NPF CRA holds Open House mee�ngs monthly, where residents can see plans for the next eight years, meet the staff and explore programs offered. In May 2017, they will hold a Financial Workshop for businesses, where they’ll bring in the lending community to provide detailed informa�on for businesses who need loans to grow and advance their business. Addi�onally, there will be a Housing Workshop for prospec�ve and exis�ng homeowners, who are looking to realize the dream of homeownership or those who own homes and need loans to spruce things up. Both events will have a panel of experts featuring tradi�onal and non-tradi�onal lenders, loan officers and experts for a Q & A session as well as one-on-one talks. “The goal of the NPF CRA is to enhance distressed pockets of our redevelopment areas through housing that will bring new residents as well as businesses, which will bring new job opportuni�es,” says Brown.

Dutch Pot Restaurant S�rs up People, Prayer, and Passion

Cherry Marshall and Melony Gregory, owners of Dutch Pot Restaurants Step into one of the six South Florida loca�ons of Dutch Pot restaurant and you will enjoy a mul�-sensual experience. You will smell the aroma of Caribbean jerks, curries and spices. See workers diligently serving clients. Hear a Jamaican accent or two. Feel a touch of the Caribbean. And, taste an authen�c Jamaican delight. These elements are all in the mix at this family-owned catering and dining company. “In Jamaica, the dutch pot cooks the

food excep�onally well giving it an authen�c flavorful taste. It was used by our mother and grandmother, who were and remain our inspira�on,” Cherry Marshall and Melony Gregory, the company’s sibling proprietors. “Our goal is to maintain that authen�c Jamaican flavor and atmosphere and give customers excep�onal service and a touch of the Caribbean.” Since launching their first loca�on 17 years ago, the Jamaica-born tycoons leveraged their maternal inspira�on and

family bond into a thriving enterprise that employs approximately 200 workers. “We are sisters and business partners. We are only three years in apart in age. From childhood, we have done everything together. When we decided to venture into a business partnership it was not difficult,” they reveal “Our mother and grandmother had already ins�lled in us during our forma�ve years how to love, be kind, and be respec�ul. These virtues have molded us together un�l now.” The sibling entrepreneurs gave Legacy their recipe for success. Many small businesses fail a�er two years. How have you been able to avoid that fate and expand to six restaurants over a 17 year period? “We believe the success of our business is a result of our founda�on. We are proud to say that The Dutch Pot Jamaican Restaurant is built on three pillars: Prayer, honesty, and respect. We put God first in everything we do. We pray about every decision regarding our restaurants. We do our best to be honest in everything we do. It is our goal to maintain the authen�city of the food we prepare on a daily basis. And, to maintain great customer service; thus, we have con�nuous employee customer

service training for our employees. One of our other strengths is that we take the �me to listen to our customers. Every store has our mission statement for all our customers to see our heart. There is a direct phone line to the corporate office where someone is always available to remedy any, and all complaints or concerns that may arise from our customers.” What is the most important component for business success? “We believe it was the result of much hard work, prayer, and dedica�on that has allowed us to be as successful as we are.” How important is prayer to your personal and business lives? “Our founda�on which is “prayer” has allowed us to a�ain this level of success. We stand on his word… “With God, all things are possible.” Our alarms are set three �mes per day to remind me to stop what we are doing to pray and give God thanks for all He has done and will con�nue to do for us." What’s next for the sisters and for Dutch Pot Jamaican Restaurant? “Where God leads, we will follow, the sky is the limit.” Log on to www.DutchPotRestaurants.com for more information.

FRIDAY, MAY 5, 2017





By: Robert W. Runcie

FRIDAY, MAY 5, 2017

BCPS Is Open for Business for the Broward Community

Robert W. Runcie Superintendent Broward County Public Schools Broward County Public Schools (BCPS) is known for its diversity. Our district includes a student enrollment of more than 271,000 students represen�ng more than 200 countries and 180 languages. We also have a diverse workforce of over 30,000 dedicated employees collabora�ng to provide our children with a world class educa�on. We must now extend this culture of diversity to our purchasing and contrac�ng ac�vi�es. BCPS is at a unique moment in history where we are leveraging the SMART capital bond ini�a�ve, for school facili�es renova�on and technology, to create new

THE BAUGH REPORT By: Dr. Germaine Smith-Baugh

Germaine-Smith-Baugh President and CEO Urban League of Broward County The philosopher Voltaire once said: “With great power comes great responsibility.” The 18th-century Frenchman was referring to the abuse of authority and privilege by those in power who overlooked the poor and disadvantaged suffering around them. That powerful statement s�ll holds true today in our fast-changing world where

economic opportuni�es for small /minority/women-owned business en��es (S/M/WBE). In January 2017, BCPS demonstrated its ongoing commitment to providing fair and equitable distribu�on of procurement and contrac�ng opportuni�es to Broward County’s diverse business community by adop�ng a new Supplier Diversity Outreach Program Policy 3330. The new policy takes effect on July 1, 2017. Managed by the Office of Procurement & Warehousing Services, the Supplier Diversity Outreach Program is designed to: • Build capacity in the local business community by providing increased opportuni�es for underu�lized business to do business with Broward County Public Schools; • Generate growth among local businesses by providing increased preferences to Small/Minority/Women Business Enterprises (S/M/WBEs); and • Create jobs and career opportuni�es for local residents. The adop�on of the new policy followed a Disparity Study commissioned by the Superintendent and completed in October 2015, to assess the level of diversity in the District’s procurement and contrac�ng prac�ces, par�cularly among S/M/WBEs. The study iden�fied a number of barriers,

including various forms of marketplace discrimina�on that weakened the par�cipa�on of minority and women-owned businesses. As a result of the Disparity Study, the District formed a Disparity Study Work Group, comprised of 30 local community stakeholders and District staff members, to review, priori�ze and provide feedback on the recommenda�ons included in the Disparity Study report, as well as provide feedback on proposed procedural and policy changes. Key highlights of the new Policy 3330 include: • Expanding the original Minority /Women Business Enterprise Program to now include local small businesses. • Implemen�ng a Prime Contractor Program to increase opportuni�es for local businesses to contract directly with the District, as opposed to working in a subcontract capacity; • Requiring prime contractors u�lizing subcontractors to achieve specific levels of par�cipa�on from S/M/WBEs in the subcontract work. • Providing companies with incen�ve points in the evalua�on process for S/M/WBE par�cipa�on. I commend and thank all of those

involved with developing the updated Supplier Diversity Outreach Program. The adop�on of the new policy represents our School Board and District’s focus on expanding procurement and contrac�ng opportuni�es with local businesses and promo�ng economic inclusion of all segments of our business popula�on, par�cularly small, minority and women-owned businesses. We are commi�ed to addressing the issues outlined in the Disparity Study, strengthening our efforts to support local businesses in a fair and equitable manner, and monitoring the success of these efforts as we move forward with this important work. The District con�nues to hold a series of community mee�ngs to inform and educate local businesses about the new Supplier Diversity Outreach Program Policy 3330. For more details, contact the District’s Supplier, Diversity Outreach Program at 754-321-0550. Community members can also visit www.broward.k12.fl.us/supply /sdop/events.html for dates and locations. To learn more about doing business with BCPS, visit www.broward.k12.fl.us /supply/sdop.

Great Leaders Have Great Responsibility equality, jus�ce and prosperity remain elusive for too many. In upli�ing a community, it takes vision, integrity, and yes, responsibility. Those with power have tremendous responsibility. Just look at the face of poverty in Broward County: There’s seniors living on fixed incomes; single parents working two or more jobs; and college graduates buried under school loans. Close to 15 percent of our county’s popula�on is living below the poverty line. That’s unacceptable. We can do be�er as a community. To achieve social and economic fairness, we need leaders who can focus on the big picture, ask the tough ques�ons, and set the example for others to follow. Leaders who are commi�ed to a mission, have integrity and character, and maintain ethics. And leaders who can accept blame and pass along honor. It’s not easy to do this. Fortunately, our community has many devoted leaders who have stepped up and

accepted the responsibility of their posi�ons. At the Urban League of Broward County, our board of directors, as well as our staff, are charged with empowering communi�es and changing lives. All of our directors and staff members know that they have to uphold not only an extraordinary mission but also an extraordinary responsibility. There’s a lot at stake in our work in breaking the cycle of poverty for African-Americans and other disenfranchised groups. We need many more leaders willing to use their power to truly be�er our community. Could you be that kind of leader? Great leaders don’t necessarily have to be elected officials or CEOs of large companies. Leadership isn’t about a fancy �tle, nor is it about bossing others around. Great leaders can be everyday ci�zens working hard to raise their families and be produc�ve ci�zens. Parents, for one, are vital leaders to their children. Their examples profoundly

affect the kind of people their children become. Talk about responsibility. You can also be a valued leader in your community. Take on a pivotal role in your religious ins�tu�on, serve as a volunteer in a social outreach program, or act as a mentor to young people in a school or community center. Where do you start? I say start by figuring out what you’re good at. Then, go a�er it by engaging, listening and showing up. You’ll get power before long. Just remember to use it to create a be�er tomorrow for the people in your life and in your community. Get started today. The Baughtom Line is this: People with power have responsibility. They can’t be in their posi�ons just to have fancy �tles or boss others around. They have to serve as true leaders. To achieve equality, jus�ce and prosperity for all, leaders with power have to own up to their responsibility to be�er the world around them.

FRIDAY, MAY 5, 2017

POLITICS By: Chris Norwood



Florida Introduces First African-American State's A�orney

Chris Norwood Aramis Ayala is the first AfricanAmerican State's A�orney in the history of Florida and she's not afraid to let the world know there's a new sheriff in town. Ayala, a 1st �me candidate for public office, defeated incumbent Orange-Osceola State A�orney Jeff Ashton in a Democra�c primary in August. Stunning Ashton who

became a household name in Central Florida as the lead prosecutor in the murder trial of Casey Anthony in 2008. Ayala's story is compelling, and she is a rising star for Florida Democrats who sorely need new life and diversity. She won her campaign as the State A�orney despite the fact that her husband since 2009, David, served seven years in prison on drug conspiracy and counterfei�ng charges before they met and married. She obviously is someone that has great character and sees people beyond circumstance. So it's not surprising that on March 16th she walked to the lectern at the courthouse and addressed the media announcing that she would not prosecute death penalty cases within her jurisdic�on because, “While the South, including Florida, accounts for around 80% of execu�ons, we also have the highest murder rate. This does not describe deterrence”. This sent shock waves throughout the state, especially in Tallahassee during the annual legisla�ve session. Within hours

Governor Rick Sco� removed her from the case involving accused cop-killer Markieth Loyd. Then weeks later the Governor removed her from 21 capital murder cases. The Legislature is deba�ng a few bills that will defund her office and create a cons�tu�onal amendment to allow for impeachment of state a�orneys for “misbehavior”. In other words, It's On! So now the interes�ng ques�on is “what will Florida Democrats do to protect her?” Just to be fair, Ayala did make an error poli�cally. She didn't need to declare her opposi�on to the death penalty publicly. When you have the discre�on of the State A�orney, you don't have to declare your power to use it. Clearly a rookie poli�cal mistake. Nevertheless, the fact s�ll remains that the death penalty is not a deterrent and is socioeconomically discriminatory. She will surely be challenged by many in her re-elec�on bid in a few years, she already has a filed challenger who did so in the midst of this current controversy. The Florida Republican Party will make her their

rallying cry in 2018. I can see the wri�ng on the wall, it's so apparent. We need someone like Aramis Ayala to run for Florida A�orney General in 2018, it's the gall to be different that people gravitate to. Lord knows we need something different from the laughable Florida Democra�c Party. Florida Democrats have won only one Florida Cabinet posi�on (Governor, CFO, Ag Commissioner and A�orney General) out of the last 16 state-wide elec�ons, although outnumbering Republicans since the 1800s. It’s �me to democra�ze the Democra�c nominees for Cabinet. If the Florida Democra�c Party doesn't recognize this, then it's �me for Independent Democrats for Florida to step up to the challenge and go for self.

"She obviously is someone that has great character and sees people beyond circumstance."



By: Danielle Stedman

FRIDAY, MAY 5, 2017

VITAS Innova�ve Hospice Care Paves Way for Diversity

VITAS Healthcare has been a pioneer and leader in the hospice movement since 1978. The Miami-based company is now the na�on’s largest provider of end-of-life care, opera�ng in 15 states and the District of Columbia. It is also a leader when it comes to diversity. Na�onwide, the company employs close to 12,000 health care professionals, including registered nurses, licensed prac�cal nurses, home health aides, physicians, social workers, chaplains and other caregiving professionals. While many organiza�ons have the concept of diversity wri�en in their mission statements, VITAS has demonstrated that diversity is not only a part of its organiza�onal philosophy it is part of its core values. The company’s belief in diversity is evident in its policies and prac�ce. For example, VITAS is the only na�onal hospice provider with a significant presence in inner-city areas and other communi�es of color. VITAS execu�ves believe that the values and cultures of pa�ents and families should be reflected in the caregivers who serve them during the most difficult �me in their lives. The result, they say, is a more meaningful and comfortable experience for all. Because of this, officials say they are commi�ed to recrui�ng and maintaining a diverse staff. More than half of the workforce at VITAS is comprised of minori�es. Three Black execu�ves are being honored by Legacy Magazine for their substan�al mark in the corporate culture and their contribu�ons to the Black community. Diane Deese, Vice President of Community Affairs Powerhouse Diane Deese has been in the forefront of expanding access and awareness to hospice throughout the country for over 27 years. Deese started with VITAS 16 years ago, as the general manger of the company’s Chicago opera�on. Even back then, she recognized dispari�es in access to hospice care among minori�es. Deese says she joined VITAS with the intent to greatly impact underserved communi�es and people who have less access to hospice care. “People of color don’t have easy access to hospice care,” says Deese. “If you look at our numbers tradi�onally, the industry of hospice serves about 1.4 to 1.5 million pa�ents every year. According to Deese, less than 10 percent of VISTAS’ clients are Black; less

than 8 percent are Hispanic, and less than 5 percent are Asian. “Those numbers are dispropor�onate, but par�cularly alarming when you realize that people of color carry an equal or higher incidence of having all hospice appropriate illnesses,” said Deese. Through alliances with professional healthcare and faith-based organiza�ons, Deese has been able to spread consciousness about hospice and successfully reach underserved popula�ons by providing non-tradi�onal ways of reaching pa�ents and families. She says the personal impact hospice care has had on her life is enormous. “Every day my life is impacted by hospice care,” says Deese. “When you think about it, there are pa�ents somewhere

realized she wanted to connect with her pa�ents on a much deeper level. So, Smith made the decision transi�on and work as a nurse with VITAS. Smith says she fit in with company’s culture and its hands-on approach to assis�ng pa�ents and comfor�ng families. She says she is proud of the culture and ethics that VITAS has in place for both its pa�ents and employees. “As a general manager, it is important that my employees know that they work for a company that cares about them and as a manager I want them to see that care filtering down,” says Smith, a mother of two. “The essence of what we do is caring and that is what I love about my job.” Smith’s passion for working at VITAS is personal. Her mother passed away in

The three D's, (le� to right) Diana Smith, Diane Deese and Donna Borland right now perhaps figh�ng to take their last breath, to live one more hour longer. So, because of that, things don’t seem to be as serious as they once used to be.”

“People of color don’t have easy access to hospice care." Diane Deese, VITAS vice president of community affairs Diana Smith, General Manager, VITAS Palm Beach For Diane Smith, working at VITAS is a calling. She started her career with VITAS as an oncology nurse a�er receiving her Bachelor’s degree from Florida Interna�onal University in Miami. A�er a year working in the field of oncology, she

hospice care. She says that emo�onal experience is a constant reminder for her to always render care to pa�ents in the same manner she would have wanted for her own mother

“As a general manager, it is important that my employees know that they work for a company that cares about them and as a manager I want them to see that care filtering down." Diana Smith, general manager, VITAS Palm Beach

Donna Borland, General Manager, VITAS Broward County Donna Borland has over 25 years of healthcare and hospice management experience. A�er migra�ng to the United States from Jamaica, Borland a�ended Broward Community College, where she completed her associate’s degree and later completed her nursing degree at Florida Atlan�c University. “I realized I needed more, that there was more to nursing,” says Borland, a wife and mother. “I used to see hospice staff coming into the hospital and they always had the �me to spend with pa�ents and I knew that’s what I went into nursing for, to be at the bedside of my pa�ents.” Borland applied to VITAS and was hired by her mentor Maureen Knips, who is now vice president of opera�ons at VITAS. Borland says Knips pushed her throughout her career and advised her to con�nue to advance throughout the company. “Whenever I felt like I can’t do this, she was always there to encourage, mo�vate and inspire me,” said Borland. Borland says that encouragement is paying off. And, as a result, she lives her life with purpose and no limits.” “Every day that I get up and come to work, I face the fact that people are dying around me and they have 6 months or less to live,” says Borland. “Because of that I am reminded about mortality and as a result, I have learned to love more, demonstrate love for my family and know that no day is promised to you.” Dedicated to patient-driven principles, VITAS operates on strong core values: “Patients and families come first; we take care of each other; we do our best today and even better tomorrow; and we are proud to make a difference.” Legacy Magazine salutes VITAS Innovative Hospice Care as South Florida’s 2017 Corporation of the Year and Diane Deese, Diane Smith and Donna Borland as three of South Florida’s Most Powerful and Influential Black Leaders in Business and Industry for 2017.

"I have learned to love more, demonstrate love for my family and know that no day is promised to you.” Donna Borland, general manager, VITAS Broward County

FRIDAY, MAY 5, 2017


A Legacy of Caring VITAS® Healthcare proudly congratulates Diana Smith, General Manager of Palm Beach County, Donna Borland, General Manager of Broward County and Diane Deese, Vice President of Community Affairs, honored by Legacy South Florida as three of “South Florida’s Most Powerful and Influential Black Professionals in Business and Industry.” Diana, Donna and Diane exemplify VITAS Values by always placing patients and families first. We are thankful for their professional leadership and commitment to providing compassionate care in our community.

800.93.VITAS VITAS.com





FRIDAY, MAY 5, 2017

Voca�on vs Calling: The Thesis of a Community A�orney

By: Zach Rinkins

Sidney C. Calloway Sidney C. Calloway is a partner in the Fort Lauderdale office of the Shu�s & Bowen Law Firm. He describes himself as a, "trial a�orney," equipped to try various civil rights, commercial, criminal and a host of complex li�ga�on. His talents and tenure, notwithstanding, Calloway admits he’s not moved by the trappings of his posi�on. “I am driven by the power of being an

a�orney,” exclaims Calloway, a former Miami-Dade County assistant public defender. According to the Calloway, there are two aspects of being an a�orney. “One, is the voca�onal aspect. A�orneys take deposi�ons, try cases, read the law, etc.,” he declares. “Those are the things we do as part of the voca�on of being a lawyer. The actual work.” The second, he reveals, is the real power which lies in service.“The power of being a lawyer is understanding the calling of a lawyer as an advocate and as a spokesperson. It’s embracing your ability to analyze and ar�culate difficult or controversial statements and informa�on; and then using those powers in the service of your community.” That philosophy helps combat his discontent. “The causa�on that con�nues to undermine our ability to do be�er is structural. There are systemic things that occur in our community. We have to ask, why are so many of us in jail? Why do so many of us suffer from drug issues and broken families?” He challenges. “Figh�ng to level the playing field and neutralize the

harmful systemic impediments to our community is key.” The discontented counselor offers this solu�on-oriented thesis. Elect Capable Leaders: “Many of the things that our community contends with are structural. That’s why it’s important to put the best people in posi�ons of power. The legisla�ve and judicial branches are cri�cal. That’s your city commissions, school boards, etc. Our public officials need to do be�er with understanding that we must get more of the system than we are ge�ng.” Embrace Diaspora Unity: “The concept of divide and conquer s�ll works! We are not coordinated enough. We are disjointed. We have false divisions. In South Florida, we are divided by the African-American community, the Caribbean-American community, Hai�an-American community, and we’re all Black! We can’t thrive or get be�er comprehensively if we don't come together collec�vely. The idea is to build a stronger community where everybody benefits. We have enough demographic power and

popula�on numbers to change the system.” Inves�ng in Our Young Folks: “I have always had an open door for young Black professionals and young lawyers. Period. If they’re thinking about or currently a�end law school, or if they’re new lawyers, I mentor them. We have to invest in our young folks and make ourselves available for them. We’ve got to train, teach and make a way for them to see the things we do so they can learn. So, they can use their new skills combined with our knowledge to make it. We are ge�ng older. If we don’t have trained young professionals ready to replace us, it’s a losing ba�le. It’s a ques�on of how good we want our community to be?” Anyone familiar with Calloway knows he doesn't pursue idle challenges. Just Google the verdicts for some of his clients (several hundred black farmers seeking jus�ce against discrimina�on and Broward County residents seeking fair school district elec�ons.) Here is the short version: the community scored the victory. Find out more www.Shutts.com.


Juliet Murphy Roulhac: Legacy's Corporate Execu�ve of the Year

Juliet Murphy Roulhac, Legacy's Juliet Murphy Roulhac Corporate Execu�ve of the Year Op�mizing rela�onships, recrui�ng government partners, and fine-tuning agreements, are all in the professional por�olio of Juliet Murphy Roulhac, regional manager for Corporate External Affairs for Florida Power & Light (FPL). Roulhac is an a�orney by training, a rela�onship op�mizer by profession, and proud Jamaican by heritage. And, she’s enjoying her journey. “I develop strategies for FPL in terms of

rela�onship building as well as taking ini�a�ves to government officials,” says Roulhac, who covers the Broward County and southwest Florida region. “I also push community-driven goals and execute corporate ci�zenship.” Roulhac says FPL is commi�ed to diversity and inclusion and considers corporate responsibility a priority. “We can never take for granted those who use our services. Without them we would not exist,” she notes. “We feel a very strong corporate responsibility to pay them back regardless of race or socio-economic status.” FPL accomplishes that by encouraging and suppor�ng employee volunteerism. The Fortune 200 firm also engages the business and general communi�es to help increase customers’ quality of life. It also sponsors community events and pla�orms like the MLK Day of Service and Broward 211. “We try to strike a balance in the sponsorships we provide. I prefer to think of them as partnerships,” Roulhac explains. “When we engage with organiza�ons, we

consider them to be well-run and well-inten�oned. They have to have ini�a�ves that align with some of FPL’s goals and corporate values.” FPL corporate values are: to do the right thing;do things with excellence;and treat people with respect. I also like to find programs with those types of values as well.” FPL ini�ally hired Roulhac as an a�orney in its General Counsel office. She moved to her current capacity approximately six years ago. “A lot of it was in part due to me being very engaged in several community and statewide boards, on my own. The company was aware and suppor�ve of that,” Roulhac expounds. “I was appointed by the governor to serve on the University of Florida Board of Trustees. I think that was a key factor in FPL approaching me about this role, which is all about rela�onship building and serving on boards.” Roulhac offers this advice to people seeking promo�ons or career transi�ons. Share Your Success: “Too many of us are reluctant to tout our successes in the

workplace. We might work hard and excel at what we do, but, it’s meaningless if nobody knows what you’re doing. I realized I had to make the people who were in the posi�on to promote me aware of what I was doing, without bragging about it. I learned to share things in a factual way. That way I was repor�ng what occurred, as opposed to bragging about it.” Show Your Value: “You do yourself a disservice if you don’t show people your full value. Too many of us sit back and wait to be recognized or promoted for the great work we do.” Ask for Opportuni�es: “Your manager may think you’re excelling so you are happy. Your vice president might not want you to transi�on because your performance helps the company. It’s important to communicate that you want to pursue a different opportunity. You have to communicate that you want a change. Very o�en it’s presumed that you are happy and the easiest thing is to leave you in your current posi�on.” Log on to FPL.com, for more information.

FRIDAY, MAY 5, 2017




Real Estate Execu�ve Excels in Business, Impacts Lives

Kevin Morris, - Senior Vice President, Colliers Interna�onal Kevin Morris fell in love with the business a�er consumma�ng his first real estate deal. He sold two apartment complexes sca�ered throughout the Fort Lauderdale’s Flagler district in 1996. “The apartments sold for $10,000 per apartment unit. Today, those apartments would go for $100, 000,” shares Morris,

senior vice president of Colliers Interna�onal. “I had no real estate experience. It was the first deal my employer closed in the area. I remember it well because I thought future deals would always be that easy. That hasn’t been the case.” Morris, who specializes in affordable housing, isn’t complaining, “I enjoy that I can do well in the real estate industry and have an impact on the people who benefit from the type of work I do.” Those people include businesses and nonprofits that work with his firm to make affordable housing a�rac�ve investments by securing either federal subsidies, tax incen�ves, funding or financing op�ons. Residents benefit from reduced rent. Morris says real estate inves�ng is a good business with unlimited opportuni�es. However, he sees few minori�es in his arena. The Rhode Island-na�ve is doing his part of cul�va�ng more people of color. “There are very few minori�es in investment brokerages on the investment side,” Morris observes. “I look

learn from them. That’s the best way to get into and grow in the business.” Networking is Essen�al: “Take advantage of networking opportuni�es either through the ci�es you work in or your social networks. It helps you get your name out there and get indirect business.” Always Study: “Consistently look for opportuni�es to learn. There is something new all the �me in the real estate industry. For example, we have a new president, so I had to learn what challenges and impact the president and his administra�on may have in the affordable housing space and federal funding. I must be able to ar�culate that to my clients so I can advise them on whether to acquire more, re-posi�on by refinancing, or depose by selling. Always look to grow, educate yourself, and gain knowledge. I have been in the affordable housing space for ten years, and I am always learning something new. This knowledge helps me create new business for my clients.” Check out the company’s portfolio at www.Colliers.com.

to mentor new people and encourage them to come into the business. We are going to be growing our team soon. I will be looking for interested minori�es candidates for internships.” “There are a lot of barriers to entry. Once you clear those barriers, there are fewer people you compete with because of the rarity and specialty of this space.” The Rhode Island-bred cycling enthusiast and father of two offers this advice for real estate career success. Find a Niche’: “If you want to succeed in the real estate industry you have to find a niche’ and stay within it. People try to dabble in different things like shopping centers or office buildings. No. S�ck to one thing and be consistent.” Recruit a Mentor: “As you get started, a�ach yourself to an experienced agent who can teach you the market. They can teach you about business development and how to work through a deal. And, all the different things that can occur as a real estate broker. Align yourself with someone who has experience in the business and

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An Alterna�ve to Li�ga�on: Addressing the Imbalance of Power in Media�on

David beat Goliath eventually become a King, and that City Hall has lost, a lot. Media�on is conducted under various principles. One such principle is that a mediator has a duty to manage the imbalance of power and facilitate a process of nego�a�ons where the par�es feel empowered. Media�on is one of the only processes where a person without legal representa�on, can actually find themselves in fair nego�a�on against an army of lawyers.

Stanley Zamor Mediator & Arbitrator Power is perceived. And when li�ga�on opponents are engaged in nego�a�ons, they tend to nego�ate from their posi�on of perceived power. But are the posi�ons of power some�mes imbalanced? And if they are imbalanced, how can there be any fair nego�a�ons? We’ve all heard about the biblical story of David and Goliath. Or the statement that, “You can’t fight City Hall…” Both illustrate one party being perceived weaker than their opponent, yet, we know how

FRIDAY, MAY 5, 2017

The Imbalance of Power: What’s the Big Deal? Ok, so let’s be honest. We deal with the imbalance of power all the �me and all day. Whether it is your boss changing your shi� or demanding you to stay later to complete a project, or the home associa�on raising the HOA dues. We deal with power imbalances all the �me and some�mes there is a need for the imbalance of power. However, when we want to find ourselves in li�ga�on nego�a�ons, we o�en seek to have a level playing field. O�en, even if we are in a posi�on that

is not favorable, with far less resources than our opponent, we s�ll want to be treated with respect and considera�on. When a perceived weaker party is treated with respect, they o�en are willing to nego�ate, even if they have far less resources to nego�ate with. When a skilled mediator is able to address power imbalances, by empowering the par�es, li�ga�on opponents feel more at ease to resolve the ma�er amicably. How Mediators Manage the Imbalance of Power? There are various techniques and tools available to a skilled mediator when addressing the imbalance of power during a media�on. A few are as follows: A high level of communica�on skills (both verbal /nonverbal); a strong awareness of the human condi�on, being crea�ve and thinking out of the box; a keen ability /�ming to know when to “reality-check” the disputants and the explora�on of needs vs wants. Although there are many other techniques, different mediators have different styles that dictate what they may use.

Now What? Now that you know, that one of a mediator’s du�es is to address imbalance of power, be frank when you hire a mediator and ask, “How will you address the imbalance of power when we mediate?” Although the mediator facilitates the process, the process belongs to the par�es, and they have right to feel empowered during the en�re media�on. Stanley Zamor is a Florida Supreme Court Certified Circuit/Family/County Mediator & Primary Trainer and Qualified Arbitrator. Mr. Zamor serves on several federal and state mediation/arbitration rosters and has a private mediation and ADR consulting company where he mediates/arbitrates and facilitates workshops. He regularly lectures on a variety of topics from ethics, cross-cultural issues, diversity, bullying, and Family/Business relationships. szamor@i-mediateconsulting.com www.i-mediateconsulting.com www.LinkedIn.com/in/stanleyzamoradr (954) 261-8600


Three Powerful Leadership Tools You’re Not Using Enough

Mary V. Davids D&M Consul�ng Services, LLC. Although many people mix the two, being a leader and having power are different. Having power is a form of authority or someone who has access to resources they use to influence change. Whereas leadership is about the characteris�cs one holds, such as being empathe�c, mo�va�onal or understanding to one’s needs. “Leading without power is an influence. Having power without leadership is a danger.” – Mary V. Davids

If you’ve been following poli�cs lately, you’ve likely witnessed firsthand how dangerous someone having power while lacking good leadership skills can be. Good leaders make decisions with their hearts, while those who have power and are not leaders make decisions using tangible tools, lacking considera�on for the people they are responsible for serving. Here are three powerful tools you can use to ensure you have the right balance while leading. 1. Adding a li�le honey Become a friend before you are a cri�c. Many leaders are so focused on the end result that they overlook the preliminary ingredient to influence others to change their minds. Start every conversa�on of correc�on with a posi�ve statement. Acknowledge the great things others have done. Congratulate their work, efforts or par�cipa�on. A�er doing this, they are more likely to be open to protec�ng that image by considering your sugges�ons. Ask for their ideas and you may find you share the same solu�on without having to say a

word. “A drop of honey catches more flies than a gallon of gall” – Lincoln 2. If you are wrong, admit it quickly and insistently. If you know you’re going to be cri�qued and condemned anyway, why not beat them to the punch? Say of yourself all the things you know the other person is thinking even before they get the chance. Try it and I’m certain you’ll find people are more forgiving of your mistake, even minimizing it as to avoid kicking you while you’re down. It’s tough to argue with those with whom you agree. Good leaders don’t have big egos. 3. Let them talk. When dealing with complaints, it’s more effec�ve to listen than it is to speak. When people are upset, they just want to vent. When they vent to you, their leader, it’s important to note, they are only asking for you to understand (and acknowledge that you understand, too). If you quickly jump in to disagree or defend, you’ve lost them. Doing this is dangerous and it

prevents them from expressing the frustra�on they desperately need to share. Be pa�ent and encourage them to fully speak. Most people just want to be heard. You can always tell the difference between a bad leader and a powerful leader. A bad leader, although having power can have control of any room if those within the room feel unable to defeat them; but a good and powerful leader can influence an en�re room without making anyone feel inferior. The bad leader will create change by fear, while the good leader will influence change by desire. To be a good leader, an effec�ve leader, those around you must have their own desire to do what you need them to do. That is the essence of powerful leadership. Mary V. Davids is an Executive Career & Leadership Development Coach and Owner of D&M Consulting Services, LLC. For career tips and advice visit www.marydavids.com or email info@marydavids.com.

FRIDAY, MAY 5, 2017


Broward Health proudly congratulates

Jasmin Shirley

2017 Legacy Award Recipient Commemorating a lifetime of excellence in ones professional life, while providing outstanding community service.

and Dr. J. Arenas Recognized as of South Florida’s Most Powerful and Influential Black Professionals in Business and Leadership for 2017.

We salute your dedication and commitment to improving the lives of our patients and community.










More scenes from JITG 2016




BUSINESS REPORT By: Beatrice Louissaint

Why federal, state and local decision-makers must support the Minority Business Development Agency

Beatrice Louissaint, President & CEO Florida State Minority Supplier Development Council The Trump administra�on's 2018 budget calls for elimina�ng the Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) as a federal agency. MBDA is the only federal agency solely dedicated to the growth and global compe��veness of minority business enterprises. The MBDA helps minority-owned firms grow by providing access to capital, technical exper�se,

By: Aisha Mannings

FRIDAY, MAY 5, 2017

advanced business consul�ng resources and innova�ve management services through 42 Business Centers. Funds allocated to the MBDA’s budget have among the highest return of any type of business assistance allocated by the federal government. During the past 10 years, the agency’s programs and services have helped companies secure more than $40 billion in contracts and capital, while crea�ng and retaining nearly 142,000 jobs and leading to accelerated performance averages and returns on investment. In the state of Florida, annually, the goal of the Miami and Orlando MBDA Business Centers is to help minority-owned companies garner more than $200 million in procurement contracts and financial transac�ons. The MBDA Business Centers are integral to fostering greater economic vitality across the U.S. By 2044, the na�on’s prosperity will rely even more on minori�es, who are the fastest growing segment of the popula�on. Entrepreneurship is a sure pathway to

wealth crea�on and a thriving na�onal economy. Today, U.S. minority business enterprises represent 29% of all firms, but only 11% have paid employees. MBDA research predicts that if MBEs reach entrepreneurial parity, the U.S. economy will realize 13 million more jobs. The MBDA is needed now more than ever. The decision to eliminate the MBDA was made from a lack of understanding of how minority-owned businesses shape, impact and grow the economy, and of how they create jobs and impact the economic viability of communi�es around the country. It is important that we let Congress, local and state poli�cal representa�ves, and the Trump administra�on know what a unique and dis�nguishable role the MBDA plays in helping grow minority businesses – for the be�erment of all Americans. I encourage everyone to join our fight to save the MBDA. I implore you to call your congressional representa�ves, whose contact informa�on you can find at www.house.gov and www.senate.gov.

Beatrice Louissaint is President and CEO of the Florida State Minority Supplier Development Council (FSMSDC), one of 23 regional councils affiliated with the Na�onal Minority Supplier Development Council. The FSMSDC acts as a liaison between corporate America and Minority Business Enterprises in the state of Florida. The organiza�on is also the operator of the U.S. Department of Commerce Miami and Orlando Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) Business Centers, which serve southern and central Florida. FSMSDC’s goal is to increase purchasing from minority businesses by government en��es and corpora�ons, while increasing the opera�ng capacity of minority businesses through hands-on business assistance, training and access to technology and capital resources. To learn more about the FSMSDC, visit fsmsdc.org. Learn about the Miami and Orlando MBDA Business Centers at www.mbdamiamicenter.com or www.mbdaorlandocenter.com, or call (305) 762-6151.

Broward Entrepreneur Obtains Financing Through Urban League For Walmart Contract

Ever since Keel Russell was 18 years old he dreamed of being a successful entrepreneur, so he wrote to 50 Black CEOs and asked if they could mentor him. He only receive one response back thanking him for his inquiry, but declined his request, however that didn’t discourage Keel as he con�nue to search for business opportuni�es. Since gradua�ng from Pompano Beach High, Keel had several business concepts and ul�mately developed Umbree Rain Gear – stylish, water ac�vated rainwear products. Keel notes, “I decided on manufacturing and selling umbrellas because it’s a simple product and no other business offered such innova�ve rain gear when I began the business.” Umbree Rain Gear has since garnered clients such as Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino, JM Family Enterprises, and the Greater Fort Lauderdale CVB’s Hello Sunny tourism campaign. Umbree’s biggest client to date is now Walmart. Through the help of the Urban League based in Broward, Keel was able to pitch his product to

our partners to create opportuni�es for Walmart during the 2015 Na�onal Urban small and minority-owned businesses and League conven�on hosted in Fort expand market reach to Lauderdale, and was one of a few finalists under-resourced communi�es. Our goal is chosen by Walmart. The next hurdle was obtaining financing to expand the business to con�nue offering end-to-end business development services, including capital, so and fulfill purchases orders to carry Simply these businesses can grow and thrive.” Umbree products in Walmart, so Keel Keel, who is just approached the Urban 31 and now lives in League again for assistance and was Coconut Creek, travelled to China on granted a $250,000 loan run by the Urban his own a couple of years ago to League of Broward research manufacCounty, Florida turers to develop his Department of business. The Economic Opportunity, and several banks. Umbree umbrellas actually change “Our Small Business Loan Fund was colors when it rains crea�ng fashionable designed exactly for pa�erns and it’s entrepreneurs like Keel Keel Russell CEO & Founder of Umbree made with very and his business with Umbree umbrellas durable but Umbree," said Dr. Germaine lightweight materials. Umbree products will be in Smith-Baugh, president and CEO of the Urban League. "We’ve worked hard with Walmart stores this summer, as well as

Walmart.com. As part of the company’s mission, Umbree is giving some sales proceeds to social jus�ce causes such as suppor�ng veterans and vic�ms of domes�c violence. “We at Umbree believe in giving back and being social entrepreneurs. I believe we can solve many of our issues in our urban communi�es through economic empowerment”, notes Keel. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Informa�on Systems from Keiser University and is comple�ng a Master’s degree in Marke�ng from Florida Interna�onal University. Keel is also an Iraqi war veteran, serving over 10 years in the military and Army reserves. His business partners include Treyvon Young, CMO, and Patrick Senior CFO, along with several silent minority investors. Umbree con�nues to look for investors to con�nue its expansion. To learn more about Umbree contact Keel at keel.russell@umbree.com. To learn more about the Urban League of Broward County visit www.ulbroward.org

FRIDAY, MAY 5, 2017


Andrew Gillum Targets South Florida on Road to Become Florida's Governor

By: Russell Motley

Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum knows he is in for the fight of his life. At 37, the career poli�cian is now eyeing the 2018 governor’s race, as Gov. Rick Sco� exits the office due to term limits. In March, Gillum became the first Democra�c candidate to formally launch a campaign, which finds him making frequent stops to South Florida. “One of the reasons I’m in the race this early is because I realize that name recogni�on is going to be a real challenge,” says Gillum, the only African-American gubernatorial candidate. “But the truth is, name recogni�on is going to be a challenge for every single candidate when you have an open primary.” Born in the Richmond Heights area of Miami, Gillum has a storied background. His blue-collar parents le� Miami for Gainesville, where they raised him and six siblings. While at Florida A&M University, Gillum experienced his first taste of poli�cs as president of the Student Government Associa�on. At 23, while s�ll in school, he became the youngest ever elected to the Tallahassee City Commission. In 2014, he was elected mayor. Gillum was a featured speaker at the 2016 Democra�c Na�onal Conven�on, even reportedly making Sen.

Hillary Clinton’s shortlist for a vice public office before. I can bring something presiden�al running mate. S�ll, cri�cs different. As a mayor, similar to a governor, ques�on if he has the experience, the you have the responsibility to get things popularity, and the financial backing to pull done.” off the elec�on. On the day Gillum spoke to Legacy, he “He has a lot work cut out for him took an early-morning flight from the state because he’s not known outside of the capital to the city of Doral to meet with the Tallahassee bubble,” non-profit Epilepsy says Trimmel Gomes, a Founda�on of Florida. Tallahassee poli�cal At issue is the future analyst and host of The of the Affordable Care Rotunda, a podcast Act (ACA), which the inves�ga�ng Florida founda�on’s CEO poli�cs. “This is why Karen Egozi says has Gillum needs to do helped reduce the what he is currently cost of medical care doing, which is to go for the 2,000 clients outside of Tallahassee, they serve statewide. hit up these Gillum supports Democra�c Medicaid expansion. Mayor Andrew Gillum, strongholds and make “I got to hear candidate for Florida Governor his case.” Gillum boasts firsthand an earful nearly 15 years of from these public service and policy-making ‘navigators’,” says Gillum. “They’re coming experience—something he says Gov. Sco� into contact with people who aren’t lacked when he took office in 2011. covered and who need to be covered who “We have a governor who was never in have severe healthcare needs and they poli�cs,” said Gillum. “We have a President would be nega�vely impacted under the of the United States—the most powerful condi�ons of a repeal because of our posi�on in the world—that was never in state’s failure to extend Medicaid to


1.5 million people.” Gillum is off to a strong start, raising $765,000 in only his first few weeks of campaigning. Gomes says he’ll need to maintain that momentum in order to compete in what’s expected to be a crowded race for the Democra�c nomina�on, including millionaire Miami Beach Mayor Phil Levine, Orlando businessman Chris King, and former U.S. Rep. Gwen Graham, daughter of former U.S. Sen. Bob Graham. As Gillum’s poli�cal aspira�on expands, so is his family. He and his wife, R. Jai, are the parents of twins, Jackson and Caroline, and are now expec�ng their third child. Juggling fatherhood and the governor’s race, Gillum says he’s ready for the challenge. “People need to know that their governor is accessible to them and that they have a governor that’s prepared to work on their behalf and not the behalf of special interests,” says Gillum. “And that’s the background that I bring to the table.” To see video excerpts of Legacy’s interview with Mayor Gillum, visit our Facebook page at Legacy Magazine.

PALM BEACH REPORT By: Ann Marie Sorrell

Are Venues in Palm Beach County Open to Diverse Audiences?

Ann Marie Sorrell Where do black audiences gather for social and business events in Palm Beach County? Currently, there are very few places. A few spots include Celebrity Restaurant and Lounge (West Palm Beach), Kafe Hub (Riviera Beach), Zara’s Café (West Palm Beach), Banyon Tree Restaurant (Belle Glade), Caribbean Choice Bakery and

Restaurant (West Palm Beach) and Breathe Lounge (Delray Beach). Most of these loca�ons are black-owned/operated, and naturally a�ract and welcome black patrons. However, when it comes to special events and social events, it is very difficult for local promoters, event planners and marketers to find other venues that are open and inclusive. I have personally witnessed a friend of mine, who approached a venue to host an event that she coordinates quarterly, go through what I felt was a grueling exchange. She introduced herself to the venue owner by first presen�ng her business card which showed that she is an Engineer (an educated black professional), then she presented her promoter business card, followed by an en�re spill about her crowd of over 300 guests being a professional upscale audience that would cause no trouble and spend money on food and drinks at her “Social Networking Mixer”. I thought, “wow, does she have to do this with every non-black owned venue?” The reality is that she and so many

others must walk into a venue and prove that they and their guests are worthy to come and spend money. “Why is this?”, I ask. What is the percep�on by venue owners and operators of black patrons? Are the dollars that we spend on food, drinks, and entertainment not as valuable as everyone else’s dollar? Are we perceived as a high-risk, un-safe audience? Is there work to be done on our part to change any nega�ve percep�ons of the black audience? These are all ques�ons that I welcome feedback and answers to (email AskAnnMarie1@gmail.com). I would like to recognize the venues in Palm Beach County such as the Hilton Airport Hotel (West Palm Beach), Blue Mar�ni (West Palm Beach), Dirty Mar�ni (Palm Beach Gardens), Sugar (Palm Beach Gardens, and Boston’s on the Beach (Delray Beach) for being welcoming, inclusive and recognizing the more than $1 Trillion buying power that the black community has. Venues that con�nue to turn away our business is missing are a tremendous economic opportunity.

Moreover, our county is missing out on an opportunity to engage, retain and a�ract black audiences. Mul�-cultural and heritage tourism is on the rise and other coun�es are responding and tapping into this mul�-million-dollar market. Young black professionals are looking for places to socialize and network and we are losing them to Miami and Fort Lauderdale in high numbers. I challenge our leaders in the tourism, commerce and government sectors to not only start the dialog but develop solu�ons where our county celebrates diversity and creates ini�a�ves that promote inclusiveness in reaching and engaging mul�-cultural audiences. Lastly, I encourage members of black our community to create and own more places for us to gather. This can be done effec�vely through coopera�ve economics. On the other hand, we as the patrons must con�nue to support our black owned establishments and those that open their doors to us. For those who do not want our business, it is quite simple, do not spend black dollars there.




FRIDAY, MAY 5, 2017

2017 Broward & Beyond Business Conference (Friday, May 5, 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Signature Grand)

By: Jasmine Jones

Sandy Michael McDonald, Director of Broward County Office of Economic and Small Business Development. As Director of the Broward County Office of Economic and Small Business Development (OESBD), I personally invite you to join us for this impac�ul event. Whether you are a Start Up, Established or Nonprofit Business Professional, we are

bringing together some of the best resources to assist you in mee�ng your business needs. Our goal is simple: we want to help you grow your business. For this year’s conference, we welcome keynote speaker Dr. William F. Pickard, Ph.D., acclaimed serial entrepreneur, investor, educator, philanthropist and author. Dr. Pickard’s message, highligh�ng his impressive rise from dreamer to mul�-million dollar corporate giant, will resonate with anyone interested in dreaming big and crea�ng a path to success. Spanning 45 years, Dr. Pickard’s entrepreneurial career began as a McDonald's franchisee in Detroit, Michigan and includes founding Global Automo�ve Alliance, and logis�cs and manufacturing companies with more than one half billion dollars in sales with clients such as Boeing, Mercedes Benz, Johnson Controls, Starbucks, Home Depot and Merck Pharmaceu�cal. He has held several top posi�ons including Chairman, Global

Automo�ve Alliance; Co-Managing Partner, MGM Grand Detroit Casino and CEO, Bearwood Management Company. Dr. Pickard has also served on numerous business and nonprofit boards including Asset Acceptance Capital Corpora�on, Michigan Na�onal Bank and the Na�onal Urban League. Our 2017 Broward & Beyond Business Conference a�endees will also enjoy: • 14+ hours of educa�on across three tracks • 5 hours of roundtable discussions and networking, including: • Local Resources – For Start Up, Established and Nonprofit businesses • Access to Capital – Financing Op�ons and Bonding • Meet the Primes – Government and Commercial Contrac�ng • Doing Business with the World – Connect with up to 14 Countries, such as Singapore, China, Lebanon, Hai�, Bahrain, Dominican Republic and more.. • Access to download the FREE official

Whova conference app for use on mobile devices (Use invita�on code: Bizbeyond OESBD is proud to serve our community through this unique conference and provide access to receive invaluable contacts and professional development for growth within and beyond Broward County. I encourage you to contact us at 954-357-6400 or visit us at Broward.org/EconDev to learn more about our events and suppor�ve services. Warm Regards, Sandy-Michael E. McDonald, Director Office of Economic and Small Business Development This event supports the Broward County Board of County Commissioners’ vision of “a vibrant economy with a diverse, skilled workforce, in a County offering unique advantages that a�ract all types of businesses to create equitable, countywide prosperity” by way of “ensuring economic opportuni�es for all people and businesses in Broward”. FREE ADMISSION! To Register: Visit Broward.org/BizBeyond

BROWARD IS LISTENING Thursday, April 20, 2017 | 5:30 to 7:00 PM North Regional / Broward College Library, 1100 Coconut Creek Blvd., Coconut Creek, FL

Thursday, August 3, 2017 | 5:30 to 7:30 PM

Banquet Hall at the City of Miramar Multi-Services Complex, 6700 Miramar Parkway, Miramar, FL

BE HEARD | DIALOGUE | NETWORK Meet with key representatives of Broward County’s Office of Economic and Small Business Development and Small Business Development Advisory Board.


• Business owners with an office located in Broward County who are NOT currently certified with the County • Business owners who want to increase their revenue • Anyone with questions about business initiatives • Entrepreneurs with plans to start or expand a business ŷ¯ʩOs Ÿ¯ rOŸŘŸŎÞO Ř_ ǢŎ ĶĶ DȖǣÞŘsǣǣ ^sɚsĶŸƼŎsŘǼ

115 S. Andrews Ave., Room A680, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 | 954-357-6400 | Broward.org/EconDev We’re Social! Follow and Like Us: @BCOESBD Broward County OESBD

TOPICS OF DISCUSSION: • Challenges associated with getting SBE & CBE certified • Removing myths and addressing realities • Multi-million dollar contracts that are available • Expectations, experiences and needs

To learn more and to register online, visit Broward.org/EconDev.

Registration is strongly encouraged. This event is subject to change. Individuals requiring accommodations to participate must notify us in advance.

FRIDAY, MAY 5, 2017


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FRIDAY, MAY 5, 2017

About Town

2017 Florida Memorial University/Miami UNCF Masked Ball (March 31, Miami Hya� Regency)

Florida Power & Light Sponsor Aletha Player –won mask compe��on for Best Mask Female.

Bap�st Health South Florida Sponsor Chris�e Grays, FMU President Dr. Roslyn Clark Ar�s, Miami Gardens Mayor Oliver Gilbert

UNCF South Florida Staff Edie Pearson, Roxanna Blisse�

Miami-Dade Chamber Execu�ve G. Eric Knowles

Carnival Corp Sponsor Gary Eppinger, UNCF EVP Maurice Jenkins, FMU President Dr. Roslyn Ar�s, Honorary Chair of Miami Masked Ball Congresswoman Frederica Wilson,

FMU Board of Trustees Chairwoman JoLinda Herring, Master of Ceremonies, WPLG Anchor Local10 News Calvin Hughes and UNCF EVP Maurice Jenkins

UNCF EVP Maurice Jenkins, UNCF South Florida Director Edie Pearson, MOONLIGHT actors Tanesha Cidel, Alex Hibbard and Jaden Piner

Miami Dade County Proclama�on presented to UNCF EVP Maurice Jenkins, FMU President Dr. Roslyn Ar�s by Miami Dade County Deputy Mayor Russell Benford

Masked Ball décor theme featured East Africa

Vice mayor Miami Gardens Erhabor Ighodaro and Mrs. Shannon Ighodaro

Masked Ball Chairman, Hya� Regency General Manager Gabriel Castrillon and Mrs. Castrillon, UNCF EVP Maurice Jenkins

UNCF Leadership Council Member George Gadson and Mrs. Gadson

FMU Trustee Horace Hord and Mrs. Hord

UNCF FMU Parade of Dignitaries led by FMU President Dr. Roslyn Ar�s and Mr. Ar�s

Miami Masked Guest

Miami Dade County Mayor and Host Commi�ee Member Deputy Mayor Russell Benford, FMU Trustee Horace Hord, FMU President Dr. Roslyn Ar�s, FMU Trustee Ricardo Forbe

FMU student speaker Francesca Occena, Class of 2017

UNCF MASKED Award presented to Carnival Corp – FMU President Dr. Roslyn Ar�s, Carnival VP Gary Eppinger and UNCF SVP Maurice Jenkins

UNCF South Florida Director Edie Pearson receives UNCF Meritorious Service Award

Carnival Corp. Vice President and Event Vice Chair Gary Eppinger and Mrs. Eppinger

17-HRL-2489 - Legacy Magazine_10x10-25.indd 1

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FRIDAY, MAY 5, 2017



About Town

The Friends of Jamaica Charity Gala (April 1, The Four Seasons Hotel, Brickell)

David Panton, Ambassador Audrey Marks, Kurt Dyer

Alexis Pena, Ron McKay, Glorie Moreno (wife of Amb. Moreno)

Caron Chung and Deputy Mayor of Miami Russell Benford

Caron Chung and honoree Dr. Kevin Coy

Interna�onal Humanitarian Award Honoree - William Mahfood, Chairman Wisynco

Julian Marley

Rosie McIver and Tony Hart

Winston Simmonds,Glennis Simmonds, Joye� Burford, Lorrimer Buford,Arlene Brown, Carlton Brown ( all connected with Friends of Highgate)

Caron Chung, Oliver “Shaggy” Burrell, Wendy Hart

William Mahfood, Wendy Hart

Suze�e Rochester (VMBS) and Barron Channer (AFJ Board)

Kurt Dyer, Robert Hill , KSAC Mayor elroy Williams, Francis Reid

Suzie Feanny and Nadine Simmons

Sisters Rosie McIver and Joan McConnell

Irie Founda�on team - Arif Can Sayin, Lacey Abbo�, Kyle Post, Lindsey Shapiro, Shobie Callaghan, Lindsey Rangel, Stephen Callaghan

Jimmy Josephs, Nicky Feanny, Jen Sco�, PB Sco�, Bruce Bicknell

AFJ 2017 Honorees William Mahfood, Cheryl Wynter, Dr Kevin Coy and President Wendy Hart (Photo - David I. Muir)

Barron Channer, Winsome Lady C Charlton, David Hi�

Beverly Levy (past honoree) with Board Members Laura Tanna and Jim Cada

Amb Pamela Bridgewater (ret) and AFJ 2017 Honoree Cheryl Wynter Photo - Daiv I. Muir)




FRIDAY, MAY 5, 2017


This year’s Interna�onal Women's Day theme was #BeBoldForChange, a call to help forge a be�er working, more gender inclusive world to help women advance and unleash the limitless poten�al offered to economies the world over. In recogni�on of that theme, small business week and Legacy Power edi�on, meet three women who have taken the bold steps to unleash their poten�al by becoming business owners.

her career, but she could not get a PR job because of inexperience. “Well how do you get experience if no one will hire you?” she remembered asking in frustra�on. So, she began doing “a li�le freelancing in graphic design and marke�ng” un�l something bigger came along. It did, but not in the package she had planned for. Now five years later with an increasingly growing clientele, she knows her true path is, “being her own boss.” Her clients include a MTV reality star who has opened 3 stores in Texas, Palmer’s and other hair companies who have products in Sally’s, Walmart and Target, government agencies, The Cherenfant Business Consul�ng Group, and several other businesses and not-for-profits. Her business has been built primarily on referrals. Keisha’s advice, “Take advantage of any programs that are offered in your community. If not for support from Pompano Beach CRA Business Incubator program, I am not sure I would have had the courage to launch a business.” Web:www.keydesignmedia.com Email:info@keydesignmedia.com Phone:954.736.0002

emporium.” And that was my introduc�on to some of the most exquisite sauces that I’ve ever tasted. Kai’s Inspira�on came from a roses-based sauce that her husband created. “I decided to test my theory that there are people like me who are not sa�sfied with most salad dressings available in grocery stores. I started with just 6 sauces.” Today, Smart Girl, now in its 7th year, has over 50 sauces and her customers are worldwide. Kai s�ll sells her products at green markets and is o�en a featured vendor at William Sonoma. Kai creates her flavor combina�ons using only the purest raw herbs, flowers, peppers, fruits, and veggies. Kai’s advice,“Really believe in what you are sharing with other people; whether it’s a product, service or philosophy, you must believe in its worth.” Find out where she will be on her website events page. Web:www.smartgirlfoods.com Email:kai@smartgirlfoods.com Phone:855.sauce21

Keisha Pyzynski, Key Design & Media When Keisha graduated with a degree in Public Rela�ons she was excited to start

Kai Buster, Smart Girl Foods At Parkland Green Market, I saw a crowd in front of the tent “Smart Girl.” Upon approach, I was greeted with “Welcome to my handcra�ed sauce

Toby Young, Pampered Roots Frustrated with trying a myriad of hair products for her “kinky hair” that did not produce the results that she wanted, Toby Young opened “Pampered Roots” 18

Dr. Denise St Patrick-Bell President, GAICON LLC

MILLENIALS By: Clarice Redding

Clarice C. Redding Vic�m Services Program Coordinator Palm Beach County A unique aspect of society is how lessons get passed from genera�on to genera�on. It is how we preserve our culture, our teachings and our life long experiences. Let me be one of the few millennials to harken back to the “good ol’ days”, back when in villages si�ng around

months ago. She promotes economic development by employing a chemist who creates the formulas from her product ideas, then outsourcing to a manufacturing company which creates the product, and a packaging company which prepares and labels the products for distribu�on. Her products are on her website, Etsy, Amazon. We also can buy Pampered Roots at Supreme Cuts, Lauderhill and Ganesha Salon, Planta�on. Toby also offers “Kinky University” classes in hands-on hair care. This entrepreneur is also a community ac�vist and concretely involved in making her community a be�er place. Toby’s advice, “Just do it”. Don’t worry about what people think or even failure. Learn from the failures and pivot from the plan. Don’t look at the whole business plan just take the li�le steps necessary to get you to the ‘open for business’.” Web:www.pamperedroots.com Email:info@pamperedroots.com Phone:954.299.0456 Dr. Bell is president of GAICON LLC and a Principal in Global Strategic Partners Alliance, companies dedicated to business growth from concept to capitalization. www.gaicon.net associates.drdenise@gmail.com / 754.779.2204

Passing the Torch to Millennials a campfire listening to village elders recoun�ng stories from the past was the norm. Genera�onal values and knowledge, along with a willingness to pass these along to genera�ons that followed have somehow been lost. No longer are elders’ words revered to the degree they should, and too o�en now when we hear prior genera�ons speak, we view it nega�vely, as if the assump�on is younger genera�ons know nothing. Today, that campfire would likely be an app on a phone, however the need for genera�ons to pass on lessons, experiences, and provide tutelage to the next genera�on is more prevalent now than perhaps ever before. Too o�en we think of ourselves and focus on how we will rise as opposed to finding ways we can give back to those who will follow us. We've all faced it, the fear of someone younger, more tech savvy coming and replacing what we've accrued ten plus years of experience doing. Resentment,

envy, jealousy, and overall a disdain to help the newer, younger workforce quickly follows. A mindset shi� must happen. A common gripe previous genera�ons have is why do millennials act like this? Why don't they have the same structure I had? A mirror must be put up in front of every genera�on, one where you must come to the realiza�on that the mindset of those that followed you is a direct result of the tutelage they received from you. Instead of cas�ng off the genera�on you find aggrava�ng, take �me to bring them under your wing. Herein, lies the greatest issue: a lack of mentorship. Take the fear of being replaced and turn it into the gi� of empowerment. Every genera�on, mine included, owes it to the next to pave the way forward - to ensure a prosperous future and impart lessons and values on those who will follow us. Ask yourself: Who is my mentor? Who is my mentee? When was the last �me I

shared my success with another to empower them to succeed? Whether it's at your place of business, in your community, or through volunteer work, take them �me to pass along the value and power of mentorship. Become an elder who can ensure that core morals and e�que�e are not lost. We owe it to ourselves as a society to take �me and tell stories around the campfire, instead of looking at it from afar and walking right on by. Gregoire Carter Narcisse 954-881-6335 gregoirenarcisse@gmail.com Gregoire Narcisse attended Florida State University where he became the youngest to ever graduate with a Bachelor's Degree, doing so at 18 years of age. Gregoire then went on to pursue his Master of Science in Education at the University of Miami, achieving it at the age of 19. He is currently a Financial Representative with Northwestern Mutual.


FRIDAY, MAY 5, 2017



2017 Black Owned Media Alliance (BOMA) Awards Luncheon (April 26, Hilton Miami Airport Hotel) Pictures provided by Greg Reed

Cheryl Pearson-McNeil, Senior Vice-President of Strategic Community Alliances and Consumer Engagement for Nielsen, delivered the keynote address at the inaugural BOMA Awards on Wednesday, April 26, at the Hilton Miami Airport. Nielson is the global company that measures what consumers watch and what consumers buy. Pearson-McNeil is the visionary behind Nielsen’s award winning African-American Consumer Report which led to the company’s historic crea�on of Nielsen’s Diversity Insights Series. Each report focuses on the rapidly growing

Hispanic, African-American or Asian consumer base. BOMA President, Dexter Bridgman, says that “The BOMA Awards was established to honor and confirm the importance and significance of Black Owned Media in South Florida. We will con�nue to push for equality in media spending by engaging and educa�ng the decision makers in our industry.” The BOMA Awards Chairwoman, Debra Toomer, expressed “Our honorees are community stalwarts and have demonstrated a commitment to the black community through excep�onal

and effec�ve applica�on of media communica�on industry strategies.” The 2017 BOMA Champion of the Year recipients are Andrew Goldberg/Vice President of Marke�ng at the Adrienne Arsht Center and Ed O’Dell/Corporate Director of Communica�ons and Partnerships at Jackson Health Systems. The Knight Founda�on received the BOMA ADVOCATE OF THE YEAR AWARD. Annually, the Knight Founda�on grants over one-hundred million dollars for journalism, technology, communi�es, and arts, which they believe are essen�al for a

healthy democracy. The BOMA Awards thanks program sponsors WOW Factor, The Knight Founda�on, District 1 Commissioner Jordan, FPL, Drummer Boy Sound, and Jackson Memorial Hospital; and table sponsors Miami-Dade County District 9 Commissioner Dennis Moss, Miami-Dade County District 2 Commissioner Jean Mones�me, Miami-Dade County District 3 Audrey Edmonson, Jack Daniel’s, American Dream Miami, Sonshine Communica�ons, Adrienne Arsht Center, Circle of One Marke�ng, and Jason Pizzo.

BOMA Winners Bernade�e Morris (le�) and Jessica Garre� Modkins (right) with BOMA President Dexter Bridgeman

BOMA Award winner Dans with BOMA President Dexter Bridgeman

BOMA Award winner A�orney Marlon Hill with wife, Carla Hill

BOMA Award winner Suzan McDowell with BOMA President Dexter Bridgeman

BOMA Awards Chairwoman Debra Toomer with BOMA President's Award Winner Sandy Walker, Publisher of the Gospel Truth Magazine and BOMA President Dexter Bridgeman

BOMA Award winners Greg Reece and Carolyn Guniss

BOMA Award winner Guylene Berry

BOMA Award winners Tony and Woodie Lesesne

Recording Ar�st/Model and Actress April RaQuel with BOMA Winner Teekay

BOMA Awards Chairwoman Debra Toomer

BOMA Award winner Sean Terrell with BOMA President Dexter Bridgeman

BOMA Award winner Da-Venya Armstrong with Dexter Bridgeman

BOMA President Dexter Bridgeman with Advocates of the Year recipients, represen�ng the Knight Founda�on, Karen Rundlet Burke� and Andrew Sherry

Dexter Bridgeman with BOMA Champion of the Year recipient Andrew Goldberg, VP of Marke�ng, Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts

Keynote Luncheon Speaker Cheryl Pearson-McNeil, Senior VP of Strategic Community Alliances and Consumer Engagement for Nielsen

BOMA Honorees



FRIDAY, MAY 5, 2017

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