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Keraquick S1Zero joins Mapei’s expandingZero line

Mapei’s best-sellingfast-trackadhesive –Keraquick S1- is thelatest product tojoin Mapei UK’s Zeroline ofcarbonoffsetproducts.

Adeformable, non-slip cementitious adhesive fortilesand stone, KeraquickS1Zeroalso benefits froma verylow VOC EMICODE: EC1 Plus certifiedformulation.The combined benefitsprovidea safe,high-performance solution forcontractorsand specifiers,with CO2 fullyoffsetintheentire life cycle. The

Zero line portfoliodemonstrates Mapei’s commitment totheplanet,topeople and tobiodiversity.CO2 emissions - measured throughoutthe life cycle of products fromthe Zerolinein 2024 usingLife CycleAssessment (LCA) methodology,verified and certified with EPDs-have been offsetthroughreforestation projects and protectionofbiodiversity.Keraquick S1Zero can be used tobondceramic, porcelain andmoisturestable naturalstone tiles and mosaics toawiderange ofsubstrates.

MapeiHouse, SteelPark Road, Halesowen, West Midlands T:01215086970 E:


Mendip Stoves

Save energyand reduce winterbills withMendip

Afreestanding woodburningstove is the heart of the home. Providing instant heat and cosy comforton wet and windy afternoonsand chilly evenings,a woodburner also adds a feature focal pointtoany living space.For extra value and multifunctional use,a cooktop stovealsoprovidesa handycookingplate ontop. Withtheenergy price cap set torisein October2024and again in January 2025, nowis thetime tostartthinking abouta contingency plan for cooking or poppingthe kettle on withoutthe need for highpricedgasorelectricity. Mendip stoves hasthe perfectsolution with its Loxtoncooktop stove whichalsocomes witha logstore option. Mendip Stoves’Loxton3 Cooktopstove is availablewithorwithout a logstoreandincludes a rear toverticaladapterplusextendedcast iron topplate foran even heat when cooking.

UnitH1,Mendip Industrial Estate, MendipRoad, Rooksbridge, BS26 2UG T: 01934750500 E:


Newlifts revealedatAsticusbuilding

TheAsticus London building,a strikingten-storeylandmark, has undergonea remarkable transformation, witharchitectsAukett Swanke envisioning a Cat Aoffice refurbishmentachieving BREEAMVeryGood accreditations. Stannah workedwithMND ConstructionServicesandAukettSwanke tocreate modern andcompliant step-freeaccessthroughout. Stannah installed threepassengerlifts, as a triplex,eachaccommodating 13 people. It installed thelifts using a scaffold-less method.These passengerlifts were specified at 1000kgcapacity and operated at a speed of1.6mper second, providing a quickand efficient rideforpassengers.Stannah also installed a fourth liftwhich is forfirefightingbut can beused as a normalpassengerlift-a firefighting liftis an essentialsafetyasset inhigh-rise buildings. UnitA6 CoombswoodWay,HalesowenB62 8BH T: 0808239 6880


Date: 02.10.2024

Country: UK

Homebuilding&Renovating Online

Date: 16.10.2024

Country: UK

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Date: 17.10.2024 Country: UK


Date: 22.10.2024

Country: UK


Date: 17.10.2024


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