Egyptian mytology a to z p palmer 2010

Page 101

84  horoscope calendar

First Month of Akhet—INUNDATION August 1

Day 1

August 2

Day 2

August 3

First Day of the Year

Very favorable

Mostly favorable

Very favorable

It is the day the ennead go before Re.

. . .

It is the day of the birth of Re- Horakhty. The Nile begins to rise. All the gods and people celebrate.

August 7

Day 7

If you see anything on this day, it will be good

August 8

Day 8

Day 3

Anyone born on this day will die by a crocodile.

August 9

Day 9

Very favorable

Mostly favorable

Very favorable

It is the day of welcoming the rising of the river and of offering to the gods.

It is the day Re goes forth . . .

It is the day of pacifying the hearts of those in the horizon in front of His Majesty, Re.

Do not go out at night on this day.

If you see anything, it will be good.

August 13

Day 13

If you see anything, it will be good.

August 14

Day 14

August 15

Day 15

Mostly adverse

. . .

Mostly adverse

It is the day of the killing of Meret Shemat [goddess of music].

. . .

It is the day of the rage of Set battling Horus.

Anyone born on this day will die of blindness.

August 19

Day 19

Make offerings to the gods of your city.

August 20

Day 20

Do not go in a boat on this day.

August 21

Very favorable

Very adverse

Very favorable

The ennead is in festivity in front of Re, a happy day in heaven.

It is the day the great ones—the followers of Set and Horus—are in conflict.

. . .

Burn incense.

Do not do any work on this day.

August 25

Day 25

August 26

Day 26

Day 21

Make offerings to the followers of Re. Do not kill a bull or even let it cross your path. It is a day to be cautious of bulls.

August 27

Day 27

Mostly favorable

Very adverse

Very favorable

It is the day of the going forth of Sekhmet to the Eastern district and of the repelling of the confederates of Set.

It is the day of Horus fighting with Set.

It is the day of peace between Horus and Set.

Do not do anything today.

Make a holiday today. Do not kill any ankhy-reptile.

Do not go out of your home or on any road at night.

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