From Scratch Magazine - December 2013/January 2014

Page 90


inventories almost exclusively with them and use them to store food. free salvaged items. I live just out- I save large plastic containers with side the city of Austin, which pro- lids for storing animal feed or carryvides curbside bulky trash pickup ing scraps to the chicken coop. Small twice yearly to all city residents. plastic containers are used to proWhen the neighborhoods nearest me vide water for the cats, store small are scheduled for bulky trash pickup hardware pieces, or hold grit for the I make the rounds in my minivan to chickens. scavenge materials for my homestead. I have picked up hundreds of dollars worth of materials this way

Where do I put my resource inventory?

and I keep all of that “trash” out of When choosing a location for your the landfill. (The “trash” I pick up is resource inventory keep the followperfectly usable building material.)

ing in mind: Organization, accessi-

Don’t forget to salvage items out of bility, protection, and aesthetics. your own trash, too. Instead of recy- In order to be useful your salvaged cling those glass jars with lids, wash junk must be organized in such a FROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE

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