Elevate the Vision: The Miami Valley School Strategic Plan, 2021-2025

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Elevate the Vision The M i ami Val l ey School St r at egi c Pl an, 2021-2025 Appr oved August 27, 2021

The work of education requires boldness and bravery. I t is the most rewarding work in the world.

The challenge of school visioning requires courage, talent, and grace. What you will see in the pages that follow is the brave work of representatives of the MVS community to prepare a plan for the next five years. This plan will both guide and enrich our extraordinary school.

I n August of 2020, the Planning Committee of the Board of Trustees selected fifteen members of the Strategic Planning Steering Committee to lead the work of building the school?s next strategic plan. We then asked 75 members of the MVS community to serve on five strategic design teams. Composed of Board members, parents, alumni, faculty, staff and students, these teams met through the winter of 2020-21 to create strategic initiatives and action steps. Thanks to their input, the resulting plan truly represents the voices of all stakeholders. We are extremely grateful to members of the Board of Trustees, the Planning Committee, members of the Steering Committee, and the Design Teams for their input. Now comes the good work ahead. The 2021-2025 strategic plan is entitled Elevate the Vision, a name that honors our previous strategic plan and identifies the work to come. We invite you to consider how each of you might contribute to bringing this plan to fruition. Sincerely, Mark S. Shaker President, Board of Trustees Elizabeth F. Cleary Head of School

George H. McConnel Former Board President

Co-Chairs, 2021 Strategic Planning Steering Committee

The 2021-2025 strategic plan will guide MVS through the next five years by focusing on five key initiatives. These initiatives, represented as beams of light from our mission and core values, will amplify and advance The Miami Valley School's mission and vision for the future.

M i ssi on: The M iami Valley School's mission is to challenge young people of promise to become self-sustaining learners and compassionate global citizens.

Cor e Val ues: I ntegrity | Celebration Grit | Kindness

ba l Ex Le p ad an er d O sh u ip r G lo

Elevate the Vision

tu l u C e c n ss a h ne n E el l W

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, e c n ie l i s e R l a n io lity t a z i i n b a i g s r s O e c n c e A h t & g y n t St r e ai n abi l i t s u S

Expand Our Rol e i n t he Regi on

Expand Our Gl obal Leader shi p -

Define, articulate, and become a leader in the work of global citizenship. Enhance and expand our service and experiential learning work in the Dayton community.

Enhance Cul t ur e, Char act er, and Wel l ness -

Strengthen the health of the M VS community through a school-wide effort to better define, systematize, and commit to wellness. I ncrease meaningful interaction with students and families at all divisional levels in order to support the overall well-being of students and the community as a whole. Develop an intentional cross-divisional time-management and skills curriculum that promotes personal learning styles, develops good habits, manages workload, and builds resilience. Establish and implement an enhanced framework for interpersonal skill building and character development, consistent with the M VS core values. Elevate the role and importance of civil discourse within the M VS and the greater Dayton communities.

Enhance Pr ogr am I nnovat i on and Del i ver y -

Establish M VS as a national model and leader in immersive learning. Lead the nation by convening educators in professional dialogue that will enhance professional learning. Deepen and further integrate the immersion method into all relevant aspects of the M VS educational experience. Develop a document that articulates the portrait of a graduate, defining essential skills, traits, characteristics, and habits of mind students will possess upon graduation. Develop new ways to demonstrate college readiness beyond the traditional transcript that include a reflection of immersive learning. Explore the role of online learning as it relates to accomplishing the dual strategic objectives of engaging alumni and providing auxiliary income.

St r engt hen Or gani zat i onal Resi l i ence, Sust ai nabi l i t y and Accessi bi l i t y -

I ncrease non-tuition forms of revenue through expanded summer programs, hybrid and online programs, community outreach and partnerships, and growing the endowment. I ncrease student enrollment through innovative strategies, enhanced messaging, marketing, retention, and accessing and sustaining a diverse student body while remaining true to our mission. Recruit, cultivate, and retain a diverse faculty through effective support systems, mentoring programs, and ongoing support.

Expand Our Rol e i n t he Regi on -

Actively connect students' interests with community needs. Create greater opportunities for M VS students to innovate through programs and partnerships in the local and regional communities. Collaborate with local schools through joint ventures. Develop relationships with local arts and education centers to enhance the learning experience. Forge meaningful relationships and connections in the Dayton community through systematic involvement and cultivation of faculty, staff, administration, and board members to be active ambassadors on behalf of the school.

Grateful Thanks The Miami Valley School wishes to thank the following individuals for their generous time and effort in helping to shape this strategic plan. These dedicated team members are MVS students, alumni, alumni parents, grandparents, faculty, staff, trustees, and friends of the school who have devoted their energy to seeing MVS through the next five years and beyond. St rat egi c Planni ng St eer i ng Commi tt ee

Desi gn Team # 3? Sust ai nabi li t y, Accessi bi li t y, and Di ver si t y

Elizabeth F. Cleary, Head of School George H. McConnel, former Board President John W. Ey, former Board Chair, alumni parent Jennifer George, Soin Early Childhood School Administrator, alumni parent Deb Spiegel, Assistant Head of School for Academics, alumni parent Elea Karras '16, alumna Priya Jain, former Board member, current parent Christopher Diaz, middle & upper school faculty David Montgomery '90, alumnus John Bommer, current parent Susan Strong, Major Gifts Officer, alumni parent Stephen Fout, middle school faculty Aimee Maruyama, Board member, current parent, alumni parent Aryan Paliwal '22, student Megan Brenner '22, student

Priya Jain, former Board member, current parent Christopher Diaz, middle & upper school faculty Gabrielle Ambrosius, lower school learning support, current parent Mike Boyer, Director of Middle School, current parent Anne Dettmer, Director of Enrollment & Financial Aid, current parent William Groger '21, student Charis Jarvis '23, student Kelly Meyer, Board treasurer, current parent David Montgomery '90, alumnus Mike Noyola, current parent Mark Shaker, Board President, current parent Ann Smith, Assistant Head of School for Finance & Operations Sara Swift, lower school faculty Holly Stolz, librarian Rick Stover, Board member Tiffany Taylor Smith, Board member

Desi gn Team # 1? Global Leader shi p John W. Ey, former Board chair, alumni parent Jennifer George, Soin Early Childhood School Administrator, alumni parent Asha Buerk '22, student Pruthvi Choudary '21, student Barb Cleary, advancement, former faculty, alumni parent Michele Gaudet, Director of Lower School Jane Herman, current parent Shelley I nglis, current parent Doug Jenks '87, former Board president, alumnus, alumni parent Emma Marlowe '21, student Mindy McNutt, Board member, alumni parent Cameron Porter '11, alumnus Jeff Samuelson '79, Board member, alumnus Lola Signom, Board member Emily Trick, middle & upper school faculty, current parent Desi gn Team # 2? I nnovat i on and Deli ver y Deb Spiegel, Assistant Head of School for Academics, alumni parent Elea Karras '16, alumna Lily Bates '21, student Nathan Beckman, middle & upper school faculty Alan Bouchard, upper school faculty Charlie Carroll, current parent Bryan Lakatos, Director of Technology & I nnovation Lily Dettmer '22, student Greg Billhardt, current parent Steve Harlamert, Board member, current parent, alumni parent Aryan Paliwal '22, student Kara Peterson, lower school counselor Julie Paul, lower school faculty, alumni parent Radha Reddy '90, Board member, alumna, current parent Jim Walker, middle & upper school faculty

Desi gn Team # 4? Role i n t he Regi on John Bommer, current parent Susan Strong, Major Gifts Officer, alumni parent Tyler Benedict '09, Director of Marketing & Communications, alumnus Sam Boyer, early childhood school faculty, current parent Peter Camm, Board member, former faculty, alumni parent Melissa Ertsgaard, lower school faculty, alumni parent Anna Gerhardinger, middle school faculty Andrew Holzinger '23, student Heather Leppla, Director of Advancement Caitlin Lewis '03, staff member, alumna, current parent Blair Munhofen, Director of Upper School, current parent Michael Roediger, Board member Devorah Schwartz '21, student Fran Schwartz, former Board member, alumni parent, current grandparent Tracey Tommee, Board member Desi gn Team # 5 Cult ur e, Charact er and Wellness Stephen Fout, middle school faculty Aimee Maruyama, Board member, current parent, alumni parent Megan Brenner '22, student Mario Carrillo, Director of Athletics Meredith Florkey, current parent, alumni parent Deena Green '21, student Sam Grossmann '21, student Marvin Hernandez, lower & middle school faculty Kim Jarvis, Board member, PA President, current parent Christie Kemper, Director of School Counseling, current parent Keri Brown Kirschman, current parent Lindsey Roeth, upper school faculty Josh Segalewitz '16, alumnus Aadil Umerani '21, student Kristy Zechiel, Board member, current parent

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