Monitoring and Conservation of Important Sea Turtl2008 Annual Albanian Report

Page 12

PHOTO 7: Octopus pot

PHOTO 8: Pinar being erected in inner lagoon at Patoku

Shellfish: an unusual method is used whereby people walk through the lagoon using their toes to feel for bivalves in the sand, which they then pick up and collect in a bag hung around their neck. Dynamite: although illegal we saw two men who were probably placing dynamite charges near to Tales Beach (05/07/2008); nearby we saw many dead fish floating at the surface. Dr. Michael White heard explosions coming from seawards on several mornings (usually 6‐10 explosions), and subsequently noted these occurrences (Annexe 2). We received a report (17/07/2008) that a dead tagged‐turtle was seen on the beach at Tales following explosions; however, we do not know the cause of death and the carcass disappeared, so we have no data. Bilanç: a large type of net suspended from fixed poles that is lowered onto the floor of a riverbed, and then winched up periodically to check for fish. Kalemero: a similar device to Bilanç but smaller and hand‐operated; also used in rivers or lagoons.

PHOTO 9: Kalemeno

PHOTO 10: Bilanç in mouth of Matit river; the net is lowered into the river & raised periodically


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