Meat Packing Journal, Mar-Apr 2019, iss 2, vol 6

Page 39

C hlorine

population, in contrast to the European Union's "Museum


M e at


Does chlorine destory or hide pathogens like E. coli?

of Agriculture."

We all drink it

With chlorine, in the USA farms are allowed to dip or wash chicken carcasses in water containing chlorine


dioxide in order to kill potentially harmful organisms such

o, what’s the deal with chlorine. Millions drink

as E coli, Campylobacter and Salmonella on the surface

chlorinated water every day without dying.

of the meat.

Americans eat around 150 million chickens a week

that have been treated without dying. Disagreements over poultry safety standards stem from a fundamental divide in how the US and EU have

The process is known as pathogen reduction treatment (PRT) in the industry. Is it safe using PRT treatment? According to numerous US university studies, the

tackled food regulation. The EU operates on the basis

answer is yes. For example, Mohamed Badaoui Najjar and

of the precautionary principle, preferring not to permit

Jianghong Meng of the University of Maryland wrote a

untested methods. The US is less interventionist, only

research paper entitled ‘Risk assessment of disinfection

forbidding processes that do demonstrable harm.

byproducts in poultry chilled in chlorinated water.’

This difference can be seen easily in how vitamins and

The two researchers found: “Chlorine is a common

health foods are sold in the USA and Europe. While in the

disinfectant used in water treatment and food processing

USA, you can buy tablets with mega doses of Vitamin C

worldwide. It is very effective to destroy foodborne

or E for example, those sizes are not permitted in the EU

pathogens such as Salmonella and Campylobacter

since it would say mega doses have not been proven to

that are frequently present in poultry products. Efficacy

be effective nor have they been proven to be not harmful.

of chlorine in killing microorganisms and preventing

There is nothing stopping anyone, however, from buying

contamination/recontamination depends highly on

numerous bottles of approved-size vitamins and taking as

concentrations and acidic pH.

many as desired. In the States, the government’s attitude is: If you want

“Chlorination of water in chiller at 50 ppm in poultry process has proven to be an effective method in reducing

to take 50 times the daily recommended amount of

microbial contamination, thereby improving microbial

Vitamin C, we are not going to stop you.

safety of poultry products.

March~April 2019


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