Online library management system

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Online Library Management System

Introduction to Online Library Management System 1.1. Introduction:The Library Management System is a data processing to perform routine Library activities. This system is concerned with developing a library management system using database software. In this system the library management becomes more efficient and easier to handle with its reliable system components. Library system was developed in order to make computerized the borrowing and returning of elements, return elements, and add elements, search elements and special tools A library management system, also known as an automated library system is software that has been developed to handle basic housekeeping functions of a library. Library automation is the general term for information and communications technologies (ICT) that are used to replace manual systems in the library. The functions that may be automated are any or all of the following: acquisition, cataloging, circulation, serials management and reference. When the library management system shares a common database to perform all the basic functions of a library, the system is integrated To make the existing system more efficient. To provide a user friendly environment where user can be serviced better. Make functioning of library faster. Provide a system where the library staff can catch defaulters and not let them escape. To minimize the loss done to The Library Management System is a data processing to perform routine Library activities. This system is concerned with developing a library management system using database software. This application is used to convert the manual Application to the online application. Customized data will be used in this application. User does not have right to enter information about books. Project is

related to library management which provides Reading services to its members. Any person can become a member of the library by filling a prescribed form. They can get the book issued, so that they cab take home and return them. Online membership. Keeps the track of issues and submission of books. Background of Online Library Management System 2.1. BOOK Each book includes an 'About this book' page with basic bibliographic data like title, author, publication date, length and subject. For some books members may also see additional information like key terms and phrases, references to the book from scholarly publications or other books, chapter titles and a list of related books. For every book, member will see links directing you to bookstores where member can buy the book and libraries where member can borrow it. Determine how member think of books. do you categorize them by story type, color, size, genre, title, author, id,price,book code, book name, rack no, subject code etc. There are as many ways to organize books as there are members. Pick the method that appeals or makes the most sense to member. Shelve the books alphabetically by author or title. This method will work well if member are good at remembering titles or names. Putting books by the same author together helps member find a book in a series easily. Place the books on the shelf according to size. It is best to put larger, heavier books on lower shelves and smaller, lighter books on higher shelves to stabilize the bookcase. This method is more visual and appears neat. This could be a good method if member remember books by their size or shape. Sort member’s books by topic. i.e.: All the Romance in one pile, all the science in another, Philosophy, Biographies, How to Manuals, etc. Determine the shelf space required for each topic Place the books on the shelves together with others of their genre. Choose an identifying mark for each subject or genre. Some easy methods are: Colored Stickers. Choose stickers with permanent adhesive from a library supply company, or be prepared to cover the sticker in permanent tape. Avoid packing tape and scotch tape as they yellow, crack and peel. Duct tape becomes gooey over time. Colored Cloth Tape. Permanently adhesive colored tapes work very well for this task. Written symbols. Use a permanent marker to write a letter(s) or identifying mark for each subject or genre. For example: "R" for Romance, "M" for Mystery, "R" for Religion, "B" for Biographies, etc... Unfortunately, not all books are the same color so what shows up well on one cover may not show up at all on a different color.

Pull the books, papers, etc., off the shelf. Divide the items into two piles: those members want to keep and those members want to give away. Take out any extra papers such as bookmarks that may be in the book. Recycle the unneeded papers. Make a pile of books that need to be fixed. Later member can decide if it's worth the effort to fix the book or if member rather just replace it with a better copy. If member have any books that member think might be of value, try looking Them up on Books outer or RentScouterto see if anybody is willing to buy them. Box up member’s unwanted books. Call member local used bookstores and find out if them Buy books. Most thrift stores will also accept book donations, and member can get a receipt for a tax deduction, but don't donate trashed or smelly books, which the thrift store will then have to throw away! Member can also give away members books anonymously at member work or school. Book Crossing is a community of people who enjoy giving away their books. Paperbacks can often be recycled (check with member local garbage company), but the glue in hardcover makes them unrecyclable, so do the right thing and throw trashed books away yourself. Wipe down the shelves thoroughly with an all-purpose cleaning spray or furniture polish. Member might not get another chance to do this for a long time. Decide how member are going to organize members collection. There are many ways member can choose to arrange member books: by size, by color, by number of pages, by subject, by member favorite titles, by publisher, by publication date, by date member received the book, by member favorite genre and then by author, by author (fiction) or Dewey Decimal system/Library of Congress Classification system (non-fiction) or by reading level or lexile.Make labels for member book using a hand-held label maker to add letters or Dewey Decimal numbers to the spines of books. Put the books back into the bookshelf in whatever order member decided earlier, and enjoy member clean, organized bookshelf! Adjust these guidelines to reflect member own personality and the quirks of member collection. It's member collection, so organize it in a way member enjoy and can use comfortably. Members aren’t stuck with it in any case, and member can rearrange your collection as often as member like. Put larger books, like textbooks, cookbooks, and picture books on a lower shelf to keep them from toppling onto someone's head. If member organize member books by type, start with the general book type and then split it into subgroups. For example, cookbooks can be organized by cuisine type: Italian, French, Thai, Mexican, etc. Fiction can be organized strictly by author, or member can sort into genre, such as sci-fi, romance, mysteries, or historical fiction. Subtopics can be as specific as Mexican cooking or British romance novels. Children's books can be organized by age level. If you want a more formal catalog system, Library Thing can be used to organize member books online while keeping track of people who read the same things member are. Some users like to organize by tags; Library Thing also provides Dewey Decimal numbers, Library of Congress Subject Headings and so forth. Consider using computer software to organize and track member book collection. For Macs, check out Delicious Library at With Windows, have a look at Media Man There is also Freeware book

management software such as and even full Library Automation packages. Search on Google using the search phrase "Free Library Automation Software." Dewey Decimal and Library of Congress numbers are usually found in the front of the books with the publication information. If a book doesn't list the Dewey Decimal number, go the the website for a major public library that uses the Dewey Decimal System (such as the New York Public Library) and search for the book by author or title. If that fails, use a subject search to find similar books and use their number. A useful tool could be the freeware program AZZ Card file. One of the free downloads for this program is the Dewey Decimal System. Take a look at the program and the downloads:. If member you are a current student, organizing member collection may spill into organizing member school books, so member may want to make sure your dictionary, thesaurus and other reference books are right by member computer for when member are working on reports. For home libraries, alphabetizing is probably the best option. Take everything out of the bookshelf. It's so much easier to start with a blank slate! Remove books that member no longer want. Look them up on Books outer com to see if any websites are buying them. Otherwise member box them up and donate them to local charities or libraries. If you have books member can give to charity, set those aside now. Books to choose for this can be books that you never read, books your children have outgrown, or books you are not interested in keeping. Doing this helps your bookshelves remain clutter-free. Decide how you want to categorize the books. Popular choices are by author, title, and subject. But if you want to organize them by height and color, this is also fine, although it might take a little extra work. Another good way to organize books is fiction/non-fiction. Also, you can put all the books you haven't yet read together, and books that you have read together. That way, when you're looking for a good book to read, all of the un-read books are together. Spread out all the books on a floor, bed, etc. Begin organizing them into categories. After they are all organized, double-check to make sure you don't have a book by ZoÍ Zucker next to a book by Andrew Ardell, if you're going alphabetically. Transfer each category into the bookshelf. When organizing a child's shelf, kid’s books tend to be taller than adult ones. Try stacking these on the tallest shelf. If you don't have a tall shelf to put your taller books in, then after your finish organizing the other books, put it on top of the other books already put into the shelf, horizontally with the spine facing outplace binding side outwards. When placing the books on the shelf, make sure all of the book spines are facing you. Admire your work! 2.2. MAGAZINE Everyone has a stack of old magazines lying around the house somewhere, and whether you're walking past a newsstand in the mall or sitting in the dentist's office, you're going to be tempted to

pick up a magazine and flip through the pages. Magazines are everywhere, but what are they exactly? On one hand, magazines are a mechanism for providing people with current information on a broad range of topics on a regular basis - usually monthly, but in some cases even weekly. However, the word magazine was originally used to indicate a storehouse for grain or gunpowder, so how did the term come to be associated with a periodical publication? The first periodical to use the word magazine in its title was started in London by Edward Cave in 1731. Cave used the word magazine in the name of his 'Gentleman's Magazine' to suggest that this new publication was a storehouse of information, providing all the news that a civilized person needed in order to keep up to date on what was going on in the world. Cave's magazine was tremendously successful, and within a few years several spin-off publications began to appear in London and in the United State. This should be a fun project that helps students become more effective at communicating and utilizing their computer. The final product should be a magazine of approximately ten pages with at least two articles by each member of the group. Additionally, a digital copy of the magazine will be emailed to the teacher in addition to turning in the final printed copy. Students will form groups of about four or five. They will determine the style of the magazine and the responsibilities for each member (Editor, Secretary, Photographer, etc.) Any planning should be written down neatly, and submitted to the teacher when the project is finished. As mentioned before, each student will provide at least two articles. In addition to the articles, there should be a nice cover, title page, and credits page. It is expected that all the articles and pictures will be new, original work of the students. Copyright infringement and plagiarism is not acceptable. If required, quotes and facts need proper citations. The teacher will give approximately two weeks for the completion of this project. Wasting of time will lead to a moving up of the due date. If help is need, first be sure to ask everyone in the group and then ask the teacher. Currently you cannot find magazine listings in the Virtual Catalog. Magazines are treated a little bit differently by online catalogs for a number of reasons. The type of record in the database is different. For instance, Time magazine comes out every week, so the library catalog record may show how many years of Time are being held by the library. This makes it harder to identify and "grab" the specific issue of the magazine for which you are looking. Libraries will usually not loan a complete issue of a magazine. Rather, library users request a specific article. We hope to add the ability to search for periodicals and request articles in the future. Magazines have gone through a complex evolution over the years, and it is instructive to think of magazines as belonging to one of three distinct categories: trade, news, and consumer. Trade magazines are designed to inform the members of a particular professional or occupational group, of items of specific interest to them. Individuals and businesses purchase subscriptions to trade magazines, and most of the content is written by and for people in the trade - for example, accountants

or school teachers. These magazines are generally not available to the general public, and any advertising that they may contain (usually not much) tends to be directed at members of that trade. News magazines, which in the case of publications like 'Time' or 'The Economist' are often published weekly, are directed at a broad readership. These magazines are designed to provide a single source through which readers can catch up on news, current events, and hot topics. They are available in bookstores, at newsstands, as well as by subscription, and the moderate amount of advertising that they contain is quite varied with respect to products displayed, and quite general in terms of the approach taken in the ads. The vast majority of modern magazines fall into the consumer category, and these magazines are directed at highly specific segments of the population, whether dog-lovers, gardeners, brides-to-be, or people who want to get rich. Consumer magazines usually contain a number of small articles that deal with topics of interest to the targeted group, but in most instances the bulk of available space is devoted to advertising. In consumer magazines, advertisers have the opportunity to pitch well-defined mixes of products, in a way that speaks directly to the targeted group. For the marketer, this means that they are getting maximum penetration with their message, and for publishers this means that they can rely on the advertisers to generate the bulk of their revenue stream. With consumer magazines, actual sales of the magazine are a secondary consideration. What matters is that potential advertisers think that, through magazines, information about their products is getting directly into the hands of those people who are most likely to purchase what they are selling. Every time you pick up a magazine that catches your interest, even if only to browse through it briefly, you are one step closer to buying something, and if magazines are doing what they are designed to do that something is not going to be the magazine. In the library technical sense a "magazine" paginates with each issue. Academic or professional publications that are not peer-reviewed are generally professional magazine Robert A. Campbell, Ph.D. writes about world affairs, particularly on matters pertaining to religion, science, global ethics, and the knowledge economy •

A periodical publication containing articles and illustrations, typically covering a particular subject or area of interest

A. a car magazine B. a women's magazine A regular television or radio program comprising a variety of topical news or entertainment items

A chamber for holding a supply of cartridges to be fed automatically to the breech of a gun

A similar device feeding a camera, compact disc player, etc

A store for arms, ammunition, explosives, and provisions for use in military operations

The Magazine is the only monthly digest entertainment magazine of its kind for youth published in Canada. Magazine is a studio album by the hard rock band Heart. The album was certified platinum. It has an unusual history in that the first release in 1977 was not authorized by the group. A second authorized version of the album was re-recorded, re-mixed, and re-released in 1978. Magazine is an Argentine cable television channel owned and operated by Grupo ClarĂ­n from Buenos Aires. It can be tuned in all the country via subscription television. There are many types of magazine are in library are given below: Arts & Humanities, Business & Economics, Computers & Internet, Entertainment & Leisure, Health & Medical Sciences, Law, Government & Political Science, Reference, Science & Technology, Social Sciences, Regional & country Information 2.3. CD/DVD Never misplace your CD's again! As a software company we hear on a daily basis about lost and damaged CD's. As CD/DVD collections grow this problem becomes multiplied. We are now happy to offer you a very unique and eloquent solution. Searching for information has never been easier! The automatic CD/DVD Storage/Retrieval, File Manager can store up to 100 CD/DVDs in one unit. Each automatic CD/DVD unit is daisy-chainable up to a total of 127 automatic CD/DVD Organizer/Manager units. You can have a Digital Library that holds up to a total of 27,000 CD/DVD titles! The CD Manager allows you to categorize and manage your CD/DVD/VCD/CD-R titles (e.g. Electronic Books, Financial Data, Images, and Photos). The CD-DVD Library Manager is only limited by your imagination. Not only can it be operated independently but also be connected to a PC for creating a powerful storage and management system for quick information retrieval. The easy-to- use catalog/search software is included for free. Just locate the disk title on the screen, click it and the CD Manager will find and eject the disk for you in no time. This is a great new product to compliment your computer CD, DVD, and/or Audio CD library. Best of all, if you don't have a computer, you can still use CD Manager alone! You can easily locate the correct disk you want. This product is a definite time and money saver from misplaced and damaged CD's. We use this product in our office and highly recommend it for both home and office use. Short for digital versatile disc or digital video disc, a type of optical disk technology similar to the CD-ROM. A DVD holds a minimum of 4.7GB of data, enough for a full-length movie. DVDs are commonly used as a medium for digital representation of movies and other multimedia presentations that combine sound with graphics.

The DVD specification supports disks with capacities of from 4.7GB to 17GB and access rates of 600KBps to 1.3 MBps. One of the best features of DVD drives is that they are backward-compatible with CD-ROMs, meaning they can play old CD-ROMs, CD-I disks, and video CDs, as well as new DVD-ROMs. Newer DVD players can also read CD-R disks. Type of optical disc The DVD represents the second generation of compact-disc (CD) technology. Like a CD drive, a DVD drive uses a low-power laser to read digitized (binary) data that have been encoded onto the disc in the form of tiny pits. Because it uses a digital format, a DVD can store any kind of data, including movies, music, text, and graphical images. DVDs are available in single- and double-sided versions, with one or two layers of information per side. Single-sided DVDs have become standard media for recorded motion pictures, largely replacing videotape in the home market. A double-sided, dual-layer version can store about 30 times as much information as a standard CD. DVDs are made in a ROM (read-only memory) format as well as in erasable (DVD-E) and recordable (DVD-R) formats. Though DVD players can usually read CDs, CD players cannot read DVDs. It is expected that DVDs will eventually replace CDs, especially for multimedia workstations. (Digital VideoDisc or Digital Versatile Disc) An optical digital disc for storing movies and data. Introduced in the U.S. in 1997, and developed by both the computer and movie industries, the disc uses the same diameter platter as a CD (120mm/4.75" diameter), but holds 4.7GB rather than 700MB. Whereas CDs use only one side, DVDs can be recorded on both sides as well as in dual layers. DVD drives/players read most CD media as well A DVD-RAM is a rewritable DVD that functions like a removable hard disk. DVD-RAM media can be rewritten 100,000 times before they are no longer usable. DVD-R and DVD+R are competing write-once formats for movies or data. DVD-RW and DVD+RW are competing rewritable (rerecordable) formats that unlike DVD-RAM's 100,000 cycles can only be rewritten 1,000 times. Aimed at the consumer, 1,000 rewrites is considered more than sufficient. Originally, "Digital VideoDisc." Since the technology became important to the computer world, the "video" was dropped, and it was just D-V-D. Later, it was dubbed "Digital Versatile Disc" by the DVD Forum. Take your pick. The formats endorsed by the DVD Forum have a hyphen in their names and are verbalized as "DVD minus R" or "DVD Dash R" (DVD-R) and "DVD minus RW" or "DVD Dash RW" (DVD-RW). The competing formats from the DVD+RW Alliance use a plus sign: "DVD plus R" (DVD+R) and "DVD plus RW" (DVD+RW). Starting in 2002, drives that supported both Minus and Plus formats were introduced.


The word "journal" has been derived from the French word "jour". Jour means day. So journal means daily. Transactions are recorded daily in journal and hence it has been named so. It is a book of original entry to record chronologically (i.e. in order of date) and in detail the various transactions of a trader. It is also known Day Book because it contains the account of every day's transactions. Journal has the following features: Journal is the first successful step of the double entry system. A transaction is recorded first of all in the journal. So the journal is called the book of original entry. A transaction is recorded on the same day it takes place. So, journal is called Day Book. Transactions are recorded chronologically, so, journal is called chronological book. For each transaction the names of the two concerned accounts indicating which is debited and which is credited, are clearly written in two consecutive lines. This makes ledger-posting easy. That is why journal is called "Assistant to Ledger" or "subsidiary book� Narration is written below each entry. The amount is written in the last two columns - debit amount in debit column and credit amount in credit column. The following arte the advantages of journal: Each transaction is recorded as soon as it takes place. So there is no possibility of any transaction being omitted from the books of account. Since the transactions are kept recorded in journal, chronologically with narration, it can be easily ascertained when and why a transaction has taken place. For each and every transaction which of the two concerned accounts will be debited and which account credited, are clearly written in journal. So, there is no possibility of committing any mistake in writing the ledger. Since all the debits of transaction are recorded in journal, it is not necessary to repeat them in ledger. As a result ledger is kept tidy and brief. Journal shows the complete story of a transaction in one entry. Any mistake in ledger can be easily detected with the help of journal. While recording transactions in journal the following two objects must be aimed at: That each entry in the journal should be so clear that at any future time we may, without the aid of memory, perceive the exact nature of the transactions. That each transaction should be so classified that we may easily obtain the aggregate effect of such transactions at the end of a certain period. The act of recording transactions in journal is called journalizing. The rules may be summarized as follows: Use two separate lines for writing the names of the two accounts concerned in each transaction. write the name of the debtor or account to be debited in the first line and the name of the creditor or the account to be credited in the next line Write the name of the account to be debited close to the line starting the particulars column and that of the account to be credited at a short distance from this line. Use "Dr" after each debit item and "To" before each credit. The term "Cr." after a credit item is unnecessary, as if one account is debtor, the other must be creditor. To separate one entry from another a line is drawn below every entry to cover particulars column only. The line does not extend to amount column. We are going to begin writing an account of this school year that will include our thoughts and feelings about what is happening in class. Each of you, on a weekly basis, will use the computer to

word process your thoughts about all that you are learning. You will maintain a special file where you jot down notes each day about what you have accomplished, so that when you write your account you will have a way to remember all that happened since the last time you wrote. Of course you may include discoveries you make on your own whether at school or at home. Many people, throughout history, have done the same thing you will be doing. Sometimes their thoughts have remained private; other times these thoughts have been published and shared with others. The writing you will be doing will be shared, so if you also want to keep some thoughts private, you will have the option of writing a separate version for yourself that you can keep secret. A journal is a type of diary. I have a copy of a journal entry for each of you. After I pass them out, I will read the entry aloud while you read it silently.

Proposed of Online Library Management System 3.1. E-R diagram of Online Library Management System

LIBRARY Publishe rs Nam e

Type s Type s

Bar code

Nam e

Contai ns


Price Bar code


Books Name

Bar Code No of Book


No of Journal



Publis h Date

Price Subjec t Code


Name Statu s



Addres s





Bar Code


Date Issue

Date Expiry

Bar Code

Id Amou nt

STATUS OF ISSUE Date Issue Date Issue


3.2. Main Features of the system are:

Date Expiry

The system can support large volume of elements and can maintain member’s data in the form of registers in which all the details of the college member’s are kept. Issue Procedure: Student can issue the elements (3books, 1cd/dvd, 1 magazine, 1 journal at a time) using the allotted issue cards to him. The Librarian takes off the issue card from the elements in which all the details of the elements are written viz. bar accession number, title of the bar, author of the book, bar name, bar code. He attaches the bar card with the issue card of the member s and places it in the record column. Elements return procedure:

Member s are required to return the book within the due date. The element is taken by the librarian then the issue card of that member id taken out from the stored records, then the bar card is again placed in the respective elements and the issue card is returned to the member by no longer holds that elements with him. If the element is not returned within the due date then the fine is calculated as mentioned below. Addition of new element: Member can also request for the addition of the new element in the library if his choice of the element is not present in the library by filling up the new elements request form. If more than 10 member s demands for the same elements then librarian staff meeting is held to discuss to how to process the element in the library with the total number of the required elements based on students demand. Fine system: It is required by the librarian to calculate the fine which is paid by the member on not returning the elements within the return date of the elements.Libraian sees the issue elements register and checks the issue date and return date along with the student’s details. The cost of the fine is Rs.1/day for a elements and is calculated as the difference between the current date and the return date. Deletion procedure: Deletion of the element from the library registers is required in case where the element has been lost or completely damaged by the borrower on the timely detoriation of the element. The entry of that book is deleted from all the above 3 registers maintained previously and the student is supposed to pay fine or causing unwanted damage to library property if he does. 3.3. The lists of attributes of these entities are as follows: Entity





Date_ issue

Date_ expiry



Bar code













3.4. Context Level DFD:









Member Receives

Element Request Display Information

Search for element Maintain Member Info Add/Del Element

Authentication Issue Element

Return Element

3.5. Proposed System:












3.6. Relationship: The relationship of these entities are contains, return and issue. Contains: “Library” contains “Books, CD/DVD, Journal and Magazine”. Return: “Member” returns Book, CD/DVD, Journal or Magazine with the relationship of the entity “status of return”. Issue: “Book, CD/DVD, Journal or Magazine” is issued by “Member”. So a relationship holds with “Book, CD/DVD, Journalism or Magazine” and “Member” is using issue. The main features of the system are: 3.7. USE CASE: Use case for issue of the reserved elements: •

If the user wants to issue a book which is already issued by a second user then the user is supposed to reserves the element and gets a reservation number on the basis of waiting list which is already in the reservation queue for that book.

User is supposed to check his reservation number on the library notice board and the list is put up on the notice board by the librarians whenever they get the book from the second user and second user is supposed to pay the fine if he is returning the book after due date.

User is supposed to issue the reserved element within three days from the day when reservation list was put up on the notice board otherwise his reservation will be cancelled and he will not get the book.

3.8. Services provided to the user The Library Management System automates the basic library functions to aid in the day-to-day operations of a library. It supports functions such as issue, return, the very basic functions of searching for a particular book, etc. It also maintains data about elements, staff’s, member’s records that are required during various library operations. The software aims to make the system user friendly and efficient. The functions that the Library Management System provides are as follows: INSERT: This operation is performed when new data needs to be added to the system, for e.g. when department purchases a new element, the element’s entry is inserted in the elements database. This option has three choices: Elements: This choice allows entering data about newly purchased element’s into the element’s database. The data entered includes element’s author, title, publisher, cost and various other fields provided in the form. The data must be accurate and must be entered in the correct format as indicated in the forms. Staff: This option is used for entering data for a new Staff in the Staff’s database. This option is chosen when a Staff joins library. Member: This will enter new record for a member in member’s database. This option is chosen when a member is enrolled in the library DELETE: This operation clears the existing records in the various databases. It is used when for e.g. a member leaves library or when element is disposed of from library. But care must be taken while performing this operation and permission taken from the head of library because the system could loose any important data. It can be performed on all databases and on three choices are: Element: This will enter a null value for the element whose accession number is entered in the field provided in the respected form. This operation is done when a element is disposed of the library. Staff: This will clear the record for a particular staff whose identification number is entered. This option is chosen when a staff leaves library.

Member: This will clear the record for the particular member whose record needs to be deleted by entering her roll number in the required field. This option is chosen when a member leaves library Update: This function updates data in the various records. This operation is supported by all the three eateries: Element: This function generally would not be required for updating a element’s status as that data wouldn’t change. Staff: This will update the data of particular staff, whose data has changed like address, phone number, etc. by entering her identification number. Member: This will update the data of member like address, course, etc. by entering member’s roll number. Search: This function is used to search particular data from the

database. This function can search

for data related to all the three entities: Element: To search for a particular book, to know whether it is currently available in library or not. This can be done by entering value in any one or more fields in the form to perform the search such as title or author name. Staff: This will find out the particular Staff who currently has the element for which search is being carried out. Member: This will find out the particular member who possesses the particular element. Issue: This operation is used for issuing a element to a member of the library. For this operation to be successful the member must meet some criteria like she shouldn’t have issued elements to her maximum limit previously. All these checks are done by software. If the operation is successful, then the system automatically stores the date of issue and the due date by which the element must be returned. Member: When a member loans a element, the entry of the element is stored automatically in the member’s database with the due date of that element. Staff: In case a member of teaching staff loans a element the entry is stored in staff’s database with the due date of the element.

Return: Using this operation a member returns the items, which she loaned, from the library back to it. If the element, which is loaned is not returned within specified time the member ends up as a defaulter and she is required to pay fine which is calculated automatically by the software. Staff: It will delete the corresponding entry made in staff’s database. Member: It will delete the corresponding entry made in member’s database. Display: This is used to display each and every record, i.e. record of every element, staff and member in the library. Element: Record of every element, i.e. it’s accession number, author name, publisher name, etc. Staff: Record of every staff, i.e. her id, department, no. of elements issued, etc., who is member of the library. Member: Record of every member, i.e. her id number, course, no of elements issued, etc. who is member of the library. Exit: This takes user out of the application. Library Management system helps to maintain the complete library activities of a university from procurement of books / journals, books issue, books return, books renew, membership information, fine and due details to stock management of books / journals. Linked with Student Management System for extracting the student information for membership. 3.9 Unique Features Membership and Patron Details: Maintenance of membership type (student / staff / government) along with privilege information (maximum loan days / number of loan items / maximum reserve items / renewal days / deposit amount).Maintenance of membership information along with the privileges and photo for easy identification. Allocation of user identification and password for the member for accessing Library. Catalogue: Creation of supplier, publisher, subject, category (books, journals, video, audio etc), periodical, location, language information. Maintenance of material catalogue (books, journal, video, audio) along with ISBN / ISSN number, call number, access number, location, language, title, volume, conditions etc.,Subscription information for journals based on the periodicals (monthly, yearly or bi-weekly)

Circulation: Material issues, returns and renewal of books based on access number or call number. Material requisition and material lost information-Mail remainder to members regarding return of books, fine and any other information. Query based catalogue search. Finance: Overdue list calculating the fine amount based on the overdue information at the time of returning the book. Provision for receiving fine fee from members. Provision for creating invoices to the members when they misplace or damage the book. Reports:












Material utility based on least used item. Overdue list. Missing, disposed report. Issue, Return and Renew list for a particular period. Member ledger details. Material usage. The Content Organizer feature is a new routing feature that extends, enhances, and makes more broadly available the routing engine used in the Records Center site template from Share Point 2007. It not only allows you to automatically route documents to different libraries and folders within those libraries, it can also be used for mundane housekeeping type activities such as making sure that no folder within a document library contains more than 5000 items, for example. When item number 5001 is added to the library, the Content Organizer can automatically create a new folder and put the document in that folder. All of this routing and folder creation can be handled automatically without further user intervention. After a document is uploaded and the required metadata applied, the upload form displays a Url to a document that has been routed so the user knows where to find it in the future. Unfortunately the Content Organizer will only work on content types that are or derive from the Document content type. So it does not work for automatically organizing large lists. This requires the Content Organizer feature be enabled. It is installed and shows up in the Site Features by default (NOT the site collection features) as the "Content Organizer" feature, but is not activated. After you activate the feature there are two new menus added to the Site Administration section of your site settings: Content Organizer Settings and Content Organizer Rules. Content Organizer Settings is where you configure whether to route documents that are added to the site collection based on rules. Any changes made here affect routing for the entire site. Content Organizer Rules is where you go to create the rules that are used when routing documents. Any rules created here are used to route individual documents based on metadata attributes that you choose. In addition, there is also a document library that is created when the feature is activated, called the Drop Off Library. It is: A library that users or custom code can use to submit new items that need to

be routed Where all uploads may be temporarily routed if so configured in the Content Organizer settings (more info on that below) A temporary staging area for items that do not have all required metadata. For example, when multiple items are uploaded to a document library they will go into the Drop Off Library by default, in a state where they are waiting to be checked in. You need to edit the properties on the item, fill out any required properties and submit the changes in order to have the routing rules applied. 3.10. Content Organizer Settings The Content Organizer Settings page is the home for settings that impact the entire routing experience in the site, and not just an individual rule. Here's a quick run through of the settings on this page and their impact on routing: Redirect Users to the Drop Off Library: If this property is checked, then all uploads are automatically placed in the Drop Off Library. When an individual document is uploaded, the document properties window for Drop Off Library is displayed, at which point metadata properties can be filled in and the submission process completed. After submission, the routing rules are applied to route the document appropriately and the user is shown the final URL for the item. This may make for an unexpected user experience. For example, as will be discussed in the post on Content Organizer Rules, all rules are based at least initially on a content type. When you create a new rule, it looks to see if the Drop Off Library already has the content type upon which the rule is based. If it doesn't, the content type is added to the Drop Off Library. A user may start in document library "Foo" and upload a document. The properties window is going to be based on the Drop Off Library, so it will show every content type associated with that library, not doc lib "Foo". As a result, the user may pick a content type that routes items to doc lib "Bar". Thus even though they started the upload process in doc lib "Foo" their document ends up getting routed to doc lib "Bar". While this is good from the perspective of routing documents to the correct location, end users that are unfamiliar with how routing works in general or the rules that have been set up in particular may be confused by this experience. This also affects the metadata that is displayed in the properties window after upload. For example, if site collection content types are used, then all of their fields and required field information will be shown in the properties window. However, if the content type definition has been modified in a particular document library (such as additional fields are marked as required), or if custom fields are added to the content type, those changes will not be captured because they are local to that document library, not the site collection content type. So if changes are made to a content type within a document library, or even fields are just added to a document library (which under the covers affects

the Document content type in that document library by default), then those changes won't be reflected in the properties window. The document will still get routed appropriately, but it can wind up in a document library without having had all of the properties that are required for that content type in that document library filled out. If this property is not checked, routing is still possible in the site - however, you have to upload items directly to the Drop off Library directly. If you upload items to other documents libraries then they will be placed where ever they were uploaded. If you upload it to the Drop off Library then the routing rules process will move the document according to the rules. Sending to another site: if this property is checked, rules can be created that direct uploads in the current site to be sent to another site that also has the Content Organizer feature installed. If this option is selected, when you create a new rule there will be a drop down list that contains all the destination locations items can be routed to. In order to add a new destination to the drop down list, you need to add the configuration information in Central Admin. You can do this by going to Central Administration, click on General Application Settings, and then click on the Document and records centers link under the External Service Connections heading. The list of document and record centers is maintained on a per web application basis. For example, if you have a web site on port 80 and you want to add a new destination document library in a web application that's on port 81, you would add the Url to the library's Official File web service to the list of Send To Connections for the web application on port 80. The web service URL is entered in the URL to router edit box and takes the form http://myserver/mysubsite/_vti_bin/OfficialFile.asmx. Note that if you try to add a site in which the Content Organizer feature has not been activated, it will not work - you are prevented from adding the site. As you add new destinations on this page, they should show up immediately when you create new routing rules. Folder Partitioning: this is possibly one of the greatest new aspects of this feature. Like previous versions of Share Point, this version also has suggested thresholds that should be maintained in terms of the number of items in an individual container. In Share Point 2007 it was 2000 items; in Share Point 2010 it is 5000 items, and farm administrators can configure that number up or down on a per web application basis with throttling rules to prevent users from selecting or otherwise acting upon more items than that threshold number. From a maintenance perspective, that's always been a real headache to deal with - how do you subdivide your content? How do you make sure you don't add too many items to a container? Who wants to write this code to effectively deal with it?

Well the good news is that in Share Point 2010 we do that for you. When you select the Folder Partitioning option, you get to provide two additional parameters: the maximum number of items per container before a new one is created, and part of the name that should be given for each new folder. For example, you can turn on this property and configure it so that no folder contains more than 5000 items. When item #5001 comes in, Share Point will automatically a) create a new folder, b) route the item to that folder, and c) tell the user final URL to the item that was just uploaded. The name of the new folder is based upon the value entered in the Format of Folder Name: edit box. You can type in just about anything you want, with a %1 at the end. When a new folder is created, a date/time stamp is substituted in the name for the %1. For example, if you typed in "Additional Content Received After %1", and a new folder was created for you at 3PM on January 15th, the folder name would be something like "Additional Content Received After 2010-01-15T15 00 00". Duplicate Submissions: this option controls what happens when an item is submitted that has the same name as a document that's already in the destination library. You have the option to either use Share Point versioning or append unique characters to the end of duplicate filenames. So if versioning is turned on in a document library that contains a file called steve.docx, and a new steve.docx is received, the new steve.docx becomes a new version of the same document if the Share Point Versioning option is selected. If versioning is not turned on in the document library, or if the "append unique characters" option has been selected, then steve.docx will become steve.docx [something unique added here]. (NOTE: this was not working in a pre-beta 1 build but hopefully will be by the time you get the bits). Preserving context: if this property is checked, then the original audit logs and properties for a document are kept with it after the item is routed. This is generally especially important when using Records Center sites so that you have all of the historical information about an item retained with it. If it is retained, you can click on Compliance Details from the View Properties page of an item. Rule Managers: you will want to add users here in order to allow them to manage rules used by the content organizer. Even if they have management rights in the site, if they haven’t been added as a rule manager then they won’t be able to modify the organizer rules. Anyone that you do add here must also have the Manage Web Site permission in order to modify rules. Assuming these users also have email addresses associated with their account, you can also configure in this section whether to email the Rule Managers either when content has been added to the drop off library and not moved out of it, or if an item was moved there during upload but an applicable rule was not found to route it. In that case, after it sits in the drop off library for x number of days (where x is 3 by default but can be any number you configure), it will send an email notification to all Rule Managers letting them know there are items still in the drop off library.

3.11. Quality Function Development Quality Function Development is a technique that translates the needs of the customer into technical requirements for software. It concentrates on maximizing customer satisfaction from the software engineering process. With respect to our project the following requirements are identified by a QFD: Normal Requirements: Normal requirements consist of objectives and goals that are stared during the meetings with the customers. Normal requirements of our project are:•

Automatic computation of return data.

Help feature to explain what they are looking for.

Correct validation of date.

Graphical menus


Expected Requirements: These requirements are implicit to the system and may be so fundamental that the customer does not explicitly state them. their absence will be a cause for dissatisfaction. Each of interaction i.e. •

user friendly

Installation ease


Operational correctness

Exiting Requirements: These requirements go beyond the customer’s expectation and prove to be very satisfying when present. Our exciting requirements are: Page layout capability  Good graphical presentations 3.12. Design Concept: Design process translates the customer’s requirements into the software representation that can be assessed for quality before coding. It has following goals: Ensuring that functionality conforms to requirements. Incressing quality such as usability, efficiency, reliability, maintainability and reusability COHESION: Cohesion is the quantitative indication of the degree to which a system module focuses on just one thing. it is a measure of the relative functional strength of the module.

COUPLING: Coupling is the measure of the relative interdependence among the software module. Coupling depends on interface complexity between the system modules. For a good quality product, the design of the software should be clearly understood. An efficient system must have High cohesion and Low coupling 3.13. Feasibility of the Product In feasibility study phase we had undergone through various steps which are describe as under: ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY: The cost incurred in making this software product is nothing in comparison to the amount of expenses made by the organization in managing the library activities. The cost of the software is one long time investment and its maintainability is very easy. TECHNICAL FEASIBILITY: The software is a newly developed application so it does need any other software or hardware. The technical feasibility is high the software can be developed on any machine having Turbo c++ Compiler and the software requires minimum hardware requirements. ENVIRONMENTAL FEASIBILY: The software is simple, and staff members and students can use it with no difficult at all. The user needs not trained in using the software or have any past experience of working in the software because it is very user friendly and easy to use. 3.14. Requirements Specification Functional requirements: •

Accession number, roll number and teacher identification must all be unique as they form the primary keys of the respective tables.

All new books must be entered in the accession table first, to avoid problems later.

A book must not be deleted from student profile unless and until she pays the appropriate fine or the same book.

While inserting values in the database, only valid values must be entered.

Data requirements: •

The Library Management System shall be required to maintain information about its users and books.

It shall store databases for students, teachers and books.

The student database stores information about a student’s roll no, name, address, course and year.

The book database stores information about a book title, author, publisher, cost, bill number, year of publishing and pages.

The teacher database stores information about a teacher’s id, name, department, and designation, address and telephone number.










System is installed must have Microsoft windows in it. Hardware requirements: Genuine Intel, x86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 4, 120.0 MB RAM. 3.15. Standard Compliance The user should comply with the following for the proper and efficient use and working of the system. Authentication: For the efficient working of the system the user should •

Enter valid user name

Enter valid password

Press the OK button and then should wait for some time till the system starts.

Usages: There should not be more than one user working on the system at the same time. Moreover proper screen Usage should be there by appropriate use of next button and back options. Exit out: The user should properly leave the system by using exit option so that all temporary database activities could be finished off and for the proper de-allocation of memory areas, instead of canceling all the current tasks or pressing <ctrl> + <alt> + <delete> key combinations. This wrong practice could leave the system in an undesirable state and could possibly corrupt all the current used database. 3.16. Data Dictionary The data dictionary is an organized listing of all data elements that are pertinent to the system, with precise, rigorous definitions so that both user and system analyst will have a common understanding of inputs, outputs, components of stores and intermediate calculations. The data dictionary for the two of the data flow’s as follows: 1. Name

: Member Data


: None

Where used/how used : By Library Staff entering member info. Description

: Member Data=Name +Id number +Status Name=First Name +Middle Name + Last Name + Address

2. Name Alias

: Elements information : Elements Details

Where used/how used : For searching purpose (Input) Book Type, Information Processing (output) Description: Book Details=Title + Author Name + Publisher + Edition + Price +ISBN Number + Book Status Analysis of Online Library Management System 4.1. Analysis Modeling The analysis model achiveves three primary objectives:•

To describe what the customer requires.

To establish a basis for the creation of software design.

To define set of requirements that can be validated.

4.2. Testing It is integral part of any system’s development life cycle without which the system developed is sure to fail and result in loss of economic and manpower investments besides user’s dissatisfaction and downfall of reputation. System testing is the stage of implementation, which aims at ensuring that the system works accurately and efficiently before actual operation commences. No program or system design is perfect, communication between the user and the designer is not always complete or clear. All this can result in errors. Another reason for system testing is its utility as a user oriented vehicle before implementation. The application system is worthless if does not meet user needs, thus the system should be tested to see whether it meets the user requirements. Testing here is conducted in bottom up approach as follows: Module testing: Here testing is done at each module level. Each case has been thoroughly tested to discover pitfalls.

System testing: Here testing is done after all the modules have been integrated. 5.1 Conclusion: The project deals with an effort to reduce the human efforts in maintaining piles of books manually which is highly tedious, inefficient, time-consuming and very error prone, because the overloaded work can lead to misplacing the collected information in papers. Thus the objective of the system is to maintain dataproperly.The main objective of the system is to locate the exact transaction of the system being taken place without any errors in a well-computerized system. Master Reports with summary are generated which the management for taking quick decisions can view. Hence the computer system is ideal for maintaining and locating information of any volume related to the system at any time. Possible Enhancements: The s/w can be enhanced in lot many ways in future to make it more scalable and flexible.1. We can make links so that the users can see the books they have issued to their record.2. We can include the issue and return dates in the records. This project made me go through various ups and downs in the making of a project. I got an idea about the problems encountered in the analysis, coding, debugging and testing. I have tried to restrict these problems to a certain limit and have tried to make the project more users friendly and easily accessible. 5.2. FUTURE SCOPE OF APPLICATION: This application can be easily implemented under various situations. We can add new features as and when we require. Reusability is Possible as and when require in this application. There is flexibility In all the modules. Extensibility: This software is extendable in ways that its original Developers may not expect. The following principles enhances Extensibility like hide data structure, avoid traversing multiple Links or methods, avoid case statements on object type and Distinguish public and private operations. Reusability: Reusability is possible as and when require in this application. We can update it next version. Reusable software reduces design, coding and testing cost by amortizing effort over several designs. Reducing the amount of code also simplifies understanding, which increases the likelihood that the code is correct. We follow up both types of reusability: Sharing of newly written code within a project and reuse of previously written code on new projects. Understandability: A method is understandable if someone other than the creator of the method can understand the code (as well as the creator after a time lapse). We use the method, Which small and coherent helps to accomplish this? Cost-effectiveness: Its cost is under the budget and make within given time period. It is desirable to aim for a system with a Minimum cost subject to the condition that it must satisfy the Entire requirement. Scope of this

document is to put down the requirements, clearly identifying the information needed by the user, the source of the information and outputs expected from the system. 6.1. References: BOOKS: Satalling’s, William.1997, Data and Computer Communications. Chapter :( IV).Fifth Edition. Durkin, Jhon.1965.Expert System: Design and Development. Chapter: (VI).Eleventh Edition. Fuori, William.1986.Computers and Information Processing.Chapter:six.Fourth Edition. Hawryszkiewycz, Igor.1998.Introduction to System and Design. Chapter (III), Third Edition. Meyer, Marilyn Wertheimer.1997, Computer in Our Future. Chapter :( IX).Second Edition. Kemerer.Chris F.1997.Software Project Management Reading and Cases. Chapter: (II).Fourth Edition. WEBS: Stitt, Martin.26 Jan 2010.Building Custom Software Tools and Librarier.Retrieved From at 12.45 am. Whitten, Neal.26 March 2009, Managing Software Development Project for success. Retrieved from at 1:30 am. Survivor. March 2007.The History of the Library .Retrieved from at 1:00 am. Elmasri, Ramez.30 March 2010.Fundamental of the Database System. at 2.00 am.

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Julia Cummin’s and Roxie Munro.18 June 2011.The Inside – Outside Book of Libraries.Retrieved from at 11:00 am. David G.Luenberger.27 March 2006.Information Science. Retrieved from at 1:30 am.

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