Fields | Terrains | Vol. 3

Page 35

Te r r a i n s

Hi v e r 2013 -


References Agamben, Giorgio 1993 The Coming Community. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press. Arendt, Hannah 1958 The Human Condition. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Brown, Wendy 1995 States of Injury. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. 2005 Neoliberalism and the End of Liberal Democracy. In Edgework: Critical Essays on Knowledge and Politics. Pp. 37-59. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Burton, William 2012 Discordia Salus. Petite Mort Magazine., accessed November 16, 2012. Butler, Judith 1997 Excitable Speech: A Politics of the Performative. New York: Routledge. 2011 Bodies In Alliance and the Politics of the Street. Presented in Venice, Italy on September 7, 2011. Office for Contemporary Art Norway., accessed November 16, 2012. Meloni, Francesca, and Marouane Tlili 2012 The Re-creation of the Self in Political Revolutions in Italy and Tunisia. Body Self Politics. the-re-creation-of-theself-in-political-revolutions-in-italy-and-tunisia/, accessed November 16, 2012. Sitrin, Marina 2012 Occupy trust: The Role of Emotion in the New Movements. In Hot Spots – Occupy, Anthropology, and the 2011 Global Uprisings. Cultural Anthropology. http://www.culanth. org/?q=node/652, accessed November 16, 2012.

with market sensibilities (Brown 2005:40). This is why Burton was so intrigued by the heterogeneity of the student movement. His words echoed a skype conversation with political anthropologist Marouane Tlili, reverberating that the time of ideology is gone, and that we are no longer united by a single goal but rather a multiplicity of goals from people who wish to subvert the neoliberal order as politicized actors. Burton described Quebec as a “confluence of conflicts”: “it is an agonizing awareness of language, a certain geography coupled with uncertain borders, it is a set of divided loyalties and unresolved problems continually reconfigured out of the cracks of which can emerge temporarily habitable identities.” Within this geopolitical context, Burton has formed his complex matrix of selves, constituted by unstable identity categories, which help ground his political arguments with a force that cannot be fractured. Not only was this dynamism of the self evident in his narratives, but also in his process of retelling them. Linguistically, he would still struggle to find the right word, yet with time he would manage to find them, in French. Notes 1. The following excerpts were taken over the course of several interviews and a follow-up article written by the interviewee, entitled ‘Discordia Salus’ in Petite Mort Magazine (2012). 2. Andrew Jackson was the seventh President of the United States (1829–1837). The most controversial aspect of Jackson’s presidency was the forced relocation and resettlement of Native American tribes from the Southeast to west of the Mississippi River.


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