MBMuslima Magazine

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Start monitoring that extra 10% or 15% monthly savings, and be hopeful for a great change that is about to happen in your life. It will break all the barriers of living paycheck to paycheck, and it will set you free from all of your financial burdens. Again, do not get distracted by how others are spending or investing their money. After a short span you would be thrilled to notice that monitoring your expenses and your savings have paid your bills on time. You paid off your college loan. Your house and cars are paid off. Perhaps now you could take a family vacation. You have money for your kids‘ education. Besides all that, you will also have enough to give that helping hand to your family and friends. By following above mentioned commonsensical rules you can financially secure and plan your present, and future regardless of your income, and be debt free forever. It is now time to stop yourself and your future generations from falling into the trap of deceiving stock market. Remember, it takes a person years to save money, but it only takes seconds to loose it. Only the disciplined one will be carefree. Image Credit: Wendy Brown | Dreamstime.com

Al Muthil can be translated as one who dishonors, degrades, or one who humiliates (1). Now of course Allah (SWT) is all merciful, and his mercy exceeds his punishment; however, those who anger Allah (SWT) will be humiliated by him. Essentially this name of Allah SWT means to humiliate those who anger or transgress him. One instance where we see Allah (SWT) humiliate someone is in the Quaran Surah 111. This verse talks about Abu Lahab, who was an uncle of the prophet (SAW). The Surah also discusses Abu Lahabs wife. Abu Lahab, and his wife were two of the biggest opposers to early Islam. Abu Lahab did things such as curse the prophet (SAW), while the prophet was preaching about Islam. Abu Lahabs wife was equally passionate about opposing Islam and Muhammad (SAW). She used to tie bundles of thorns with ropes of twisted palm-leaf fibre, and then at night time she would place these bundles in the paths in which the prophet (SAW) was expected to take. She used to do this to cause bodily harm to the prophet (SAW). As a result of their horrible treatment to the prophet (SAW) and his message, Allah (SWT) revealed a whole Surah to disgrace them. In this Surah Allah SWT says that Abu Lahab will burn in a blazing fire (111:3). Allah (SWT) also says that his wife will carry the wood as fuel for the fire (111:4). Finally Allah (SWT) says that a twisted rope of palm leaf fibre (the same stuff she used to try to harm the prophet SAW with) will round her own neck (111:5). SubhanAllah look at the way in which Allah (SWT) disgraces them. He describes to everyone how they will suffer in hellfire. Allah (SWT) makes a whole Surah in the Quaran dedicated to humiliating them. What is more humiliating then for some people to have their own chapter in a holy book where they are humiliated by God? What makes it even more humiliating is that this book is read by millions every single day.

SubhanAllah, this has to be one of the most humiliating things ever. Another instance where Allah (SWT) disgraces is that of the story of iblis. Allah (SWT) ordered the angels and Iblis to prostrate to Adam. Iblis was not an angel however, rather he was a jinn. Allah (SWT) says ―And (remember) when We said to the angels: ―Prostrate yourselves unto Adam.‖ So they prostrated themselves except Iblis (Satan). He was one of the jinn‖ (18:50). Iblis would not prostrate to Adam because of his arrogance. Iblis thought that he was better than Adam as he said ―I am better than he: Thou didst create me from fire, and him from clay (7:12). Since Iblis was arrogant and did not obide to Allah (SWT), Allah (SWT) then said ―get out from this, disgraced and expelled.‖ Allah (SWT) verbatim used the word ―disgraced‖ to describe Iblis. Furthermore, Allah (SWT) guaranteed Iblis hellfire, as well as anyone who follows the path of Iblis (7:18). Again this has to be the most humiliating thing for Iblis, as Allah (SWT) tells us that if anyone gets into hellfire it is because they followed Iblis. There is nothing worse for anyone than to get into hellfire. Therefore, since hellfire is the worst possible thing for anyone, and since iblis is the attributed reason why someone gets into that horrible place, this has to be very humiliating for Iblis As stated earlier Allah (SWT) is all merciful, and his mercy exceeds his punishment. Allah (SWT) wants to forgive us when we sin, and Allah (SWT) loves those who repent. However, those who transgress Allah (SWT) and do the worse things to Islam and Muhammad (SAW), Allah (SWT) will disgrace and humiliate them. Therefore, that is why one of allah (SWT‘s) names is al Muthil. Sources: http://wahiduddin.net/words/99_pagesudhill_25.htm Holy Quran

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